Friday, 11 December 2009

Aw Gerry McCann! Who stole yer scone then?


That's what my father used to say when somebody looked miserable, Gerry, and you really don't look too happy in that photo. And you looked a wee bit scunnered in that kind of interview when reporters pressed you for a comment at Lisbon airport.

Sky News - see video

You were asked how you felt about meeting Mr Amaral and you said, "Haven't thought about it. Thank you." Gerry, I think you're telling porky pies! You reckon Dr Amaral's book has hindered the search for your daughter and you are trying to permanently ban the book and also claim over a million quid in damages, but you haven't thought about coming face-to-face with that man? Gerry, if you told me it was raining, I'd have to look out the window to make sure.

Oh dear! Kate looks like she's had her hair done specially for the trip. It's got that just out of the salon look! So, what now that the process has been postponed? A visit to Praia da Luz? Will you and your wifie now do some searching for your daughter? Maybe you could get in touch with the PJ, get your mates over too and finally do an official reconstruction of the events of the night your daughter disappeared from the unlocked apartment. Or maybe Kate could now answer the 48 questions the Portuguese police put to her, the questions that included one about how her not answering could harm the investigation.

Now you've got some spare time on your hands since the trial has been postponed, you could surely put it to good use. Why not see the PJ and ask for the investigation to be re-opened?

So, who stole your scone, Gerry? Was it the sight of the list of witnesses being presented by Dr Amaral? Or maybe the fact that Gonçalo is publicly launching another book this very day?

"The English Gag," Sounds about right, Gerry.

One day the world will know....the truth from the lie.


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