Tuesday 25 March 2008

SOS Madeleine McCann: the only logical attitude for the McCanns would be to co-operate with the police



"La seule attitude logique pour les McCann serait de collaborer avec la justice"

"Pour résoudre le mystère entourant la disparition de Maddie, les inspecteurs de la Police Judiciaire n’ont pas abandonné leur intention de réinterroger Kate et Gerry McCann, même si dans un premier temps, leur objectif est celui d’entendre au complet le groupe d’amis vulgairement connus comme Tapas 7."

To resolve the mystery surrounding Maddie's disappearance, the PJ inspectors have not given up their intention to re-interrogate Kate and Gerry McCann, even if in the first instance their objective is to hear the whole group of friends, known vulgarly as Tapas 7.

Nous n’avons pas écarté la possibilité d’interroger à nouveau les parents… la seule attitude logique pour les McCann serait de collaborer avec la justice. Pour connaître le sort de Maddie, j’espère, et il serait normal, de compter avec leur collaboration," affirme un inspecteur, rajoutant "qu'il y a des questions auxquelles le couple n’a jamais voulu répondre… peut’ être que dans leur pays ils soient prêts à le faire ."

We have not ruled out the possibility of interrogating the parents again...the only logical attitude for the McCanns would be to co-operate with the police. In order to know what happened to Maddie, I hope, and it would be normal, to count on their co-operation," states an inspector, adding, "that there are questions to which the couple never wanted to respond....perhaps in their country they would be ready to do that.


Anonymous said...

A very nice day!

Today at:


One more week!

Everything well and safety with You?

AnnaEsse said...

Good morning and thank you for another interesting link. I don't think I have Joana's blog on my list. So, I will add it today.

All is well with me and I hope for you too.

Best regards.