Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Madeleine McCann - Oprah Show or the McCann Show

Oprah did everything to make the public cry. The tears were counted and now the television show is expected to bring in a new wave of Maddie sightings. Meanwhile, the FBI confirms that it only cooperated with the Portuguese and British authorities and that the “McCanns should have been suspects from first moment on”. Finally, the alarm wave in the Algarve because of the McCann case paedophiles is useless.
Português - Français - Español
During the recording of the show with the largest audience on North American television, the “Oprah Winfrey Show”, last Friday, a tearful Kate McCann stated once more that she believes her daughter is alive and somewhere in the world, after having been abducted from the room where she slept in the tourist resort in Praia da Luz, in Portugal.
After a long moment of preparation in the backstage, Kate McCann even cried in front of Oprah, the star host, again, lamenting that she didn’t recognise her daughter in the images that were presented on a giant screen, and where a Maddie was shown very different from what has become normal to see in the media since the child disappeared on the 3rd of May 2007: the child now appears dressed in blue, looking more tender and sad, as if she had endured long captivity.
The child’s new images, with the look that she would have at the age of six, were created by experts at the National Centre for Missing children and were presented to Kate and Gerry McCann before the show’s recording, during the visit that they made to that institution as soon as they arrived in the United States.
The National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children, which Gerry McCann had already visited in July 2007, is a private non-profit organisation that does not depend from the North American authorities, as an FBI spokesman told 24 horas.
Sitting next to the North American television’s star host, and in front of a mainly feminine audience, which had been previously prepared for a show “with lots of emotion”, as Oprah described it, Kate McCann explained what the family’s life has been like since Maddie disappeared, emphasizing the twins’ suffering over their sister’s absence.
Despite Gerry’s presence, Oprah directed the show’s spotlights on Kate, following the line that had been previously traced backstage, where the production team tirelessly underlined the “emotional environment” that had been created in the room, and where the public, which had been previously selected, was already converted to the British couple.
The real star of the show that will be broadcasted in 144 countries at the beginning of May, Kate told Oprah that she felt Maddie was still alive and that although she didn’t recognise her in the new images, she would be able to recognise her on the street if she crossed her, which didn’t fail to produce some emotional sighs from the public.
The “Oprah Show”, which will also be broadcasted in our country, has still kept part of its mystery, as not even journalists were allowed to watch the entire recording. The final programme will also include images that were recorded in the Rothley house, where Maddie’s room can be seen, tided as if the child could return tomorrow, and Kate playing with twins Sean and Amelie.
Very special relevance is equally given to the documentary that Channel 4 will broadcast on the seventh of May, in which the McCanns will once more launch the idea that an abductor took Maddie from the bed where she slept in apartment 5A, that was occupied by the couple during the vacation that they spent in Praia da Luz, in the Algarve. The new “suspect”, who has nevertheless been identified in the investigation files, is allegedly a Mediterranean looking male, someone who looks Portuguese, and he was seen staring at the apartment where Maddie disappeared from.
The public surrendered to Kate and even counted how often Maddie’s mother criedAs the production stressed, the programme had all the ingredients to please the public that is normally targeted by the “Oprah Show”, and the audience that was at Harpo Studios on West Washington, near central Chicago, ended up becoming emotional over the two women’s tears. “Oprah and Kate were very emotional. The girl’s mother cried at least twice, and even I cried”, 24horas was told by a 47-year-old American, a mother and an unconditional fan of the show: “It’s very hard to get tickets for the show but when I heard it was the McCanns, I spent several hours on the phone to get them.”
Harpo Studios, the only in the world owned by an Afro-American woman, are almost exclusively used to record the Oprah Show, where the public, after requesting their tickets a month earlier, is chosen, searched and checked by a security team at the entrance.
Oprah will prompt new Maddie sightings wave
The publication of images of how Maddie might look today, as well as the presence of her parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, on the Oprah show on North American television, may prompt a new wave of sightings all over the world. The alert was given in England today, by an officer with the British police, citing the example of what happens every time someone close to the family or the couple’s spokesman himself, Clarence Mitchell, make the media publish news about a possible abduction and the child’s exit to a foreign country.
“With the publication of the recent images, sightings in the country and abroad have started again”, the officer says, pointing at the news that an English couple saw the child in Malta, as an example: Brian and Glenice White, a retired couple, stated to English police that they saw Madeleine on the 14th of March on a square in La Valletta, the capital of Malta. The couple described a blonde child that played in the company of a “very dark” couple who left when they felt they were being watched.
In Portugal, despite the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann remaining in a drawer, the PJ is also worried about the impact that the presence of Kate and Gerry McCann on the Oprah Winfrey show will have, as several inspectors from the CID in Portimão confirmed to 24horas.
“The McCanns should have been suspects from the first moment on”
24horas asked Richard Kolko and Ross Rice, from the FBI in Washington and Chicago respectively, as well as other experts at that North American organisation, to comment on several aspects of the Maddie case and the presence of Kate and Gerry McCann on the Oprah Show.
“Kate and Gerry McCann, as well as their seven English friends, should have been treated as suspects from the first moment on, and only seen as victims when all doubts about them were cleared.” This was the conclusion from an FBI abduction expert, who was contacted by 24horas.
While in England Kate and Gerry McCann were still boarding their plane to the United States, FBI members, at the request of 24horas, analysed the inquiry’s documents from the process, and stressed, among other elements, what they called the “obvious lack of cooperation” from the couple.
For that expert, who is used to dealing with abduction cases, it is difficult to understand that the head investigator was removed and the case remains archived, because “the more time goes by, the harder it will be to find the truth.”
The fact that the “crime scene” could have been contaminated in an innocent manner intrigued the expert, who further stressed that “one of the clues that should be reviewed is precisely that one, to determine how, and by whom, the apartment was contaminated”, adding as an example that “from the moment that there is blood, and presuming there are no other victims”, it’s important to determine what product contaminated the samples.
When questioned about a possible abduction for paedophile purposes, the expert confirmed what the PJ had already said: “Madeleine doesn’t match the profile of a victim that a paedophile would target.”
FBI only cooperated with Portuguese and British authorities
When asked to comment on the recent images of the child that were divulged in England and in Portugal, the North American experts underlined that until today, there has been no cooperation with the couple whatsoever. The FBI only cooperated normally with the Portuguese and British authorities, recalling, for example, the comparison analyses that were made between Madeleine’s DNA and a child’s cadaver in Texas.
Both agents further confirmed that until now no FBI expert took part in the creation of the images of Madeleine that the couple publicised in England.
Paedophilia: Alarm in the Algarve is useless
According to a source at the Public Ministry, in the “Maddie” case, and contrary to what has been publicised, the list that arrived in our country, concerning foreign citizens who were identified as paedophiles or as allegedly matching the typical profile of a paedophile, remains in the hands of the Portuguese authorities but was not handed over to the journalists in the DVD that the Court of Portimão delivered after the process was archived.
The DVD that was delivered to journalists by the Court of Portimão does equally not divulge the identity or details of any Portuguese sex offender, the data having been removed from the process to preserve their anonymity, although they all are part of the PJ’s archives, without exception.
The list includes the names of British citizens that live in Portugal, or might have passed through the Algarve, and are referenced as having committed or having been accused of crimes of a sexual or paedophile nature. Another list, which is considered to be more “delicate”, includes individuals that have never committed any crime but who, according to the English authorities, match the typical profile of a possible paedophile.
It was actually the risk of this last list being divulged that prompted the English authorities to hire law firm “Advogados Morais Leitão, Galvão Telles, Soares da Silva & Associados”, which requested the Court of Portimão to maintain the judicial secrecy over the contents of the English documents, alleging that the major concern of the British authorities was “the physical integrity of condemned sexual offenders or alleged sexual offenders”.
The president of the “Association of Chief Police Officers” (ACPO) himself, Ken Jones, recognised to joint prosecutor Melchior Gomes that “a major part of this material is made of information that has not been proved, concerning named and identifiable individuals”, Ken Jones writes, adding that its publication would impact “their physical safety”. The British officer was equally worried about possible lawsuits against the authors of said list, as the criteria that are used for “selection” are not very clear and often based on anonymous complaints that are never investigated or proved.
Duarte Levy
28/04/09Sunday, 26 April 2009
Who created and designed this swine flu?
Alex Jones special report: Part 2/9
Alex Jones special report: Part 3/9
Alex Jones special report: Part 4/9
Alex Jones special report: Part 5/9
Alex Jones special report: Part 6/9
Alex Jones special report: Part 7/9
Alex Jones special report: Part 8/9
Alex Jones special report: Part 9/9
New Flu Outbreak traced to missing U.S. Army Bioweapons
Postal Mailing address:
1906 Paterson Plank Road
North Bergen, NJ 07047-1900
Tel: 201-484-0060
Chad Jones, spokesman for Fort Meade, said the Army's Criminal Investigation Division (CID) is investigating the possibility of missing virus samples from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)
He said the only other detail he could provide is that the investigation is ongoing.
Fort Detrick does not have its own CID office, Jones said, which is why Fort Meade's CID was brought in.
Jones said he could not comment on when the investigation started.
CID is responsible for investigating crimes where the Army is, or may be, a party of interest, according to the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command website.
USAMRIID is the Army's top biodefense lab, where researchers study pathogens including Ebola, anthrax and plague.
In February, USAMRIID halted all its research into these and other diseases, known as "select agents" following the discovery of virus samples that weren't listed in its inventory. Apparently, someone had taken viruses from the inventory and replaced them with viruses that were not in the inventory! That concealed the loss of the bioweapons, thus preventing a lockdown long enough to allow someone to smuggle them out of the lab and off the base.
A source at the US Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, speaking on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media, has told the Turner Radio Network that the new strain of flu which struck Mexico City, killing 60 so far, has now swollen to over 1,000 suspected cases. He also said that the "morphing-ability" of the new Flu -- blending three types of flu into a new, fast moving and deadly strain -- is exactly the type of new morphing bioweapon missing from USAMRIID.
Mexico City is about 1,000 miles south of California but days ago, the new flu appeared suddenly in California.
Late today, reports surfaced that another sudden and unusual flu-like outbreak struck at a Catholic Prep School 2,500 miles to the east in New York City.
Seventy five students in the Prep School suddenly took ill Thursday and Friday, causing the NYC Department of Health to ORDER the school to cancel all after school activities until further notice.
The 75 sick students are being tested to see if they too have been infected with this new, deadly flu.
Possible Terrorist Attack
At 12:30 AM ET this morning, I called a trusted source from the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) - the same source that leaked the "Right Wing Extremism Report" to me on April 12. At the late hour I expected to wake him up, but was surprised to find him already busy dealing with the Flu-like situation in NYC.
As of this moment, the United States government's national threat level is Elevated, or Yellow. For all domestic and international flights, the U.S. threat level is High, or Orange.
According to the DHS source, if the 75 kids in the Prep School test positive for the same flu, then Homeland Security will consider raising the Terrorism Alert status to RED! They feel that the probability such a sudden onset sickness would jump from the west coast to the east coast within days, without touching the middle of the country, makes these outbreaks highly suspicious.
If DHS raises the threat level to RED, it would mean a terrorist attack has likely taken place and it would logically mean it took the form of a biological weapon.
Gee. What a convenient thing to happen to distract everyone's attention from the worsening financial crisis.
Check back for additional details . . . . . . . Main Stream media reports about the Flu linked below.
Possible Swine Flu Outbreak At NYC Prep School...
Most fatal flu victims aged between 25-45...
Swine flu could infect trade and travel...
Schwarzenegger has 'rigorous' plan...
WHO ready with antivirals...
The mysterious respiratory illness...
CDC says too late to contain...
60 DEAD: Mexico City launches huge vaccination campaign...
Heighten Risk of Pandemic...
Concerns in California, Texas...
Mutated from pigs, transmitted to humans...
Posted by at 12:32 AM
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Madeleine McCann: the "new suspect," is identified in the case files.
"The new suspect was seen in the days before she vanished on a family holiday in Portugal.
Witnesses saw him loitering alone on a road near the flat where Maddie’s family were staying in Praia da Luz.
He will feature in the TV reconstruction of her abduction to be screened by Channel 4 on May 7.
Gerry and Kate have spent months combing the Portuguese police files on the case and believe the man could be vital to finding Maddie — who vanished just days before her fourth birthday.
He is said to be of Mediterranean appearance and in his late 20s or early 30s.
He is NOT believed to be the same man that Jane Tanner, one of the so-called Tapas 7, saw carrying a child on the night of Maddie’s disappearance.
A TV source said: “Information about this man was buried away in the files.
It seems virtually no effort was made to find him by police.
Witnesses said he was staring in the direction of the apartment.”
So, not thought to be the same man that Jane Tanner saw. Well, that might be seen to answer a question raised by the Goncalo Amaral documentary, aired on Portuguese TV. Amaral's film showed how virtually impossible it would have been for an abductor to have taken Madeleine out of the apartment through the window. And now, we have a possible accomplice? Bit too much of a coincidence, I think, in terms of the timing here.
No effort was made to find the man?
The alleged "new suspect," in Madeleine McCann's disappearance, revealed yesterday by the English Newspaper "The Sun," quoting a source linked to the production of the documentary that Channel 4 is going to show on May 7th, was identified by the PJ during the investigation.
According to the English newspaper, the man, of Mediterranean appearance, was allegedly behaving suspiciously and was seen, alone, staring at the apartment occupied by the McCanns.He would have been around 20 to 30 years old.
The man wasn't the same one that Jane Tanner described to the police, as 24 Horas had already stated. The documentary produced under Gerry McCann's direction will set the scene for an abduction committed by a "Mediterranean," possibly a Portuguese person.
The lawyers and investigators hired by the McCanns had already discovered the alleged "new lead," in the case files which are no longer subject to the secrecy of justice and in which, amongst others, the identities of a few residents, who were investigated at that time, are not included.In the copy of the case files consulted by the team working for Kate and Gerry McCann, many pages are missing, as for the majority of journalists.
Duarte Levy
SOS Madeleine McCann 23/04/09
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Obscene: Ahmadinejad entourage screams “Zionazi” at … Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel (pictured right) is the author of more than forty books of fiction and non-fiction, including A Beggar in Jerusalem (Prix Médicis winner), The Testament (Prix Livre Inter winner), The Fifth Son (winner of the Grand Prize in Literature from the City of Paris), and two volumes of his memoirs.
For his literary and human rights activities, he has received numerous awards including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the U.S. Congressional Gold Medal and the Medal of Liberty Award, and the rank of Grand-Croix in the French Legion of Honor. In 1986, Elie Wiesel won the Nobel Prize for Peace, and soon after, Marion and Elie Wiesel established The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity.
Kaleidoscopic irony from the UN’s Jew-bash bash in Geneva, as the world’s most famous Holocaust survivor suffers the indignity of analogy to the people who murdered his family courtesy of the world’s most famous Holocaust denier and his screeching goons — on Hitler’s birthday. I think that’s Ahmadinejad with the keffiyeh around his neck; the two pass within five feet or so of each other at one point. Don’t try parsing the logic: Why Iranians would consider “Nazi” an epithet, especially given Dinner Jacket’s revisionism on genocide, isn’t clear.
An interesting footnote: He actually dropped a line about Holocaust denial from his speech at the last minute under intense pressure from the UN amid the prospect of even more walkouts from western countries. It’s hugely gratifying to see this turn into the PR clusterfark for them that it deserves to be. And no worries — it won’t stop The One from meeting with Khamenei and posing for a stooge-ish grinning handshake photo of his very own. Exit quotation from Wiesel: “Here we are now in the United Nations, an organisation created as a response to the atrocities of the Second World War and we have to protest against anti-Semitic speech.”
Hot Air 21/0409Wiesel slams Ahmadinejad
GENEVA (AFP) — Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel said Tuesday it was an "insult" to have allowed Iran's president to launch a verbal assault on Israel at a UN anti-racism conference.
The presence of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his speech was "an insult to our intelligence," Wiesel said at an event on the sidelines of the conference, one day after the Iranian leader called Israel "cruel" and "racist".
"Here we are now in the United Nations, an organisation created as a response to the atrocities of the Second World War and we have to protest against anti-Semitic speech," Wiesel said.
"Why this member is invited to the UN is beyond me. Why he was allowed to say what he said, why wasn't he stopped by the chairman... is beyond me," the American writer said.
Ahmadinejad sparked a walkout by European delegates at the conference Monday when he criticised the creation of a "totally racist government in occupied Palestine" in 1948 and calling it "the most cruel and repressive racist regime."
Ahmadinejad was scheduled to speak for seven minutes at the Durban Review Conference, but his speech lasted approximately half an hour.
AFP 21/04/09How come Amadinnerjacket was allowed to carry on with his hate speech for a full half-hour? How come no one called a halt to his anti-Semitic rant? That was a United Nations conference on racism for goodness sake and that slimy toad, hate-filled preacher of jihad, the one who wants Israel wiped off the map, was not only the Swiss government's guest of honour at the conference, he was allowed to just carry on regardless after 23 people walked out. He isn't fit to lick the boots of the Nobel laureate Wiesel, though I think Wiesel would probably want to burn his boots if that poisonous toad touched them.
It's time for people of the civilised world to take a stand on this. In Elie Wiesel's own words:
"I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
Monday, 20 April 2009
Obama long-form birth certificate being produced?
"Don't know about 9/11 conspiracy, but do know from DC source that an Administration team is working on perfecting a forgery of the long-form birth certificate. They plan on presenting it in a a month or so. The source is FBI agent who has drinking buddy from University of Illinois now in the Administration. Its second hand, but the source is supposed to be solid.
They have already prepared the forgery with special paper and ink. The document was printed on a fully functional 1960 Heidelberger printing press located at a print museum in Toronto. Access was arranged by a trustee of the museum who is connected to a large Canadian banking/investment firm with major US interests.
The blanks in the forged form were filled in with an old Underwood Manual typewriter bought at an estate sale in Skokie, IL. The raised seal was the easiest piece to fake, since you can by a special order corporate seal from just about any online office supply store.
The only reason they haven't rolled out the forgery yet is that it is "seasoning" under mild UV light and a back and forth rotation between between a humidifier and a sauna. Get to two months tops."
RepubX 19/04/09/a>
Gerald Celente forecasts the worst economic collapse ever.
"Gerald Celente, trend expert, visionary, keynote speaker, is trusted worldwide as the foremost authority on forecasting, analyzing and tracking trends. Celente is publisher of the Trends Journal® and author of Trends 2000 and Trend Tracking (Warner Books)."
"When CNN wants to know about the Top Trends, we ask Gerald Celente. — CNN Headline News"
These videos, posted on April 19th 2009 have Celente predicting violent revolution.
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Madeleine McCann: two versions, two documentaries

Article taken from 24Horas.
Translation by Astro on the Joana Morais blog.
“Jane Tanner gave the Portuguese authorities a version of the fateful night that was very different from what she later told the English authorities”
by Duarte Levy
In 2007, after Gonçalo Amaral left the coordination of the Polícia Judiciária’s Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in Portimão, on the day of his birthday – October the 2nd – many diligences were still possible within the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, but few or almost none were carried out.
Despite the fact that all the English people of the so-called “Tapas Group” were officially summoned to return, to participate in the reconstitution of what happened on the night that Maddie disappeared, none did so and the Portuguese authorities accepted that fact as if they were expecting it from the start. Another diligence, the questioning that was carried out in England, ended up revealing further contradictions in the statements but were regrettably sabotaged both by the English police and by the PJ.
Like Gonçalo Amaral had denounced already, the authorities in England didn’t cooperate at the level that was expected from them and the diplomatic interferences – that have become more than evident now – had produced their purpose: the head of the investigation was removed and replaced by someone more “malleable”, and the case was prepared to be archived.
With two versions of the same night, now recreated in documentaries that have been produced for television – one in Portugal under the guidance of Gonçalo Amaral and another, an English one, by the McCanns – 24horas has gone back over the witness statement of Jane Tanner, who is one of the key “characters”of a real case in which the victim remains solely one: Maddie.
Strangely, according to the videos and transcriptions of their interrogations, to which 24horas had access, all the English witnesses – David Payne, Fiona Payne, Dianne Webster, Jane Tanner, Russell O’Brien, Matthew Oldfield, Rachael Mampilly – were given, by the English police, the possibility to consult what they had already told the PJ directors earlier on.
Some of the English people – as was the case of Jane Tanner, among others – were also given the opportunity to read the others’ witness statements and to change their final statements. Despite this abnormal behaviour by the Leicestershire police, at least two video recordings of the questionings never arrived in Portugal, and given the fact that the PJ inspectors who travelled to England, following orders from Paulo Rebelo, were not present, their contents might be lost, if it wasn’t for so-called information “leaks”.
The alleged abductor as described by Jane Tanner
Jane Tanner, who is without doubt one of the key characters of the case and in both documentaries, described, in Portugal, a person, the alleged abductor, “who couldn’t be a tourist” because – as she says – “he was too heavily dressed”. The man would be between 35 and 40 years old, with very dark hair, thin and approximately 1,70m tall. Despite the distance, Jane tells the Portuguese inspectors that the suspect was wearing beige or gold-coloured trousers, a “duffy” type of jacket (but as thick) and black, classical shoes.
According to Jane’s first statement, the suspect walked hurriedly and carried a child lying in his arms, that “looked larger than a baby”. About the child, Jane only added in May 2007 that she “only saw the legs” but that she was wearing a pyjama that resembled pink cotton where she had the “feeling” of seeing a flowery print.
Back in England, the same man is described by Jane Tanner as “a father who was carrying his own child” whose description doesn’t exactly match the one that was given to the PJ: the man now wears dark, wide clothes that were not “the kind of clothes of a person on holidays at a Mark Warner resort”.
A detail that Jane Tanner stresses to the investigators, and that was used as the basis for the English documentary that the witness has recently supervised in Praia da Luz, was that the alleged abductor’s clothes “don’t seem to be from Britain but rather bought in Portugal”: Tanner never explained to the investigators why she made such a statement, instead merely clarifying that this was what the group had pointed out “not to forget” and to prepare for the PJ’s questioning.
While in Portimão, Jane said that she “had no doubts that it was” Madeleine because through a conversation that she held with Fiona Payne, in which she described to her the pyjama that the little girl was wearing that night, she saw that everything matched what she had seen.
Back in England, Tanner’s memory changes once more and the pyjama is only light-coloured and she no longer recalls the conversation that she held with Fiona.
In all the interrogations, Tanner, who says she walked the longer route to go from the Tapas to her apartment, says she passed Gerry McCann and Jeremy Wilkins in front of the stairs that lead up to 5A, but the two men state they didn’t see her. Neither her nor the alleged abductor.
To the Portuguese investigators, she said, in May 2007, that she didn’t recall the positions that Jeremy and Gerry occupied on the road. Almost a year later, Tanner was able to precise where they were standing.
In front of the PJ and when confronted with information that the dogs had smelled trails that supposedly indicated that Madeleine never passed by the crossing where she said she saw the man who carried a child, but rather into an opposite direction – which actually matches the Smith family’s statement – Tanner was adamant and defended that she was not lying, sticking to her initial version. Despite the importance of this issue, which even could be an indication that an alleged abductor might have walked a different path for his getaway, neither Tanner nor the English police approached this matter again.
In Portugal, facing the Portuguese and English policemen who followed the questioning and the first diligences, Tanner points at Robert Murat as being the man who she allegedly saw carrying a child, but during the interrogations in England, she completely changes her version and says that when Bob Small took her into a van from where she could observe Murat without being seen, “there was a car that passed at that moment and then two persons walked by”, which allegedly disturbed her and led her to identify the Anglo-British man by mistake.
The reading of Jane Tanner’s interrogations in England, without the need to compare it with her previous statements to the PJ, reveals by itself her lot of contradictions: while explaining the manner in which she cooperated with the Portuguese police in the identification of Murat, Tanner first says that when she met Bob Small she didn’t know who he was and asked her partner, Russell O’Brien, to write down the license plate of the car in which the policeman rode. During the same questioning session, Tanner says that at the time she took her collabotaion with the authorities “very seriously” and that she didn’t even tell her partner that she was meeting Bob Small and why.
The importance of phone calls
The extensive analysis that is carried out on all telephone communications that were made by the nine English people during their entire stay in Portugal is an important detail of the official investigation into Maddie’s disappearance.
It is Jane Tanner who reveals to the English police that David and Fiona Payne used a Portuguese mobile phone at the time when Madeleine disappeared, a situation that was not even unique given the fact that Kate and Gerry McCann also had phones with a Portuguese chip at their disposal, some of which were never known to the PJ.
When questioned in England about her own phone communications, Jane Tanner identifies all of the correspondents as being friends or relatives, yet fails to identify the owner of a Portuguese mobile phone whom she calls and sends text messages after Maddie’s disappearance. The question would never be clarified.
Another important detail that none of the documentaries – the Portuguese one, based on Gonçalo Amaral’s book and the English one under the “direction” of Gerry McCann – explains is the contradiction between the various witnesses, concerning Kate McCann’s movements.
To the Leicerstershire Police, Jane Tanner, when questioned about that matter, says that she didn’t see whether or not Kate left the table during dinner because she “was back in her room at that moment” and only saw her again after the disappearance, “when she (Kate= was running near our apartment with Fiona Payne”.
Reconstitution or documentary
Jane Tanner, who is pointed out in the documentary that Channel Four will transmit on the seventh of May as one of the most important witnesses of the case, explains to the English police, in her last questioning, why she refused to participate in the PJ’s reconstitution.
According to her testimony, “I’d be on a plane tomorrow if I thought that it might help find Madeleine” but that the fear of facing the media and the fact that the diligence was explained to her as “just another occasion to incriminate us” and not focusing on discovering what happened and where Madeleine is, led her to refuse the Portuguese authorities’ request. Now, almost two years after Madeleine’s disappearance, Jane Tanner was precisely one of the witnesses who returned to Praia da Luz to face the media and to help in the filming of a reconstitution that doesn’t comply with the official inquiry at all.
“I really need to understand that it’s worth doing and not simply a way to close the inquiry”, said Tanner, adding that “from the media’s point of view and from a psychological point of view, the thought of walking up that road again and having to relive it all, it would be exactly terrible”. That was precisely what Tanner did earlier this month and 24horas followed on location.
source: 24Horas, 18.04.2009
by astro
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Madeleine McCann: David Payne may hold the key to her disappearance.
18 April 2009
Joana Morais
Joana Morais
David Payne May Hold the Key to Maddie's Mystery
Since the 16th of May 2007, the British authorities possess an official formal complaint presented by Katherine and Arul Gaspar, regarding suspicions about David Payne's behaviour which might be consistent with paedophilia acts.
These statements only entered the Portuguese Public Ministry's Process of investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance in January 2008 - the third version of the famous rogatory letters had already been sent to the Home Office - read: 'English tantrum delays McCanns process'. It is unknown if these statements were followed up by both forces in the United Kingdom and in Portugal.
The Gaspars, both doctors and former friends of the Paynes and of the McCanns, explain in the following statements what led them to present the criminal complaint: the time was in September of 2005, the place Mallorca.
Vol. XIII, Pages 3909-3915
To: Ricard Paiva - Polícia Judiciária
From: DC 1756 Mike MARSHALL - Leicester Police Constabulary
Ref: David Payne
Date: October 24, 2007
As requested, appended are the statements of Arul and Katherina Gaspar.
I read carefully the written statements given by David Payne but was not able to extract any other information besides what is already known.
He declares that he saw Madeleine, for the last time, at 17H00 on 3/5/07 in the McCann’s apartment. Also present there were Kate and Gerry. He did not indicate the motive for being there or what he was doing. Similarly he does not indicate for how long he stayed.
When asked with whom he was on the afternoon of May 3rd, he declares that this information was already offered to the police and he cannot remember if anyone else was there.
He does not remember what he was wearing that afternoon.
He took part in the searches, having carried out most of them alone. He was at times accompanied by Matthew Oldfield.
He did not partake in the searches realized on the 4th of May, because, on this day, he spent to majority of time in the police headquarters.
For many of the questions, he does not give a complete answer, affirming simply that he has already given this information/declaration to the Portuguese police.
I examined again the declarations of Fiona Payne. In her depositions, she states that she went to the McCann apartment, around 19H00, on the 3rd of May, together with Kate. She states that 10 minutes later, the husband arrived; it is not clear which husband she refers to, if to Gerry or her own husband.
Her responses to the written questionnaire are vague, given that, she continues to answer to the questions with “they conform to my earlier deposition” or some similar statement.
The Gaspar Family Statements
Last Name: Gaspar
Forenames: Katherina Zacharias
Date of Testimony: 16/05/2007
Number of Pages: 8
I give this declaration in relation to the McCANN family who are currently in Portugal. The McCANN family is composed of Gerry McCANN, his wife, Kate McCANN and their three children, Madeleine, of 4 years old, and Sean and Amelie, who are twins and of 2 years of old.
As is profusely divulged in the news, Madeleine is not with her family, at present, and has been missing for the last two weeks.
I will begin by explaining that I am married to Savio Gaspar and that we have two daughters. E. of almost 3 years old and I. which is now 1 year old. I have been married to Savio for 11 years. I am a general practitioner as is my husband. I met my husband when we were (page 1) working together in Exeter, around 14 years ago.
In order to explain how we know the McCANN family, I would like to state that my husband knows Kate as they both attended Dundee University between 1987 and 1992. At that time, Kate name was Kate HEALY. I met Kate and Gerry at the occasion of their wedding, in 1998, in Liverpool. Both Savio and I went to the wedding, since Savio was an old friend of Kate, we were invited to the event.
From what I know, Savio did not know Gerry before the said wedding. After this time, we mat as friends, probably around three times a year, and we would go out together for the weekend. I would say that we become intimate friends of Gerry and Kate.
I remember that in 2002 or 2003, Savio and I spent a weekend with Gerry and Kate in Devon. We maintained contact with each other via telephone.
In 2002/2003 Savio and I were living in Birmingham and the McCANNS in Leicester.
In September of 2005 Savio, myself and E., who at the time was 1 and a half years old, spent our holidays abroad, in Mallorca. We went (page 2) on holidays with Kate, Gerry, and Madeleine, who should have been around 2 and a half years old, and the twins, Sean and Amelie, who were only months old. I remember that I was pregnant with I.
On those holidays we also met Gerry and Kate’s friends.
There was a couple, whose names were Dave and Fiona, and whose surname was PAYNE, I think. I believe that they were married and had one daughter, 1 year old, named L. I remember that on these holidays, Fiona was pregnant.
There was another couple, whose names were T. and S., and whose family name I cannot remember who were also on holiday with us. They had two boys, of 1 and 3 years old, whose names I do not remember. I did not know these two families until we went on holidays together. As I recall, I think that David organised the holidays and we all stayed together in a big house while we stayed in Mallorca.
We spend a week on holidays, however, the McCANN family, and the PAYNE family stayed for two weeks. I believe that T. and S., and their two children, also stayed for one week.
Two or three days passed in Mallorca where we had fun (Page 3) with our children. Possibly around the fourth or fifth day abroad, I remember an incident that stayed recorded in my head. I say this in this way, because I have thought many times about the incident that I am about to describe.
One night, on holidays, the adults, that is, the couples aforementioned, were in a patio outside of the house where we were staying. We had been eating and drinking.
I was seated between Dave and Gerry who I believe were both speaking about Madeleine. I don’t remember the conversation in its entirety, but it seemed they were discussing a possible scenario. I remember David telling Gerry something like “she”, referring to Madeleine, “would do this”.
When he mentioned “this”, Dave was sucking on one of his fingers, pushing it inside and outside his mouth, while with the other hand he made a circle around his nipple, with a circulatory movement over his clothes. This was done in a provocative manner and carried an explicit insinuation in relation to what he was doing and making.
I remember that I was shocked at this, and looked at Gerry, and also at Dave, to gauge their reactions. I looked around (page 4) as if saying “did someone else hear that, or was it just me”. There was a nervous silence registered in all the conversations and afterwards, everyone began talking again.
I never spoke to anyone about this, but I always felt that it was very strange and it wasn’t something that someone should do or say.
Besides this [incident], I remember that Dave did the same thing once again. When I refer to this, I want to clarify that it was during a conversation in which he was talking about an imaginary situation, though I could not say exactly what about.
I believe that he was talking about his own daughter, L., although I cannot be certain. He put one of his fingers in his mouth and slide it in and out, and with the other hand, drew a circle around his nipple in a sexually and provocative way. I believe that he was referring to the way that L., would behave or do it.
I believe that he did this later on, during the holidays, but I cannot be sure. The last time, besides this one, when I was with Dave and Fiona was several weeks after the holidays, when Savio and I met Gerry, Kate, Dave and Fiona at a restaurant in Leicester.
I am absolutely certain that he said what he said and that he repeated the same gestures that I referred, however that could have occurred in a restaurant in Leicester, though (page five) I believe that it was later on, in Mallorca. When I heard Dave doing and making this a second time, I took it more seriously.
I remember thinking whether he looked at the girls in a manner different from me or from the others. I imagined that maybe he had visited Internet sites related to small children. In short, I thought he was interested in internet child porn.
During our holidays I was more attentive at bath time after hearing Dave saying that.
During our vacation in Mallorca, it was the fathers who took care of the children baths. I had the tendency to walk close to the bathroom, if Dave was bathing his children. I remember telling Savio to be careful and to be there, in case it was Dave helping to bathe the children and, in particular, to my daughter E. I was very clear about this, as having heard him disturbed me, and did not trust him to give bath to E. alone.
When I heard Dave say that a second time, it reinforced what I already thought in relation to his thoughts about little girls. During our stay in Mallorca, Dave and his wife, Fiona, accompanied by this daughter L., took Madeleine (page 6) with them to spend the day together, and to give Kate and Gerry a bit of rest and time to be with the twins. When I say this, it is not that I was worried about Madeleine’s safety, since she was also with Fiona and L., and also with Dave, as far as I know.
As I already mentioned, I was only with Dave and Fiona on one occasion, after Mallorca, and I have not spoken to them since that time. In the last two years, we have met, as a family, with the McCANNS, once in a while. That happens mainly at the children’s birthday, a time when we get together.
The first time I had knowledge of the terrible news about Madeleine’s disappearance through the radio, my thoughts went immediately to Dave. I asked Savio if Dave was also on holidays with the McCANNs in Portugal but he did not know.
I watched TV meticulously, and seeing the coverage of the news, I understood that Dave was there, because I saw him, in the background, on the television images during the first days after the Madeleine’s disappearance. Based on that, I believed that he was on holidays with the McCANNs in Portugal.
Today, Wednesday, the 16th of May of 2007, at 17:40, I gave DC Brewer an A4 page containing 2 photographic images. I am going to reference these images as (ref KZG/1) (probatory element) that may (page seven) be presented as mean of proof, if necessary.
These photographs were taken during the holidays in Mallorca. In the photographs, Dave is wearing a white t-shirt and the woman in the photograph is his wife Fiona. The man who is holding the cup of wine in the photograph is S. These photographs were taken whilst we were in Mallorca.
Last Name: Gaspar
Forenames: Arul Savio
Date of Testimony: 16/05/2007
Number of Pages: 5
I am the person designated here, and I live at the address referred on the back of the page.
These statements are produced in relation to the missing girl, Madeleine McCann.
I currently work as a GP at Saint Clements Surgery, Nechells, Birmingham, where I have been employed for the last nine years.
Madeleine is the daughter of Kate and Gerry McCann and our families are friends.
I have known Kate since 1987, when we met at Dundee Medical School, having since then, become friends. We have remained in touch during all this time and, in a general way, we meet up 3 to 4 times a year, speaking regularly on the phone or by email.
When we first became friends, in 1987, Kate was known as Kate HEALY, this was the case until she married Gerry at the end of 1990s. Kate and I completed our medical degrees in 1992, when each carried on with our lives, once we had begun our careers.
After I finished my degree I began my career in EXETER, and I think Kate went to GLASGOW. (page one)
I only met up with Kate again in 1997 or 1998. By then I was married to Katherina, we had both been invited to attend her wedding with Gerry.
After their wedding we lost contact again and I believe they went to NEW ZEALAND.
We only met up again in 2001, this time in Birmingham.
The couple visited us in the house where we then lived, in A.G., and this was, in fact, the first time I talked to Gerry.
I believe that at the time Kate and Gerry were living in Queeniborough, Leicestershire.
From 2001 and 2005 we were in regular contact and every once in a while visited each other’s homes.
We had planned holidays for the first week of September 2005 in MALLORCA, SPAIN, along with three other couples including Kate and Gerry. We did not know the other two couples, they were friends of Kate and Gerry, and we had never been with them before.
We all had children.
At the time of this holiday we had one daughter, E., aged 18 months.
Kate and Gerry had 3 children, Madeleine, almost two years old, and the twins, Sean and Amelie, both six months old.
The other couples were Dave and Fiona PAYNE, who had a daughter L., who was one year old, and S. and T. who had two boys, one aged three and the other one aged one. I do not remember S. and T.'s surname, nor the names of their children.
Katherine and I had booked the holiday for one week and the others two for two weeks. We stayed together in a holiday house [villa], which was large. (page two)
Although all of us arrived at this holiday house separately, Katherina and I arrived at the first day of the booking, extending our stay up to the end of the first week of the holiday period of two weeks.
During the period that we stayed at the holiday house, I remember a gesture made by Dave PAYNE.
I do not remember which was the context of the conversation that Dave and Gerry were having then, however I do recall vaguely, Dave using his left index finger to rub, with circular movements, his left nipple; whilst he put the head of his right index finger to his lips, touching it with his tongue. This happened during a meal, at the end of the day, in the holiday house, and though I do not quite remember the time or the day, I can safely say that we would usually dine between 19.30 and 21.00 every day. I believe this happened in the middle of our holidays.
I remember seeing that gesture, and I immediately thought it to be of extreme bad taste, independently of the context of the conversation that they were having. We were sitting around a plastic, rectangular shaped, white table in the garden of the house. I don’t know if anyone else noticed Dave’s gesture, apart from my wife Katherina. After this incident with Dave’s gesture, no comments were made and as far as I know, the gesture was not repeated.
During the rest of the holidays, no one made comments about that incident and I thought no more about it.
I can describe Dave as being a man of Caucasian race, measuring 1.78m [5’10’’], and of average physical complexion. He had brown, receding hair and used glasses/contact lenses, depending on the circumstances.
I can say that Dave was a pleasant person. I do not remember him having any unusual characteristics. (page three)
During the holidays, I have never seen Dave behaving in an inappropriate manner with Madeleine or with any of the other children. Dave was popular among the children, which I attributed to the fact that he was a close friend of the family.
I never mistrusted Dave. After the holidays there was just one other occasion when we were with Kate and Gerry and Fiona and Dave were also present.
That was in a restaurant in Leicester in 2005. I do not remember the name of the restaurant. Nor the exact date.
We were having a pleasant afternoon, just the three couples, without the children.
I do not remember Dave having behaved inappropriately on this occasion. Since December 2005, we have not seen or spoken to Dave or Fiona, only due to the fact of them being friends of Kate and Gerry, not for any other reason.
The last time I saw Kate, Gerry, Madeleine, Sean and Amelie was in March 2007 when they came to our house for the first birthday celebration of my daughter I. On Friday morning, the 4th of May 2007, Katherine and I had knowledge of Madeleine’s kidnapping on the TV news. We were very shocked and worried given that I considered them to be close friends.
It was during the days following the news of the abduction that we discovered that Dave and Fiona PAYNE were also with them in Portugal.
It was at that moment that Katherina showed apprehension at the gesture made by Dave in Spain, during our holidays, in September 2005. Katherina thought that when Dave made the gesture, he was referring to Madeleine.
I only understood that Katherina had also seen Dave’s gesture at (page four) at this time, given that I had forgotten the incident, never having been, therefore, a subject of conversation.
At the time, I did not have the impression that the gesture was referring to Madeleine.
It is my wish that the police are aware of my concern about the gesture made by Dave Payne.
Retroversion - translation back into the original language
Friday, 17 April 2009
Michael Savage has filed a federal lawsuit against Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano
By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Radio talk show host Michael Savage has teamed up with the Thomas More Law Center of Ann Arbor, Mich., to file a lawsuit against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.
"It is a civil rights action brought under the First and Fifth Amendments to the United States Constitution, challenging the policy, practice, and custom of the United States Government that targets for disfavored treatment those individuals and groups that are considered to be 'rightwing extremists,'" the complaint announced today said.
According to the federal government, members of the suspect group of people include those who:
- Oppose restrictions on firearms
- Oppose lax immigration
- Oppose the policies of President Obama regarding immigration, citizenship and the expansion of social programs
- Oppose continuation of free trade agreements
- Oppose same-sex marriage
- Have paranoia of foreign regimes
- Fear Communist regimes
- Oppose one world government
- Bemoan the decline of U.S. stature in the world
- Are upset with the loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs to China and India
The case seeks a declaration that the DHS policy violates the First and Fifth Amendments, a court order permanently enjoining the policy and its application to the plaintiffs' speech and other activities, and the award of reasonable attorneys' fees and costs.
WND had reported earlier on the report and the reaction it has drawn, including just a day ago when the Law Center said it had submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the DHS, demanding to know why it calls Americans who oppose abortion, support the 2nd Amendment and dislike lax immigration "extremists.""This is not an intelligence report but a diatribe against those who oppose the policies of the Obama administration," Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel for the organization, said of the request.
"It is a declaration of war against the American people and our constitution. It is a prelude to extreme gun control legislation and hate speech laws targeting Christian churches and others who oppose abortion and same sex marriage," he continued. "The federal government should be focusing its attention on the 35 radical Muslim compounds in the U.S. training its followers on how to kidnap and kill Americans."
(Read the rest of the article at World Net Daily.)
John Ziegler - the video! Ziegler handcuffed for asking questions.
John Ziegler talks on the Greta show for Fox News about being handcuffed. I would say that what those guards did amounted to assault. You can see from the close up of John's wrist at the end of the video (above) that the assault caused actual bodily harm. So, let's hope that John is already instructing a lawyer.
John's web site:
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Film maker John Ziegler illegally handcuffed for asking questions.
John Ziegler: John went to USC to witness and ask questions about Katie Couric getting the Walter Cronkite journalism award for her interview of Sarah Palin. He intended to also give away copies of his film but was literally prevented from doing so. He did not go there hoping for or expecting any sort of confrontation, especially with law enforcement. He was simply shocked and horrified by what happened there, as should every freedom loving American. He did absolutely nothing wrong and was handcuffed, detained and literally abused by law enforcement at the event.
The video speaks for itself, John will have plenty to say about this very disturbing episode. This video was shot and edited by Orange County Films. John Ziegler was not involved the the production or editing of this video in any way.
Watch the video
Maddie: the Truth of the Lie Documentary

The video, together with the English transcript from Portuguese, is available on Joana Morais' blog. Thank you very much to Joana and Astro for the work involved in translating from Portuguese.
According to Reuters, opposition Republicans and SOME people in a FEW cities, attended tea parties yesterday in the USA!!!
This morning, this is what Reuters had to say!
"Opposition Republicans seized the chance to rail against what they see as wasteful spending by his new Democratic administration, and some of Obama's grass-roots critics staged "tea party" protests in several U.S. cities."
Well, there were a lot more than "some" at those tea parties. And it wasn't just Republicans as far as I can gather from personal reports all over the internet. And it wasn't just "several" cities! If you look at the map I published in a previous post, you can see the locations and numbers of organised parties.
Atlas Shrugs: NYC Tea Party
And just a few more of those tea parties in the slide show above!
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Tomorrow's the day! It's Tax Day Tea Party Day from shore to shining shore!
View 2009 Tea Parties in a larger map
The red markers indicate parties taking place on April 15th. Blue markers indicate other dates. Visit the Tea Party site to find out where the parties are and what arrangements have been made.
Madeleine McCann: A Verdade Da Mentira - Amaral documentary - no longer available on YouTube.
SOS Madeleine McCann
The documentary, based on Goncalo Amaral's book, "A Verdade da Mentira," The Truth of The Lie, is already on YouTube. It's mostly in Portuguese but the gist of it is fairly clear. Joana Morais and Astro are working on an English transcription of the videos and I will post that when those two wonderful women have finished!
McCann Couple Furious (again!) about Documentary!

I watched the documentary online last night, the one based on Gonçalo Amaral's book, "A Verdade Da Mentira," The Truth of The Lie. Although it was mostly in Portuguese, the visual aspects of it were quite easy to follow and very interesting in that they placed the statements, and therefore the inconsistencies of the Tapas 9, into a visual context, which made those inconsistencies much more apparent. When we can see what is said to have happened, in a reconstruction in the actual physical location, then we can form an opinion more readily about the truth, or otherwise, of witness statements. For instance, how could Jane Tanner have walked past, almost within touching distance of Gerry McCann and Jeremy Wilkins, conversing outside apartment 5A, and neither saw her? And how could Jane Tanner have picked out a, "pinky aspect," to the pyjamas worn by the child she allegedly saw being carried in the light from the street lamps, which alters the perception of colours?
Joana Morais is to be thanked, once again for her speedy posting of English translations by Astro of an article from 24horas.
McCann couple furious about documentary
Carlos Pinto de Abreu, Kate and Gerry’s lawyer, says he hasn’t received any orders yet from his clients about the piece that was broadcast by TVI yesterday
by Duarte Levy“Madeleine was never abducted and died on the night of the disappearance.” This was the thesis that was defended in the docuemntary that is inspired by the book from Gonçalo Amaral, a former PJ inspector, about the Maddie case, which TVI broadcast yesterday and the McCann couple’s lawyer, Carlos Pinto de Abreu, confessed to not having watched.
“I don’t comment on fiction and even less inventions”, the lawyer said, recognising that he had received no instruction from his clients, Kate and Gerry McCann, about the documentary from Valentim de Carvalho."
According to a source that is close to the McCann couple, Maddie’s parents “are furious about the fact that Gonçalo Amaral continues to insist on a lie, further adding that TVI’s documentary will never be shown in England because it “constitutes a fiction that doesn’t help in the search for the little girl”,
The couple’s spokesperson, Clarence Mitchell, accuses the former PJ coordinator of “wanting to make money off the case.”
In England, the documentary was attentively watched on the Internet and in Portuguese cafés and bars where TVI was a reason to justify dinner reservations, mostly by British customers who wanted to watch what they know no channel in the country will broadcast.
Pressures and interferences
In the documentary, Gonçalo Amaral showed a brief reconstitution of what, according to the Polícia Judiciária’s official inquiry, happened on the night of the 3rd of May 2007, using the power of images to point out the inconsistencies of the statements from Maddie’s parents and their seven friends.
Yesterday’s documentary showed, for the first time on television, images from the work that was done by the 2 dogs that came from England, prepared to search solely residues of blood and cadaver smell.
The dogs indicated the car that had been used by Maddie’s parents in the Algarve, but also several items belonging to the couple and some spots inside apartment 5A at the Ocean Club.
TVI’s documentary also raised doubts concerning the work that was done by the English lab – the Forensic Science Services (FSS) in Birmingham – whose analyses were initially considered to be sufficient to launch suspicions on the McCann couple, but ended up being denied through the intervention from a senior English police officer.
During 50 minutes, both Gonçalo Amaral, who lead the investigation into the case, and several other intervenients, stressed the interference of the English authorities, with the former coordinator of the PJ’s Criminal Investigation Department in Portimão ending up removed from the inquiry.
Gonçalo Amaral himself stated once more that “the PJ was pressured to not investigate this case like any other”.
Efficient French alert
Elise, the little girl that was abducted on the 20th of March in Arles, was recovered by her father in Hungary yesterday, due to the European arrest warrant that France launched within the “Abduction Alert” system whose model was adopted by Portugal this year. The French “Abduction Alert” system was used for the 8th time since it exists, and once more, its success was confirmed. This system, contrary to the one that is planned by the English and the Americans, takes into account the real necessity of using the media, apart from a real and true coordination between the various intervenients: family, police and Public Ministry."
source: 24horas, 14.03.2009
by astro