Saturday, 15 March 2008
Telecino5: update on Mari Luz autopsy news
The body of Mari Luz was found in the Ria de Huelva a week ago and there have been two autopsies carried out, one at the request of Mari Luz's father Juan José.
The sad news being reported in what Telecino describes as the, "definitive, " results of the autopsies, is that Mari Luz died by suffocation, before being thrown into the water. Injuries to her head and ribs were also ante-mortem.
"The child’s father, Juan José Cortés, has called for time to ‘cry in silence’ and says that he will fight to find who is responsible and to see them pay for what they have done.
Police say they think a local person may have seen Mari Luz with her killer, but is too frightened to come forward."
(Translation of news report by bugalugs1970 on the Three Arguidos forum.)
Rodney Reed oral arguments before notorious judge March 19th

Oral arguments in the quest for a new trial for Rodney Reed will be heard on Wednesday March 19th at the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. The presiding judge of the CCA, Judge Sharon Keller, has come under fire recently for denying the appeal of Michael Richard -- the last person to be executed in Texas as national de facto moratorium on executions took effect -- because she was unwilling to keep the court open after 5 PM.
Rodney Reed deserves a new trial, where evidence of his innocence can finally be heard in court. Evidence was hidden by police and prosecutors that implicate another suspect in the murder of Stacey Stites. Read the attached fact sheet for an overview of the case. Rodney’s defense has long posited that Jimmy Fennell, the fiance of Stacey, is the more likely suspect in this crime. For recent developments surrounding Jimmy Fennell check out:
"Who is Rodney Reed?"
"Rodney Reed has been on Texas’ death row since 1998. He was convicted for the 1996 murder of Stacey Stites in the small town of Bastrop. Stacey’s brutal murder struck at the very heart of the community, not only for its brutality, but for the sinister chain of events it would set into motion. Rodney’s case is a troubling mixture of prosecutoral misconduct, police corruption, poor defense, and institutional racism. Evidence of Rodney’s innocence is overwhelming and the need for a new trial is indisputable."
To read more about this disturbing case visit:
To voice your support for Rodney, you can call on one of these numbers:
(512) 463-1551
(512) 463-2100
If you live anywhere near the court, you can attend.
Enter through glass doors on plaza which face out to Congress on north side of Capitol. The courtroom should be on the right, or ask at the desk for directions
Update: Rodney Reed's mother, Sandra, will be speaking at this event in Austin, Texas, on April 9th.
CEDP’s 2007 – 2008 National Speaking Tour
A Broken System – Crying out For Justice
In Austin, April 9, 2008
At UT, The Texas Union, Chicano Culture Room
Featuring Mothers of Texas Death Row Prisoners:
Anna Terrell - mother of Reginald Blanton
Lee Greenwood – mother of Joseph Nichols, killed March 7, 2007
Sandra Reed – mother of Rodney Reed
Also a “Live From Death Row” Event, with a live call from a death row prisoner.
So Save the Date!
Arade dam: reports of a bag of bones being found
Esta PasandoTele 5 and Telecino the Spanish channel are both reported to have carried the story. A vet was brought in and was shown on TV washing the bones in the water. It seems to have been confirmed that the remains found in the bag are animal bones and some pieces have been taken for laboratory examination.
Ex-PJ inspector Pavlo Christovao was interviewed on Esta Pasando Tele 5 and he is reported as saying, "We know what happened and we are now very close to the truth. The problem," he went on to say, "is knowing what happened and proving it. The two concepts are completely different but we are very close."
So, it looks like what was found was the evidence of some person's cruelty to animals; small bones in a bag, tied with ropes and weighed down. Some vile person has disposed of unwanted small animals by the look of it.
Very interesting comments from Pavlo Christovao.