Friday, 11 April 2008

PJ: the interrogations have reinforced the convictions of the inspectors. (Updated)

"Pendant que l’inspecteur-chef Paulo Rebelo, coordinateur du Département d’Investigation Criminelle de la Police Judiciaire se trouve à Enderby, au Portugal la police à commencé à exploiter les nouveaux données que la rencontre d’hier avec la police de Leicestershire à pu révéler. Pendant la réunion, qui a duré toute l'après-midi, les deux forces de police ont pu affiner la forme dans laquelle les interrogatoires vont se dérouler. Paulo Rebelo, responsable de l’enquête, est accompagné au Royaume-Uni par les inspecteurs João Carlos et Ricardo Paiva. ba069c2e3a391adfd0e6a26fb8535feb.jpg

While chief Inspector Paulo Rebelo, co-ordinator of the Criminal Investigation Department of the PJ is in Enderby, in Portugal the police have started to exploit the new data that yesterday's meeting with the Leicestershire police was able to reveal. During the meeting which lasted all afternoon, the two police forces were able to finalise the form the interrogations would take. Paulo Rebelo, who is in charge of the investigation, is accompanied in the UK by the inspectors Joao Carlos and Ricardo Paiva.

Tanner incapable de décrire le prétendu kidnappeur

Les interrogatoires n’ont pas permit d’élucider certaines contradictions mais, en contrepartie, ont servi même à renforcer les convictions des enquêteurs et même à mettre en cause la véracité des précédentes déclarations de plusieurs témoins et arguidos. Ils sont devenues plus précis sur certains détails mais "ils ont oublié les plus importants", affirme un officier de la police britannique à Enderby.

Tanner incapable of describing the alleged abductor.

The interrogations have not allowed the clarifying of contradictions, but by way of compensation, have served to reinforce the convictions of the investigators and even to call into question the veracity of previous statements of several witnesses and arguidos. They have become more precise on certain details, but, "they have forgotten the most important," stated a British police officer at Enderby.

"Cible privilégié des interrogatoires, Jane Tanner et son compagnon Russell O’Brien. La première avait affirmé à la a07c05415f1dae607fd6d8a1ae0d1502.jpg police et en public avoir vu un homme emportant un enfant dans ses bras mais ces déclarations n’ont pas cessé de changer au cours des temps. Deux témoins extérieurs au groupe, qui se trouvaient au même endroit, ont nié à la police avoir vu le personnage décrit par Tanner. Un personnage décrit différemment par Tanner à plusieurs reprises."

Favoured target for the interrogations, Jane Tanner and her partner Russell O'Brien. The former had stated to the police and in public that she saw a man carrying a child in his arms, but her statements have continued to change over time. Two witnesses outside the group, who were in the same area, have denied to the police that they saw the person described by Tanner. A person described differently by Tanner on several occasions.

"Cette fois ci, Tanner à été incapable de dire aux enquêteurs quand, comment et où elle avait vu le prétendu kidnappeur, contrariant tout ce qu’elle avait dit précédemment, notamment au programme Panorama transmis sur la télévision britannique. "

This time, Tanner was incapable of telling the investigators when, how and where she had seen the alleged kidnapper, contradicting everything that she had previously said, notably on the Panorama programme transmitted on British television.

"L’interrogatoire de Jane Tanner, avance notre source, à été le plus minutieux de tous, ou les officiers britanniques sont intervenus à plusieurs reprises croisant ses questions avec celle des enquêteurs portugais : "elle est arrivé souriante pour repartir au bord de la crise de nerfs".

Jane Tanner's interrogation, as put forward by our source, was the most thorough of all, where the British officers intervened on several occasions crossing their questions with those of the Portuguese investigators: "she arrived smiling and left on the edge of a nervous breakdown."

"Les interrogatoires ont permis de démontrer que le Dr. O’Brien s’est absenté du Tapas Bar et de la table du diner plus longtemps que ce qu’il avait déclaré à la police, justifiant son emploi du temps disant que sa fille était malade : "le Dr O’Brien affirme qu’il a du changer les draps du lit à cause des vomissements de l’enfant mais cette version est contredite par le personnel de l’Océan Club"

The interrogations showed that Dr O'Brien was absent from the Tapas Bar and from the dinner table for longer than he had stated to the police, justifying how he had used his time saying that his daughter was sick: "Doctor O'Brien stated that he had had to change the bed sheets because of the child's vomiting, but that version is contradicted by the Ocean Club's staff."

"L’interrogatoire du couple à toutefois confirmé que les enfants restaient seules pendant que les parents allaient diner ou sortir, sans aucune sorte de sécurité."

However, the interrogation of the couple, confirmed that the children were alone while the parents went to dinner or went out, without any kind of security.

"Détail intéressant que la police à pu déterminer pendant les interrogatoires, l’homme du portrait-robot révélé à la presse par Clarence Mitchell – le monstre sanguinaire comme un tabloïde britannique l'à décrit – à été pour la première fois indiqué aux témoins d’après un article publié par le Correio da Manhã décrivant, dans les premières semaines de l’enquête, la scène d’un homme rodant le balcon d’un appartement ailleurs qu’à l’Océan Club. L’article du Correio da Manhã spécifiait notamment que la police avait vérifié et écarté cette piste. Selon nôtre source, ce sont les détectives entourant les McCann qui ont ressuscité ce suspect, "l’adaptant au portrait décrit en dernier lieu par Jane Tanner".

(à suivre)

An interesting detail, which the police were able to determine during the interrogations, the man in the sketch revealed by Clarence Mitchell - the bloodthirsty monster as a British tabloid described him - was shown to witnesses for the first time, after an article published by Correio da Manha describing, in the first weeks of the investigation, the scene of a man loitering on the balcony of an apartment at a place away from the Ocean Club. The Correio da Manha article specifically noted that the police had verified and ruled out that lead. According to our source, it is the detectives surrounding the McCanns who have revived this suspect, "adapting him to the portrait described the last time by Jane Tanner."

(To be continued

Fourniret Trial: Monique Olivier would like her husband to speak

10 avril 2008

"Monique Olivier "aimerait bien" que son mari parle* "Monique Olivier, épouse et complice présumée de Michel Fourniret, jugé devant la cour d'assises des Ardennes pour sept homicides aggravés, a déclaré jeudi qu'elle "aimerait bien" que son mari parle pour que les faits soient plus "clairs". "J'aimerais bien qu'il parle. Ca serait plus clair. Pour les familles, ça serait plus humain", a répondu Monique Olivier à Me Didier Seban, un avocat des parties civiles, qui l'interrogeait sur le mutisme de son mari depuis le début du procès. "Il raconte mieux que moi. Il a plus de mémoire que moi. J'aimerais bien qu'il prenne la parole", a-t-elle ajouté au deuxième jour d'audience consacré à l'examen des faits concernant le meurtre de Jeanne-Marie Desramault, une étudiante de 21 ans, disparue à Charleville-Mézières en 1989."

Monique Olivier, "would like very much," for her husband to speak. Monique Olivier, wife and alleged accomplice of Michel Fourniret, who is on trial before the Ardennes Court of Assizes for seven murders, declared on Thursday that she, "would like very much," for her husband to speak so that the facts were, "clearer." "I would like very much for him to speak. Things would be clearer. For the families, that would be more human," Monique Olivier replied to Me Didier Seban, a lawyer for the civil parties, who was questioning her about her husband's mutism since the start of the trial. "He tells it better than I do. He has a better memory than me. I would like very much for him to take the floor," she added on the second of hearings dedicated to examining the facts concerning the murder of Jeanne-Marie Desramault, a student, aged 21, who disappeared in Charleville-Mézièresin 1989.

"Son corps avait été retrouvé en juillet 2004 lors de fouilles au château du Sautou à Donchery (Ardennes), l'ancienne propriété du couple. Dès l'ouverture du procès le 27 mars, Michel Fourniret avait brandi un écriteau: "Sans huis clos, bouche cousue".

Her body had been found in July 2004, during searches at the Chateau du Sautou in Donchery (Ardenns), a former property of the couple. Since the start of the trial on March 27th, Michel Fourniret had brandished a written sign: "Without the proceedings being held in camera, lips sewn."

"En trois semaines de procès et en dehors de quelques laconiques "je reconnais les faits", il a néanmoins rompu sa résolution de participation passive au procès à trois reprises. Lundi, il avait pris spontanément la parole pour défendre Monique Olivier mise en difficulté sur son implication dans le meurtre de Fabienne Leroy, une étudiante de 20 ans tuée par balle dans la Marne en 1988. Le même jour, il avait perdu son sang-froid lors de deux vifs échanges avec Me Seban qui avait souligné deux erreurs du principal accusé, qui avait répondu en confondant deux victimes. Depuis, il a systématiquement opposé un silence haineux aux questions de l'avocat. "Monique Olivier commence à se lâcher. Pas sur les faits, mais sur Michel Fourniret (...) L'attitude de son mari peut contribuer à faire lâcher Monique Olivier", a estimé Me Seban à la suspension d'audience de la mi-journée. (AFP)"

In three weeks of the trial and apart from a few laconic, "I acknowledge the facts," he has, nonetheless, broken his resolution of passive participation in the trial on three occasions. On Monday, he spontaneously took the floor to defend Monique Olivier, who was placed in difficulty by her implication in the murder of Fabienne Leroy, a 20 year-old student who was shot in Marne in 1988. On the same day, he had lost his cool during the two lively exchanges with Me Seban, who had stressed two errors for the principal accused, who had responded, confusing two victims. Since then he has systematically opposed the lawyer's questions with a hateful silence. "Monique Olivier started to let herself go. Not about the facts, but about Michel Fourniret (....) Her husband's attitude could contribute to allowing Monique Olivier to open up," Me Seban suggested, at the end of the half-day hearing. (AFP)

The Leicester Mercury. Now you see it, now you don't! Whooosh cluck!

The Leicester Mercury does it again, posts an article about the McCanns, allows comments, finds they are mostly critical and....whoooosh...cluck! Gone!

Saved for posterity, here is today's article and the messages that were whooshed!


And the comments that didn't last very long!

**********Comments to the above article*********

Leave theMcCann's alone. They have done nothing wrong, who doesn't go out and leave their kids when they go out on the lash??

Pinnochio, Edinburgh

Kate McCann is quoted as saying that she and Gerry discussed Madeleine's comment for several minutes. That long, eh? Obviously an important subject! Then today, Clarence Mitchell is quoted as saying that in response, the Tapas Crew decided to increase the frequency of checks on the children, from every half hour the night before to, emmm, every half hour. Clarence also says that the Tapas Crew had their own listening plan instead of that provided by the Mark Warner company. I am sure I read that MW did not provide such a service at the Ocean Club because the apartments were so spread out and also because the McCanns' apartment, in particular, was actually outside the secure area of the complex, overlooking a public path on one side and a public car park on the other.

Muzzy, Warwickshire

What a sad senario. Madeleine told her mother that she was upset and they still left her and the twins the next night.....

chrissie, UK

I wonder what else we don't know about these "perfect parents". If they are not prosecuted for child neglect at lease then there is no justice.

Sherry, Newton

How on earth can the truth be a smear? I just don't get it.

Loz, UK

Smears and leaks have been coming from "Team Mccann" from the start when they lied about the circumstances, so what's new?

Sally, Europe

That's interesting for a newspaper site. You ask us to "have our say" but remove any comments that may be "unhelpful" to the Team McCann PR effort? You're not acting for Madeleine by doing that. The poor child

Mel, East Mids

I find this latest news very distressing indeed. As a mother with two young children I find myself repeating those qouted distressing words. It is heartbreaking. Those parents will have to live with this torture for the rest of their lives. I really don't know where I stand any more on the parents behaviour. Part of me says what they did was despicable and the other part grieves so heavily. A shocking story. M

Margaret, Rothley

********************Comments end********************

Now, this is an interesting quote from Clarence:

"The McCanns said the leak was an attempt to smear them as they launched their bid for a Europe-wide missing child alert system."

I wonder what he means by, "..launched their bid." I ask this because Missing Children Europe has been campaigning for a Europe-wide response to child abduction since 2001, and that organisation is, in fact, the European representative of the one which Gerry visited in the USA.

"Faced with the absence in Europe of operational centres working at a professional level on a complementary basis with police and judicial bodies and victim support organisations, Child Focus (Belgium), La Mouette (France) and Aurora (Italy), decided to establish the European Federation for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children, renamed "Missing Children Europe" in 2007."

"The solemn creation took place in 2001 at the European Parliament in the presence of EP-President Nicole Fontaine and European Commission Vice-President Vittorino. From the start thse two EU-institutions acknowledged the added value of a European wide umbrella organisation representing civil society organisations which work on a national or regional scale against child disappearance and sexual exploitation in all its forms."

"Missing Children Europe is the regional representative of the global movement of the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children in Washington."

So, Gerry needn't have gone to the US. He could simply have visited the European representative of ICMEC in Brussels.

The McCanns will have no effect on whether this goes through the European Parliament or not....and especially since they have nothing whatsoever to do with its introduction. Missing Children Europe has been working on this for years. The McCanns have only attempted to hijack it.

So, Clarence, to me, the McCanns, "...launched their bid," simply says that the McCanns sought to hijack this project as their own idea, purely for the purposes of publicity.