"Parents de Mari Luz ont remercié l’aide des autorités portugaises"
"Les parents de Mari Luz, la petite espagnole disparue il y a 53 jours à Huelva (Espagne) ont été reçus ce matin par les autorités portugaises à Faro, à qui ils ont voulu remercier l’aide apporté dans les recherches de leur fille."The parents of Mari Luz are thankful for the help of the Portuguese authorities.
The parents of Mari Luz, the little Spanish girl who disappeared 53 days ago in Huelva (Spain) were received this morning by the Portuguese authorities in Faro, whom they wanted to thank for the help given to them in the search for their daughter.
"Accompagnés par des représentants des autorités espagnoles, Juan José Cortés et Irena Suarez ont été reçus par le gouverneur civil et par le bourgmestre de la ville de Faro, capital de la région."
Accompanied by representatives of the Spanish authorities, Juan José Cortés and Irena Suarez were received by the Civil Governor and by the Mayor of the town of Faro, capital of the region.
"José Apolinário, bourgmestre de Faro, à confirmé que le municipe allait financer la version portugaise des affiches de recherche de Mari Luz, malgré le fait que les autorités espagnoles continuent à croire que l’enfant n’a pas été amené vers le Portugal."
José Apolinário, Mayor of Faro, confirmed that the municipality would finance the Portuguese version of the posters in the search for Mari Luz, in spite of the fact that the Spanish authorities continue to believe that the child has not been taken towards Portugal.
"Juan José Cortés, le père de Mari Luz, continue à rejeter des comparaisons entre la disparition de sa fille et celle de Madeleine McCann, refusant de croire que les mêmes raisons soient derrière les deux disparitions."
Juan José Cortés, father of Mari Luz, continues to reject comparisons between the disappearance of his daughter and that of Madeleine McCann, refusing to believe that the same reasons are behind the two disappearances.
"Sans argent mais prêts à "négocier"
"En déclarations aux journalistes qui ont accompagné leur visite au Portugal, les parents de Mari Luz ont confirmé avoir reçu, la semaine passé, un appel téléphonique exigent deux millions d'euros en échange de l'enfant."
Without money but ready to negotiate.
In statements to journalists who have accompanied their visit to Portugal, the parents of Mari Luz have confirmed having received a telephone call demanding two million Euros in exchange for the child.
Police in Spain determined that it was a false trail, but Mari Luz's family, admitting that they do not have the financial means to cope with a demand of this magnitude, expressed themselves ready to "negotiate if it means the return of the girl.