On day 302 since the disappearance of Madeleine, Gerry McCann makes an entry in his blog about a couple of charities involved with missing and abducted children. Gerry refers to the Missing People organisation with whose representative he says he had a meeting.
"Missing People were responsible for displaying Madeleine’s image on Marble arch, along with 2 other missing children last summer. It was heartening to hear today that one of those children was recovered as a direct result and the other has also been successfully returned to his family."
Here Gerry refers to the display of images of three children, projected onto Marble Arch in May 2007.
"Her picture featured on a huge projected poster along with two other missing children, Javian Matthews, 14, from London and Samantha Osborn, 15, from Buckinghamshire who both disappeared in April this year."
Sky News Friday June 1st 2007
Javian Matthews is reported as having been found, though I cannot find very much in the way of details about his return to his family. Ellee Seymour reports the good news about Javian on her blog. Scroll down to comments.
"Ellee says:
Excellent news, Javian has been found. I have had this email from Missing People:
I have just seen your latest missing case.
Javian Matthews was found on 25 May 2007.
Some websites have out of date information on them. We have noticed SKY news site has 5 cases that have now been found. http://news.sky.com/skynews/madeleine
Javian was found the day after his image was projected on Marble Arch and media coverage. I have no idea if there is a connection and if it helped reunite him with his family, I would assume it did."
So, let's return to what Gerry McCann has written in his blog.
"It was heartening to hear today that one of those children was recovered as a direct result and the other has also been successfully returned to his family."
One of those children was, "recovered," and the other was, "also," reunited with his family. My understanding of this is that the child referred to as, "recovered," was reunited with her family. I say, "her," because Gerry can only be referring to Samantha Osborn, the other female child whose image was projected onto Marble Arch.
Gerry, are you implying that this information was given to you at your meeting with a representative of the Missing People organisation? The reason I ask this is that I am quite sure that that organisation is well aware of the situation regarding Samantha and I doubt they would say she had been, "recovered," and she has definitely not been reunited with her family.
Did they really say that about Samantha, Gerry? And just what do you understand by, "recovered."? Samantha disappeared aged 15 and it was thought she had left home to meet a man she had met on the internet. Her, "recovery," if such it was, took the form of Samantha's contacting the police soon after her 16th birthday and arranging to be interviewed at the home of David Manning, the man in his 20s, whom she met on the internet. She is still, to my knowledge, living with David Manning. A few months ago, a schools truancy officer paid her a visit as she is under school-leaving age and has not been attending any place of education.
Would you still say that Samantha had been, "recovered," Gerry? And do tell us; where on earth did you get that information from? I would be surprised if Missing People were to describe Samantha as having been, "recovered." Her whereabouts discovered maybe, but she has hardly been, "recovered." And I repeat, Gerry, she has not also been reunited with her family.
For more information click on the link in the menu on the right, "Samantha Osborn."