Showing posts with label Barbora Skrlova. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barbora Skrlova. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 June 2008

In Belgium, little Garode found safe and well. In Czech Republic a mother sexually abuses her children and eats their skin.

Baby Garode:

Baby Garode, aged just 7 months, disappeared on Friday last from his bed in a clinic, where he had been placed under a judicial order for observation. He was recovered just after midnight on Sunday, asleep at the home of the young woman, aged 31, who had taken him from the clinic.

"Le petit Garode a été retrouvé ce dimanche. Child Focus, la fondation pour enfants disparus et sexuellement exploités, a confirmé l'information. C'est grâce à une vidéo filmée par une caméra de surveillance, à l'hôpital, que la police a pu retrouver la ravisseuse présumée. Elle a pu être identifiée puis localisée. Peu après minuit, la femme a été interpellée à son domicile, dans la région de Charleroi, dans une maison de la chaussée de Bruxelles,.."

Little Garode was found this Sunday. Child Focus, the foundation for missing and sexually exploited childrne confirmed the information. It is thanks to a video from a surveillance camera at the hospital that the police that the police were able to find the alleged abductor. She was able to be identified and then located. A little after midnight, the woman was arrested at her home, in the Charleroi region, in a house on the Brussels road...

Enfants Kidnappés 22/06/08

The abductor, named as Dorothée Ballieu, and her partner were present in the house. Ballieu had apparently told her partner that the child was hers in an effort to renew their relationship.

"Dorothée Ballieu, née en 1977, et qui fait l'objet de plusieurs enquêtes pour vols et abus de confiance. Ces faits, ayant été commis sous différentes identités, n'ont pas facilité les recherches."

Dorothée Ballieu, born in 1977, and who has been the subject of several investigations for theft and breach of trust. These crimes having been committed under different identities, did not help the search.

Sa photo a été montrée aux victimes de ces différents faits, ce qui a permis de mieux l'identifier par son numéro de téléphone et la voiture qu'elle utilisait. Elle a finalement été localisée et peu après minuit, la police s'est présentée dans l'habitation de la chaussée de Bruxelles à Jumet, où le petit Garode dormait paisiblement. Il n'avait pas subi de sévices: la jeune femme s'en était occupée avec beaucoup de soins.

Her (Ballieu's) photo was shown to victims of these various crimes, which enabled her to be identified by her telephone number and the car she used. She was finally located a little after midnight. The police arrived at the residence on the Brussels road in Jumet, where little Garode was sleeping peacefully. He had not been abused: the young woman had taken good care of him.

"Entendue par la police, elle est rapidement passée aux aveux. Elle avait perdu il y a peu un enfant mort quelques jours après sa naissance. Elle a kidnappé le petit Garode en y voyant un motif de renouer avec son ancien compagnon. Elle le lui a montré en lui disant qu'il en était le père et il l'a cru. Il était de bonne foi, selon les éléments actuels de l'enquête. La jeune femme était également allée montrer le bébé comme s'il était le sien, à plusieurs relations."

Interviewed by the police, she quickly confessed. She had lost a child a short time ago, a few days after birth. She kidnapped ;itt;e Garode seeing him as a way of getting back with her former partner. She showed the baby to him, telling him that he was the father and he believed it. It was in good faith, according to current details of the investigation. The young woman also went to show the baby to several relatives as if he was her own.

La Libre Belgium


Klara Mauerova was eating her children alive.

Klara is a member of a sect, "The Holy Grail Movement." She is accused of imprisoning her two sons, sexually abusing them and of forcing them to mutilate themselves and sharing the eating of their flesh with other members of the sect.

"Terrifiant. Tel est le mot qui désigne le mieux cette ignoble histoire qui fait actuellement l'objet d'un procès en République tchèque. Une mère de famille est accusée d'avoir cloîtré ses deux fils, de les avoir torturés, d'avoir abusé d'eux sexuellement et de les avoir forcé à se mutiler pour ensuite donner leur peau à manger aux autres membres de sa secte."

Terrifying. That is the word that best describes this ignoble story which is currently the subject of a trial in the Czech Republic. A mother is accused of having shut away her two sons, tortured them, sexually abused both of them and having forced them to self-mutilate in order to give other members of her sect their skin to eat.

Ondrej, 8 ,and his brother Jakub, 10, were shut in the cellar of the family home. Klara is reported as stating that she cannot understand why she did what she did. She and five other members of the sect, one of them her sister, are on trial for the abuse of the two boys.


"Les membres de la secte sont également accusés d'avoir obligé le plus jeune des enfants, Ondrej, à s'automutiler avec un couteau pour se couper des morceaux de peaux qu'ils ont ensuite mangés crus. Lors de l'arrestation, les forces de polices ont découvert de multiples traces sur le corps du plus jeune des enfants prouvant ces accusations."


The members of the sect are also accused of having forced the younger child, Ondrej, to mutilate himself with a knife to cut off pieces of skin, which they then ate raw. During the arrest, the police found much evidence on the younger child's body, proving the accusations.

The suffering of the children came to light when a neighbour installed a camera to keep an eye on her newborn. Klara
Mauerova had also installed a surveillance system and the interference between the two electronic systems allowed the neighbour to discover what was happening.

Aussitôt alertée, la police est intervenue. Elle a découvert le petit Ondrej nu dans son urine avant de découvrir que son frère, lui aussi, avait été torturé. Elle a également cru que la fille adoptive de la famille, présentée comme étant âgée de 13 ans, avait fait l'objet de sévices. Mais cette dernière a réussi à échapper aux autorités tchèques et à s'enfuir en Norvège. Rapidement arrêtée et expulsée vers la République tchèque, la jeune fille, prénommée Barbora Skrlova, a en réalité 34 ans et faisait partie du Mouvement du Graal. Elle a participé activement aux tortures et abus sexuels commis sur les enfants. (Métro)

As soon as they were alerted, the police intervened. They discovered little Ondrej naked in his urine before finding his brother, who had also been tortured. They also believed that the adopted daughter of the family, presented as being aged 13, had been the object of abuse. But the latter had succeeded in escaping the Czech authorities and had fled to Norway. Quickly arrested and extradicted to the Czech Republic, the young girl, named Barbora Skrlova, is actually 34 years old and was part of the Holy Grail Movement. She actively participated in the torture and sexual abuse of the children. (Métro)
