"Police fury at Madeleine McCann parents"
"Police in Portugal claim Kate and Gerry McCann are hindering the probe into missing Madeleine by releasing sketches of the possible kidnapper.
Detectives say officers have checked out several sightings of the "creepy" stalker that came to nothing, wasting their time.
The latest, a builder in Gibraltar, was quizzed after a tip-off but ruled out. One detective said the drawings were too vague and could "identify dozens or hundreds of people".
But McCann spokesman Clarence Mitchell hinted more sketches could be on the way "if we get any more information".
Good God! So, there might be more! Since Gail Cooper came forward recently and told Metodo 3 about the, "creepy man," she saw walking along the beach in Praia da Luz, we've had the pig farmer:Ryan Parry In Pedragosa 25/01/2008
Pig farmer Joaquim Jose Marques (Pic:Solarpix)
Officers first interviewed Joaquim Jose Marques 20 days after Madeleine vanished but ruled him out as a potential suspect.
Now, they have interviewed him for a second time after Kate and Gerry McCann released a sketch of the scruffy stranger seen acting suspiciously around Praia da Luz in the days before the abduction.
Dreadlocked Marques, in his early 30s, yesterday defiantly refused to answer questions, yelling: "Leave me alone. Look at this face, is this the face in the picture?"
Portuguese police doubt he is the man in the sketch. And McCann spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: "As far as we are concerned, the hunt for him continues."
Mirror Creepy Stranger Story 25/01/08
Then there was the man that Gail Cooper was convinced was, "the spitting image," of the man she saw in Praia da Luz, only this man affirms that he has never been near the resort.http://sosmaddie.dhblogs.be/
"Nouveau suspect dans l'affaire maddie: "Et moi qui croyais être le seul fou"
New suspect in the Maddie case: "And I thought I was the only madman."
"C’est ce qu’affirme Joaquim José Nóia Agostinho, le portugais que la presse britannique s’est empressée de signaler comme étant ressemblent au croquis divulgué par les McCann d’un suspect que, présument, pourrait "avoir l’information clé pour aider à localiser Madeleine".
L’homme, révèle l’hebdomadaire Barlavento, habite le village de Altura, où il est né, et ne connaît Praia da Luz que de nom car il n’y a jamais mis les pieds."
So goes the statement of Joaquim jose Agostinho, the Portuguese man that the British press has pointed out as resembling the sketch of a suspect shown by the McCanns, whom they have decided could, " have key information to help find Madeleine".
The weekly, Barlavento reveals that the man lives in the village of Altura, where he was born and only knows Praia daLuz by name because he has never set foot there.
"Dans le village où il est très populaire, l’opinion est unanime : l’homme, qui bénéficie d’une pension par démence, est inoffensif et sort très rarement du village ou il passe son temps entre les petits boulots et les bars, ou il est également connu comme une personne sans problèmes.
In the village where he is very popular, opinion is unanimous: the man, who gets disability benefits, is inoffensive and very rarely leaves the village where he spends his time between little jobs and the bars, where he is equally known as a person who doesn't give trouble
"Poursuivi constamment par les journalistes du News Of The World, Joaquim ne comprends pas la situation et pour lui l’histoire "à l’air d’une blague de carnaval".
C’est d’ailleurs le journal britannique qu’avance que Gail Cooper, le témoin à l’origine du croquis, n’a pas reconnu son suspect mais que Joaquim AGostinho "est presque comme lui" et qu’elle voudrait bien que la police portugaise l’interroge.
The British newspaper asserts that Gail Cooper, the witness who originated sketch, did not recognize her suspect but says that Joaquim Agostinho "is nearly like him" and that she would like it if the Portuguese police would interrogate him"
"Joaquim Agostinho n’est pas le premier portugais signalé comme ressemblent au croquis mais, jusqu’à maintenant, tous ont été écartés comme suspects, ce que n’empêche pas la police de s’attendre à voir d’autres visages apparaître dans les média : "ceci va continuer car il y a un nombre incalculable de personnes qui pourraient lui ressembler ", affirme une source de la Police Judiciaire, soulignant que la ligne d’enquête reste la même, "malgré toutes les manœuvres de diversion".
Joaquim Agostinho is not the first Portuguese man reported to resemble the sketch, but until now all the others have been eliminated as suspects, which does not prevent the police from expecting to see other faces appearing in the media: "This will continue because there is an incalculable number of people who could look like this sketch", confirms a police source, underlining that the line of the investigation remains the same, " despite all of the diversionary manoeuvres"
On Saturday 26th January, SOS Maddie reported that a sighting in Chile had turned out to be a false lead! Surprise surprise!
And today, Tuesday 29th January, 2008, the sighting in Argentina!
"Nouveau témoignage mais rien ne fait croire que Maddie serait en Argentine"
New witness statement, but there is nothing to make us believe that Maddie could be in Argentina.
Un témoin, Javier Vidable, assure avoir vu Madeleine McCann, le 23 janvier dernier, dans la localité de Villa Unión, en Argentine. L’enfant serait accompagnée par deux adultes décris comme "très nerveux".
Le porte-parole de la police de La Rioja (Argentine), contacté par SOS Madeleine, à confirmé l’existence du témoignage, qu’aurais été fait à la police trois jours après que le témoin aurais aperçu l’enfant, soulignant que l’interrogatoire des autres personnes présentes dans l’hotel fait croire à un enfant plus âgé qui lui ressemble vaguement.
A witness, Javier Vidable, is convinced that he saw Madeleine McCann, om January 23rd in the town of Villa Union in Argentina. The child was accompanied by two adults, described as, "very nervous."
The spokesman for the police in La Rioja (Argentina) contacted by SOS Madeleine, confirmed the existence of the witness statement, which was made to the police three days after the witness had seen the child, emphasizing that others present in the hotel believed that it was an older child who vaguely resembled Madeleine.
Portuguese newspaper, "Diario de Noticias," Tuesday 29th January; translation courtesy of Ozzy, at the 3 Arguidos forum. According to this report, the PJ is still on track to visit the UK and re-interview Kate and Gerry and the rest of the Tapas Crew, in spite of what is seen as, "diversionary tactics," of numerous sightings and suspects, which the police are obliged to follow up and eliminate.
"The PJ are waiting to travel to Rothley at any moment, following the cartas rogatorias which have already been sent. The purpose – to be present at the interrogation of the McCanns, suspected of accidentally killing their daughter and hiding the body.
The PJ still want to seize Kate’s original diary – to be able to bring to court Kate's comments about how difficult it is to deal with a hyperactive child. They also want to once more examine the soft toy which had a death smell as indicated by the cadaver dogs in July."
It appears from this report that the rogatory letters have been received by the UK authorities and that the PJ's visit will take place in the near future. It seems though that these letters were sent a couple of weeks ago, but there does not seem to be any indication of why there is a delay in the visit by the PJ and the interviews taking place. I have read on more than one internet forum the theory that the UK authorities are, for some reason, holding up the process.
So, really, however many new witnesses Metodo 3 discover, or however many old ones they manage to rediscover, the investigation by the PJ is proceeding along the lines of re-interviewing the McCanns and friends in order to clear up inconsistencies in their statements about what happened on the evening of May 3rd, 2007.