(Right: Kate and Gerry - photo Enfants Kidnappés 5/05/08 )
This photo is published today on the Enfants Kidnappés web site. I thought it looked familiar. Isn't that the same clothes they were wearing when they did their appeal outside the church in Praia da Luz last year, soon after Madeleine disappeared? Maybe it's just the saddest photo that Enfants Kidnappés could find.
The McCanns are leaving the media spotlight again....haven't they done that a couple of times before? How many interviews in the past week? And why choose the Anglican church for the service to mark one year since Madeleine disappeared? Is the local Catholic church too small to accommodate all the news media? They've had a good run with the media machine and now they want to be left alone. Maybe it's not as easy as that. Perhaps a few journalists will still harp on about that reconstruction, the one that Gerry would do if it was televised, but now thinks would not be helpful.
At first glance today's article on the Enfants Kidnappés web site appears to be very much a repeat of the McCanns' media machine press releases, but I shall see what it looks like once I have translated it properly!
(The McCanns Praia da Luz May 2007)
Sortie de scène médiatique.
Les parents McCann, Kate et Gerry, veulent quitter la scène médiatique après le 12 mai. Date à laquelle Madeleine aurait fêté son cinquième anniversaire. C'est lors de l'une de leur dernière "entrevue" que le couple a déclaré qu'ils n'avaient survécu ces 12 derniers mois par le fait qu'ils ne se sont blâmer, ni l'un, ni l'autre. Et ils ont précisé qu'ils souhaitaient que l'attention des médias sur eux disparaisse. La couverture médiatique est "insoutenable" ont-ils dit. Ils ont même suggéré que cette couverture médiatique pourrait avoir conduit la PJ portugaise à les nommer "arguidos".
05 mai 2008
Leaving the media spotlight. (Or words to that effect!)
The McCann parents, Kate and Gerry, would like to leave the media spotlight after May 12th (So, not yet then?) the date on which Madeleine would have celebrated her fifth birthday. It was during one of their last, "interviews," that the couple stated they they had survived these last 12 months because they did not blame each other. And they stated that they wished the attention of the media on them would disappear. The media coverage is, "unsustainable," they said. They have even suggested that this media coverage could have led the PJ to name them, "arguidos." (Wasn't there something about dogs, traces of blood, and perceived inconsistencies in witness statements?)
Gerry a déclaré: "Regardez où cela nous a conduit et les problèmes que cela a créés. Je suis sur que la couverture médiatique a influencé ce qui s'est passé au Portugal en générant une pression, et quand les gens sont sous pression, de mauvaises décisions sont prisent... Nous avons lancé une campagne qui est très vite devenu un géant sur lequel nous n'avions aucun contrôle".
Garry stated: "Look at where that has led us and the problems that it has created. I a, sure that the media coverage has influenced what happened in Portugal in generating pressure, and when people are under pressure, bad decisions are taken...We launched a campaign that very quickly became a giant over which we had no control. (And a million quid, Gerry. Don't forget the million quid! - And that little online shoppe looks like a nice earner!)
Kate a déclaré: "Les informations sur mon mari et moi sont hors de propos et éloigne les gens de l'objectif initial: retrouver Madeleine. L'attention des médias diminuera après l'anniversaire de Madeleine, et c'est un soulagement".
Kate stated: "The information on my husband and me detracts from the subject and takes people away from the main objective: to find Madeleine. The attention of the media will diminish after Madeleine's birthday and that's a relief."
Les parents ont parlé de leur frustration dans l'enquête.
Gerry a déclaré qu'il était "extrêmement frustrant" de se voir refuser l'accès à l'ensemble des pièces du dossier: "Nous ne savons pas ce qui a été fait. C'est incroyablement frustrant". Kate parle également de sa colère quant au fait que les informations recueillies par les polices britanniques et portugaises n'aient pas été répercutée vers eux. Elle a juré de poursuivre les recherches de sa fille qui à son avis, a été enlevée et serait toujours en vie. "Nous n'avons accès à aucun éléments et nous n'avons aucune information sur ce qu'elle est devenue. De toute évidence, cette information existe. Nul ne peut exister sans être connu ou vu par quelqu'un. Il s'agit d'un crime odieux et d'une petite fille totalement innocente. Ce serait terrible si on ne continuait pas à chercher madeleine" déclare Kate.
The parents spoke of their frustration with the enquiry.
Garry stated that it was, "extremely frustrating," to be denied access to all the evidence in the file: "We don't know what has been done. It is incredibly frustrating." Kate also speaks of her anger about the fact that the evidence gathered by the British and Portuguese police has not been passed on to them. She vowed to continue the search for her daughter who, in her opinion, was abducted and will still be alive. "We have no access to any details and we have no information on what has developed. From all accounts, this information exists. Nothing can exist without being known or seen by somebody. It is a heinous crime on a totally innocent little girl. It would be terrible if they do not keep looking for Madeleine," states Kate. (Maybe it's because the police don't normally give suspects access to all the evidence!)

Prier pour Madeleine.
Les parents McCann ont également exprimé leur gratitude au cours d'un office religieux à proximité de leur domicile à Rothley. Prenant la parole après l'office, au nom de toute la famille, le grand-oncle de Madeleine, Brian Kennedy a déclaré: "Nous tenons à remercier tous les membres de l'église mais aussi ceux qui ne sont d'aucune Église particulière d'être parmi nous et de se souvenir de tous les enfants disparus de par le monde et surtout, bien sûr, de notre propre Madeleine. Cette semaine a été difficile et nous avons reçu de nombreux messages d'ici et des quatre coins du pays qui nous ont été d'un grand secours. Nous avons invités les gens de toutes les confessions à prier nombreux pour ces enfants et leurs familles dans leurs propres lieux de culte. Qu'ils sachent combien leurs prières sont appréciés".
Pray for Madeleine.
The McCann parents have also expressed their gratitude during a church service near their home in Rothley. Taking the floor after the service, Madeleine's great-uncle, Brian Kennedy, speaking for the whole family, stated, "We give our thanks to all members of the church but also those who are of no particular church for being with us and to remind ourselves of all the missing children of the world, and above all of course, our own Madeleine. This week has been very difficult and we have received countless messages from here and across the country, which have been a great help to us. We have invited people of all faiths to pray for these children and their families in their own places of worship. May they know how much their prayers are appreciated."
Messe à Pria da Luz.
Un des points fort de la messe célébrée en l'église Notre Dame de Lumière à Praia da Luz fut le message de remerciement écrit par Kate et "signé" par Maddie. La tante, Patricia Cameron, a lu, émue, un message écrit par la maman de Madeleine et signés par les cinq membres de la famille: Kate, Gerry, Maddie, Sean et Amélie. Le message exprimait des remerciements "pour l'aide et la chaleur humaine" que les McCann affirment avoir senti de la par des habitants de Praia da Luz qui les ont "aidé à consoler la famille". "La manifestation de votre foi en Maddie est réconfortante et dépasse tellement nos attentes que les larmes nous viennent aux yeux" précisait le message de Kate.
Mass in Praia da Luz.
One of the strong points of the mass celebrated at the church of Our Lady of Light in Praia da Luz was the message of thanks, writtne by Kate and, "signed," by Maddie. The aunt, Patricia Cameron, read a moving message written by Madeleine's mother and signed by the five members of the family: Kate, Gerry, Maddie (Didn't they say she didn't like being called Maddie?), Sean and Amelie. The message expressed thanks, "for the help and the human warmth," that the McCanns say they felt on the part of the Praia da Luz residents who, "helped to console the family." "The manifestation of your faith in Maddie exceeds our expectations so much that it brings tears to our eyes," said Kate's message.
La thèse de l'homicide: un suspect portugais ?!
Le criminologue Barra da Costa garantit avoir un document indiquant un suspect "potentiel" déjà connus pour six crimes d'abus sexuels et qui pourrait être impliqué dans la disparition de Madeleine. Il considèrerait comme "très grave si le suspect n'était pas repris dans l'enquête en cours" menée par la PJ. Intervenant hier lors d'une conférence organisée par l'Association contre l'Exclusion par le Développement, l'ancien inspecteur de la PJ a préféré ne pas avancer plus de détails sur le suspect. "J'ai des informations très importantes qui permettent de sérieux soupçons au niveau d'une personne impliquée dans l'affaire. D'ici trois mois, quand le secret de justice sera levé, je vérifierai cette piste dans les dossiers" s'est contenté de dire Barra da Costa tout en ajoutant qu'il risque de se faire agresser si il dénonce le suspect. Le criminologue a insisté sur la thèse de l'homicide de la petite britannique...
The murder theory: a Portuguese suspect?
The criminologist Barra da Costa guarantees that he has a document indicating a, "potential," suspect already known for six crimes of sexual abuse and who could be implicated in Madeleine's disappearance. He would consider it as, "very serious if the suspect were not included in the ongoing investigation," led by the PJ. Speaking yesterday at a conference organised by the Association against Exclusion by Development, the former PJ inspector preferred not to offer more details about the suspect. "I have very important information which throws very serious suspicion on a person implicated in the case. In three months time when the secrecy of justice is lifted, I will check this lead in the files," Barra da Costa contented himself to say while adding that he risks being attacked if he denounces the suspect. The criminologist insisted that the theory of murder of the little British girl.......
I find it slightly macabre that Kate McCann's message to the people of the church in Praia da Luz should be, "signed," by Maddie, who by most people's reckoning, is probably long gone from this earth. And did Kate really write, "Maddie.?" Surely there was a report very early on about Kate's telling a journalist that Madeleine hated being called Maddie?