Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Michel Fourniret's trial: Day 4

"Fourniret face à une victime (Compte rendu)*

La cour a commencé l'examen des dix affaires jugées par celle qui a mené à son arrestation.

Cet après-midi-là, Marie, la petite Burundaise, remonte la grand-rue déserte de son village belge de Ciney. La camionnette s'arrête à sa hauteur. Adresse griffonnée en main, le conducteur lui demande la direction d'un lieudit qu'elle connaît parfaitement. La méthode rituelle du tueur pour capturer ses futures victimes. Il a vraisemblablement repéré les lieux et les habitudes de la jeune fille. Il n'habite qu'à quelques kilomètres de là."

Fourniret faces a victim.

The court started to examine the ten cases which are being tried with the one which led to his arrest.

That afternoon, Marie, the little Burundian girl, goes back up the deserted main street of her Belgian village of Ciney. The van stops level with her. Scribbled address in his hand, the driver asks her for directions to a hamlet she knows very well. The ritual method for the killer to capture his future victims. He had apparently spotted the places and the habits of the young girl. He only lived a few kilometres from there.

Tais-toi, sinon je te tue!*"

"Marie raconte et la salle d'audience est bouche bée. « Il m'a dit qu'il était enseignant, professeur de dessin. Le ton d'abord est très gentil. » Il la convie à l'accompagner. Elle hésite. « Ce n'est pas bien de ne pas faire confiance. Je suis un bon père de famille, tu sais. » Après tout, le lieudit n'est qu'à quelques centaines de mètres. Elle monte. Le C 15 démarre, dépasse l'endroit prévu. Elle s'inquiète. Le ton a totalement changé. Fourniret, calme, mais autoritaire, la contraint à s'asseoir à l'arrière du véhicule et il lui ligote les poignets avec des lacets de cuir."

Shut up or else I will kill you.

Marie talks and the courtroom is open-mouthed. "He told me he was a university teacher, a teacher of design. At first the tone is very kind," He invites her to accompany him. She hesitates. "It is not good not to trust. I am a good father of a family, you know," After all, the hamlet is only a few hundre metres away. She gets in. The C15 starts up, drives past the planned place. She worries. The tone totally changes. Fourniret, calm, but authoritarian, forces her to sit in the back of the vehicle and binds her wrists with leather laces.

"Je criais, je priais. Il m'a dit : tais-toi, sinon je te tue. » D'une main, il lui serre le cou. « Si tu me donnes du plaisir, tu rentreras chez toi. Il m'a dit cela avec un drôle de sourire. » Elle est affolée. « C'était comme dans un film. » Un film d'horreur. « Quand il a repris le volant, j'ai pensé que c'était fini pour moi. J'ai vu ma vie défiler. J'ai pensé à mes parents."

"I shout, I pray. He told me: shut up, or else I will kill you."
With one hand, he grabs her by the throat, "If you please me, you will return home. He told me that with a funny smile." She is panic-stricken, "It was like in a film," A horror film. "When he went back to the wheel, I thought that it was finished for me. I saw my life scrolling by. I thought of my parents."

Pourtant, ses liens, si serrés qu'elle en portera longtemps la trace, Marie réussit à les dénouer : « J'ai pu débloquer la porte arrière. Je me demandais : est-ce que je saute ? Et puis, à peine je me suis dit cela, il s'est arrêté à un stop. » La fuite à toutes jambes. Les voitures hélées. Une jeune femme s'arrête. Direction le commissariat et, nouveau miracle. Elles croisent le C15 blanc et notent l'immatriculation. Le soir-même, la police débarque chez Fourniret. Fin de seize ans d'impunité"

Yet, her ties, so tight that for a long time she carried the tracks of them, Marie succeeded in untying. "I was able to unlock the back door. I asked myself: do I jump? And then, just as I said this to myself, he stopped at a stop sign." The bolt for it. The cars screech. A young woman stops. Direction the police station and, another miracle. They cross the C15 and note the registration number. The same evening, the police turn up at Fourniret's house. The end of sixteen years of impunity.

« Mademoiselle, lui dit, admiratif, Francis Nachbar, le procureur, vous avez été beaucoup plus forte que lui. Vous avez eu beaucoup de sang-froid. Vous avez sauvé la vie de beaucoup d'autres jeunes filles. Je vous félicite. » Dans son box, Fourniret joue toujours le muet. Aux questions, il répond invariablement : « À huis clos, je vous répondrai. » Mais ses courriers parlent pour lui. En 2005, à son jeune fils qui l'interroge sur le sort qu'il réservait à la jeune Burundaise, il répond, sadique et avec moult détails, sachant que sa lettre sera interceptée : il l'aurait mutilée, « avec une infinie jouissance ». Signé « Le père »."

"Mademoiselle," the prosecutor says to her, admiringly, "you had been much too strong for him. You had a great deal of composure. You have saved the lives of many other young girls. I congratulate you." In his box, Fourniret still plays the mute. To questions, he invariably responds: "In camera, I will answer you." But his letters speak for him. In 2005, to his son, who asks him about the fate which he reserved for the little Burundian girl, he answers sadistically and with a profusion of details, knowing that his letter will be intercepted: he would have mutilated her, "with infinite enjoyment." Signed, "Father."

Arracher les yeux et les membres avec une infinie jouissance!*"

"Dans une lettre envoyée à son fils Sélim en 2005, Michel Fourniret expliquera sans détours le sort qu'il réservait à Marie si elle n'avait pas fui. "Il est évident que je lui aurais arraché les yeux et les membres avec une infinie jouissance", écrit-il, selon ce document évoqué par M. Nachbar. A la barre, Jacques Fagnart le commissaire de police de Dinant (Belgique) et Bernard Claude, l'ex-procureur de la ville, ont témoigné du volet belge de l'enquête et des dénonciations de Monique Olivier obtenues en juin 2004 un an après l'arrestation de son mari." "S'exprimant pour la première fois sur les faits, celle-ci a tenté de balayer l'argument du "pacte" criminel qui d'après l'accusation aurait uni les époux. Les lettres saisies chez eux qui faisaient allusion à l'aide promise à son mari dans sa quête de jeunes vierges n'étaient que "des paroles". "Ce n'était pas réalisable", selon elle."

Tear out the eyes and the limbs with infinite enjoyment.

In a letter sent to his son, Sélim, in 2005, Michel Fourniret explains, in no uncertain terms, the fate which he was reserving for Marie if she had not fled. "It is evident that I would have torn out her eyes and her limbs with infinite enjoyment," he writes, according to the document cited by M. Nachbar. At the bar, Jacques Fagnart, commissioner of police for Dinant (Belgium) and Bernard Claude, former prosecutor of the town, gave evidence about the Belgian part of the enquiry and Monique Olivier's denunciations in June 2004, a year after her husband's arrest.
Speaking for the first time about the events, she tried to brush aside the argument of a, "criminal pact," which according to the prosecution, would have unified the spouses. The letters seized at her house which alluded to the help promised to her husband in his hunt for young virgins was only, "words." "It was not feasible," according to her.

Des faits sur lesquels Michel Fourniret a refusé de s'expliquer, continuant de monnayer sa participation aux débats contre un hypothétique procès sans public, ni journalistes. "A huis clos, je vous répondrai Monsieur", a-t-il ainsi répété une demi-douzaine de fois à l'avocat général Francis Nachbar. Le principal accusé est resté impassible pendant le récit limpide de Marie, adolescente belge d'origine burundaise, venue raconter comment elle a réchappé à une mort certaine."

The events about which Michel Fourniret has refused to speak, continuing to cash in on his participation to the debates against a hypothetical trial without the public or journalists. "In camera, I will answer you Monsieur." he thus repeated half a dozen times to the attorney general Francis Nachbar. The main defendant remained impassive during Marie's clear account, a Belgian teenager of Burundian origin, come to recount how she escaped from certain death.

J'avais deux murs face à moi."

Jacques Fagnard, 53 ans, cheveux gris argenté a, quant à lui, l'allure débonnaire des commissaires à la Simenon. « Big moustache » est désormais l'un des plus célèbres policiers belges. Un an durant, il a traqué le tueur des Ardennes. Hier, il en a fait un récit hyperméticuleux, façon de venger, sans doute, la police fédérale des ratés de l'époque Dutroux. « J'avais en face de moi deux murs avec des façades différentes », dit-il : Monique Olivier, tête baissée, les cheveux dans les yeux, et Michel Fourniret, le raisonneur. Le maillon faible, c'était elle. Pendant un an, il accumule des faits. Il y a les écoutes, les analyses scientifiques du moindre indice, une interview sous hypnose, un passage au détecteur de mensonge. En juin 2004, enfin, Monique Olivier craque. Elle passe ses premiers aveux. Fagnard exulte."

Jacques Fagnard, aged 53, silvery gray hair, has about him the debonair look of Simenon's commissioners. "Big Moustache," is from this moment one of the most famous Belgian police officers. One year in, he tracked the killer of the Ardennes. Yesterday, he gave a hyper-meticulous account, by way of making up for, no doubt, the Federal Police mistakes at the time of Dutroux. "I was facing two walls with two different facades," he said: Monique Olivier, head lowered, hair in her eyes, and Michel Fourniret, the reasoner. The weakest link, it was her. For a year, he accumulates facts. There are tapes, scientific analyses of the slightest traces, an interview under hypnosis, a session with a lie detector, Monique Olivier cracks. She makes her first confessions. Fagnard rejoices.


Association Estelle

On January 9th 2003, at around 18.00, Estelle Mouzin, a little girl aged 9, disappeared in Guermantes, in Seine-et-Marne, on her way home from school. Since that date there has been no news of her. The, "Association Estelle," was created to provide support to her parents and to enable her to find her family and her freedom.

Estelle's family refuses to accept the inevitable. They are determined to do everything they can, for as long as it takes, to find Estelle.

For more information, please visit the official web site of the Estelle Association.


There is also a great deal of information on the search for Estelle on the Enfants Kidnappés web site:


So many missing children. Little Estelle was just walking home from school, something that nine year-old children do every day during school terms, all over the world. Nine years of age is too grown-up to have mummy or daddy hold a hand on the way home; a nine year-old wants to walk home by herself. Those of us who have had children will know this.

I am trying to imagine what it must be like to wave goodbye in the morning as your child goes off to school, then to wait for her to come home when she should....and to wait...and wait....and wait...and the child does not come. I know that sense of relief when a child comes home, 20 minutes later than usual, saying she stopped at the shop, or she played a game with a friend. What must it be like when that relief does not come? When the child does not come home? I can only begin to imagine the fear and the terrible anxiety and my heart goes out to the family of Estelle Mouzin and all other families, who do not know what has happened to a child who has gone missing.

Estelle Mouzin: the Belgian police re-opens the case.

La Belgique rouvre le dossier.

Enfants Kidnappés

"La justice belge a rouvert une enquête pour réexaminer la piste incriminant le tueur en série présumé Michel Fourniret dans le dossier de la disparition d'Estelle Mouzin, à Guermantes (Seine-et-Marne) le 9 janvier 2003."

"Selon le quotidien Le Soir, le parquet de Dinant va revoir les circonstances de l'appel téléphonique passé au moment de cette disparition du domicile belge de Fourniret, et qui le disculpe aux yeux de la justice française. Il avait été soupçonné après son arrestation en 2003 car il possède une camionnette blanche comme celle qui a été signalée près des lieux de la disparition d'Estelle Mouzin. Une photo de presse de la fillette a été retrouvée sur son ordinateur."

Belgium re-opens the case

The Belgian police has re-opened an enquiry to re-examine the incriminating trail of the alleged serial killer, Michel Fourniret, in the case of the disappearance of Estelle Mouzin in Guermantes (Seine-et-Marne) on January 9th 2003.

According to the daily newspaper, Le Soir, Dinant's public prosecutor is going to review the circumstances of the telephone call made at the time of that disappearance from Fourniret's Belgian home, which exonerates him in the eyes of the French police. He had been under suspicion after his arrest in 2003 because he owns a white van like the one which was reported near the scene of Estelle Mouzin's disappearance. A press photo of the little girl was found on his computer,

Michel Fourniret nie toute implication dans ces faits et la police française l'a mis hors de cause, car un appel au fils de Fourniret, Christian, qui fêtait le 9 janvier 2003 son anniversaire, a été passé peu après 20h00 le jour de la disparition d'Estelle Mouzin, du domicile que les Fourniret avaient alors en Belgique, à Sart-Custinne. La fillette ayant disparu vers 18h00, la police française juge que Fourniret ne pouvait être présent à ce moment à Guermantes, éloignée de 276 km de Sart-Custinne. Pourtant, le fils de Michel Fourniret ne se souvient pas de l'appel et ne peut donc dire qui l'a passé. Les enquêteurs belges souhaitent donc s'assurer que le tueur en série présumé n'a pas utilisé un stratagème pour se construire un alibi."

Michel Fourniret denies all involvement in these events and the French police has ruled him out of the picture, because a call to Fourniret's son, Christian, celebrating his birthday on 9th January, was made a little after 20.00 on the day of Estelle Mouzin's disappearance, from the home which the Fournirets had at that time in Belgium, in Sart-Custinne. The little girl having disappeared around 18.00, the French police considers that Fourniret could not have been in Guernantes, 276km distant from Sart-Custinne, at that time. However, Michel Fourniret's son has no recollection of the call and therefore cannot say that it happened. The Belgian investigators wish to ensure that the alleged serial killer has not used a ploy to construct an alibi for himself.

Pareille hypothèse est écartée par le parquet de Meaux (Seine-et-Marne)."

"Le juge d'instruction chargé de l'information relative à l'enlèvement d'Estelle Mouzin a mené avec les autorités belges "diverses investigations portant sur la possibilité d'une déviation de l'appel téléphonique" enregistré comme ayant été passé du domicile de Michel Fourniret, écrit dans un communiqué le procureur de la République de la ville, René Pech. "En l'état actuel des investigations auxquelles il a été ainsi procédé, celles-ci n'ont pas permis de corroborer l'hypothèse de l'existence d'un tel renvoi d'appel", dit-il. L'affaire Estelle Mouzin est remontée jusqu'au sommet de l'Etat, le président Nicolas Sarkozy ayant promis à ses parents que tout serait mis en oeuvre pour faire la lumière. Des centaines d'interrogatoires et des investigations tous azimuts n'ont pas permis aux policiers de trouver la moindre piste dans cette affaire. En février dernier, ils ont détruit partiellement dans cette procédure un restaurant chinois des environs de Guermantes, à la recherche d'un corps de fillette qu'une rumeur, infondée, disait enterré sur les lieux. (L'Express)"

Such a hypothesis is rejected by the public prosecutor of Meaux (Seine-et-Marne)

The investigating judge in charge of information relating to Estelle Mouzin's abduction has led, with the Belgian authorities, "various investigations to do with the possibility of the telephone call being diverted," recorded as having been made from Michel Fourniret's home, René Pech the public prosecutor of the city, wrote in a press release. "In the current state of the investigations into how it was carried out, these have not led the police to be able to substantiate the existence of such call-forwarding," he said. The Estelle Mouzin case has gone to the top of the state, the president Nicolas Sarkozy, having promised the parents that every effort would be made to shed light. Hundreds of interrogations and full-scale investigations have not allowed the police to find the smallest lead in this case. Last February, in this operation, they partially destroyed a Chinese restaurant on the outskirts of Guermantes in the search for the body of a young girl, which an unfounded rumour said was buried on the premises. (L'Express)

Kate and Gerry McCann deserve better than this!

Comments on this blog are monitored because there have been a few really sick and abusive ones posted. The one I am copying below was posted yesterday, Monday March 31st at 1.53pm GMT. It appears to be a comment in support of Kate and Gerry McCann, though I'm not sure if it is even that.

This comment was contributed to a post about the married couple having been arrested in connection with the death of Mari Luz and has absolutely no relevance to that subject. So, for a start, it is so disrespectful to the tragedy of that little girl's fate and to that child's family.

Anonymous appears to be angry about what is said on the 3Arguidos forum about the Madeleine McCann case and I assume the comment is meant as a supportive one for Madeleine's parents. Well, I am not in a position to say what the McCanns are guilty of. I am of the opinion that they should not have left their children alone. Apart from the established fact that the children were on their own, I have no way of knowing what other evidence there is in the hands of the Portuguese police and therefore I have no right to make any kind of accusation.

What I do know is that Kate and Gerry McCann are intelligent and well-educated people. If this is the kind of person they have as supporters, then I feel very sorry for them. As educated and intelligent people, they deserve a much better class of people on their side

******Comment posted by anonymous begins*******

anonymous said......



Authorities said the families of eight missing children from across the USA were being asked to provide DNA samples. The parents of Baby Grace were selected from 110 cases of missing children who matched a description of the dead girl. The child was 2 years old.

Where is your campaign for all these other missing children? You are using the name of Madeleine for ulterior motives. The3arguidos are using the name of Madeleine as a money spinner, along with other blogs about Madeleine that have hundreds of adverts attached to the websites.


31 March 2008 13:53

*******Comment ends*********

Ok, for the purpose of saving the time of the police who are monitoring this blog, and for any other blog owner who would like to compare IPs and other details:
Domain Name
IP Address
202.28.27.# (UniNet(Inter-university network))
UniNet(Inter-university network)
Continent : Asia
Country : Thailand (Facts)
State/Region : Chiang Mai
City : Chiang Mai
Referring URL

Perhaps the owner of, "cuttingthroughtherubbish," blogspot would appreciate knowing that this sicko is arriving at my blog by clicking through from theirs.

Location Thailand? Yea right!