Interrogatoires prévus pour le 07 avril
"Alors que la presse ne parle que des excuses du groupe "Express", l'enquête, elle, continue son cours. En effet, les fameuses lettres rogatoires qui ont finalement été acceptées, sont dans leurs phases de mise en place. Divers membres de la police portugaise, en contact avec leurs homologues britanniques, sont en train de peaufiner les derniers détails des interrogatoires prévus pour le 07 avril."Interrogations scheduled for April 7th.
While the press is only talking about the Express group's apologies, the enquiry follows its course. In fact, the famous rogatory letters, which have been finally accepted, are in the phase of being put into operation. Various members of the Portuguese police, in contact with their British counterparts, are in the process of fine-tuning the last details of the interrogations, scheduled for April 7th.
"En effet, c'est cette date qui semble être celle retenue. En tous cas, c'est cette date qui est annoncée officiellement par la PJ portugaise. La police devrait interroger pas moins de 14 personnes. Il devrait s'agir des derniers interrogatoires. Ils sont considérés comme essentiels par la PJ. Ils devraient éclaircir et apporter des explications sur les diverses contradictions et "non sens" relevés dans les auditions précédentes. La police britannique apporte toute son aide et sa pleine collaboration à la mise en oeuvre des demandes se trouvant dans le courrier en provenance du Portugal."
In fact that is the date that seems to be accepted. In any case, that is the date that is announced officially by the PJ. The police will have to interrogate no fewer than 14 people. They should be the last interrogations. They are considered essential by the PJ. They should clarify and give explanations for the various contradictions and, "no sense," statements in previous hearings. The British police are giving every assistance and cooperation in implementing the requests in the letters from Portugal.
The hospital is a prime and extra contractor to the National Health Service, is recognised by the Dutch healthcare system and is a preferred provider both to major UK medical insurers and to the US Department of Defence.
Key Staff
Castle Craig Hospital
Peter McCann MA, ICADC Chairman
Dr Margaret Ann McCann, MB Bch BAO Medical Director
Dr. Michael G. McCann , MD , MA , DIH, MFOM Director
John L McCann BA ACIS Financial Director/Administrator
I am intrigued as to why you have mentioned this hospital. Surely McCann is a fairly common name? Did you think the people who run the hospital might be relatives of Kate and Gerry? If so, what is the significance?
Seems to me that a portuguese blogger have a long time ago speak about that.BUT,yesterday I saw the link in a comment from a spanish blog.If I find again I tell to You.
Of course I am not sure,i follow a sugestion...
Thank you for your comments. I am not rejecting your other two comments. The one in Portuguese (?) I am sorry to say I don't know what it's about. So, I will hold onto that for now.
The other comment you have added, with the article from the NOTW is rather shocking and when I have time I will try to feature that in a post of its own.
Thank you for taking the time to find both of those articles.
Best regards.
miércoles 19 de marzo de 2008
Sospechosos aceptan disculpas ($$$)
Publicado por Eloisa en 19:18
16 comentarios
The Portuguese Blog is stoped since a while.
And with so many "hapennings" I prefer a litlle silence...caution!
Excuse me.
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