Showing posts with label PJ in the UK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PJ in the UK. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

SOS Madeleine McCann: Chilean psychic says Madeleine died accidentally.

SOS Madeleine McCann 15/04/08


Maddie "est morte par accident"


15/04/08 SOS Madeleine McCann

Chilean psychic said Maddie had died accidentally.

"Maddie, "died accidentally."

Convinced that she can find Madeleine McCann, the Chilean psychic, Isabel Cristina Avila reaffirmed today in Santiago that the child never left Portugal, adding that Maddie died by accident, without the intervention of third parties.

According to the psychic, known for having collaborated with the Chilean police in the search for missing persons, the place where the body is to be found was not searched with the thoroughness required: "they searched but not carefully enough," stated Isabel Avila.

This is not the first time that the psychic has spoken about the Madeleine case. In October 2007, she sent a sketch to the Portuguese ambassador to Chile showing the place where the police should search for the body.

Since the disappearance of Madeleine Beth McCann, on May 3rd 2007, the PJ has received several hundred letters, emails and telephone calls from people saying they could find the little girl. In spite of all the checks, mostly out of sight of the media, no lead has, as yet, led to Madeleine's being found. "

Sunday, 13 April 2008

PJ: the interrogations have reinforced the convictions of the inspectors. (Updated)

"Entre pertes de mémoire et changements de témoignages

b9250c297710299dfb02ba100d688065.jpgDepuis leur arrivée sur le sol britannique, Paulo Rebelo à gardé exactement la même attitude vis-à-vis des journalistes qu’il avait au Portugal : dés que le sujet de conversation touche à l’affaire McCann c’est le silence. A la sortie des installations de la police britannique, après les interrogatoires, le silence de l’inspecteur, même pour les journalistes portugais, n’est trahi que par un léger sourire et son air fatigué. Ceux qui connaissent l’inspecteur d’autres dossiers savent que ceci ne peux que signifier une chose : ca à l’air d’avancer comme il le souhaite.

Between loss of memory and changing witness statements.

Since their arrival on British soil, Paulo Rebelo has maintained exactly the same attitude towards journalists, which he had in Portugal: as soon as the subject touches on the McCann case, there is silence. On leaving the British police building, after the interrogations, the inspector's silence, even for the Portuguese journalists, was only betrayed by a slight smile and by his air of exhaustion. Those who know the inspector from other cases, know that this can only signify one thing: that things as progressing as he would wish.

"Et on fini par comprendre le sourire de l’inspecteur. Selon plusieurs officiers britanniques de la police du Leicestershire, la thèse d’un enlèvement, ne tiens pas la route et la cohésion du groupe connu comme les Tapas 9 (incluant Kate et Gerry McCann) commence à s’effriter."

And we come to understand the inspector's smile. According to several British officers of the Leicestershire police, the abduction theory does not last the distance and the cohesion of the group, known as the Tapas 9 (including Kate and Gerry McCann) begins to crumble.

"S’il y avait un pacte de silence il à été rompu et je suis certain que les collègues portugais vont y arriver", affirmait un responsable de la police britannique à Enderby, où un certain "ras-le-bol" commence à se faire remarquer vis-à-vis des pressions de que la police du Leicestershire à été la cible."

"If there was a pact of silence, it has been broken and I am certain that the Portuguese colleagues will get there," stated a spokesperson for the British British police at enderby, where a certain, "enough is enough," has been noticed faced with the pressure, of which the Leicestershire police has been the target.

"Selon la même source, le témoignage de Jane Tanner et Russell O’Brien, mettant directement en cause Kate et Gerry McCann, à permis aux enquêteurs de comprendre pourquoi la maman de Madeleine avait refusé de répondre à un grand nombre de questions. Au mois de septembre, le jour ou elle à été constitué arguida, avant le départ du couple au Royaume-Uni, Kate avait refusé de coopérer avec la Police Judiciaire, refusant notamment d’expliquer pourquoi elle avait changé de vêtements ou pourquoi Madeleine, depuis leur arrivée à l’Océan Club, pleurait souvent quand elle restais avec sa maman, jamais avec Gerry."

According to the same source, the witness statements of Jane Tanner and Russell O'Brien, directly implicating Kate and Gerry, have allowed the investigators to understand why Madeleine's mother had refused to respond to a large number of questions. In September, on the day she was constituted arguida, before they left for the UK, Kate had refused to co-operate with the PJ, notably refusing to explain why she had changed her clothes or why Madeleine, since their arrival at the Ocean Club, often cried when she was with her mother, never with Gerry.

Prochainement :

  • En Espagne, nous avons rencontré l’équipage d’un bateau qui étais sur la cote la nuit de la disparition.
  • Des experts européens en communication, marketing et analyse politique ont décortiqué la campagne McCann.
Coming next:

  • In Spain we have met the crew of a boat which was on the coats on the night of the disappearacne.
  • European experts in communication, marketing and political analysis have analysed the McCann campaign.

Friday, 11 April 2008

PJ: the interrogations have reinforced the convictions of the inspectors. (Updated)

"Pendant que l’inspecteur-chef Paulo Rebelo, coordinateur du Département d’Investigation Criminelle de la Police Judiciaire se trouve à Enderby, au Portugal la police à commencé à exploiter les nouveaux données que la rencontre d’hier avec la police de Leicestershire à pu révéler. Pendant la réunion, qui a duré toute l'après-midi, les deux forces de police ont pu affiner la forme dans laquelle les interrogatoires vont se dérouler. Paulo Rebelo, responsable de l’enquête, est accompagné au Royaume-Uni par les inspecteurs João Carlos et Ricardo Paiva. ba069c2e3a391adfd0e6a26fb8535feb.jpg

While chief Inspector Paulo Rebelo, co-ordinator of the Criminal Investigation Department of the PJ is in Enderby, in Portugal the police have started to exploit the new data that yesterday's meeting with the Leicestershire police was able to reveal. During the meeting which lasted all afternoon, the two police forces were able to finalise the form the interrogations would take. Paulo Rebelo, who is in charge of the investigation, is accompanied in the UK by the inspectors Joao Carlos and Ricardo Paiva.

Tanner incapable de décrire le prétendu kidnappeur

Les interrogatoires n’ont pas permit d’élucider certaines contradictions mais, en contrepartie, ont servi même à renforcer les convictions des enquêteurs et même à mettre en cause la véracité des précédentes déclarations de plusieurs témoins et arguidos. Ils sont devenues plus précis sur certains détails mais "ils ont oublié les plus importants", affirme un officier de la police britannique à Enderby.

Tanner incapable of describing the alleged abductor.

The interrogations have not allowed the clarifying of contradictions, but by way of compensation, have served to reinforce the convictions of the investigators and even to call into question the veracity of previous statements of several witnesses and arguidos. They have become more precise on certain details, but, "they have forgotten the most important," stated a British police officer at Enderby.

"Cible privilégié des interrogatoires, Jane Tanner et son compagnon Russell O’Brien. La première avait affirmé à la a07c05415f1dae607fd6d8a1ae0d1502.jpg police et en public avoir vu un homme emportant un enfant dans ses bras mais ces déclarations n’ont pas cessé de changer au cours des temps. Deux témoins extérieurs au groupe, qui se trouvaient au même endroit, ont nié à la police avoir vu le personnage décrit par Tanner. Un personnage décrit différemment par Tanner à plusieurs reprises."

Favoured target for the interrogations, Jane Tanner and her partner Russell O'Brien. The former had stated to the police and in public that she saw a man carrying a child in his arms, but her statements have continued to change over time. Two witnesses outside the group, who were in the same area, have denied to the police that they saw the person described by Tanner. A person described differently by Tanner on several occasions.

"Cette fois ci, Tanner à été incapable de dire aux enquêteurs quand, comment et où elle avait vu le prétendu kidnappeur, contrariant tout ce qu’elle avait dit précédemment, notamment au programme Panorama transmis sur la télévision britannique. "

This time, Tanner was incapable of telling the investigators when, how and where she had seen the alleged kidnapper, contradicting everything that she had previously said, notably on the Panorama programme transmitted on British television.

"L’interrogatoire de Jane Tanner, avance notre source, à été le plus minutieux de tous, ou les officiers britanniques sont intervenus à plusieurs reprises croisant ses questions avec celle des enquêteurs portugais : "elle est arrivé souriante pour repartir au bord de la crise de nerfs".

Jane Tanner's interrogation, as put forward by our source, was the most thorough of all, where the British officers intervened on several occasions crossing their questions with those of the Portuguese investigators: "she arrived smiling and left on the edge of a nervous breakdown."

"Les interrogatoires ont permis de démontrer que le Dr. O’Brien s’est absenté du Tapas Bar et de la table du diner plus longtemps que ce qu’il avait déclaré à la police, justifiant son emploi du temps disant que sa fille était malade : "le Dr O’Brien affirme qu’il a du changer les draps du lit à cause des vomissements de l’enfant mais cette version est contredite par le personnel de l’Océan Club"

The interrogations showed that Dr O'Brien was absent from the Tapas Bar and from the dinner table for longer than he had stated to the police, justifying how he had used his time saying that his daughter was sick: "Doctor O'Brien stated that he had had to change the bed sheets because of the child's vomiting, but that version is contradicted by the Ocean Club's staff."

"L’interrogatoire du couple à toutefois confirmé que les enfants restaient seules pendant que les parents allaient diner ou sortir, sans aucune sorte de sécurité."

However, the interrogation of the couple, confirmed that the children were alone while the parents went to dinner or went out, without any kind of security.

"Détail intéressant que la police à pu déterminer pendant les interrogatoires, l’homme du portrait-robot révélé à la presse par Clarence Mitchell – le monstre sanguinaire comme un tabloïde britannique l'à décrit – à été pour la première fois indiqué aux témoins d’après un article publié par le Correio da Manhã décrivant, dans les premières semaines de l’enquête, la scène d’un homme rodant le balcon d’un appartement ailleurs qu’à l’Océan Club. L’article du Correio da Manhã spécifiait notamment que la police avait vérifié et écarté cette piste. Selon nôtre source, ce sont les détectives entourant les McCann qui ont ressuscité ce suspect, "l’adaptant au portrait décrit en dernier lieu par Jane Tanner".

(à suivre)

An interesting detail, which the police were able to determine during the interrogations, the man in the sketch revealed by Clarence Mitchell - the bloodthirsty monster as a British tabloid described him - was shown to witnesses for the first time, after an article published by Correio da Manha describing, in the first weeks of the investigation, the scene of a man loitering on the balcony of an apartment at a place away from the Ocean Club. The Correio da Manha article specifically noted that the police had verified and ruled out that lead. According to our source, it is the detectives surrounding the McCanns who have revived this suspect, "adapting him to the portrait described the last time by Jane Tanner."

(To be continued

Thursday, 10 April 2008

PJ: the interrogations have reinforced the convictions of the inspectors.

"Pendant que les McCann sont en Belgique et la PJ au Royaume-Uni"

"Interrogatoires ont renforcé la conviction des inspecteurs : "il y a en a qui ont menti "

Vu comme une dernière tentative pour faire avancer l’enquête à la disparition de Madeleine McCann, l’interrogatoire des sept amis de Kate et Gerry McCann, les Tapas 7, à renforcé la conviction des inspecteurs de la Police Judiciaire et de ses collègues britanniques de que la clé du mystère réside au sein du groupe : "il y a en qui ont menti", à confirmé une source de la police du Leicestershire soulignant que "face à ce que nous avons entendu ces derniers jours, il devient incompréhensible que les parents continuent à leur accorder une total confiance".

(à suivre)

While the McCanns are in Belgium and the PJ in the UK.

Interrogations have reinforced the convictions of the inspectors: there are those who have lied.

See as a last opportunity to make progress with the enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance, the interrogation of the seven friends of Kate and Gerry McCann, the Tapas 7, has reinforced the conviction of the PJ inspectors and their British colleagues that the key to the mystery lies with the group: "there are those who have lied," a source from the Leicestershire police confirmed, stressing that, "faced with what we have heard these last days, it is becoming incomprehensible that the parents continue to place total confidence in them."

(to be continued)

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Enfants Kidnappés: Jane Tanner was the first witness to be heard.

Jane Tanner a été le premier témoin entendu.

"Les amis ainsi que le porte-parole des McCann disent pouvoir expliquer l'origine des vestiges de sang de Maddie trouvés dans la voiture. C'est suite à la déposition et à la description donnée par Jane Tanner que la police s'était dirigée, tout d'abord, vers la piste de l'enlèvement. C'est la découverte des vestiges de sang dans la voiture loué par les parents, trois semaines plus tard, qui conforta les enquêteurs vers la théorie du décès par accident. Rappelons que cette hypothèse avait vu le jour quelques jours, seulement, après la disparition de Madeleine. Elle fut consolidée au mois d'août 2007 lors de la détection de ces vestiges de sang. L'intérêt des McCann à demander que Clarence Mitchell et Justine McGuiness soient auditionnés réside dans le fait, qu'en dehors des parents, ce sont les deux porte-parole qui ont été le plus souvent à bord du véhicule après la disparition de Madeleine."

Jane Tanner was the first witness to be heard.

The McCanns' friends and their spokesperson say they can explain the origin of the traces of Maddie's blood. This follows the statement and description given by Jane Tanner, which had first led the police on the track of an abduction. It is the discovery of traces of blood in the car rented by the parents, three weeks later, which strengthened for the investigators the theory of accidental death. Recall that this theory was born just a few days after Madeleine's disappearance. It was consolidated in the month of August 2007 with the detection of the traces of blood. The interest of the McCanns in requesting that Clarence Mitchell and Justine McGuiness be interviewed, lies in the fact that after the parents, those are the two spokepeople who were most in the vehicle after Madeleine's disappearance.

Après l'Alerte Amber, l'Alerte... McCann ?

C'est demain, jeudi, que le couple McCann, mis en "examen" dans une enquête sur la disparition d'une fillette de 4 ans, se rendra au Parlement Européen à Bruxelles. Les parents débattront avec un groupe d'eurodéputés sur la création d'un système européen d'alerte pour enfants disparus. Cette réunion, qui se veut très médiatique, se tient dans le cadre de la présentation d'une déclaration commune sur la coopération d'urgence en cas d'enlèvement d'enfants. Ensuite une conférence de presse est prévue en présence des parents de Madeleine. Il y a un mois, Marguerite Sousa Uva, présidente de la Commission européenne a alerté Bruxelles sur le "manque de volonté politique" des 27 membres pour créer un système d'alerte efficace en cas de disparition d'enfants. "Malheureusement, les droits des enfants ne sont pas une priorité à l'ordre du jour politique" a souligné Marguerita Sousa Uva. Elle s'est, elle même, très impliquée dans cette cause et a rappelé que le mécanisme d'alerte est défini et appliqué avec efficacité à quatre États membres: Allemagne, France, Grèce et Royaume-Uni. Le système en place permet la circulation rapide des informations sur la disparition d'un enfant, en alertant aéroport, réseaux de transports publics, autorités et organisations non gouvernementales.

After the Amber Alert....the McCann Alert?

It is tomorrow, Thursday, that the McCann couple, under investigation in an enquiry into the disappearance of a four year-old girl, take themselves to the European Parliament in Brussels. The parents will discuss with a group of European representatives, a European alert system for missing children. This meeting, very media-staged, takes place within the framework of a joint declaration on urgent cooperation in cases of child abduction. Afterwards, a press conference is planned with Madeleine's parents. A month ago, Marguerite Sousa Uva, President of the European Commission, alerted Brussels on the, "lack of political will," of the 27 members to create an effective alert system for cases of missing children. "Unfortunately, the rights of children are not a priority on the political agenda," stressed Marguerite Sousa Uva. She, herself, is very involved in this issue and reiterated that an alert system is developed and applied effectively in four member states: Germany, France, Greece and the UK. The system in place allows the rapid circulation of information on a child's disappearance, alerting airports, mass transit systems, authorities and non-governmental organisations.

SOS Maddie: the police would like to bring the McCanns back to Praia da Luz

"La Police veux ramener les McCann à Praia da Luz"

c6c85fc314a7611614885703b0ce9e47.jpgLa Police Judiciaire à demandé aux McCann de revenir au Portugal pour y participer à reconstitution de la nuit de la disparition de leur fille Madeleine. Cette demande englobe également plusieurs témoins, parmi eux les sept amis de Gerry et Kate. Malgré avoir clamé précédemment leur intention de retourner au Portugal, le couple à fait savoir, dans une première prise de position, via leur porte-parole, qu’ils ne sont pas prêts à y retourner tant que leur statut d’arguidos soit maintenu

The PJ has asked the McCanns to return to Portugal to participate in a reconstruction of the night of their daughter Madeleine's disappearance. This request also includes several witnesses, amongst them the seven friends of Gerry and Kate. In spite of having previously declared their intention to return to Portugal, the couple has let it be known, via their spokesperson, that in the first instance, they are not ready to return there while their arguido status is maintained.

L’intention de la Police Judiciaire serait même de ramener à Praia da Luz tous les arguidos et témoins qui étaient présents la nuit de la disparition de Madeleine afin d’éclaircir avec exactitude ce que à pu se passer entre 18H00 et 22H00, les moments clé de l’affaire.

(à suivre)"

The intention of the PJ would be to bring back to Praia da Luz, all the arguidos and witnesses who were present on the night of Madeleine's disappearance, in order to clarify exactly what happened between 18.00 and 22.00, the key moments in the case.

(To be continued)

Prochainement :

  • En Espagne, nous avons rencontré l’équipage d’un bateau qui étais sur la cote la nuit de la disparition.
  • Des experts européens en communication, marketing et analyse politique ont décortiqué la campagne McCann.
Coming next:

  • In Spain we met the crew of a boat which was on the coast the night of the disappearance.
  • European experts in communication, marketing and political analysis have analysed the McCann campaign.

Comment: the times given here are interesting, since the McCanns are reported as having gone to dinner at 8.30pm, at which time the three children were said to have been asleep in their beds. I think I recall from various published timelines, that 6pm was the time that Kate McCann returned to the apartment with the children and Gerry went to play tennis. Interesting if the PJ are looking at that wider timescale.

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

The McCanns want the PJ to interview 50 people.

My translation:

The McCann parents, Kate and Gerry want the Portuguese police to interview more than 50 witnesses in addition to the couple's seven friends, for whom the interviews started today. According to the Portuguese press, the parents legal team has submitted new names to the list of witnesses very recently. This list has gone from 24 to around 60 people during the last two weeks.

Observers close to the Portuguese police find this behaviour strange. Some are asking why this list was not presented sooner. The fact that the PJ are going to re-interview witnesses in the McCann case is not new, they stress, wondering if this is not a ploy to slow down the process, knowing that the investigators are only present for three days and that new requests would have to be acted on, the whole lot being carried over past the date limit.

That famous list includes members of the Ocean Club's staff (NDLR: certain interviews were already planned by the PJ) as well as certain people who were with the parents in the days that followed Madeleine's disappearance.

End of Enfants Kidnappés article......

I quite often check the Google translation of the original French text and could not quite believe my eyes when I saw the Google English version for the last sentence of that article.

Here is the original French:

Cette fameuse liste inclus des membres du personnel de l'Océan Club (NDLR: certains interrogatoires étaient déjà prévus par la PJ) ainsi que certaines personnes présentent avec les parents dans les jours qui ont suivis la disparition de Madeleine

And here is the Google translation:

This famous list included staff members of the Ocean Club (Note: some interrogations were provided by PJ), as well as some people with parents in the days that followed the death of Madeline. "

Look carefully at the last few words from Google! Does Googlebot know something the rest of us don't?

Monday, 7 April 2008

Enfants Kidnappés 7/04/08: Last chance for the PJ?

Last chance for the PJ?

This is perhaps the last chance for the PJ to solve the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Madeleine McCann and if the parents, Kate and Gerry, as well as the British man, Robert Murat, remain implicated in the case. Without evidence to charge anyone, the Public Ministry could order the permanent archiving of the file without disclosing its contents. But the investigators still hold a few trumps, the possible contradictions in the previous hearings could lead the authorities to not archiving the case.

24 witnesses will be heard.

This morning at 9.30 three PJ investigators took off from Faro airport in the direction of the North of England, where they arrived three hours later. The team, who will stay in the UK for 3 days, is led by Chief Inspector Paulo Rebello, coordinator of the Department for Criminal Research, Portimao. The objective of this relocation, in the context of the rogatory letters sent by the Public Ministry to the British authorities, is to assist with the hearings, undertaken by the local authorities, of no fewer than 24 witnesses in connection with Madeleine's disappearance.

Amongst these 24 witnesses, 7 of them are the parents' friends with whom they were dining on that evening. One if the witness statements which could be considered as important is that of Jane Tanner. It is she who described to the Portuguese authorities, a man with a child in his arms, at the time of Madeleine's disappearance. She swears to having seen him passing in the road while she was heading towards the restaurant to meet the McCanns and the other members of the group. Seven other witnesses are people who were doing seasonal work at the Ocean Club. The 10 remaining witnesses are those named by the McCann couple themselves.

In fact, their status allows them to request that particular witnesses are heard. We note that Clarence Mitchell himself, the McCanns' spokesperson figures amongst these witnesses. Let's not forget that he carried out his duties for around a month after the little girl's disappearance at the request of the then Prime Minister, Tony Blair. Another witness would be Justine McGuiness, who was the parents' spokesperson until September until Clarence Mitchell took over the position.

Finally, there could still be the hearing of the parents themselves. This hearing could take place depending on the other hearings and their content. However, the Portuguese Public Ministry lets us know that this could be a, "waste of time." Indeed, as arguidos, they can not speak and so not answer any questions.

Thursday, 3 April 2008

McCanns: arrest remains a possibility if they return to Portugal

SOS Madeleine McCann 3/04/08

"McCann: arrestation reste une possibilité en cas de retour au Portugal"

26f935c266e3a23f26cda751bbfcc4d2.jpg"Je pense qu’il joue sur le dramatisme… mais c’est un fait. Les McCann sont arguidos e leur comportement face à la justice portugaise n’a pas été exemplaire. Leur arrestation est toujours une possibilité, mais la décision final appartiens toujours au juge et non à la police", à dit un responsable de la Police judiciaire à SOS Madeleine en réaction aux récentes déclarations de Clarence Mitchell à propos du voyage du couple à Praia da Luz."

McCann: arrest remains a possibility if they return to Portugal.

"I think this is playing on the dramatic....but it's a fact. The McCanns are arguidos and their atttitude towards the PJ has not been exemplary. Their arrest is still a possibility, but the final decision always belongs with the judge and not with the police," a spokesperson for the PJ told SOS Madeleine in response to recent statements from Clarence Mitchell about the couple travelling to Praia da Luz.

"Selon Clarence Mitchell, en déclarations au Daily Mail, Kate et Gerry McCann seraient occupés à considérer la possibilité de retourner au Portugal "défiant leurs avocats et risquant l’arrestation" afin de signaler l’anniversaire de la disparition de leur fille."

According to Clarence Mitchell, in statements to the Daily Mail, Kate and Gerry McCann would be busy considering the possibility of returning to Portugal, "in defiance of their lawyers and risking arrest," in order to mark the anniversary of their daughter's disappearance.

"Gerry et Kate ont toujours affirmé qu’ils seraient prêts à rester au Portugal tant que Madeleine ne serait pas retrouvée mais le fait qu’ils soient constitués ‘arguidos’ au mois de septembre avait provoqué leur départ précipité vers le Royaume-Uni, pays ou ils sont à l’abri d’éventuelles procédures de la justice portugaise.

Selon le porte-parole des McCann, l’attitude des inspecteurs portugais pendant l’interrogatoire des amis du couple va les aider à prendre la décision de retourner ou pas au Portugal."

Gerry and Kate always stated that they were ready to stay in Portugal while Madeleine was not found, but the fact that they were constituted arguidos in September provoked their departure to the UK, a country where they had shelter from possible PJ proceedings.

According to the McCanns' spokesperson, the attitude of the Portuguese inspectors during the interrogation of friends of the couple is going to help them to take the decision to return to the country of Portugal.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

The McCann case: successful interrogations compromised (Updated 6.30pm)


"L’affaire McCann : succès des interrogatoires compromis"

"Secret n’a pas été respecté"

"L’objectif visé par la police portugaise avec l’interrogatoire de plusieurs témoins sur le sol britannique, connus dans l’affaire McCann comme les "tapas 7", serait gravement compromis par la divulgation du contenu des lettres rogatoires et d’une partie de la version anglaise du dossier."

The McCann case: success of the interrogations compromised.

Secrecy was not respected.

The purpose of the interrogations on British soil of several witnesses, known in the McCann case as the, "tapas 7," would be seriously compromised by the divulging of the contents of the rogatory letters and part of the English version of the file.

L’information est avancée par une source du Leicestershire Constabulary et confirmée par une copie du document à que SOS Madeleine à pu avoir accès. Selon la même source, le contenu des lettres rogatoires et une partie du dossier aurait été copié et envoyé à un ancien officier de la police, actuellement dans le secteur privé, proche d’un témoin et intéressé dans le déroulement des investigations."

The information is put forward by a source at the Leicestershire Constabulary and confirmed by a copy of the document to which SOS Madeleine has been able to have access. According to the same source, the contents of the rogatory letters and part of the file were copied and sent to a former police officer, presently in the private sector, close to one of the witnesses and interested in the progress of the investigations.

Après quelques mois d’attente, mis à profit par les témoins pour préparer les prochains interrogatoires, la Police Judiciaire est sensé voyager vers le Royaume-Uni pendant le mois d’avril afin de poursuivre son enquête à la disparition de Madeleine McCann."

After a few months of waiting, put to good use by the witnesses to prepare for the next interrogations, the PJ is supposed to travel to the UK during the month of April to continue their enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance.

Plusieurs témoins, et pas des moindres, ont reçu, de la part d’avocats et d’anciens officiers de la police britannique, des consignes et informations de comment faire face aux questions préparés par l’équipe de Paulo Rebelo."

Several witnesses, and not just a few, have received from their lawyers and former British police officers, instructions and information on how to deal with the questions prepared by Paulo Rebelo's team.

(to be continued)

SOS Madeleine McCann 1/04/08


(I usually like to present the quoted text as italicised and the translation as normal non-italicised text. Unfortunately, that font function is not responding to requests. So, I have made the original French blue to distinguish the quoted text very quickly and make the English clearly accessible.)

"C’était le cas en novembre de l’année passé quand, après avoir appris que la Police Judiciaire avait l’intention de les interroger à nouveau, les McCann et ses amis se sont réunis avec plusieurs des conseillers du couple.

Hier, une source de la police britannique affirmait à le presse que "les autorités portugaises avaient demandé que le contenu de leur demande et la forme comme elle serait exécuté soient gardés confidentiels afin de ne pas affecter l’enquête en cours".

This was the case in November of last year when, after learning that the PJ intended to interrogate them again, the McCanns and their friends got together with several of the couple's advisors.

Yesterday, a British police source stated to the press that, "the Portuguese authorities had requested that the contents of their request and the way it would be put into operation would be kept confidential in order not to affect the progress of the enquiry.

"Les inspecteurs de la police portugaise voulaient garder confidentiel le contenu de leur dossier afin de tirer profit du facteur surprise dans ses questions mais également de leur choix dans les confrontations entre témoins. Les copies à que nous avons eu accès révèlent notamment que la police à fait appel au témoignage d’autres vacanciers britanniques qui ont pu leur apporter la preuve des contradictions, voire les mensonges, des premières déclarations du groupe "tapas 7".

The Portuguese police inspectors would like to keep the contents of their file secret in order to benefit from the surprise element in their questions, but also their choice in the confrontations between witnesses. The copies to which we have had access reveal notably that the police have called as witnesses other British holiday-makers who have been able to provide with proof of the contradictions, to see the lies, in the first statements of the, "tapas 7," group.

"Ce n’est pas la première fois que le bon déroulement de l’enquête est affecté par l’ingérence de personnes bien placés auprès des autorités britanniques, notamment dans la police, agissant à titre individuel ou à la demande de personnes proches des conseillers qui entourent le couple McCann et ses amis."

This is not the first time that the proper conduct of the enquiry is affected by interference by people well-placed with the British Authorities, notably in the police, acting as an individual or at the request of people close to the advisors who souuround the McCann couple and their friends.

"En janvier, c’est le responsable en communication & marketing du couple McCann qui avait, en personne, reconnu avoir reçu un “briefing” privé de la part d’officiers de la police britannique à propos de l’enquête : “J'ai eu des briefings en privé de la police qui m'ont assuré complètement que les autorités, dans ce pays (Royaume-Uni), traitent ceci comme un cas de l'enlèvement par un inconnu”, avait dit publiquement Clarence Mitchell."

(à suivre)

In January it was the spokesperson for communication and marketing for the McCann couple, in person, who admitted having received a private, "briefing," from British police officers about the enquiry: "I have had private briefings with the police who have completely assured me that the authorities, in this country (UK), are treating this case as an abduction by person uknown," Clarence Mitchell said publicly.

(to be updated)

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Robert Murat's possessions returned and Lori Campbell's suspicions!

"La PJ rend à Robert Murat les objets personnels saisis lors de l'enquête.

La Police Judiciaire a retourné à Robert Murat divers objets personnels qu'ils avaient saisis lors de l'enquête. Ces objets avaient été saisis lors de la fouille de la maison du premier suspect dans cette affaire, à environ 100 mètres de l'appartement d'où Madeleine a disparu. Robert Murat pense qu'il va cesser d'être suspect dans le dossier. Depuis 10 mois qu'il est accusé dans le dossier Maddie, la PJ l'a privé de trois ordinateurs portables, divers CD et K7 vidéos, un appareil photo numérique et quelques vêtements."

The PJ returns to Robert Murat personal things seized during the investigation.

The Judicial Police has returned to Robert Murat various personal objects which they had seized during the enquiry. These objects were seized during the search of the house of the first suspect in this case, about 100 metres from the apartment from which Madeleine disappeared. Robert Murat thinks that he is going to stop being a suspect in the case. For ten months since he was accused in the Madeleine case, the PJ has deprived him of three laptop computers, various CDs and K7 videos, a digital camera and some clothing.

Ces objets saisis depuis mai 2007 ont été retournés au britannique mercredi dernier déjà. Seuls quelques papiers contenant des numéros de téléphone et des notes personnels resteront dans le dossier comme "pièces saisies". Avec la remise de ces objets, Robert Murat pense qu'il sera très bientôt libéré des accusations portées contre lui. Il croit, également, que son innocence sera prouvée lui permettant de reprendre une vie professionnelle qui a été suspendue depuis qu'il fut placé sous statut "d'arguido". Robert Murat a vu le site de sa société bloqué et vit, depuis lors, avec l'aide financière de sa mère. Il pourrait également préparer une procédure contre l'État Portugais."

These objects, in the police possession since May 2007, have already been returned last Wednesday. Only a few papers containing telephone numbers and personal notes remain in the file as, "seized items". With the return of these objects, robert Murat thinks that he will very soon be freed of the accusations leveled against him. He also believes that his innocence will be proved, allowing him to return to a professional life which has been suspended since he was placed under the status, "of arguido." Robert Murat has seen the company's site blocked and is living since then, with the financial help of his mother. He could also instigate legal action against the Portuguese State.

Enfin, en ce qui concerne l'enquête, elle même, il y a peu de nouveaux éléments. La PJ prépare maintenant le voyage d'une équipe d'inspecteurs rejoindre d'autres déjà en place au R-U. Ces derniers doivent mettre au point les derniers détails des interrogatoires demandés par lettres rogatoires et dont le début est prévu pour le 7 avril au plus tard !!!"

Finally, with regard to the investigation itself, there are very few new details there. The PJ is now preparing the journey of a team of inspectors to join the others already in place in the UK. They must now work on the last details of the interrogations requested by the rogatory letters, of which the first is planned for April 7th at the latest!!!


And now to the subject of that award-winning journalist, Lori Campbell! She may or may not have been the direct cause of Robert Murat's having been made an arguido, but she did let Uncle Tom Cobley and all know what she thought. What was it that Lori thought, way back in the mists of the early days of the enquiry into Madeleine McCann's disappearance? Well, here is what Lori reported in the Sunday Mirror on day 18 of the mystery, "WHY I SHOPPED MADDY SUSPECT"


Lori Campbell Lori Campbell (pic:Albanpix)

I HAVE no idea if Robert Murat is guilty of the kidnapping of Madeleine McCann.

But I would never have been able to live with the guilt had I not told police of my grave concerns about his behaviour.

Which is why I reported him to British police, the British embassy here in the Algarve and to Portuguese police.

At first, little came of it and I began to wonder if I had maybe been wrong to speak up. Then, on Monday, when Murat was arrested, my heart raced and I was gripped by a terrible sense of foreboding. Within minutes, I was thrown into the epicentre of her disappearance.

TV crews from around the world were desperate to hear what it was I told police - and what police said to me. Since then, I have replayed over and over again in my head what the prime suspect in this case said to me, desperate for any more clues that could help police.

It was on the third day of Madeleine's disappearance that I interviewed Murat - and what he said left me deeply troubled.

Having seen him with police, I assumed that he was part of the investigation and asked him for any news. He gestured at me to sit with him on the pavement outside the McCann apartment.

He told me: "Officers have turned this whole area inside out looking for her. They have thoroughly searched a 3km radius around the apartment and found nothing. Soon they will abandon hope of finding her here and look further afield.

"It is likely that whoever kidnapped Madeleine is far away by now. They could have changed her appearance. The Portuguese police didn't take her disappearance seriously at first. They thought she had just wandered off. Because of this, it was 15 hours before they alerted the Spanish border police. It is only a couple of hours' drive to Spain. The poor little thing could be long gone by now."

I found it strange that he would criticise the police operation he seemed to be part of, so I asked what his role was. He said "I've been acting as a translator for the police. I live here and speak fluent Portuguese and English. I wanted to do anything I could to help."

I then asked him when he had first heard of Madeleine's disappearance and he said: "It was first thing Friday morning. I went to the McCanns apartment and immediately offered my services to police as a translator."

He added with pride: "I helped the McCanns communicate what had happened the night before to the police. They were frantic with worry and frustrated that they were not being understood.

"I have also been translating witness statements for the last few days from Mark Warner workers and holidaymakers."

Much of that, we now suspect, was not true. But at the time, he made it sound like the police knew him very well and he was trusted enough to assist them.

Since Murat's arrest, the McCanns have said they have no memory of even meeting him. One family member said: "He is talking lies and rubbish." But it is what he said next that really set my alarm bells ringing.

I asked why he was so touched by her disappearance. "I have a daughter of the same age," he replied. "In fact, she's the spitting image of Madeleine. I felt sick to the stomach when I heard. I rushed here as soon as I could to offer my help."

WHEN I pushed him further on his background, he suddenly became uncomfortable.

He said: "I'm going through a divorce at the moment so I don't see my daughter much."

There was an evasiveness and unease about Murat that left me feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Murat was reluctant to tell me what he did for a living when I asked. After pausing for several seconds, he said: "I'm in real estate. I've just bought a couple of properties in the Algarve which I'm doing up." Why all the mystery? At this point I still knew him only as Robert, so I asked him his surname. Again he stonewalled. "It's not important," he blustered. "I'm no one really. I'd rather not say."

One minute he was desperate to talk up his role in the investigation, the next he was acting coy.

I asked him for his phone number, hoping he might be a useful source of information.

"No." he replied. "I'm not giving it out to people. I don't want to be quoted. I'm just trying to help. I'll be here quite a lot for the next few days if you need me."

More mystery, more contradictions, more mixed messages.

While we had been speaking, Sunday Mirror photographer Alban Donohoe had taken our picture.

MINUTES after we said goodbye, Murat came back to our car, agitated. He was desperate for Alban to erase the photos.

"I saw you take my picture," he blurted. "I really need you to erase it. I'm not important in the investigation."

He was polite as always, but I sensed panic in his voice and it made me uneasy. Why would a man so apparently keen to attract attention suddenly be so concerned about a couple of pictures?

Like so much else about him, it just didn't add up. Later, as we drove past I deliberately glanced at him and waved goodbye.

He was holding court as usual at the centre of a dozen film crews. He stood, hands on hips, just yards from the police tape which cordoned off the crime scene. But as he caught my eye, he appeared to freeze for just a moment and his expression changed to one of a man exposed.

My encounter with him played on my mind that night. I rang my office in London and we agreed I should pass on my concerns.

I called Leicestershire Police and they took a statement and advised me to speak to the Portuguese authorities. I called the British Embassy in the Algarve and then approached an officer for GNR - the local police force - who was guarding the McCann's apartment.

I told him I had suspicions about a man called Robert who said he was translating for police. He knew instantly who I meant and assured me he would be checked out. I told him Robert had claimed he was translating witness statements and he replied: "That is very unlikely to be true."

My decision to report Murat had nothing to do with being a journalist. It was based on gut instinct and a natural sense of duty that I should share my suspicions. Given the unimaginable horrors which Madeleine's parents were enduring, it seemed the very least I should do.

Murat insists he is innocent, a scapegoat for the failure of police to find Madeleine. He also claims he is a victim of a smear campaign orchestrated by me.

Nothing could be further from the truth, or more absurd. I have no grudge against Murat - just a desire to see Madeleine found.

All I did was pass on information I thought the authorities should be privy to. The rest is in the police's hands."


Now, I wouldn't have thought that Robert Murat was criticising the police with what he said about widenining the search and the borders not having been closed. I would have thought of that as more an explanation, a regret on the part of the police because they had originally thought that Madeleine had possibly wandered off and had come to feel they may have got it wrong.

I note that Ms Campbell says that Robert Murat said he was, "acting," as a translator for the police. This implies to me that he was not claiming any official status, rather that his was a temporary role.

Ms Campbell states that she approached Robert Murat to ask if there was any news, having seen him with the police. She then thought it odd that Mr Murat did not wish to discuss his personal life and background. This strikes me as being the actions of a rather modest person, not an attention-seeking person. Mr Murat was ready to speak about his part in what was happening, and like him, I would have wondered why a journalist would want to know about my background. I see nothing odd whatsoever in Murat's reluctance to discuss his personal life.

Ms Campbell, we still don't know what has become of Madeleine, nearly a year on. If Robert Murat's arguido status is lifted, his representatives may wish to speak to a few people. I read in another Sunday Mirror article that you traveled to Barcelona to, "give evidence," to Metodo3, about "Why I told cops"

"Give evidence."? You give evidence to the police Ms Campbell. Metodo3 is a private agency.

They were intensely interested as I told how he claimed he was a translator working for the Portuguese police and, as such, had offered to brief me on the investigation. I explained how he was always present at the scene during the first few days."

Ms Campbell, you said in the article above, "Why I shopped Maddy suspect," that you had approached Mr Murat for news. So, is that the same as his offering to brief you on the investigation?

And did he claim to be working for the police? You reported his saying that he was, "acting as a translator," for the police. Seems to be quite a different meaning there, at least as far as I understand it.

"I then asked him when he had first heard of Madeleine's disappearance and he said: "It was first thing Friday morning. I went to the McCanns apartment and immediately offered my services to police as a translator."

That is what you reported in your article, that he offered his services, not that he said he was working for the police.

Well, at least it wasn't you who mentioned Robert Murat and Ian Huntley in the same semtence! The person who did may find himself being asked a few awkward questions if Murat's arguido status is lifted.

SOS Madeleine McCann: the only logical attitude for the McCanns would be to co-operate with the police


"La seule attitude logique pour les McCann serait de collaborer avec la justice"

"Pour résoudre le mystère entourant la disparition de Maddie, les inspecteurs de la Police Judiciaire n’ont pas abandonné leur intention de réinterroger Kate et Gerry McCann, même si dans un premier temps, leur objectif est celui d’entendre au complet le groupe d’amis vulgairement connus comme Tapas 7."

To resolve the mystery surrounding Maddie's disappearance, the PJ inspectors have not given up their intention to re-interrogate Kate and Gerry McCann, even if in the first instance their objective is to hear the whole group of friends, known vulgarly as Tapas 7.

Nous n’avons pas écarté la possibilité d’interroger à nouveau les parents… la seule attitude logique pour les McCann serait de collaborer avec la justice. Pour connaître le sort de Maddie, j’espère, et il serait normal, de compter avec leur collaboration," affirme un inspecteur, rajoutant "qu'il y a des questions auxquelles le couple n’a jamais voulu répondre… peut’ être que dans leur pays ils soient prêts à le faire ."

We have not ruled out the possibility of interrogating the parents again...the only logical attitude for the McCanns would be to co-operate with the police. In order to know what happened to Maddie, I hope, and it would be normal, to count on their co-operation," states an inspector, adding, "that there are questions to which the couple never wanted to respond....perhaps in their country they would be ready to do that.

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Robert Murat's computers and other possessions returned. PJ arriving on April 7th and The Sunday Express apologises!

Today, Sunday March 23rd, many of the newspapers and online news media lead with the story that Robert Murat's computers and other possessions, which were seized by the PJ last year, have been returned. Mr Murat is now hoping that his status as arguido, official suspect, in the Madeleine McCann case is about to be lifted.

Something that has drawn my attention in all of the reports is the almost exact wording of what has been published.

The Independent On Sunday

Portuguese police have returned computers and other possessions they seized from Madeleine McCann "suspect" Robert Murat, he said yesterday.

He described the move as a "very positive sign" – but is still waiting to be officially cleared of involvement in the young girl's disappearance.

Mr Murat, 34, lives just yards from the holiday apartment in the Portuguese seaside resort of Praia da Luz where Madeleine vanished on 3 May last year."

Sky News Sunday March 23rd

"Portuguese police have returned computers and other possessions seized from Madeleine McCann suspect Robert Murat, he has said.

Murat in Portugal
Murat in Portugal

He described the move as a "very positive sign" - but is still waiting to be officially cleared of involvement in the British girl's disappearance.

Mr Murat, 34, lives just yards from the holiday apartment in the Portuguese seaside resort of Praia da Luz, where Madeleine vanished on May 3 last year."

Daily Star On Sunday

"Portuguese police have returned computers and other possessions they seized from Madeleine McCann "suspect" Robert Murat, he hassaid.

He described the move as a "very positive sign" - but is still waiting to be officially cleared of involvement in the young girl's disappearance.

Mr Murat, 34, lives just yards from the holiday apartment in the Portuguese seaside resort of Praia da Luz where Madeleine vanished on May 3 last year."

Apart from the odd word here and there, the reports are identical. So, this reads like a press release to me, but a press release from whom? The Portuguese police? I doubt that very much? Since the news is very much focussed on the interests of Robert Murat, I am making a guess that the press release has come from a representative of Robert Murat, perhaps Max Clifford, who has been reported as acting for Murat.

The timing of the return of these items in interesting in the light of reports that the Portuguese police are due to arrive in the UK on April 7th to observe the questioning of members of the tapas group and others in line with the rogatory letters sent earlier by the PJ. The return of Murat's computers must mean that the PJ no longer consider them as important for evidence purposes.

The date on which the PJ inspectors are due to arrive must now be official as this is being reported by several newspapers, including the Mail On Sunday.

Mail On Sunday

"Portuguese police to quiz Tapas Nine in Britain in final bid to solve Madeleine mystery"

This is the headline from the Mail On Sunday, though we read that actually the questioning will be of the Tapas Seven, since the police have been refused permission to re-question Kate and Gerry by the Public Prosecutor.

"A source close to the case said: "The Policia Judiciaria had prepared various questions it wanted Kate and Gerry to face but they were crossed off the list of priorities on the advice of public prosecutors.

"They felt it was a waste of time because the McCanns would refuse to answer the questions, a right that Portuguese law grants official suspects."

If this is true, what happened to the previous claim by Clarence Mitchell that the McCanns, as well as their friends, were keen for the PJ to arrive and that they would co-operate fully in order to have their arguido status lifted?

The Mail On Sunday lists a few of the inconsistencies which may be of interest to the PJ.

"They are thought to be particularly keen to reinterview David Payne, Jane Tanner and her partner, Russell O'Brien."

"Dr Payne, 41, a cardiovascular researcher from Leicester, was the last person outside the McCann family to see Madeleine at the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz on May 3. Gerry asked him to check on his wife and children while he was having a tennis lesson at about 6.30pm.

Dr O'Brien, 36, from Exeter, was away from the group for up to 45 minutes between 9.30pm and 10.15pm tending his own child who was being sick in his apartment.

He told police he had changed her bed linen, but staff at the Ocean Club deny any change of sheets was requested.

Attention has also focused on 36-year-old Miss Tanner's claim that she saw a man carrying a girl from the McCanns' apartment at about 9.15pm - when another witness says he was outside the flat at the same time but did not see her or the mystery man.

The trio have denied reports they intended changing their original police statements. The McCanns' spokesman Clarence Mitchell says the friends are keen to help police and want the reinterviews to take place as soon as possible."

Meanwhile, the Sunday Express heads its front page with a reprint of the apology to the McCanns, "Kate and Gerry McCann: Sorry." I haven't read the apology in today's Express, but I am sure it's the one printed earlier in the week in which the Express proclaimed the McCanns completely innocent of any involvement in their daughter's disappearance. Strange that! I thought only a court of law could proclaim someone innocent as a result of a case being heard in court.

The Scotsman today: ""Dani Garavelli: End of the paper trial."

"Since we have no idea which particular articles were the subject of the libel action, the victory doesn't set out the limits of press freedom either. The Express's apology – "we accept Kate and Gerry are completely innocent" – is being read by some as an acceptance that any scrutiny of the couple's behaviour was beyond the pale, but that is clearly not so.

It was perfectly acceptable to question the wisdom of leaving three toddlers alone in a holiday apartment or to try to assess the strength of the evidence the Portuguese were acting on when they made Kate and Gerry arguidos. So at what precise point did the Express cross the line? Was it when it carried conflicting reports of the DNA evidence found in the McCanns' hire car, or when it drew an inference from the fact Maddie's "cuddle cat" had been washed? Because these issues were never aired in open court, we will never know."

The Portuguese police are hoping that the questioning of the Tapas Seven and others will help to shed light on the disappearance of Madeleine McCann and, I am sure, bring this case to a conclusion. In my opinion, this case can only be satisfactorily resolved when Madeleine McCann is either found alive or her body is found and she is finally laid to rest.

I wish the Portuguese police good luck in their quest for justice for little Madeleine McCann and commend them in their persistence with this case.

Friday, 21 March 2008

Enfants Kidnappés: Interrogations scheduled for April 7th

Interrogatoires prévus pour le 07 avril

"Alors que la presse ne parle que des excuses du groupe "Express", l'enquête, elle, continue son cours. En effet, les fameuses lettres rogatoires qui ont finalement été acceptées, sont dans leurs phases de mise en place. Divers membres de la police portugaise, en contact avec leurs homologues britanniques, sont en train de peaufiner les derniers détails des interrogatoires prévus pour le 07 avril."

Interrogations scheduled for April 7th.

While the press is only talking about the Express group's apologies, the enquiry follows its course. In fact, the famous rogatory letters, which have been finally accepted, are in the phase of being put into operation. Various members of the Portuguese police, in contact with their British counterparts, are in the process of fine-tuning the last details of the interrogations, scheduled for April 7th.

"En effet, c'est cette date qui semble être celle retenue. En tous cas, c'est cette date qui est annoncée officiellement par la PJ portugaise. La police devrait interroger pas moins de 14 personnes. Il devrait s'agir des derniers interrogatoires. Ils sont considérés comme essentiels par la PJ. Ils devraient éclaircir et apporter des explications sur les diverses contradictions et "non sens" relevés dans les auditions précédentes. La police britannique apporte toute son aide et sa pleine collaboration à la mise en oeuvre des demandes se trouvant dans le courrier en provenance du Portugal."

In fact that is the date that seems to be accepted. In any case, that is the date that is announced officially by the PJ. The police will have to interrogate no fewer than 14 people. They should be the last interrogations. They are considered essential by the PJ. They should clarify and give explanations for the various contradictions and, "no sense," statements in previous hearings. The British police are giving every assistance and cooperation in implementing the requests in the letters from Portugal.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

The PJ: I don't think they're here yet!

According to a report in today's Daily Mail, the Portuguese police will arrive in the UK within the next two weeks. They hope to complete the interrogations within a week, but they will be able to and organised to remain in the UK for up to two months.

All seven friends who dined with Kate and Gerry McCann will be questioned, according to the report, before Kate and Gerry themselves are subject to interrogation. The Mail appears to be quoting the Portuguese newspaper, "24 Horas," with the details.

Officers are planning to quiz Kate and Gerry McCann, as well as the other seven friends who were with them when Madeleine disappeared, Portuguese daily 24 horas reported today.

"Madeleine's parents will be the last to face questioning because we want to have as much ammunition as possible in terms of forensic evidence and other witness statements," the paper quoted a police insider as saying."

"Ammunition."? The use of this word by the, "police insider," might imply that the Portuguese police are seeking to have enough evidence to place before Kate and Gerry to produce what? A confession of involvement in their daughter's disappearance? Surely not just some kind of admission of neglect when the, "insider," speaks of forensic evidence? Well, "Lassie," seems to be doing a fine job in Jersey at the moment, though I am not sure if Philomena McCann was referring to Eddie or Keela, or maybe she was using, "Lassie," as a cover-all term for both dogs and their skills. Don't diss dem doggies, Aunty Phil! They are pretty damned clever, don't you think?

Maybe the track record of these doggies will add weight to any forensic evidence which the PJ have, although I do recall that Clarence said there was an innocent explanation for any evidence which the PJ, "..may or may not have." Oh Clarence! When I get really bored, I do wonder how there could be an innocent explanation for evidence the PJ may not have. What evidence might that be? Are we talking filthy rumours here or are we talking about something else?

Anyway! It looks like I was a bit premature in my celebration of the PJ being already on our shores!

"Detectives investigating the four-year-old's disappearance are set to jet to the UK later this month for fresh interviews with the so-called Tapas Nine."

Daily Mail 11/03/08

Monday, 10 March 2008

Portuguese police arrive in the UK

I haven't seen any news on TV or on news agencies' web sites yet, but I have heard that the PJ flew into Birmingham airport earlier today.

From Enfants Kidnappés:

Lettres rogatoires" "Dans la suite des épisodes concernant les lettres rogatoires, on apprend qu'entre un et trois détectives portugais seraient partis pour les R-U. Notons, qu'il serait prévus de multiples interrogatoires qui ne se limiteraient pas qu'aux amis et parents. On parle d'un minimum de 14 personnes qui seront interrogés par la police britannique assisté de leurs homologues portugais."

Rogatory letters Photobucket

In the follow-up to the episodes concerning the rogatory letters, we have learned that between one and three Portuguese detectives will have left for the UK. We note that multiple interrogations are anticipated, which will not be limited to the friends and parents. There is talk of a minimum of 14 people who will be interrogated by the British police, assisted by their Portuguese counterparts.


This is very interesting news. Previously, I had read that three people were to be interrogated by the British police; Russell O'Brien, Jane Tanner and David Payne. If this is true, that a minimum of 14 people will be interrogated, then I wonder who the others are. There is much speculation on internet forums this evening; the two nannies who worked in the Ocean Club creche; Jez Wilkins, who was the person on holiday at the same time as the McCanns, who chatted with Gerry outside the apartment on the evening of May 3rd; friends and family of the McCanns who received phone calls following the discovery that Madeleine had disappeared.

Rumour has it that the PJ will be in the UK for three days, departing on the 13th. I wonder if the UK press will follow their progress, or if any news will come from reports in the Portuguese, French and Spanish press? If the news from Enfants Kidnappés and talk on the forums is accurate, the PJ will have a few busy days. Good luck to them! I do hope that their visit will serve to move this investigation forwards.