El Semanal Digital
"Además se baraja la opción de que el asesino, o asesinos, de Mari Luz sean de Huelva y, muy probablemente, individuos cercanos a los Cortés. No se ha descartado todavía la posibilidad de que esta muerte sea una venganza contra la familia. Una opción planteada tras conocer que varias personas, con las que tuvieron problemas, les habían amenazado.
La Policía espera que la autopsia arroje luz sobre cuándo y cómo se produjo su muerte. El hecho de que el cadáver estuviese reconocible descarta la opción de que Mari Luz llevase cincuenta días en el agua y permite suponer que los secuestradores no la asesinaron nada más llevársela el pasado 13 de enero."
The option that Mari Luz’s murderer or murderers could be from Huelva and, more probably, be individuals close to the Cortés family is being considered. The possibility that this death could be an act of revenge against the family has not yet been discarded. This is a potential option, given that various persons, whom the family had had problems with, had threatened them.
The Police hope that the autopsy will shed light on when and where her death occurred. The fact that the body was recognisable would tend not to lend weight to the option that Mari Luz spent fifty days in the water and allows for the supposition that the abductors did not kill her on 13th January.
I feel very sad reading this. There have been reports that Mari Luz may have died as a result of a tragic accident, falling into one of the concrete drainage channels near her home, but this makes very sad reading, that it does not look like she was 50 days in the water. I don't know how parents can cope with the thought that their child may have been kept by someone for a number of days, distressed and frightened. My thoughts are with the family and especially with Irene, mother of Mari Luz, who could not bear to look at her child's body and also with Juan Jose, father of Mari Luz, who identified his daughter from her little body, as it was taken from the water. I hope that his memories will be of his lovely daughter when she was alive and happy and not as he last saw her.