Clarence Mitchell has promised to take Amy's story to the major UK TV channels. Amy, aged 15, disappeared in the Malaga region of Spain, where she had been living for five years with her mother and her step-father. Now, while I feel that Amy is deserving of media interest, I wonder why Clarence has singled out this case for his expertise and connections with the media. In the UK, there are many young people of Amy's age who go missing every year. Could it be that Amy's case attracted media interest in the first place because she disappeared in Spain? Could it be because Amy's name is already known, unlike those of the many, many others who have since gone missing from home and family?
Why choose Amy rather than one of the anonymous young people, who have attracted no media interest whatsoever? Amy's case is not unusual. What is unusual is the interest which resulted from a media, sensitised to the disappearance of British children on the other side of the channel, following the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
So, Clarence, if you are so keen on being the media spokesperson for missing young people, why not pick a name, any name from the Salvation Army's web site, or the web site of Missing People, or the web site of CROP? I am sure there are many others, who are deserving of your attention.
The following is the SOS Madeleine McCann McCann report:
Amy Fitzpatrick : porte-parole des McCann promet l’intérêt des médias
Clarence Mitchell, head of Communication and Public Relations for Kate and Gerry McCann, promised Amy Fitpatrick's parents to take the story of the young Irish girl's disappearance onto the screens of some of the major British TV channels: BBC, Sky and GMTV.
"Il fait ceci uniquement parce qu'il veut aider à retrouver Amy. Nous lui sommes très reconnaissants. Nous avons essayé longtemps d'amener les médias britanniques à s’intéresser aux recherches d'Amy," affirme sa mère, actuellement à Dublin en Irlande.
Amy Fitzpatrick est la jeune Irlandaise âgée de 15 ans disparue depuis le premier janvier en Mijas, dans la région de Malaga, en Espagne, où elle vit depuis cinq ans en compagnie de sa mère et de son beau-père. Depuis sa disparition le 1er janvier, la Guardia Civil a effectué de nombreuses recherches dans toute la province avec recours à des chiens pisteurs et hélicoptères.
"He is only doing this because he wants to help find Amy. We are very grateful to him. We have been trying for a long time to get the British media to take an interest in the search for Amy," stated her mother, currently in Dublin, Ireland. (If Clarence is so keen on finding a missing child, why not encourage his clients to return to Portugal and help the PJ by participating in the reconstruction of the events surrounding their daughter's disappearance? One job at a time, Clarrie, might be a good idea!)Amy Fitzpatrick, is the young Irish girl, aged 15, missing since January first in Mijas, in the Malaga region of Spain, where she had been living for five years with her mother and step-father. Since her disappearance on January 1st, the Guardia Civil has carried out a number of searches in the whole province, using sniffer dogs and helicopters.
Selon Audrey Fitzpatrick, mère d'Amy, et son compagnon, Dave Mahon, la famille est "impatiente" d’alerter les 200.000 expatriés anglais résidants dans la région espagnole à propos de la disparition d’Amy, car ceux-ci emploient principalement les chaînes de télévision et les journaux britanniques.
Clarence Mitchell a fait un voyage aller-retour de quelques heures à Dublin où il a rencontré la famille d’Amy.
According to Audrey Fitzpatrick, Amy's mother, and her partner, Dave Mahon, the family is, "keen," to alert the 200,000 English ex-pat residents in the Spanish region about Amy's disappearance, because they mainly subscribe to British newspapers television channels.
Clarence Michell made a return trip of a few hours to Dublin, where he met Amy's family.
"He offered to come and meet us. It was really good to meet him. He offered us real help in the British media to get Amy back," Audrey Fitzpatrick acknowledged.
Well, I wonder if Clarence would have hit the media with the story if he had chosen the 15 year-old daughter of Joe Bloggs from Hull, on whom to bestow his beneficence? Unfortunately, Joe Bloggs' daughter would be seen as one of many and perhaps the media and the general public would have wondered what Clarence was up to? Distracting attention from something? The wider agenda, maybe? Who knows?