Maddie: parents seraient contents si le procès est archivé
Clarence Mitchell, le responsable en communication qui représente Kate et Gerry McCann, s’est congratulée hier à propos d’une éventuelle possibilité de que les autorités portugaises décident d’archiver l’enquête à la disparition de Madeleine.
L’ancien responsable de l’Unité de Surveillance des Médias du gouvernement britannique, avec qui il maintien des étroites relations dans le cadre du dossier McCann, parlais hier à Dublin pendant la conférence annuelle de l’Institut de Relations Publiques d’Irlande (PRII) ou il était le principal orateur.
The former head of the British government's Media Monitoring Unit, with whom he maintains close relations in the context of the McCann case, was speaking in Dublin yesterday during the annual conference of the Public Relations Institute of Ireland (PRII) where he was the main speaker.
"S'ils vont archiver le dossier, alors, dans un sens ce serait le bienvenu, car cela voudrait dire que Kate et Gerry seraient éliminés de l'enquête," à dit Clarence Mitchell.
"If they were going to archive the file, then, in one sense that would be welcome, because that would say that Kate and Gerry were eliminated from the enquiry," said Clarence Mitchell.
Les nouvelles déclarations de Clarence Mitchell ont été accueillies au Portugal avec surprise car, selon une source du Ministère Publique, "il n’y a aucune intention des autorités portugaises d’abandonner l’enquête. N’oublions pas que l’objectif primordial du travail de la police est de retrouver Madeleine, c’est’ elle la victime. "
Clarence Mitchell's new statements were welcomed in Portugal with surprise because, according to a source at the Public Ministry, "There is no intention for the Portuguese authorities to abandon the enquiry. Don't forget that the main objective of the police work is to find Madeleine. She is the victim."
Selon Clarence Mitchell, la famille McCann considère la démission d'Alipio Ribeiro de la PJ et ses commentaires à propos de l’enquête comme un signe de que la disparition de Madeleine ne sera jamais élucidé. Le porte parole à encore fait appel aux autorités en charge de l’enquête leur demandant de "remettre leurs dossier aux investigateurs privées".
According to Clarence Mitchell, the McCann family looks on the resignation of Alipio Ribeiro from the PJ and his comments about the enquiry as a sign that Madeleine's disappearance will never be cleared up. The spokesman again called on the authorities in charge of the investigation, asking them to, "hand over their files to the private investigators."
Pour rappel, la Police Judiciaire, au Portugal, et la Police du Leicestershire, au Royaume-Uni, sont les responsables des investigations à la disparition de Madeleine McCann. Plusieurs autres corps de police, notamment en Espagne, au Pays-Bas, en Belgique et au Maroc, sans oublier Interpol, ont étés liés à l’enquête.
As a reminder, the PJ in Portugal, and the Leicestershire police, in the United Kingdom, are responsible for the investigations into Madeleine McCanns disappearance. Several other police forces, notably in Spain, in the Netherlands, in Belgium and in Morocco, not forgetting Interpol, have been linked to the enquiry.
"C'est insoutenable. Ils doivent donner l'information de leurs dossiers à nos investigateurs privés ainsi ils peuvent continuer à rechercher Madeleine," à dit Clarence Mitchell.
"This is unsustainable. They must give the information from their files to our private investigators so that they can continue to search for Madeleine," said Clarence Mitchell.
L’agence de Barcelone, Metodo 3, après plus de six mois d’investigations, à été mise à mal publiquement par les déclarations de son directeur, Francisco Marco, qui avait promis le retour de Madeleine "à temps pour la fête de noël" de 2007. L’arrestation d’un des détectives, accusé du vol de plusieurs centaines de kilos de cocaïne, parmi d’autres accusations, et la révélation de qu’il y aurait eu des témoins payés au Maroc, ont dénigrée encore plus l’image de Metodo 3.
The Barcelona agency, Metodo 3, after six months of investigations, was undermined publicly by the statements of its director, Francisco Marco, who had promised Madleine's return, "in time for Christmas." of 2007. The arrest of one of the detectives, charged with theft of several hundred kilos of cocaine, amongst other charges, and the revelation that they had paid witnesses in Morocco, disparaged the image of Metodo 3 even more.
Internet et le Daily Express ont été la solution
The internet and the Daily Express were the solution.
Well, Clarence, it doesn't look like the case is about to be archived. Alipio Ribeiro said the enquiry could go on for years. His successor has said that the PJ don't give up. Also, Clarence, even if the McCanns were not arguidos, I don't think the police would hand over confidential files to them. Those files will contain not just information about and collected from the McCanns, but statements from and about other people who have been involved or gave statements about the case. It would hardly be acceptable, especially under UK law, Data Protection Act and all, for that information to be handed over to a private company. I don't think it's gonna happen Clarrie!