Enfants Kidnappés continues its coverage of the Fourniret trial, which resumed today, with the case of Fabienne Leroy.
English translation of the transcripts from Enfants Kidnappés:
The lifeless body of Fabienne Leroy, aged 20, was found near the Mourmelon (Marne) military camp. She had crossed the path of Michel Fourniret the day before. Abducted from a supermarket car park, the young woman was led into the forest before being raped then killed. If Michel Fourniret acknowledges the facts, he refuses to explain in detail the circumstances of this murder. His wife , Monique Olivier, shows herself to be more talkative, "I regret what happened. I am ashamed."
I acknowledge the facts.
"I acknowledge the facts," stated Michel Fourniret to the president of the Charleville-Mézières Court of Assizes, at the opening of the sixth day of his trial for seven murders , for which he has been named, "The Ardennes Ogre." Fabienne Leroy's body had been found on August 4th 1988, near the Mourmelon (Marne) military camp. The student had been abducted the day before by the Olivier-Fourniret couple from a supermarket car park then led into the forest before being raped and killed.
I am ashamed.
If Michel Fourniret, after a long talk with the president of the court, maintained his refusal to detail the facts, Monique Olivier, freed herself.
"I regret what happened. I am ashamed," she stated, mumbling and trembling in a grey jacket. Fourniret's wife went back over the course of the abduction, admitting to having held a handgun to Fabienne Leroy's cheek in order to make her get out of the vehicle.
I acted out of fear.
In revenge, she denies having assisted in the rape and murder, having been dismissed by her angry husband. "Michel Fourniret asked me to verify Miss Leroy's virginity, but I could not do it," she said, close to tears.
"He then flew into a rage and and asked me to go away because I was useless, a good for nothing." Monique Olivier would then have got back into the vehicle, at a distance from the scene of the crime.
"I am regretful. It is unforgivable," she continued. "But I did not think that he would do that. I acted out of fear."
Eight months pregnant at the time of the events.
A little later she was taken to task by Fabienne Leroy's family, just starting to give evidence at the bar. Valérie Archer, twin sister of the victim, described these acts as, "despicable."
"How could you have done that with a baby in your belly?" exclaimed Valérie Archer, looking at Monique Olivier, who was eight months pregnant at the time of the events.