That's where I left off yesterday! To continue:
Selon Clarence Mitchell, le succès de la campagne internationale de Kate et Gerry McCann repose sur l’utilisation d’internet, et en particulier sur le site crée à la demande du couple quelques jours après la disparition de leur fille Maddie.
Uniquement que sur Google, ont retrouve aujourd’hui presque six millions d’entrées pour le mot "Maddie", dépassé largement par les huit million d’entrées pour "Gerry McCann" et un nombre quasi identique d’entrées pour "Kate McCann. "
According to Clarence Mitchell, the success of Kate and Gerry McCann's international campaign rests on the use of the internet, and in particular on the site created a few days after their daughter Maddie's disappearance.
On Google alone, today, we found nearly six million entries for the word, "Maddie," greatly surpassed by the eight million entries for, "Gerry McCann," and a virtually identical number of entries for, "Kate McCann."
"C’est l’accès à l'internet qui nous a donné de l’élan," a dit Clarence Mitchell confirmant l’importance du site findmadeleine ou les millions de visiteurs, parmi plusieurs informations et photos de Maddie, ont pu également trouver dest-shirts et des bracelets en vente, même si sa finalité première semble être l’appel aux dons."It is access to the internet which has given us momentum," said Clarence Mitchell, confirming the importance of the site, "findmadeleine," where amongst the information about Madeleine and the photos, the millions of visitors could also find T shirts and bracelets for sale, although its primary purpose seems to be the appeal for donations.
La somme exacte engendré au tour de Kate et Gerry McCann, après la disparition de leur fille, n’a jamais été divulgué officiellement mais ont l’estime à plusieurs millions d’euros.
The exact amount generated around Kate and Gerry McCann, after their daughter's disappearance, has never been divulged, but is estimated at several million Euros.
Dans son discours à propos du rôle des Relations Publiques dans la gestion de crise, Clarence Mitchell, après avoir jugé que l’attitude des médias irlandais à propos de l’affaire McCann était plus "responsable" que celle des médias au Royaume-Uni, à reconnu que la poursuite en justice pour diffamation des journaux du groupe Express à marqué un tournant dans la campagne des McCann et leur image dans les médias.
In his talk about the role of Public Relations in crisis management, Clarence Mitchell, after having decided that the attitude of the Irish media about the McCann case was more, "responsible," than that of the UK media, acknowledged that the legal action for defamation against the journals of the Express group marked a turning point in the McCanns' campaign and their image in the media.

After having obtained more than 725,000 Euros in damages from the Express group, according to Clarence Mitchell, all the, "negative publicity," about the McCanns in the British media turned back in their favour.
Selon plusieurs experts en Relations Publiques, Communication et Médias, l’action en justice contre le groupe Express, par elle-même, n’expliquerait pas le silence ou la position adopté par la plupart des tabloïdes britanniques : "Il ne faut pas oublier que les McCann ont eu cinq responsables en Relations Publiques à leur service. Et pas des moindres," rappelait un des experts.
According to several experts in Public Relations, Communication and the Media, the legal action against the Express group, by itself, does not explain the silence or the position adopted by most British tabloids: "It should not be forgotten that the McCanns have had five Public Relations representatives in their service. And not the least important." recalled one of the experts.

Since Maddie's disappearance, in May 2007, Kate and Gerry McCann have counted on Alex Woolfall, specialist in crisis management, who went to Praia da Luz on behalf of Mark Warner, Sheree Dodd, former Daily Mirror journalist and representative of the Foreign Office, who stayed in the couple's service for nine days. It was Clarence Mitchell who replaced her until July and the arrival of Justine McGuinness and David Hughes. After Kate and Gerry McCann were named as arguidos, in September of last year, it was again Clarence Mitchell who became their spokesperson and head of communication, leaving behind his British government post.
Retour assuré au 10 Downing Street
Officiellement, le directeur de l'unité de surveillance des médias du gouvernement britannique depuis juillet 2005, à démissionné de son poste pour se joindre à la campagne des McCann avec un salaire payé par le multimillionnaire Brian Kennedy. La réalité serait, selon une source du Foreign Office, tout’ autre. Clarence Mitchell à reçu la promesse d’être repris à son poste une fois que les McCann seraient tirés d’affaire et, jusque la, il continue à utiliser les services et les moyens de son unité.
Return to 10 Downing Street is guaranteed.
Officially, the director of the British government's Media Surveillance Unit since July 2005, resigned his post to join the McCanns' campaign with a salary paid by the multi-millionaire Brian Kennedy. The reality, according to a source at the Foreign Office, is altogether different. Clarence Mitchell received the promise of regaining his post once the McCanns were removed from the case and, until then, he continues to use the services and the resources of his unit.
Comme directeur de l’unité de surveillance des médias, ou même internet n’échappe pas au contrôle régulier des 40 employés permanents, Clarence avait pour mission de fournir un rapport d’information continuellement mis à jour de tout ce qu’est publié ou dit par les médias à propos des sujets qui intéressent le premier-ministre et tous les services gouvernementaux.
Envoyé à Praia da Luz par le Foreign Office, c’est lui que, par l'intermédiaire des ambassades britanniques respectives, organise les visites de campagne de Kate et Gerry McCann au Vatican, Madrid, Berlin, Amsterdam, Rabat et Bruxelles.
As director of the Media Surveillance Unit, where even the internet does not escape the regular inspection of the 40 permanent employees, Clarence's role was to provide continually updated reports on everything that was published or said by the media on subjects of interest to the Prime Minister and all government departments.
Sent to Praia da Luz by the Foreign Office, it was he who, with the respective British ambassadors as intermediaries, organised Kate and Gerry McCann's campaign visits to the Vatican, Madrid, Berlin, Amsterdam, Rabat and Brussels.