Twenty-five years ago the European Union banned the sale of products from newborn seal pups. This resulted in the hunters killing baby seals that were slightly older and the trade in products from those seals is not illegal in the EU.
The EU is considering banning all seal product trading in EU countries. With the Canadian hunters gearing up for the annual killing, now is a good time to let the EU know how you feel about the hunting and killing of baby seals for profit. For me there must be a difference between the hunting of seals by an indigenous population of hunters who use every part of the animal , meat, skin, oils etc, and hunters who bludgeon baby seals to death for profit from their skins. The Canadian seal hunt is the largest slaughter of marine animals on earth. More than one million baby seals have been killed for their fur during the last three years.
We can act to stop this slaughter or even just reduce it by letting the EU know that we want an end to the trade in all seal products in EU countries.
Stop the seal trade
Your opportunity to comment ends on February 13th.