"Témoin du cas McCann deviens conseillère de la Chambre des Communs"
SOS Madeleine McCann 2/03/08Witness in the McCann case becomes advisor in the House of commons.
"Sheree Dodd, un des experts en communication que le Ministère des affaires étrangers – Foreign Office – avait envoyé au Portugal pour aider le couple McCann à gérer la campagne de médiatisation de la disparition de leur fille Madeleine, viens d’être engagée par le porte-parole de la Chambre des communs, Michael Martin, pour "améliorer" sa réputation et sa relation avec les médias. "
Sheree Dodd, one of the communications experts that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Foreign Office - had sent to Portugal to help the McCann couple manage their media campaign on the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine, has just been appointed by the Speaker of the House of Commons, Michael Martin, to improve his reputation and his relations with the media.
"Ancienne journaliste du Daily Mirror, Sheree Dodd à travaillé comme responsable en communication pour différents services gouvernementaux du Royaume-Uni. Elle travaille régulièrement pour le bureau central d’information comme expert indépendant."
A former Daily Mirror journalist, Sheree Dodd has worked as communication spokesperson for various United Kingdom government services. She works regularly for the Central Information Bureau as an independent expert.
"Dans la disparition de Madeleine, et après neuf jours de travail à Praia da Luz, Sheree Dodd avait soulevé plusieurs questions jugés délicates par le Foreign Office, étant remplacé immédiatement par Clarence Mitchell."
After nine days of work in Praia da Luz on Madeleine's disappearance, Sheree Dodd having raised several issues judged to be sensitive by the Foreign Office, was immediately replaced by Clarence Mitchell.
"Le nom de Sheree Dodd fait partie d’une liste de témoins dans le procès Madeleine McCann."
The name Sheree Dodd is part of a list of witnesses in the Madeleine McCann trial.
(Editor's note: yes it does say trial.)
I find that second to last sentence rather ambiguous. I'm trying to decide if the author means that after Sheree Dodd left PDL, she was immediately replaced by Clarence Mitchell and it was nothing to do with the sensitive issues raised or if Sheree was immediately replaced because she brought up those issues.
I find that second to last sentence rather ambiguous. I'm trying to decide if the author means that after Sheree Dodd left PDL, she was immediately replaced by Clarence Mitchell and it was nothing to do with the sensitive issues raised or if Sheree was immediately replaced because she brought up those issues.