Published in the French language blog SOS Madeleine McCann today, Saturday February 2nd.
"Maddie: La Police mène un combat entre David et Goliath "Dans l’enquête McCann, vu les obstacles qui nous ont été crées au Royaume-Uni, la meilleur tactique aurait été de continuer l’investigation sans faire savoir que les parents sont suspects", affirme une source de la Police Judiciaire à propos des déclarations de leur Directeur National, rajoutant "qu’en ce moment l’investigation est devenue un combat entre David et Goliath"
In the McCann inquiry, given the obstacles that have been created in the United Kingdom, the better tactic would have been to continue the investigation without naming the parents as arguidos," said a source from the PJ about statements by their National Director, adding that, "at the moment the investigation has become a battle between David and Goliath."
"Le Directeur National de la Police Judiciaire (PJ), Alípio Ribeiro, a considéré hier qu'il a y eu "précipitation" dans la constitution de Kate et de Gerry McCann comme arguidos dans le procès de disparition de leur fille. Alipio Ribeiro confirme également la bonne direction suivi par les enquêteurs soulignant qu’il s’agit d’une investigation ou il faut en avoir de la patience.
The National Director of the Judicial Police (PJ), Alípio Ribeiro, considered yesterday that there had been "haste" in constituting Kate and Gerry McCann as arguidos in the disappearance of their daughter. Alipio Ribeiro also confirms that the right direction is being followed by the investigators and that this is an investigation and we must be patient.
"Les déclarations du Directeur de la PJ ont été faites au cours de l’enregistrement du programme "Diga Lá Excelência” de la Radio Renascença qui sera transmis demain midi, ou il est interrogé par les journalistes Celso Paiva et Paula Torres.
The statements by the Director of the PJ were made during the recording of the, "Diga Lá Excelence" programme on Radio Renascença which will be broadcast tomorrow afternoon, in which he is questioned by journalists and Paula Paiva Celso Torres.
"Police invité "a agir avec humanité"
(Mise à jour) Clarence Mitchell, porte-parole de Gerry et Kate McCann, a rapidement réagi aux déclarations du Directeur National de la Police Judiciaire affirmant que le couple a "très bien accueilli les commentaires d’Alipio Ribeiro dans lesquels il accepte que les officiers de la police portugaise sous son autorité ont agi à la hâte en désignant les McCann comme suspects officiels". Clarence Mitchell va plus loin, et avant même de prendre connaissance de l’entièreté de l’entrevue d’Alipio Ribeiro, invite les autorités judiciaires portugaises à enlever leur statut d’arguidos, agissant avec "humanité"
Police asked "to act with humanity"(Updated) Clarence Mitchell, spokesman for Gerry and Kate McCann, responded rapidly to the statements by the National Director of the Judicial Police stating that the couple had, "welcomed comments from Alipio Ribeiro in which he accepts that Portuguese police officers under his authority had acted in haste in designating the McCanns as official suspects." Clarence Mitchell went further, and before even knowing Alipio Ribeiro's interview in its entirety, invited the Portuguese authorities to remove their status as arguidos, with "humanity."
"L’ancien directeur de l’Unité de Surveillance des Médias britanniques, devenu responsable en relations publiques du couple McCann, a réagi via le site internet Find Madeleine, maintenant avec un nouveau design. Le site, qu’a adopté un look plus soigné et plus rose, maintien la vente de bracelets et t-shirts mais n’affiche plus la situation financière du Fond Madeleine."
The former director of the British Media Monitoring Unit, who became responsible for public relations for the McCann couple, responded via the Find Madeleine web site, which now has a new design. The site has adopted a more low-key look and more pink, maintaining the sale of bracelets and T-shirts but no longer including the financial situation of the Madeleine Fund.
I think maybe Clarence should wait for the interview to be radio interview to be broadcast before he leaps in with what he understands Alipio Ribeiro to be saying. From the above preview, it would appear that Ribeiro is saying that the timing of designating the McCanns as official suspects was bad in view of the subsequent behaviour of certain people in the UK, which has hampered the investigation. It appears that he is saying that if the McCanns had not been made arguidos at that point, the investigation could have proceeded quietly and without hindrance.
It appears that Clarence has not noticed in the above reported preview of the radio interview that Ribeiro is also saying that the right direction is being followed in the investigation. In my opinion, that direction does not include the lifting of the arguido status for Kate and Gerry, especially as it has been reported that the rogatory letters, which had been returned to Lisbon, are now ready and will be re-sent through the proper channels and not through Eurojust.