Enfants Kidnappés
A suspect (follow-up and conclusion)
Investigation on the ground.
It is May 5th 2007, two days after Madeleine McCann's disappearance:
On this date we are carrying out extensive further investigations to gather information within the context of the procedure. To this end, the whole of the tourist enterprise, called the Ocean Club, in Praia da Luz was covered.
The said enterprise comprises several apartment blocks, as well as some small apartments spread out over four buildings, only separated by roads or shrubbery, called Waterside Gardens, Waterside Village, Club Cottage and Ocean Club Gardens. Another building, called CRISTALUZ, adjoining the Ocean Club, but not belonging to the same company, was visited. In this way, 443 residences were visited and all the respective inhabitants were identified and interviewed for any information they may have had about the disappearance of the small child, Madeleine McCann, checking out all situations or suspicious attitudes as well as their previous police records.
We have also inspected the unoccupied residences, to which we had access thanks to the staff of the tourist organisation. This extensive investigation was carried out by 6 teams of PJ inspectors, helped by different members of the Ocean Club's staff.
Lance R. Interview.
The interested party comes to us as a witness. Being a foreign citizen, he has no command of Portuguese and Inspector J.D., present during this interview, will assist as interpreter for the informant, who states:
He has been a permanent resident in Praia da Luz for two years where he owns an apartment in co-ownership with his parents. Professionally, he manages various properties for other people. He is aware of the events we are working on and for which he comes to us via the media and notably by way of the Sky News channel. In the course of door-to-door enquiries carried out yesterday by PJ inspectors, giving him a description of a potential suspect with a description of the clothes worn by the same suspect, the informant remembered having seen someone resembling that description two weeks ago.
The said person has been seen several times in Praia da Luz by the informant. He is a person of around 30/40 years old, around 1.7m., usually dressed in dark colours, wearing jeans, with dark skin and dark hair. The informant does not remember any other details about the individual but he would be able to recognise him if the person was presented to him in person or in a photo. The informant states that he saw the individual on the access road to Praia da Luz as well as near the pharmacy situated on Rue Helena do Nascimento Baptista, also in Praia da Luz. The informant only had visual contact with the suspect, having seen him alone and on foot. The informant is only informing the PJ because the person he is speaking of corresponds to the profile described by the PJ investigators and the individual is not like the usual sort of tourists in Praia da Luz.
The informant goes to be interviewed by our artists to create a working drawing of the person to whom he is referring, bearing the no. 19/2007. The informant wished to add that, to him, the individual seemed to be suffering from mild psychological problems. The informant has nothing else to add. After reading with the interpreter accompanying the present procedure, who explains to him, he goes on and signs.
Suspicious vehicle.
We refer to our log of vehicle registrations to highlight all Renault Clio vehicles with a registration number with the last four figures: AV-67. it appears that the vehicle in question is registered..- AV - 67 and the owner is a self-drive rental agency.
Rental vehicle.
At the headquarters of the self-drive vehicle rental company, "Luzcar rent-a-car," we asked them to provide us with all the information concerning the vehicle bearing the registration number...AV - 67 for the period from 28/04/07 to the time of the present investigation. It was possible to determine that the vehicle was rented on April 28th at Faro airport by a Polish citizen, named W.K., staying at Solimar in Burgau where he reserved the accommodation via the internet. We now attach a copy of the reservation email. The Polish citizen paid for the reservation with credit card no. 5185... . .... .... ... valid until May 2008.
The contract was drawn up by Nelson M., an employee of the agency, whose interview is attached. A photocopy of the hire agreement is attached as an appendix. The vehicle was returned to the hire company on May 5th 2007 at Faro airport and has already been hired out again according to information given to us by Luis F., an agency employee. Currently, the vehicle is on hire to Clere E. at Parc da Floresta no...in Budens, Vila do Bispo.
We have carried out investigations to find out where W.K. was staying. He was staying in apartment no.... Solimar building, Ficticia à Budens Road. That apartment is managed by the company ATB, situated on the Main Street, Marretas building, Burgau, Vila do Bispo, whose director, the person named Nuno F., we have contacted.
That apartment belongs to Peter and Margaret O., who live in Windsor Grove, Cardiff, Wales. Photocopies of documents showing complete identification for Peter and Margaret O. are attached as well as a copy of the rental documents. It is to be noted that after W.K.'s departure, the apartment has had no other lettings. A key to the apartment has been given to us to carry out any further investigations deemed necessary.
In the context of the investigation into the disappearance of the little British girl, Madeleine McCann, in Praia da Luz, during the night of May 3rd 2007, it is of vital concern for the investigation that the relevant authorities make enquiries about the citizens of Polish nationality, of whom the known details are, W.K., holder of Polish driving licence no. 6307...and Anetta K., partner of W.K., to find out if they have criminal records. They arrived at Faro airport on April 28th 2007 on flight Al32744 from Berlin and they left Faro, today, on Air Berlin flight AB2745. We also request information about the final destination of these two passengers.
The follow-up investigation.
In order to determine the comings and goings of the couple of Polish nationality, who spent their holiday in Bergau, we approached several business establishments and on the basis of the description which we have of the couple, the owner of the "Beach Bar" advised us that it could be two of his clients. He seemed to recall that the couple had lunch and dinner two or three times, without remembering the exact days, but it would have been at the beginning of the week. He knows that they are Polish because they spoke about football on the day of the Liverpool/Chelsea match, saying that Liverpool's goalkeeper was Polish. The match in question took place on May 1st 2007. They also discussed Portuguese and Brazilian classical music.
The couple know several performers from those countries. They asked the owner of the bar where they could buy music of this genre. The owner directed them to the FNAC shop at the Algarve shopping centre or to the Chiado commercial centre. They said they would probably go to Lisbon the same day. To the restaurateur, the couple seemed quite atypical of holiday-makers to that place. They paid in cash. The owner, however, did not perceive any abnormal behaviour from the couple.
The investigation determines that the couple effectively went to FNAC at the Chiado centre on May 2nd 2007 where they bought two comedy musicals CDs, paid for with credit card no. ... ... ... ..., the same one used to pay the Luzcar rent-a-car company for the hire of the vehicle, registration...AV-67. We seized the surveillance video and we attach photos from the FNAC surveillance system in which we can see the Polish couple in question.
Nelson M. interview.
The informant was heard as a witness. He is employed by the vehicle rental company called, "Luzcar," where he has worked for two years as receptionist. According to the register it was he who was on duty during the hiring of the vehicle...AV - 67, a grey 2006 Renault Clio. He delivered the vehicle which, meanwhile, has been returned today at 6.45am as the register states. He does not remember the client who hired this vehicle because he delivers 30 vehicles a day, but he states that the register contains all the useful information.
- The delivery place.
- Date and time.
- Client's name.
- Exact home address.
- Temporary address in Portugal.
- Nationality.
- Driving license.
- Credit card number.
- Private telephone number.
End of this lead and our conclusion.
The, "suspect," couple were clearly identified and quickly exonerated. Witnesses recognised them from photos. I will leave out the couple's explanations and their alibi, which are of no interest, since they are innocent. So, why this series of articles about, "a suspect."? Quite simply to show that one or more leads were followed up rigorously and professionally. Also to show that thephotofit published widely by the British press, about a month ago, was not an unknown suspect or an abandoned lead, but indeed someone clearly identified in the case file to which the journalists as well as Clarence Mitchell and the McCanns have had access. Finally, I have published these articles because they are contained in the case file and we want to apply transparency to this case.
In the news.
We note that the suspects (Arguidos) had until September 20th to request the PJ to continue their search for Madeleine McCann. It would seem not to be the case. The parents, Gerry and Kate McCann, have allegedly not asked the police to continue their research into Madeleine's disappearance.