Sunday, 17 February 2008
Mari Luz’s family rejects a joint campaign with Madeleine
The Three Arguidos is the best forum around for intelligent debate on the Madeleine McCann case and for finding information gleaned from many sources otherwise unavailable in the UK press.
"Mari Luz’s family are considering legal measures because of the posters showing their daughter and Madeleine
Mari Luz Cortés’s family today requested the immediate halting of the distribution of posters in Portugal that show their daughter next to Madeleine McCann, they will also study possible legal measures with regard to this.
In statements made to journalists after a meeting with Manuel Chaves, Mari’s father, Juan José Cortés, confirmed that the family “had not given their permission” because “it is not the appropriate strategy to mix both cases nor that Mari Luz should have to be related to the case of Madeleine”.
“They are two totally different cases with two lines of inquiry that are completely different” according to Juan José Cortés, who announced his intention of making a complaint before the British Embassy “so that a reprimand is made to the person responsible for this”.
The family is planning to travel to Rumania, Portugal, France and Morocco to distribute posters of Mari Luz."
Part 2: SOS Madeleine McCann---"Groupe du Tapas à déjà préparé les interrogatoires."
SOS Maddie Continued 16/02/08
“Le rapport, effectué en marge des investigations de la Police judiciaire, révèle que la machine McCann n’a rien laissé au hasard et que chaque mouvement sur le terrain, chaque information divulgué volontairement dans certains médias a été préalablement étudié et préparé avec des objectifs bien définies.”
The report, conducted in conjunction with investigations of the Judicial Police, reveals that the McCann machine has nothing left to chance and that every movement on the ground, each voluntary disclosure of information in certain media has been previously studied and prepared with well defined objectives.
“Avocats, conseillers en communication et image, anciens mercenaires, détectives, officiers de police, journalistes, diplomates, politiques, informaticiens, entre autres, font partie d’une sorte de machine bien huilé ou l’objectif de retrouver Madeleine semble avoir été dépassé par un autre : orienter et discréditer l’enquête. Un travail de long allène* qui représente un cout financier qui va au delà des sommes versés au Fonds Find Madeleine.”
Lawyers, image communication consultants, former mercenaries, detectives, police officers, journalists, diplomats, politicians, information scientists, among others, are part of a kind of well-oiled machine where the objective of finding Madeleine seems to have been overtaken by another: to steer and discredit the investigation. A work like a long allene of complex connections,* which represents a financial cost that goes far beyond the sums paid to the Find Madeleine Fund.
“Dans la pratique tout a commencé la nuit même de la disparition de la petite britannique : le listing d’appels de l’Océan Club et celui des téléphones portables utilisés par Gerry et Kate à révélé bien des curieux destinataires, dépassant de loin le simple appel à la famille ou à la police.”
(À suivre)
In practice it all began the night of the disappearance of the little British girl: the listing of calls from the Ocean Club and those from mobile phones used by Gerry and Kate clearly revealed many curious recipients, far beyond the simple call to the family or the police.
(To be continued)
*I had trouble with the French, “allène,” which translates as, “allene.” An allene is a hydrocarbon molecule. The significant thing about an allene is the carbon bonds. So, I have translated as, “a work like a long allene of complex connections ,” because I couldn’t think of anything else!
Have a look at the diagram of a simple allene. Note the three atoms linked by the double bonds. This actually makes this hydrocarbon more reactive, i.e., less stable than other hydrocarbons, in that those bonds will break more readily. Now, I wonder if that could represent three people, tied together by bonds, which would not take a great reaction to break?

“An allene is a hydrocarbon in which one atom of carbon is connected by double bonds with two other atoms of carbon. Allene also is the common name for the parent compound of this series, 1,2-propadiene.”
SOS Madeleine McCann---"Groupe du Tapas à déjà préparé les interrogatoires."
"Groupe du Tapas à déjà préparé les interrogatoires."
"Ca ne sera pas tâche facile car ils ont eu de temps et des conseils pour les aider à se préparer pour les interrogatoires," affirme un responsable de la police britannique expliquant que le couple McCann et ses amis ont eu recours à des avocats et autres spécialistes pour les aider à bien se préparer et organiser.Les investigateurs, aussi bien au Royaume-Uni qu’au Portugal, ont été surpris par un rapport, élaboré par un groupe de spécialistes liés aux services de renseignement, qui leur détaille et révèle la qualité de l’organisation qui s’est crée au tour des parents de Madeleine et du groupe d’amis qui les a accompagnés pendant leur séjour au Portugal.
"Ce n’est pas l’œuvre des parents. C’est trop professionnel pour que se soit l’œuvre d’un couple de médecins, aussi intelligents soient’ ils," affirme notre source.
(À suivre)
Tapas group has already prepared (for) the interrogations.
It will not be an easy task as they have had the time and the advice to help them prepare themselves for the interrogations” stated a British police officer, explaining that the McCann couple and their friends have had recourse to lawyers and other experts to help them prepare well and organise themselves.
The investigators, in the United Kingdom as well as in Portugal, have been surprised by a report, made by a group of experts related to intelligence services, that detailed and revealed the quality of the organisation that has been created around the parents of Madeleine and the group of friends that accompanied them during their stay in Portugal.
"This is not the work of parents. It's too professional for it to be the work of a couple of doctors, however intelligent they may be," our source affirms.
(To be continued)