
By Duarte Levy
November 7th 2010
Fewer than 0.1% have shown their support for Madeleine McCann's parents, but Kate and Gerry say they are "delighted".....In spite of this, Maddie's body is yet to be found and the investigation is still waiting for "better evidence."
According to the latest known figures, the United Kingdom has 61,534, 872 inhabitants and Portugal 10, 644,987, making a total of potentially 72,169,859 people to respond to the request for a review of the investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance. Up to today, assuming that all the signatories to this petition actually exist, 27,426* people support the McCann family's request.
The request, however is born out of fantasy: with regard to Portuguese law, an independent review of an official police investigation does not exist.
To sum up, 0.038% of the two countries concerned support Kate and Gerry McCann.
Having read several articles published recently by my colleagues, one question gnaws at me: where are they finding reasons to say they are happy with this support?
The question becomes even more important when you consider that, according to the investigators who searched for the little girl, Maddie's parents - as well as certain of their British friends - did not collaborate with the investigation that they are now requesting to be reviewed.
That said, how do you carry out a review of an investigation which, from the start, was subject to pressure and manipulation by British diplomats? Even more important, who would be independent enough nowadays to review anything at all about this case?
So, there remains only one solution, and that is in the hands of Madeleine's parents: submit to questions and requests from the magistrates and investigators, after asking them to reopen the investigation. What's left in the fund is surely enough to cover the likely legal fees to get this action going. And I am ready to put my signature to that request.
* By way of comparison, in 2007, under the government of Tony Blair - not a stranger to the Maddie case - 590,682 British people put their names to another petition against a tax on motoring.
To also give you an idea of the usefulness of these petitions, in 2009, 72,222 English people demanded the resignation of the other Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. The McCanns' friend did not resign, but later on the electors got him out of number 10.
Duarte Levy