.....to offer a reward. I guess that's what most families in the Cortes' situation have to do if they want to be able to offer an attractive reward for the return of their child. In the absence of wealthy backers coming forward and newspapers offering large amounts as a reward, most parents of missing children would probably sell everything they had if they thought it would help.
Didn't I read very early on in the McCann case that Philomena McCann had said she would sell her house to help find Madeleine? I haven't seen a repeat of that offer, but have seen reports that the fund, which is paying Metodo 3 £50,000 a month, is likely to be exhausted in a few months time if the donations don't increase.
Well, McCann family, you know what to do. Sell a few of your assets, just as the Cortes family have decided to do. Gerry and Kate, you could downsize. Do you really need six bedrooms? Or Kate could get a job! Why not work a couple of days a week to help replenish the financial resources of that fund? You don't actually appear to have contributed very much of your own dosh there, do you? I read that a child sold her toys on e-bay to raise money for that limited company of yours and raised £80, which her mother increased to £100. And yet, Kate and Gerry, you don't seem to have put any of your own into that fund. Why is that?
Parents de Mari Luz ont décidé de vendre leurs biens pour offrir recompense.
Les parents de Mari Luz ont décidé d'élever le montant de la récompense de 150.000 euros, offerte en echange d’une piste que conduirait "directement" à la localisation de leur fille ou adressée au présumé kidnappeur pour sa libération, à 300.000 euros.
The parents of Mari Luz have decided to raise the amount of the reward of 150,000 Euros, offered in exchange for a trail that would lead, "directly," to the whereabouts of their daughter, or to the alleged kidnapper for her release, to 300,000 Euros.
“Les parents proches de Mari Luz ont décidé de vendre leurs biens dans le but d’avoir une piste que nous conduise à l’enfant ou à que celui qui la maintien captive la relâche," à expliqué Juan José Cortés, le père de la petite fille.
"The family close to Mari Luz have decided to sell their property in order to have a trail which will lead us to the child or to her release by those who are holding her,” explained Juan Jose Cortes, the father of the little girl.
Plus d’un mois après la disparition de Mari Luz, malgré une récompense initial de 150.000 euros, ses parents continuant sans recevoir la moindre information que puisse conduire à leur fille.
More than a month after the disappearance of Mari Luz, in spite of an initial reward of 150,000 Euros, her parents continue to have received no information which could lead them to their daughter.
Les parents de Mari Luz continuent à collaborer avec les autorités espagnoles dans la recherche de leur fille, poursuivent plusieurs pistes, notamment celle de l’enlèvement, corroboré par deux témoins qu’ont indiqué avoir vu Mari Luz être embarquée de force dans un véhicule sur le chemin de retour de sa maison.
C’est honteux que le père de Mari Luz vienne se plaindre," à réagi Clarence Mitchell, le responsable en relations publiques du couple McCann, en réponse à l’exigence de Juan José Cortés de que les affiches avec la photo de sa fille à coté de Madeleine ne soient pas distribués.
Clarence Mitchell’s outrage with the Cortes family
“It is shameful that Mari Luz’s father has brought himself to complain,” was the reaction of Clarence Mitchell, the public relations representative for the McCann couple, in response to the request from Juan Jose Cortes that the posters with the photo of his daughter beside Madeleine are not distributed.
Juan José, à propos de la campagne d’affiches annoncé par Clarence Mitchell, a confirmé hier que "personne nous a rien demandé," indiquant que la situation aurait été la même avec la famille de Yeremi Vargas. Les affiches – qui ne sont pas encore visibles en Espagne ou au Portugal - ont été imprimées par initiative des McCann.
Juan Jose, referring to the poster campaign announced by Clarence Mitchell, confirmed yesterday that, “ nobody asked us about anything,” stating that the situation would have been the same with the family of Yeremi Vargas. The posters – which are no longer visible in Spain or Portugal – were printed on the initiative of the McCanns.