"La fillette blonde aperçue lundi dernier dans une agence bancaire de Bruxelles n’était pas la petite Britannique Madeleine McCann, a indiqué lundi soir le parquet fédéral, qui a identifié le père de l’enfant vue à Molenbeek et filmée par des caméras de surveillance."
The little blond girl seen last Monday at a bank in Brussels was not the little British girl Madeleine McCann, was stated on Monday evening by the Federal Prosecutor who had identified the father of the child seen in Molenbeek and filmed by the surveillance cameras.
« Le père de la fillette a vu lui-même les images et s’est présenté à la cellule disparitions », a affirmé la porte-parole du parquet fédéral, Lieve Pellens, à l’agence BELGA."
"The child's father, himself, saw the images and went to the missing person's unit," Lieve Pellens, spokesperson for the Federal Prosecutor confirmed for the BELGA agency.
Well, there you have it! All those UK newspapers going a bundle on that story, all those videos on web sites, Clarrie sending the images to the USA to be enhanced! Yet another false alarm!
Still, plenty more to be checked out; quite a few more in Belgium, Amsterdam, and I believe, Venezuela!!!
The only missing child to be seen on all five continents, and sometimes on the same day at the same time.