Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Trial of Michel Fourniret begins Thursday 27th March.

Procès Fourniret du 27 mars 2008"

25 mars 2008"


"Nous avons longuement hésité avant de faire un dossier consacré à cet individu. Nous ne voulions pas lui faire de la publicité et il ne mérite sûrement pas de faire les titres de l'actualité. Nous avons d'autant plus hésité que, si l'on se rapporte à un autre monstre du genre, Marc Dutroux, la publicité faite lui a apporté une certaine notoriété au point que (NDLR: Authentique) des femmes, mère de famille, lui envoient des lettres de soutien dans lesquelles elles précisent être "amoureuses" de lui et en admirations devant ses actes! SCANDALEUX!!!"

Fourniret's trial from 28th March 2008


We have hesitated for a long time before creating a file dedicated to this individual. We did not want to give him the publicity and he surely does not deserve to make the news headlines. We have further hesitated because if someone associates himself to another monster, of Marc Dutroux's kind, the publicity would afford him a certain notoriety to the point that (NDLR: Genuine) women, mothers with families, send him letters of support in which they proclaim that they are, "in love," with him and admire his actions. SCANDELOUS!!!

Nous ne voulions pas de ça pour Fourniret. Malheureusement, l'infamie s'étant installé, le procès fera la manchette de nombreux médias et nous avons, finalement, pensé que consacrer un dossier complet permettrait de mieux cerner comment fonctionne ce genre de monstre et comment mieux s'en protéger. Ainsi tout au long de ce procès, nous publierons des articles sur les évènements important du dossier. Nous nous appuierons sur des articles de la presse française et belge, en plus de notre expérience, afin de vous donner un aperçu le plus large possible."

We did not want this for Fourniret. Unfortunately, infamy is being achieved, the trial will make many media headlines, and we have, finally, thought that to dedicate a complete file would allow better understanding of how this kind of monster operates and how best to protect oneself. Thus, throughout this trial, we will publish articles on important events in the case. We will rely on articles from the French and Belgian press, in addition to our own experience, in order to give you the broadest possible overview.

Michel Fourniret et son épouse jeudi sur le banc des accusés."

"Le procès d'un des pires tueurs en série présumé de ces dernières décennies s'ouvre jeudi devant les assises des Ardennes. Michel Fourniret devra répondre pendant deux mois de sept meurtres de jeunes femmes ou adolescentes, de viols et de tentatives de viols, commis entre 1987 et 2003 en France et en Belgique. Monique Olivier, la femme de Michel Fourniret, est également accusée."

Michel Fourniret and his wife in the dock on Thursday.

The trial of one of the worst alleged serial killers of recent decades opens Thursday in the Ardennes Assizes. For two months Michel Fourniret will have to answer to seven murders of young women or adolescents, to rapes and attempted rapes, committed between 1987 and 2003 in France and Belgium. Michel Fourniret's wife, Monique Olivier, is also charged.

Sur le banc des accusés de la cour d'assises des Ardennes à Charleville-Mézières à partir de jeudi, Michel Fourniret, le tueur en série présumé, ne sera pas seul. Sa femme, Monique Olivier, se trouvera à ses côtés. Entre les deux, les enquêteurs ont mis en évidence "une sorte de pacte" criminel créé en 1987 alors que Michel Fourniret était déjà détenu pour des agressions sexuelles. A l'occasion de ce procès, Michel Fourniret devra répondre de sept meurtres commis en France et en Belgique."

In the dock of the Ardennes Court of Assizes in Charleville-Mézières from Thursday, Michel Fourniret, the alleged serial killer, will not be alone. His wife, Monique Olivier, will be at his side. Between the two of them, the investigators have revealed, "a kind of criminal pact," created in 1987 when Michel Fourniret was already in prison for sexual assaults. On the occasion of this trial, Michel Fourniret must answer to seven murders committed in France and Belgium.

Parmi les victimes : Isabelle Laville, 17 ans. Elle disparaît le 11 décembre 1987 à Auxerre. Son corps ne sera retrouvé que 19 ans plus tard au fond d'un puits. En août 1988, quelques mois après la disparition d'Isabelle Laville, Fabienne Leroy, 20 ans est retrouvée morte sur un terrain de manoeuvres militaires. Elle aussi a croisé la route du tueur en série. "

Among the victims: Isabelle Laville, aged 17. She disappeared on the 11th of December in Auxerre. Her body would not be found until 19 years later at the bottom of a well. In August 1988, a few months after Isabelle Laville's disappearance, Fabienne Leroy, aged 20, was found dead on land for military manoeuvres. She too had crossed the path of the serial killer.

"D'autres jeunes femmes connaîtront le même sort funeste : Jeanne-Marie Desramault, 22 ans, la petite Elisabeth Brichet, 12 ans, Natacha Danais une fillette de 13 ans dont le corps poignardé est découvert sur une plage de Vendée. A ce moment, la mortelle randonnée semble s'arrêter durant une dizaine d'années puisque c'est en 2000 que Michel Fourniret récidive en ôtant la vie à Céline Saison 18 ans puis en 2001 en tuant également Mananya Thumpong, une enfant de 12 ans. Des crimes accompagnés à chaque fois de viols ou de tentatives de viol."

Other young women would suffer the same disastrous fate: Jeanne-Marie Desramault, aged 22, little Elisabeth Brichet, aged 12, Natacha Danais, a little girl aged 13 whose stabbed body was discovered on a beach in Vendée. At that time, the random killing seemed to have stopped for twelve years until in 2000 Michel Fourniret re-offended by taking the life of Celine Saison, aged 18, then in 2001 in killing Mananya Thumpong, a twelve year-old child. These crimes were accompanied each time by rape or by attempted rape.

"Prévu pour durer deux mois, ce procès devrait être l'occasion de déterminer le rôle de chacun des deux époux. Selon les termes du "pacte" criminel, Monique Olivier aurait accepté d'aider Michel Fourniret, son futur mari rencontré par le biais d'une petite annonce, à "chasser" des jeunes filles vierges si lui s'engageait en retour à tuer son premier mari. Décrite par les policiers belges comme le "maillon faible", Monique Olivier est accusée d'un meurtre et de complicité dans au moins quatre autres crimes."

Scheduled to last for two months, this trial should provide an opportunity to determine the role of each of the two spouses. According to the terms of the criminal, "pact," Monique Olivier had agreed to help Michel Fourniret , her future husband, whom she met through a classified ad, to "hunt for," young virgin girls if he undertook in return to kill her first husband. Described by the Belgian police as the, "weakest link," Monique Olivier is accused of one murder and of complicity in at least four other crimes.

A chaque fois, le même modus operandi:

Michel Fourniret repère une jeune fille qu'il aborde en voiture, lui demande de monter dans le véhicule pour l'aider à retrouver son chemin et la conduit vers un lieu isolé. A plusieurs reprises, la présence de Monique Olivier dans la voiture aurait permis de mettre en confiance les futures victimes. Une fois, elle serait allée jusqu'à l'aider en étouffant une jeune fille.

Si ce procès a lieu, c'est en partie grâce à une petite Belge de 13 ans qui a réussi à échapper à Michel Fourniret qui l'avait enlevée en juin 2003 près de Namur. A cette adolescente, le tueur en série présumé, âgé de 66 ans, aurait dit : "je suis pire que Dutroux". Agée aujourd'hui de 17 ans, elle sera présente pour ce procès mais témoignera à huis clos. Michel Fourniret comme Monique Olivier encourent la réclusion criminelle à perpétuité."

Each time the same modus operandi.

Michel Fourniret picks out a young girl whom he approaches in his car, asks her to get into the vehicle to help him find his way and takes her to an isolated place. On several occasions, the presence of Monique Olivier in the car would have allowed the future victims to be trusting. Once, she went as far as helping to smother a young girl.

If this trial is held, it is in part thanks to a little thirteen year-old Belgian girl who managed to escape from Michel Fournirte who had abducted her in June 2003, near Namur. To this teenager, the alleged serial killer, aged 66, would have said, "I am worse than Dutroux." Now 17 years old, she will be present for the trial but will testify in camera. Michel Fourniret and Monique Olivier are risking whole life sentences.

La petite Marie s'échappe de son bourreau et met fin à ses activités criminelles.

S'il n'y avait eu la petite Marie Ascension, Michel Fourniret aurait très certainement avec l'aide de son épouse, Monique Olivier, fait d'autres victimes, lui qui sans cesse, poursuivait chaque année, sa chasse aux jeunes filles vierges.

Le 26 juin 2003, Marie Ascension qui à l'époque, est âgée de 13 ans, est enlevée à Ciney. Dans la camionnette qui l'embarque, elle est violentée et ligotée par un homme qui lui dit "je suis pire que Dutroux".

Little Marie escapes from her executioner and brings his criminal activities to an end.

If it wasn't for Little Marie Ascension, Michel Fourniret would have almost certainly, with the help of his wife, Momique Olivier, taken other victims, he who pursued each year without cease, his hunt for young female virgins.

On June 26th 2003, Marie Ascension, who at the time is 13 years old, is abducted in Ciney. Loaded into a lorry, she is tied up and raped by a man who tells her, "I am worse than Dutroux."

Pourtant la fillette parviendra à se défaire de ses liens et s'échapper de la camionnette à la faveur d'un marais. Marie Ascension est alors prise en charge par une automobiliste et sur la route, reconnaît la camionnette. Grâce à la plaque d'immatriculation, Fourniret sera arrêté le jour même.

A ce moment-là, en Belgique, on ignore tout de Fourniret. Son passé judiciaire dont le casier n'a pas été communiqué aux autorités belges et surtout l'ensemble des crimes pour lesquels, il va aujourd'hui être jugé. C'est au lendemain du prononcé de l'arrêt de l'affaire Dutroux, que Monique Olivier, son épouse, interrogée par la police belge, révèle l'horreur et accuse son mari de meurtres de 7 jeunes femmes ou adolescentes. Détenu alors à Dinant, Michel Fourniret avoue. "

Yet the little girl manages to free herself from her ties and to escape from the lorry into a swamp. Marie Ascension is then taken care of by a motorist and on the way, recognises the lorry. Thanks to the registration plate, Fourniret will be arrested the next day.

At that moment in Belgium, little is known about Fourniret. His past criminal record is not communicated to the Belgian authorities and especially the crimes for which he will now be tried. It is the day after the pronouncement of the judgment in the Dutroux case, that Monique Olivier, his wife, interrogated by the Belgian police, reveals the horror and accuses her husband of the murders of 7 young women or teenagers. Arrested then in Dinant, Michel Fourniret confesses.

"Le dossier judiciaire de Fourniret:

Fourniret's police file:

  • 1967: Fourniret, 25 ans, est condamné à 8 mois d'emprisonnement avec sursis pour l'agression d'une fillette dans les Ardennes.
1967: Fourniret, 25 years old, is sentenced to 8 months imprisonment, suspended, for assaulting a young girl in the Ardennes.
  • mars 1984: Fourniret est arrêté après 11 agressions de jeunes femmes depuis septembre 1982.
March 1984: Fourniret is arrested after 11 assaults on young women since September 1982.
  • 26 juin 1987: la cour d'assises de l'Essonne le condamne à 7 ans d'emprisonnement, dont 2 avec sursis. Il sera libéré quelques mois plus tard.
26 June 1987: The Court of Assizes at Essonne sentences him to 7 years imprisonment, of whch 2 are suspended. He will be freed a few months later.
  • 26 juin 2003: à 61 ans, il est arrêté en Belgique après l'enlèvement à Ciney de Marie-Ascension, 13 ans, qui parviendra à lui échapper.
26th June 2003: aged 61, he is arrested in Belgium after the abduction at Ciney of Marie Ascension, aged 13, who managed to escape from him.
  • 30 juin 2004: Fourniret avoue les meurtres de six jeunes filles en France et en Belgique entre 1987 et 2001, d'un automobiliste abattu sur une aire d'autoroute en Bourgogne et de la compagne d'un ancien codétenu, Farida Hellegouarch.
30th June 2004: Fourniret confesses to the murders of six young girls in France and Belgim between 1987 and 2001, to the shooting of a motorist on a stretch of motorway in Bourgogne and to the killing of the partner of a former cell-mate, Farida Hellegouarch.

La justice belge lui impute aussi la mort d'une jeune fille en 1993 alors que Monique Olivier, sa troisième épouse, l'accuse de neuf assassinats. Elle est écrouée pour complicité.

The Belgian police also impute to him the death of a young girl in 1993, while Monique Olivier, his third wife, accuses him of nine murders. She is held for complicity.
  • 16 juil 2004: il avoue la tentative de viol d'une adulte en 1995, près de Namur (Belgique).
16th July 2004: he confesses to the attempted rape of an adult in 1995, near Namur (Belgium)
  • 1er mars 2005: sa femme l'accuse de trois nouveaux meurtres en Belgique, trois baby-sitters qu'elle dit avoir recrutées entre juillet 1992 et janvier 1997 en sachant qu'il les tuerait. Les accusations de l'épouse portent donc sur douze meurtres.
1st March 2005: his wife accuses him of three more murders in Belgium, three baby-sitters whom she says she recruited between July 1992 and January 1997 knowing that he would kill them. The accusations of his wife, then amount to twelve murders.
  • 9 jan 2006: Fourniret est extradé vers la France, un mois après sa femme.
9th January 2006: Fourniret is extradited to France, a month after his wife.
  • 29 mai 2006: il est renvoyé devant la cour d'assise des Ardennes et doit répondre, à partir du 27 mars 2008, de la mort de 7 jeunes femmes. Monique Olivier est poursuivie pour complicité de plusieurs de ces faits.
29th May 2006: he appears before the Ardennes Court of Assizes and must answer, starting 27th March 2008 to the deaths of 7 young women. Monique Olivier is prosecuted for complicity in several of these acts.
  • 5 juin 2006: la justice décide de l'interroger sur la disparition de Marie-Angèle Domèce, 19 ans, en 1988 dans l'Yonne.
5th June 2006: the police decide to interrogate him about the disappearance of Marie-Angèle Domèce, aged 19, in l'Yonne.

  • 11 mars 2008: il est mis en examen pour les enlèvements et assassinats de Marie-Angèle Domèce et de Joanna Parrish, une Britannique de 20 ans, trouvée violée et étranglée, en mai 1990 près d'Auxerre.
11 March 2008: he is under investigation for the abduction and murder of Marie-Angèle Domèce and Joanna Parrish, a British woman aged 20, found raped and strangled, in May 1990 near Auxerre.

Enfants Kidnappés: Mari Luz - three suspects arrested.

"3 suspects arrêtés !!!26 mars 2008

Un couple de suspects arrêtés.

Un couple de voisin de la famille de la petite Mari Luz Cortès a été arrêté, hier. Une troisième arrestation a eu lieu un peu plus tard, celle de la soeur du principal suspect. Le principal suspect, Santiago G., a admis que Mari Luz est morte alors qu'il "l'accompagnait de sa propre volonté". Selon son audition, la fillette était en sa compagnie quand "elle est accidentellement tombée" et est décédée. Les autorités sont absolument sûres d'avoir arrêté l'auteur de l'enlèvement de Mari Luz dont les raisons seraient, selon toutes vraisemblances, à caractère sexuelles. Ces soupçons sont confirmés par le passé du suspect. Il est déjà connu de la justice pour des faits de moeurs sur mineurs et il tombe sous le coup d'une injonction judiciaire lui interdisant de s'approcher de ses propres filles. Toutefois, les analyses scientifiques démontrent que l'homme n'a pas eu le temps de mettre ses projets à exécution, les analyses n'ayant révélé aucune trace d'abus sexuel. Il est à supposer que l'enfant se sera débattue afin de se dégager de son ou ses ravisseurs, ne suivant pas ces derniers volontairement comme le déclare le suspect."

3 suspects arrested!!! 26th March 2008

A couple of suspects arrested.

A couple, neighbours of the family of Mari Luz Cortès, were arrested yesterday
. A third arrest took place a little while later, that of the sister of the prime suspect. The prime suspect, Santiago G. admitted that Mari Luz died while, "going with him of her own free will." According to his interview, the little girl was with him, "she accidentally fell," and died. The authorities are absolutely sure that they have arrested Mari Luz's abductor, whose motives would have been, by all appearances, of a sexual nature. Their suspicions were confirmed by the suspect's history. He is already known to the police for acts of indecency with children and he is the subject of a court order, forbidding him from approaching his own daughters. However, scientific analysis shows that the man did not have time to put his plans into action, the analyses have revealed no evidence of sexual abuse. It is assumed that the child would have struggled to free herself from her captors, not going along voluntarily as the suspect has claimed.

Dans sa tentative de fuite et dans l'affolement, bien compréhensible, la petite sera tombée dans un récupérateur d'eau proche. C'est du moins la thèse la plus logique et celle soutenue pour le moment. Elle est d'autant retenue que le suspect n'a pas porté assistance à la fillette. Il n'a pas, non plus, signalé aux autorités l'endroit où la fillette est tombée. Si c'est intentions n'étaient pas mauvaises, il aurait immédiatement été chercher les secours et la petite aurait, peut-être pu être sauvée. Même si elle est tombée par accident (un peu forcé quand même), le suspect est coupable de non assistance à personne en danger au minimum... Mais nous laissons le soin à la justice espagnole de former elle même ses propres chefs d'accusation."

In her attempt to escape and in her panic, understandably, the little girl may have fallen into a nearby water channel. That at least is the most logical theory and the one which is held at the moment. Needless to say, the suspect did not offer assistance to the little girl. He did not even let the authorities know where the little girl had fallen. If his intentions were not bad, he would immediately have sought help and the little girl could, perhaps, have been saved. Even if she fell accidentally (a little forced even then) the suspect is at least guilty of non-assistance to a person in danger....But we shall leave to the Spanish police the problem of coming to their own conclusions.

L'homme avait été interrogé dès le début des recherches le 13 janvier. Depuis le début il est le suspect principal dans l'enquête et les autorités ont confirmé qu'il s'agissait là d'une hypothèse solide. La femme du suspect est considérée comme complice pour avoir gardé le silence. Se serait, selon la presse espagnole, suite à des cheveux trouvés lors de la deuxième autopsie, effectuée à la demande de la famille, que le couple fut confondu. Le suspect, qui avait été arrêté quelques jours après la disparition de la petite, avait fourni un alibi lors de son premier interrogatoire au moment de sa première garde à vue. Cet alibi s'est, entre temps, effondré. Son alibi se basait sur le témoignage de sa compagne. Après sa première garde à vue, le suspect avait demandé à la police l'autorisation de quitter Huelva afin d'éviter toutes représailles. Les parents et les voisins ont toujours signalés cet homme comme suspect. Aujourd'hui, Juan José Cortès, le papa de Mari Luz a affirmé, avant toute confirmation officielle, que "nous savions qui était cet individu, ce n'est pas une surprise pour moi"

The man had been questioned when the searches began, on January 13th. Since the beginning he has been prime suspect in the enquiry and the authorities have confirmed that they have a solid case. The wife of the suspect is considered to be an accomplice. for keeping quiet. It would be, acording to the Spanish press, a result of hair found in the course of the second autopsy, carried out at the request of the family, that the couple were found out. The suspect, who had been arrested a few days after the disappearance of the little girl, had provided an alibi during his first interrogation at the time of his first arrest. This alibi, has in the meatime, collapsed. His alibi was based on the witness statement of his partner. After his first arrest, the suspect requested police authorisation to leave Huelva in order to avoid all reprisals. The parnets and the neighbours have always indicated this person has a suspect. Today, Juan José Cortès, Mari Luz's father claimed, before any official confirmation, that, "we know who this individual is, it is not a surprise to me."

Mari Luz: married couple arrested. Known Paedophile confesses?

Earth Times 26/03/08

This was the first report I read about the arrest of a married couple in connection with the death of little Mari Luz. With thanks to Fraidycat at the 3Arguidos forum for the news.

"Madrid - A couple has been arrested in connection with the death of 5-year-old girl Mari Luz Cortes, whose disappearance shocked southern Spain, police said Wednesday. The detainees lived in the same neighbourhood in the city of Huelva as Mari Luz's family.

The circumstances of the death of Mari Luz, whose body was found floating in a river on March 7 after two months of searches, have been unclear.

The case of Mari Luz has been compared with that of 4-year-old British girl Madeleine McCann, who went missing on May 3, 2007, in a southern Portuguese holiday resort not far from where Mari Luz disappeared. The fate of Madeleine, who made headlines all over the world, has not been clarified.

Typically Spanish 26/03/08

"Married couple detained in the Mari Luz Cortés case."

Juan José Cortés, father of Mari Luz - Archive photo EFE
"Juan José Cortés, father of Mari Luz - Archive photo EFE
enlarge photo

Mari Luz's father, Juan José, has said the family had thought it was the man now arrested from the very start of the case

We have more details on what now appears to be the arrest of a married couple in connection with the disappearance and death of the 5 year old girl from Huelva in Spain, Marí Luz Cortés. Known as the Spanish Madeleine in the British press, she vanished when going to buy some crisps on the previous January 13 in the Torrejón district of Huelva. Her body finally appeared floating in the Ria de Huelva on March 7."

Man confesses to involvement in the death of Mari Luz Cortés, but claims she fell and died accidentally."

Typically Spanish 26/03/08 12.28pm

The man, a known paedophile named only as Santiago G., lived locally in the Torrejón area and had been a suspect of the family from the start A man, who was arrested in Spain yesterday is reported to have confessed to his involvement in the death of Mari Luz Cortés, the five year old girl who vanished in Huelva on January 13. The man, named by the victim’s father Juan José, as Santiago G., lived locally in the same Torrejón district of the city, but has recently moved to Cuenca with his wife to avoid reprisals."

Typically Spanish states that reporting restrictions have not been lifted, but later in the report, there is this:

"Europa Press reports that the arrested man has now confessed, to the police but not to a judge, to his involvement in the disappearance of the five year old, but says that she died accidentally. According to his statement to police, he said that she fell and died accidentally when she was with him ‘at her own choice’. The paper reports that this man had been arrested earlier in Granada just a few days after Mari Luz vanished, and was released on a lack of any evidence. Police say that they are sure that the man is responsible for the death of the child, and they believe that the motive was sexual. He is also reported to have a distancing order in place against his own children. The analysis from the police forensic department indicates however that the man could not manage to sexually force himself on the child."

Every day when I check to see who has been visiting this blog, I see that so many people have reached it through Google, searching for news of Mari Luz. It is heartening to see that so many people around the world have taken an interest in this little Spanish girl. It saddens me, though, to see Mari Luz referred to as, "The Spanish Madeleine." She is the Spanish Mari Luz, a little girl whose home, family and life experience is a long way in distance and background from the gates of "Orchard House," in Rothley Leicestershire, UK.

The Daily Mail is reporting the arrest of the married couple, with this headline

"Spanish paedophile' arrested for murder of girl linked to Madeleine's disappearance

Daily Mail 26/03/08

She doesn't even have a name for the Daily Mail, just a connection with the Madeleine case. Clarence Mitchell has made a statement:

"Clarence Mitchell, spokesman for the McCanns, said today: "We hope the Portuguese police will be liaising with the Spanish police to establish this man's movements around the time Madeleine disappeared.

"We have no indication there is a direct link between the two cases.

"But given the proximity of the places Madeleine and Mari Luz disappeared from and the similarity in their ages, we believe it's important the Portuguese police make absolutely sure there's no connection now there's been an arrest."

The proximity of these places? Isn't Huelva approx 120 miles from Praia da Luz? That's around the same distance as my home in Warwickshire to Liverpool. If a child disappeared in Liverpool and one disappeared in Warwick, would anyone refer to, "proximity."? It's also approx Perth to Carlisle. Is that proximity? Well, to me it isn't! Then I guess if eating dinner at a tapas bar, 100 yards or so from an unlocked apartment, where you have left your children, is like, "eating in your own back garden," Clarence et al have a very different notion of, "proximity," to most people!