Saturday, 8 March 2008

Mari Luz: autopsy being carried out today

From a translation of an article in El Semanal Digital, posted by Ines on the Three Arguidos Forum, for which I offer my appreciations and gratitude.

El Semanal Digital

"Además se baraja la opción de que el asesino, o asesinos, de Mari Luz sean de Huelva y, muy probablemente, individuos cercanos a los Cortés. No se ha descartado todavía la posibilidad de que esta muerte sea una venganza contra la familia. Una opción planteada tras conocer que varias personas, con las que tuvieron problemas, les habían amenazado.

La Policía espera que la autopsia arroje luz sobre cuándo y cómo se produjo su muerte. El hecho de que el cadáver estuviese reconocible descarta la opción de que Mari Luz llevase cincuenta días en el agua y permite suponer que los secuestradores no la asesinaron nada más llevársela el pasado 13 de enero."

The option that Mari Luz’s murderer or murderers could be from Huelva and, more probably, be individuals close to the Cortés family is being considered. The possibility that this death could be an act of revenge against the family has not yet been discarded. This is a potential option, given that various persons, whom the family had had problems with, had threatened them.

The Police hope that the autopsy will shed light on when and where her death occurred. The fact that the body was recognisable would tend not to lend weight to the option that Mari Luz spent fifty days in the water and allows for the supposition that the abductors did not kill her on 13th January


I feel very sad reading this. There have been reports that Mari Luz may have died as a result of a tragic accident, falling into one of the concrete drainage channels near her home, but this makes very sad reading, that it does not look like she was 50 days in the water. I don't know how parents can cope with the thought that their child may have been kept by someone for a number of days, distressed and frightened. My thoughts are with the family and especially with Irene, mother of Mari Luz, who could not bear to look at her child's body and also with Juan Jose, father of Mari Luz, who identified his daughter from her little body, as it was taken from the water. I hope that his memories will be of his lovely daughter when she was alive and happy and not as he last saw her.

SOS Madeleine McCann: parents threaten the Express newspaper group with legal action?

"McCann veulent des actions en justice pour renflouer les caisses du Fonds Madeleine"

Les avocats du couple McCann ont entamé des contacts avec plusieurs médias britanniques les menacent des poursuites en justice pour leur couverture dans le cadre de disparition de leur fille Madeleine et de leur constitution comme arguidos par les autorités portugaises."

The McCanns want legal action to replenish the coffers of the Madeline Fund.

The lawyers for the McCann couple have initiated contacts with several British media, threatening them with legal action for their coverage in the case of the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine and their constitution as arguidos by the Portuguese authorities.

Le groupe Express est, pour le moment, le principal visé par les McCann qui voudraient obtenir un règlement à l'amiable qui passerait pas le versement d’une compensation financière."

The Express group is, for the moment, the main target of the McCanns, who would like to obtain an amicable settlement, which would not rule out the payment of financial compensation.

Récemment, le Daily Express, principal publication du groupe, a retiré de son site internet tous les articles publiés à propos de la disparition de Madeleine McCann. Le Groupe Express publie également le Sunday Express, le Daily Star et le Daily Star Sunday."

Recently, the Daily Express, the main publication of the group, has withdrawn from its internet site all published articles about the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. The Express Group also publishes the Sunday Express, the Daily Star and the Daily Star on Sunday.

"Clarence Mitchell, ancien journaliste du Daily Express et actuel responsable en relations publiques de Gerry et Kate McCann, s’est dit "extrêmement insatisfait de la couverture du Groupe Express," rajoutant qu’il s’agit "du plus mauvais parmi tous les tabloïds"

Clarence Mitchell, former journalist with the Daily Express and currently public relations spokesman for Gerry and Kate, said he was, "extremely dissatisfied with the Express Group's coverage," adding that this is, "the worst among the tabloids."

"En vertu de la loi britannique, les avocats de Kate et Gerry McCann ont une année, après la publication d'un article, pour décider s'ils souhaitent entamer des poursuites en justice contre son contenu."

Under British law, the lawyers for Kate and Gerry McCann have one year after the publication of an article to decide if they wish to initiate legal action against its contents.

Clarence Mitchell à confirmé que l’argent récolté par une possible action en justice servirait à renflouer les caisses du Fonds Madeleine, pratiquement vides après la chute du nombre de donations."

Clarence Mitchell stated that the money raised by a possible legal action would serve to replenish the coffers of the Madeleine fund, virtually empty after the fall in the number of donations.

Le Fonds Madeleine à été utilisé jusqu’à présent pour rembourser deux mensualités de l’emprunt que les McCann ont contracté pour l’achat de leur maison, pour financer les campagnes d’affiches et une partie des versements mensuels à l’agence de détectives Metodo 3."

The Madeleine Fund has been used, up to now, to make two monthly payments on the mortgage which the McCanns took out to buy their house, to fund the poster campaigns and a portion of the monthly payments to the detective agency Metodo 3.

Mari Luz: her father goes alone to identify her.

March 7th

"Cadavre de Mari Luz identifié officielment

"(Mise à jour - 22H30) Juan Jose Cortés, le père de Mari Luz, a identifié seule, peu avant les 22.00 heures le cadavre de sa fille. Il à constaté en déclarations à la police scientifique que le corps de sa fille, "avait très peu de cheveux, présente un coup sur la tête et n'a pas d'ongles".

José Saavedra, un ami personnel de la famille, à confirmé que la mère de Mari Luz, Irene Suárez, n'a pas osé entrer voir le cadavre et a du être assisté par un médecin sur place."

The body of Mari Luz is officially identified.

(Updated - 22.30) Juan Jose Corés, father of Mari Luz, was alone when he identified the body of his daughter, a little after 22.00. He noted in statements to the forensic police officers that the body of his daughter, " had very little hair, shows a blow to the head and has no nails."

Josè Saavedra, a personal friend of the family, stated that Mari Luz's mother, Irene Suarez, did not dare go in to see the body and she had to be helped by a doctor at the site.


This is the item posted earlier.

Cadavre de Mari Luz retrouvé à Huelva"

"(Mise à jour) Le cadavre retrouvé il y a quelques heures dans le fleuve est bien celui de Mari Luz, la fillette de cinq ans disparue le 13 janvier dernier dans la localité d’Huelva, a confirmé le représentant de la subdélégation du gouvernement espagnol."

(Updated) A representative of the subdelegation of the Spanish government has confirmed that the body found a few hours ago in the river is definitely that of Mari Luz, the little five year-old girl who disappeared on January 13th last in the locality of Huelva.

Au même moment, Luis Molina, porte-parole des parents de la petite espagnole, confirme "qu’il y a 99% de probabilité" de qu’il s’agit effectivement du cadavre de Mari Luz, malgré le fait que les parents n’ont pas encore été autorisés à procéder à son identification"

At the same time, Luis Molina, spokesman for the parents of the little Spanish girl, stated that, "there is 99% probability," that it is indeed the body of Mari Luz, in spite of the fact that the parents have not yet been authorised to proceed with her identification.

Une source de la police espagnole à confirmée que le corps, vêtu des mêmes vêtements que Mari Luz portait le jour de sa disparition, a été retrouvé dans un état avancé de décomposition présentant un important coup à la tête, sans être possible de déterminer, avant la conclusion de l’autopsie, quel serait la cause du décès"

A Spanish police source has confirmed that the body, dressed in the same clothes that Mari Luz was wearing on the day she disappeared, was found in a state of advanced decomposition, showing a significant blow to the head, without it being possible to determine what was the cause of death, before the result of the autopsy.

La police maritime à été alerté, vers 18 heures, par l'équipage d'un navire marchant qui avait aperçu le cadavre flottant dans l'eau."

The maritime police was alerted, around 18.00, by the crew of a merchant navy ship, who had seen a corpse floating in the water.

Après l’annonce du décès de Mari Luz, Pedro Rodriguez, le maire de la ville espagnole d’Huelva, a décrété trois jours de deuil officiel, qui seront accomplis à partir de demain. Il y aura également, demain, une concentration de cinq minutes de silence aux portes de l'Hôtel de ville et les drapeaux de tous les bâtiments officiels seront mis en berne en signe de deuil et de respect pour la famille."

After the announcement of the death of Mari Luz, Pedro Rodriguez, the mayor of the Spanish town of Huelva, decreed three days of official mourning, which will start after tomorrow. There will also be, tomorrow, a dedicated five minute silence at the doors of the town hall and the flags of every official building will hang at half-mast as a sign of mourning and respect for the family.