Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Fourniret Trial: Fabienne Leroy - the ordeal for her family.
On Monday April 7th, the family of Fabienne Leroy spoke in court about their daughter, her life and how she had crossed the path of the alleged serial killer, Michel Fourniret and his wife Monique Olivier. In a public place of justice, they faced the monster who had picked out their daughter and savagely taken her life, who now hides his evil behind his silence. Those parents deserve to know why that excuse for a human being killed their daughter, but he maintains his silence; a cowardly and totally self-centred act.
Transcription from Enfants Kidnappés:
"La brutalité du «pacte» des Fourniret glace les assises*
Des larmes ont coulé lundi lorsque les parents de Fabienne Leroy, assassinée en 1988, ont évoqué le souvenir de leur fille."
The brutality of the Fourniret's, "pact," freezes the Assizes.
Tears flowed on Monday when the parents of Fabienne Leroy, killed in 1988, evoked the memory of their daughter.
Jean-Pierre Leroy : «M. Fourniret demande le huis clos. Mais à la reconstitution, alors qu'il n'y avait pas de public, il ne voulait pas parler, donnant pour excuse qu'il fallait remettre sa maison en état.»
Colette Leroy : «Fabienne est née le 23 avril 1968, sa sœur Valérie est arrivée dix minutes après. En Côte d'Ivoire, les jumeaux sont considérés comme porte-bonheur : il y avait un défilé incessant pour les voir, les caresser. Elles étaient petites, fragiles.»
Jean-Pierre Leroy: "M. Fourniret requests that the proceedings be held in camera. But at the discovery, when there was no public presence, he did not want to speak, giving the excuse that he had to put his house in order. "
Colette Leroy: "Fabienne was born on April 23rd 1968, her sister Valérie arrived ten minutes later. In Ivory Coast, twins are considered to be good luck: there was an endless queue to see them, to hold them. They were little and fragile."
Jean-Pierre Leroy : «Comme Fabienne était la plus robuste, je m'en occupais un peu plus. Nous avions 72 couches en coton à faire sécher : on prenait le fer à repasser pour aller plus vite… Lors de leur premier voyage en avion vers la France, elles ont voyagé tête-bêche dans un porte-bébé.»
Colette Leroy : «Elles parlaient entre elles un charabia que personne ne comprenait, et éclataient de rire. Elles ont marché le même jour. J'ai eu Fabienne dans ma classe. Je la revois, calme, un peu effacée, dans sa robe-uniforme à carreaux bleus et blancs.»
Jean-Pierre Leroy: "Because Fabienne was a little more robust, I spent a little more time with her. We had 72 cotton nappies to get dry: we had to make the iron fly very quickly....during their first airplane trip, they traveled head-to-toe in a carry-cot."
Colette Leroy: "Between themselves they spoke a gibberish that no one understood, and they would burst out laughing. They walked on the same day. I had Fabienne in my class. I see her again, calm a bit lost, in her blue and white checked uniform dress."
Jean-Pierre Leroy : «Nous sommes rentrés en France en 1977. Fabienne a passé son bac à Laon, puis a entamé des études de biochimie. En fin de première année, elle a trouvé un stage à Châlons-en-Champagne. Nous n'avions pas prévu qu'elle croiserait ce couple maudit.»
Jean-Pierre Leroy: "We returned to France in 1977. Fabienne passed her Bac at Laon, then took up the study of biochemistry. At the end of the first year, she found an internship in Chalons-en-Champagne. We would not have anticipated that she would come across that cursed couple."
Je reconnais les faits!
Jean-Pierre Leroy : «Michel Fourniret a peut-être des qualités d'ouvrier, mais il n'a aucune qualité de cœur. Pour lui, le cœur est une cible qu'il faut atteindre, ou un organe qu'il faut arrêter.»
I acknowledge the facts!
Jean-Pierre Leroy: "Perhaps Michel Fourniret has the qualities of a worker, but he has no quality of the heart. For him, the heart is a target to be reached, or an organ which must be stopped."
Colette Leroy, à Monique Olivier : «Vous étiez enceinte de huit mois. Votre enfant bougeait en vous. Comment avez-vous pu agir ainsi ? J'ai honte pour vous. Vous n'êtes pas digne d'être mère.»
Jean-Pierre Leroy, les yeux levés vers un portrait de Fabienne : «Nous avons cette photo dans notre chambre. Nous la regardons, elle nous regarde. Je l'ai prise à Agadir. C'est moi qui avais mis, dans ses cheveux, une fleur de bougainvilliers.»
Colette Leroy, to Monique Olivier: "You were eight months pregnant. Your baby was moving within you. How could you have done this? I am ashamed for you. You are not worthy to be a mother."
Jean-Pierre Leroy, eyes raised towards a portrait of Fabienne: "We have this photo in our room. We look at her, she looks at us. I took it at Agadir. It was I who had placed a Bougainvillea flower in her hair."
Le 3 août 1988, la jeune fille est abordée, à la sortie d'un supermarché, par un couple en voiture. L'homme, vraisemblablement, lui demande de les guider jusqu'au cabinet d'un médecin pour soigner son épouse, enceinte et proche du terme. Elle est conduite dans une clairière, droguée sans doute, violée, tuée d'un coup de fusil à bout portant. La femme enceinte l'a tenue en joue, au moins pendant que l'homme la ligotait.
Pour la première fois, Michel Fourniret déclare : «Je reconnais les faits.» Dans un procès-verbal, il avait parlé du «gémissement inoubliable» de sa proie agonisante.
On August 3rd, 1988, on her way out of a supermarket, the young woman was approached by a couple in a car. The man, apparently, asked her to direct them to a doctor's surgery for the care of his wife, pregnant and close to term. She was driven to a clearing, no doubt drugged, raped, killed by a gunshot at close range. The pregnant woman held the gun to her cheek, at least while the man tied her up.
For the first time, Michel Fourniret declared: "I acknowledge the facts." For the record, he had spoken of the, "unforgettable whimpering," of his dying prey.
Enfants Kidnappés goes on to describe how Michel Fourniret broke his silence and spoke about Monique Olivier's involvement. He said that she had been physically present when Fabienne was killed, but, "morally absent." Monique Olivier said that he had lied when he said she had been there when Fabienne was shot.
On Tuesday, according to Enfants Kidnappés, during two lively exchanges with Me Didier Seban, lawyer for the civil parties, Fourniret had lost his cool and confused two cases, that of Fabienne and that of the British girl Joanna Parrish, who was found raped and strangled near Auxerre in 1990. Michel Fourniret was placed under investigation, on March 11th, 2008, for the murder of this young British woman.
Enfants Kidnappés: Jane Tanner was the first witness to be heard.

Jane Tanner a été le premier témoin entendu.
"Les amis ainsi que le porte-parole des McCann disent pouvoir expliquer l'origine des vestiges de sang de Maddie trouvés dans la voiture. C'est suite à la déposition et à la description donnée par Jane Tanner que la police s'était dirigée, tout d'abord, vers la piste de l'enlèvement. C'est la découverte des vestiges de sang dans la voiture loué par les parents, trois semaines plus tard, qui conforta les enquêteurs vers la théorie du décès par accident. Rappelons que cette hypothèse avait vu le jour quelques jours, seulement, après la disparition de Madeleine. Elle fut consolidée au mois d'août 2007 lors de la détection de ces vestiges de sang. L'intérêt des McCann à demander que Clarence Mitchell et Justine McGuiness soient auditionnés réside dans le fait, qu'en dehors des parents, ce sont les deux porte-parole qui ont été le plus souvent à bord du véhicule après la disparition de Madeleine."
Jane Tanner was the first witness to be heard.
The McCanns' friends and their spokesperson say they can explain the origin of the traces of Maddie's blood. This follows the statement and description given by Jane Tanner, which had first led the police on the track of an abduction. It is the discovery of traces of blood in the car rented by the parents, three weeks later, which strengthened for the investigators the theory of accidental death. Recall that this theory was born just a few days after Madeleine's disappearance. It was consolidated in the month of August 2007 with the detection of the traces of blood. The interest of the McCanns in requesting that Clarence Mitchell and Justine McGuiness be interviewed, lies in the fact that after the parents, those are the two spokepeople who were most in the vehicle after Madeleine's disappearance.
Après l'Alerte Amber, l'Alerte... McCann ?
C'est demain, jeudi, que le couple McCann, mis en "examen" dans une enquête sur la disparition d'une fillette de 4 ans, se rendra au Parlement Européen à Bruxelles. Les parents débattront avec un groupe d'eurodéputés sur la création d'un système européen d'alerte pour enfants disparus. Cette réunion, qui se veut très médiatique, se tient dans le cadre de la présentation d'une déclaration commune sur la coopération d'urgence en cas d'enlèvement d'enfants. Ensuite une conférence de presse est prévue en présence des parents de Madeleine. Il y a un mois, Marguerite Sousa Uva, présidente de la Commission européenne a alerté Bruxelles sur le "manque de volonté politique" des 27 membres pour créer un système d'alerte efficace en cas de disparition d'enfants. "Malheureusement, les droits des enfants ne sont pas une priorité à l'ordre du jour politique" a souligné Marguerita Sousa Uva. Elle s'est, elle même, très impliquée dans cette cause et a rappelé que le mécanisme d'alerte est défini et appliqué avec efficacité à quatre États membres: Allemagne, France, Grèce et Royaume-Uni. Le système en place permet la circulation rapide des informations sur la disparition d'un enfant, en alertant aéroport, réseaux de transports publics, autorités et organisations non gouvernementales.
After the Amber Alert....the McCann Alert?
It is tomorrow, Thursday, that the McCann couple, under investigation in an enquiry into the disappearance of a four year-old girl, take themselves to the European Parliament in Brussels. The parents will discuss with a group of European representatives, a European alert system for missing children. This meeting, very media-staged, takes place within the framework of a joint declaration on urgent cooperation in cases of child abduction. Afterwards, a press conference is planned with Madeleine's parents. A month ago, Marguerite Sousa Uva, President of the European Commission, alerted Brussels on the, "lack of political will," of the 27 members to create an effective alert system for cases of missing children. "Unfortunately, the rights of children are not a priority on the political agenda," stressed Marguerite Sousa Uva. She, herself, is very involved in this issue and reiterated that an alert system is developed and applied effectively in four member states: Germany, France, Greece and the UK. The system in place allows the rapid circulation of information on a child's disappearance, alerting airports, mass transit systems, authorities and non-governmental organisations.
SOS Maddie: the police would like to bring the McCanns back to Praia da Luz
"La Police veux ramener les McCann à Praia da Luz"

The PJ has asked the McCanns to return to Portugal to participate in a reconstruction of the night of their daughter Madeleine's disappearance. This request also includes several witnesses, amongst them the seven friends of Gerry and Kate. In spite of having previously declared their intention to return to Portugal, the couple has let it be known, via their spokesperson, that in the first instance, they are not ready to return there while their arguido status is maintained.
"L’intention de la Police Judiciaire serait même de ramener à Praia da Luz tous les arguidos et témoins qui étaient présents la nuit de la disparition de Madeleine afin d’éclaircir avec exactitude ce que à pu se passer entre 18H00 et 22H00, les moments clé de l’affaire.
(à suivre)"
The intention of the PJ would be to bring back to Praia da Luz, all the arguidos and witnesses who were present on the night of Madeleine's disappearance, in order to clarify exactly what happened between 18.00 and 22.00, the key moments in the case.
(To be continued)
Prochainement :
- En Espagne, nous avons rencontré l’équipage d’un bateau qui étais sur la cote la nuit de la disparition.
- Des experts européens en communication, marketing et analyse politique ont décortiqué la campagne McCann.
- In Spain we met the crew of a boat which was on the coast the night of the disappearance.
- European experts in communication, marketing and political analysis have analysed the McCann campaign.
Comment: the times given here are interesting, since the McCanns are reported as having gone to dinner at 8.30pm, at which time the three children were said to have been asleep in their beds. I think I recall from various published timelines, that 6pm was the time that Kate McCann returned to the apartment with the children and Gerry went to play tennis. Interesting if the PJ are looking at that wider timescale.
Gerry McCann,
Kate McCann,
Madeleine McCann,
PJ in the UK
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