On Sunday 22nd June, around 1,000 people took part in an anti-paedophile march in Madrid. Juan José Cortés, father of Mari Luz, who was abducted and believed to have been murdered by a paedophile in January this year, led the march.
" Juan José Cortés was among those to lead the march in demand for more serious sentences against paedophiles. Around 1000 people took part in the so-called ‘March Blanca’ on Saturday which took over the Puerta del Sol in Madrid on Saturday in demand for harsher penalties for paedophiles in Spain.
Organised by the ‘Protégeles – protect them’ group it was lead by Juan José Cortés, the father of Mari Luz Cortés, the Huelva five year old who is believed to have died at the hands of paedophile earlier this year.
The main banner read ‘Against sexual abuse, we ask for more serious measures and sentences’.
The children defender, Arturo Canalda, also took part in the protest which also so representation from many institutions such as the Madrid regional government and the Madrid Institute for the Family and Child."
Cédrika Provencher disappeared in Trois-Rivières, a city in the Mauricie region of Quebec, Canada. Information in English with lots of photos on this dedicated site:
"Police suspect that Cédrika Provencher, a nine year old girl from Trois Riviere, Quebec, was abducted at approximately 8 pm on Tuesday, July 31st, 2007 by a man identified by other neighbourhood children as being white and between the ages of 30 and 60. He had previously asked the other children for help in finding a lost dog and Cedrika had been looking for a lost black or black and white dog although she did not have a dog of her own. Her bicycle and bicycle helmet were later found, abandoned."
On the weekend before last, Cédrika's parents, who have never given up the search for her, accepted the help of a group of volunteer psychics.
Presque un an après la disparition de la petite Cédrika Provencher, 10 ans, ses parents ont testé les données de voyants américains ce week-end avec une équipe de bénévoles. En entrevue avec Le Journal de Montréal, le père de la fillette, Martin Provencher, a affirmé que lorsqu'on vit un tel drame, on peut se retourner vers des ressources inhabituelles. «Comme tout le monde, on écoute parfois le Canal Mystère et on croit plus ou moins aux voyants. Mais est-ce qu'on peut rejeter cette aide du revers de la main ?», questionne Martin Provencher, d'une voix qui révèle un homme toujours déterminé.
Nearly a year after the disappearance of little Cédrika Provencher, aged 10, her parents tested out the skills of American psychics this weekend with a team of volunteers. In interview with The Journal de Montréal, the little girl's father, Martin Provencher, stated that when you live such a tragedy, you may turn towards unusual resources, "Like everybody, we sometimes listen to the Mystery Channel and we more or less believe in psychics. But should we reject this help out of hand?", Martin Provencher asks, in a voice that reveals a man, still determined.
Around 20 volunteers from the group Equinox searched some of the areas which had been detailed by the psychic group, "Find Me."
«Je suis presque content qu'Équinoxe n'ait rien trouvé, puisque ces clairvoyants pensaient qu'elle était morte», explique d'une voix pleine de tristesse Martin Provencher.
"I am almost happy that Equinox found nothing, since the clairvoyants thought that she was dead," explains Martin Provencher in a voice full of sadness.
Ten months after the disappearance of their daughter, the family is still receiving calls from people who want to help and the police have not closed the case. It has been a very hard year for the Provencher family and Father's Day was a sad occasion.
Hier soir, il est sorti souper avec la grande sœur de Cédrika, Mélissa. Cette dernière a eu une année scolaire très éprouvante, aux dires de M. Provencher. Toute la famille est tourmentée depuis l'été dernier. «On ne sait même pas si elle est en vie, lance le père. Le deuil est dur à commencer. Savoir si elle est maltraitée me dérange tous les jours.»
Yesterday evening her went out to eat with Cédrika's older sister, Melissa. The latter has had a difficult school year, according to M. Provencher. The whole family has suffered since last summer. "We don't even know if she is alive," her father says. "It is hard to start grieving. Wondering if she is being mistreated bothers me every day."
The, "Find Me," group gave a set of GPS locations as possibilities for finding Cédrika's body. Mr. Bouchard, head of the Equinox team widened the perimeter and his volunteers searched painstakingly, but found nothing. Cédrika's father says he will not give up until, "quand je vais l'avoir avec moi.»..."when I am going to have her with me."
Another missing child; a sister, a daughter, a grand-daughter. And yet another predator, like Michel Fourniret and Abdallah Ait Oud, using this time the strategy of asking for help to find a missing dog. The same man is thought to have approached other young girls, with the same story about a dog, on the days before Cédrika disappeared. I will never understand men who do this, who prey on children, taking them and harming them, leaving a family and a community in shock. Sometimes I almost forget that I am totally against the death penalty.
My thoughts and prayers are with the Provencher family. I hope that you will find out what has happened to your daughter. If she is dead, I pray that you will be able to lay her to rest. If she is alive, which would be so wonderful, I hope that she is able to be returned to her family, without serious harm.
God bless you, Provencher parents and young Cédrika.