According to Gerry McCann, the 12th of May, the day of Madeleine's fifth birthday, will be marked quietly and privately. "It will be one of the hardest of the last 375 days," said the father of the little British girl, missing for more than a year.
A l’occasion de cette date, Gerry McCann à une nouvelle fois lancé un appel à tous ceux qui ont séjourné à l’Océan Club au moment de la disparition de Madeleine, leur demandant de contacter la nouvelle ligne téléphonique créer par le couple avec la finalité de connaître le contenu des témoignages faits à la police portugaise et britannique.
On the occasion of this date, Gerry McCann once again launched an appeal to all those who had been on holiday at the Ocean Club at the time of Madeleine's disappearance, asking them to contact the new telephone line created by the couple with the aim of finding out the details of witness statements made to the Portuguese and British police.
Le nouveau numéro de téléphone passe par un système informatique qui permet à l’appelant de choisir un des huit idiomes disponibles - anglais, espagnol, français, portugais, russe, allemand, néerlandais, arabe – et d’y enregistrer un message de trois minutes.
The new telephone number goes through a computer system which allows the caller to choose one of the eight languages available - English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, German, Dutch, Arabic - and to record a three minute message.
"Nous voudrions avoir des informations de ceux qu’ont séjournais à l’Océan Club au moment de l’enlèvement de Madeleine ou de n'importe qui a pu avoir subi un incident semblable en péninsule d'Ibérie, " écrit aujourd’hui Gerry McCann.
"We would like to hear from those who were on holiday at the Ocean Club at the time of Madeleine's abduction or anyone who may have suffered a similar incident in the Iberian Peninsula," Gerry McCann wrote today.

Kate and Gerry McCann, arguidos in the enquiry into their daughter Madeleine's disappearance, had already launched a similar appeal to all the witnesses who had given information to the PJ in the context of the investigation, asking them to make contact with the new telephone number in the United Kingdom.
"Ce que nous vous demandons de faire c’est, si vous avez fourni des informations à la police (britannique), à Crimestoppers, ou à la police portugaise, nous vous demandons de nous les communiquer également," avait alors demandé Gerry McCann.
Faute d’avoir réussi à avoir accès au dossier de la Police Judiciaire, encore sous secret de justice, le couple cherche à prendre connaissance de ce que les témoins ont pu dire à la Police Judiciaire.
"What we are asking you to do is this, if you have given information to the police (British), to Crimestoppers, or to the Portuguese police, we are asking you to also tell us," Gerry McCann had asked.Having failed to gain access to the PJ file, still under secrecy of justice, the couple is looking to find out what the witnesses may have said to the PJ.