"Método3 se rend sur place !"
"Une équipe de Método3 est arrivé, aujourd'hui, en Algarve afin de participer aux recherches nous apprend la presse portugaise. Des morceaux de cordes, des sacs en plastique et une chaussette blanche (à l'origine) dont le tissu est originaire du nord de l'Europe ou d'Angleterre, ont été trouvés dans le fond des eaux du lac du barrage de Arade. Ces trouvailles ont renforcé la profonde conviction de l'avocat portugais Aragao Correia que le corps de la petite Madeleine McCann s'y trouve."
We learn from the Portuguese press that a team from Metodo3 arrived today in the Algarve to participate in the research. Pieces of rope, plastic bags and a white sock (originally white) of which the fabric originates from northern Europe or England, were found in the waters of the Arade Dam. These findings Have reinforced the profound conviction of the Portuguese lawyer, Aragao Correia, that the body of Madeleine McCann is to be found there.
"Les recherches avaient été entamée il y a trois semaines déjà mais sans succès. Depuis lundi une équipe de sept plongeurs aidé par des professionnels des Pompiers Volontaires de Portimao, spécialisés en recherche de cadavre dans les eaux profondes, sont en train d'effectuer des recherches dans les eaux du lac. recherches onéreuses financer à titre privé par l'avocat portugais d'une part et d'autre part par la Société Portugaise d'Ingénieur et de Construction dirigée par José Paias. L'avocat est convaincu qu'il y a 99% de certitudes que le corps de Madeleine soit dans le lac et qu'elle a été tuée et jetée dans le lac deux jours après sa disparition."
The search had been started three weeks ago but without success. Since Monday, a team of seven divers, helped by professionals from the Volunteer Firefighters of Portimao, specialised in searching for a body in deep water, have been carrying out searches in the waters of the lake, searches onorous financially to carry out privately by the lawyer on the one hand and on the other by the Portuguese Society of Engineering and Construction, led by José Paias. The lawyer in convinced that there is a 99% certainty that Madeleine's body is in the lake and that she was killed and thrown into the lake two days after her disappearance.
"Les parents McCann sont furieux à propos de ces recherches !"
"Kate et Gerry ont réagi avec "fureur", selon la presse britannique, en apprenant que des plongeurs avaient commencé des fouilles dans le lac. Le couple a déclaré que ces recherches étaient une "fantaisie", n'ayant d'autre but que de se faire de "la publicité" en distrayant le public de la vraie recherche de la petite Maddie qui, selon les parents, serait en vie quelque part. Des proches des parents ont déclaré: "Il n'y a aucune preuve que Madeleine soit dans le réservoir".
The McCann parents are furious about these searches.
Kate and Gerry reacted with, "fury," according to the British press, on learning that the divers had started excavations at the lake. The couple stated that the searches were a, "fantasy," having no other purpose than to attract , "publicity," for themselves while distracting the public from the real search for little Madeleine who, according to the parents, is alive somewhere. Relatives of the parents stated, "There is no proof that Madeleine is in the reservoir.
"Un show TV sur ITV"
"Les parents McCann sont en pourparler avec la chaîne ITV à propos d'un documentaire sur les enfants disparus. Le film mettra en scène Kate et Gerry ainsi que leurs expériences en se concentrant sur la manière dont les différents pays réagissent lors de la disparition d'un enfant. L'émission se penchera sur le projet Amber aux États-Unis, qui affiche sur des panneaux d'affichage des alertes dès qu'un enfant disparaît."
A TV show for ITV
The McCann parents are in talks with the channel ITV about a documentary on missing children. The film will feature Kate and Gerry and their experiences, concentrating on the ways that different countries react to the disappearance of a child. The production will focus on the Amber project in the United States, which posts alerts on billboards when a child disappears.
It seems to me that for a system like the Amber Alert to work well, there needs to be as much information as possible to be placed with the alert. After all, the information is supposed to, "alert," other people to look out for the child. That information, as far as I have seen on Amber Alert tickers, usually includes a good description of the child, where they were last seen, what the child was wearing and description of person(s) and vehicles thought to be involved.
So, immediately following Madeleine's disappearance, would an Amber Alert have been useful? What information would have been available?
Last seen in her bed in a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, wearing white...um.. no....pink pyjamas with Eeyore image. No vehicle description available. Person to look out for in connection with the disappearance? Well, a local bartender, shown a sketch from a witness' description, said the suspect looked like, "an egg with hair."
So, to sum up the information! Holiday apartment, pink Eeyore pyjamas, egg with hair, blonde female child 90cm tall.
Well, not very helpful, I imagine!
It seems to me that for a system like the Amber Alert to work well, there needs to be as much information as possible to be placed with the alert. After all, the information is supposed to, "alert," other people to look out for the child. That information, as far as I have seen on Amber Alert tickers, usually includes a good description of the child, where they were last seen, what the child was wearing and description of person(s) and vehicles thought to be involved.
So, immediately following Madeleine's disappearance, would an Amber Alert have been useful? What information would have been available?
Last seen in her bed in a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, wearing white...um.. no....pink pyjamas with Eeyore image. No vehicle description available. Person to look out for in connection with the disappearance? Well, a local bartender, shown a sketch from a witness' description, said the suspect looked like, "an egg with hair."
So, to sum up the information! Holiday apartment, pink Eeyore pyjamas, egg with hair, blonde female child 90cm tall.
Well, not very helpful, I imagine!