Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Friday, 8 May 2009

"Why I Admire You, Barack Obama" by Rob Lamb

A must read, folks!

Freedom March blog May 8th 2009

Why I admire you, Barack Obama.
You are just too good. You are more than I ever hoped for. Your ability to do good so exceeds my expectations, I am humbled. I know there are quite a few people out there who feel the same. And fewer every day. They have seen all that has been started, or stopped, in these first one-hundred plus days, and say ‘that’s not the America I grew up in’, or “I didn’t vote for THAT.”

Well, neither did I, but I am so pleased that somebody did.

Americans who never thought about it, now understand fascism, and see it for what it really is. Socialism is the same evil it always was, but now it has a face to go with it. A narcissistic face, with head tilted back, and a look-up-my-nostrils-you-peasants-as-I-look-at-my-telepromter-and-over-your-heads gaze. We have come to know and understand communism, as we did in the fifties. It is here. All around us, thanks to you. With government stealing our banks, our auto companies, and the potential to rip countless other businesses, our economy, our sovereignty, our dignity and our way of life right from under our noses. Illegally giving the spoils to ‘chosen’ foreign governments, or thuggish, crime-laden ‘protection’ organizations, or to the unions in exchange for their fealty and patronage.

I love what you are doing, Barry Soetoro. There were countless millions who never before feared their government, but tolerated its incompetence, stupidity, and bumbling pomposity, yet truly appreciated its ability to provide military protection. But now we see true terror. Fear, distrust, contempt, even revulsion. It is a very good time to be alive. This is why I love what you’ve accomplished, Barry Soetoro. The sleeping giant has been awakened, and is starting to react. As a people, we have never loved our government, per se. But we have loved our beautiful country, and we have loved our opportunities here in America, defined by life, liberty, happiness, prosperity, and freedom, guarded for us by our Constitution. We have loved our Constitution, which has kept the government at bay. Now that it is being trampled, more so with every passing day, the American public is beginning to see just what it is we could lose, and may have already lost. And America is fighting mad. The populace is openly discussing the return of this country to a place where the Constitution once again reins supreme, not the men and women to whom we temporarily give power over us. Thank you, Barry.

January 20, 2009, first official act: Executive Order 13489. You sealed ALL your records, permanently. Transparency. You’re making this way too easy.

People are professing love for their country in ways not seen for many years. This has been brought on by a fear of the loss of the liberties America provides, to the phony dreams of an NPD-afflicted illegal alien. We have seen the states take up sovereignty issues, and a reaffirmation of states’ rights. This isn’t penny-ante stuff. The states are looking at gun laws, and what happens when guns are manufactured only for in-state consumption. The second amendment is alive and well, despite left wing efforts to scribble a line through it with a big thick crayon, a change which I imagine would have to be initialed by you, Barry, (BS). Populist Grand Juries are popping up in dozens of states, all with the initial purpose of finding out the veiled truth about the pretender President. Then there is the very open dialogue about the ‘free press’, such as it is. And who really cares about it anymore, other than John Kerry along with his, and your, fellow miscreants on the left who need it for a mouthpiece? The only reason you and the Congress are after the radio air waves is that you have so defiled newsprint and television with progressivism both industries are dying a wretched, tormented death. You leeches need a new outlet. You have America on the warpath. Excellent. Way to go, Barry.

Americans have become nauseated with the torrent of illegals. Your personal brigand, Napolitano, seems to want to do everything in her power to assist the ILLEGALS in their march North, and at the same time to utilize every impediment she can find in her substantial arsenal to fight against LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. You are brilliant!

And bless your cold, sterile little heart, Soetoro. Your fellow countrymen, whoops, sorry, my mistake, I mean the American people, want the US to be the best It can be, and not the second, or third tier state envisioned by you, Barry Soetoro. Education is the machinery to accomplish the heavy lifting. But you and the rest of the nauseating left in the Congress had the opportunity to help kids in Washington DC through the charter schools. Instead you choose to keep them uneducated, on the plantation, doomed to a life of poverty, beholden to the Democratic Party, without hope, without change. In failing those kids, you failed all of us. There is a thickening, oozing hatred and revulsion of everything you and your party stand for. Your kids aren’t in public school. People see your hypocrisy, and it is pure gold.

Oh, and the planned destruction of our health care system is going well. When the lid comes off, and everyone can see the stew we’re smelling, we will all gag. The cost may bankrupt us. Those of us who actually pay the bills, anyway. The old and the infirm will be allowed to die, untreated, unmedicated. The newborn will make it only if they’re strong enough, but then infanticide has always been your strong suit. Incredible. You make all my points for me.

So, you think by forcing the Israelis to give up the only weapons that have kept them safe, you will make the world safer? For whom? For your fellow Muslims, of course. You thought the Holocaust got ugly. Just wait, it‘s 100 to 1 over there. Not good, Soetoro, but it certainly enhances your beastly image. Planning to re-start the Somali immigration program, which was fraught with fraud from the beginning. Perfect. We already have the FBI looking for members of their terrorist cells. Moo goo gai pan for two: twenty dollars. The idea that Al Qaida trained terrorists, the Chinese Uighurs, will soon be serving it up someplace in Denver, or Atlanta, or Stockton, or maybe Washington DC : priceless.

Just when it was getting good, it gets better. Your new Democratic pedophilia protection act is a gem. Picture this, Soetoro: one of Pelosi’s grandsons, Sean or Paul Michael, comes running past the servants, into her vast San Francisco mansion, screaming “Granny, that bad man in the park just diddled me,” as he holds his little bleeding bum. And she would, with her perpetual plastic smile, turn to him and say “No, no dear, we mus’n’t violate my beloved Hate Crimes Act. Granny loves all people, dear, other than conservatives, of course. That’s just one of our precious pedophiles showing us he loves you.” Wouldn’t that be just too juicy? Please sign Pelosi’s act if it comes across your desk. Please. This is why so many people loathe liberals and liberalism.

This is another reason I think you’re terrific, Soetoro. You are so good at Charades. I’d want you on my team. That whole name/citizenship thing. The entire world, and we’re talking the heads of government, know you to be Barry Soetoro, citizen, not of the world, but of Indonesia. The governments and intelligence services of Canada, England, Russia, France, Germany, Iran, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, and China all have to know by now, and surely most of the rest have been given a heads up. Netanyahu and Mossad most certainly know. They are all playing along with this charade to see how long it takes for America to figure it out.

Without you, Barry Soetoro, bringing us all of this evil, America would have continued to be the apathetic, arrogant bunch of assholes you told us, and the rest of the world, that we are. But, it turns out, we are energetic. We are patriotic. We love our Constitution, and our country. We love our America.

By God, and no other, we will succeed in getting America back, wresting it away from the scum who seem to think it is only theirs, and the rest of us are nothing but dirt ’neath their nails.

We will get America back from the inept and crooked politicians, starting at the top, down through the congress, and wherever else corruption and misdeeds are the status quo, by way of the courts and the ballot box, and the hope and change we expected will take place, no matter how long it takes. And there will be Congressional term limits. Thank you Barry. I can almost see it. It looks good.

I appreciate all you have done, Barry Soetoro, you have opened our eyes to all the evil there is in the United States. But it isn’t where you said it was. You have unwittingly paved the path for us to get back the America we once knew, the one you have never known. We will stand with our real friends, and against our real enemies, here at home, and abroad. And no President will ever again go overseas to denigrate us, nor bow deep and low, to the complete embarrassment of his country, kissing the ring of a ‘bilious old nabob’ nor any other self-important “king”. Thank you for all you have done for America.

You have re-ignited the fire smoldering deep within us. We truly do love this country. After the fall, when you, and the others complicit in your conspiracy, are languishing in a jail somewhere, you’ll have plenty of time to think about the positive influence you had on all of us. Thank you Barry Soetoro.

Rob Lamb

Monday, 20 April 2009

Obama long-form birth certificate being produced?

This is a rumour that cropped up yesterday and is spreading across the internet. In response to claims that the COLB (Certificate of Live Birth) produced by Obama last year, was a forgery, and a growing number of lawsuits calling for production of a valid long-form certificate, it has been alleged that a long-form birth certificate (a forgery) is now in the process of being produced.

"Don't know about 9/11 conspiracy, but do know from DC source that an Administration team is working on perfecting a forgery of the long-form birth certificate. They plan on presenting it in a a month or so. The source is FBI agent who has drinking buddy from University of Illinois now in the Administration. Its second hand, but the source is supposed to be solid.
They have already prepared the forgery with special paper and ink. The document was printed on a fully functional 1960 Heidelberger printing press located at a print museum in Toronto. Access was arranged by a trustee of the museum who is connected to a large Canadian banking/investment firm with major US interests.
The blanks in the forged form were filled in with an old Underwood Manual typewriter bought at an estate sale in Skokie, IL. The raised seal was the easiest piece to fake, since you can by a special order corporate seal from just about any online office supply store.
The only reason they haven't rolled out the forgery yet is that it is "seasoning" under mild UV light and a back and forth rotation between between a humidifier and a sauna. Get to two months tops."

RepubX 19/04/09/a>

Friday, 10 April 2009

That Obama bow from another angle!

My thanks to "Ju," for the link to this video which shows the bow very clearly. Obama does not lean over to grasp the Saudi King's hand with both of his. Neither does he bend because the Saudi King is shorter; Obama bows, stands upright, then approaches the Saudi King and shakes his hand.

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Well, did Obama bow to the Saudi King?

As some folks know, I work as a supply teacher, mostly on long-term contracts. I have been doing this work for a few years now and it suits me; it puts food on the table.

Now, during the time I've been doing this work, I have developed one or two scientific theories, which I am about to release to the world. The first, which is verifiable without the use of sophisticated equipment is this: if someone's lips are moving and a sound is coming out, that person is almost certainly the one who is talking. There are attempts every day in my working life to discredit this theory, when the person identified as having moved their lips, turns to their neighbours, arms out, hands palm upwards, in that gesture of, "I ain't dun nuffin'. It weren't me. Woz it me?" However, I persist with my conclusion: the lips move; a sound comes out; one of us is a few sandwiches short of a picnic and it's not me!

I have also studied the science of trajectory, parabolas and follow-through arm movements. If I see someone's arm move in a wide arc, back to front, and a paper projectile follows a parabolic route from the person's hand, as the arm follows through and returns to a position lateral to the body, I can be almost 100% sure that I can believe the evidence of my senses; that person was the one who just threw the paper airoplane!

So, just cal me Little Lucy Sharp Eyes. Hey! I can even tell if someone is doing a text message under the table! The head is down, the arms are symmetrical and even under a shirt, I can see the brachioradialis muscles twitching!

So, Little Lucy Sharp Eyes examines Obama greeting the Saudi King. Exhibit number one: does he bow from the waist, like a half-shut knife? Looks rather like it to me. Look closely at 50-55 seconds on this video.

But lookee here! In the Chicago Sun-Times, an Obama aide, figuratively, does that hands out innocent gesture.

Chicago Sun-Times April 8th 2009

"An Obama aide speaking anonymously denied that the president was bowing.

“It wasn’t a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he’s taller than King Abdullah,” the aide was quoted as saying by Wednesday."

Yea right! Have another look at the video. Obama was a good three feet away from the Saudi King when his body folded at the waist. He then moved forward and possibly then shook the kings hand.

So, the Obama aide wants us to accept that the Prez had to bend because he's taller than the Saudi King? Well, Obama is significantly taller than Good Queen Bess, but he didn't appear to have to bend over to shake her hand. He remained upright and did a very slight nod of the head, as is fitting when one Head of State greets another.

Again, from the Chicago Sun-Times:

"Such an act is a traditional obeisance befitting a king's subjects, not his peer. There is no precedent for U.S. presidents bowing to Saudi or any other royals,” said the conservative Washington Times."

Here is Obama greeting Queen Elizabeth. See any bending? Obama manages to shake the Queen's hand sans bending over.

Saturday, 28 March 2009

History In The Making: The first Common Law, Citizens Grand Jury has indicted Barack Obama.

At approx. 4:15 p.m. March 28th in the city of Stockbridge Ga. the people of Georgia returned an Indictment against Barack Hussein Obama!!!!!!
25 Jurists, duly sworn in, heard tesitmony and in a unanimous vote,
Indicted the usurper

The Federal Grand Jury is the 4th Branch of Government

Common Law Grand Jury



The government must accept the Magna Carta as common law if pleaded as such.
Source: Confirmatio Cartarum, Article 1

Basic requirements and procedures for a common law grand jury:
Source: Magna Carta, Articles 52 & 61


Grand jury members must be elected by the people (not citizens) of the jurisdiction in which they are operating.

There are no rules defining a procedure for how they are elected. The people, without the influence of government, decide for themselves how the grand jury members are elected.

There must be 25 members.


The members must be "people" of the jurisdiction and not "citizens" of the jurisdiction.

For example, they must be "People of the United States," or "People of California," or "People of the State of California"; not "citizen of the United States," nor "citizen of California," nor "citizen of the State of California."

Each member must be sworn in and promise to observe all of these rules and, so far as within his power, cause all the rules to be observed.


When the grand jury meets, if any are absent after being summoned, then those present constitute a quorum.

All decisions of grand jury are decided by majority vote of members present.

If any member dies or leaves the country, or in any other way is prevented from carrying out the grand jury's decisions, the remaining grand jurors shall choose another to fill his place and he shall likewise be sworn in.


No decision of a grand jury is reviewable in any court of the government.


Any government transgression against anyone in any respect.

Any government breaking of articles of peace or security.

Any dispute regarding anyone who has been disseized or removed, by the government without a legal sentence of his peers, from his lands, castles, liberties or lawful right.

Dispute Settlement

If the grand jury is informed of any dispute regarding anyone who has been disseized or removed (by the government without a legal sentence of his peers) from his lands, castles, liberties or lawful right, then the dispute shall be settled by the grand jury.


Four of the members must be shown that because of the government,
A. A transgression has occurred against any one in any respect, or
B. Some one of the articles of peace or security has been broken

The four members must show to the government the government's error.

The four members must ask the government to amend that error without delay.

If the government does not amend the error within 40 days after being shown the error, then the four members shall refer the matter to the remainder of the grand jury.

The grand jury may distrain and oppress the government in every way in their power, namely, by taking the homes, lands, possessions, and any way else they can until amends shall have been made according to the sole judgment of the grand jury.


The grand jury may not imprison or execute any government personnel or their children.


Anyone (people or citizen) who chooses to help enforce the grand jury decision must first swear that he will obey the mandates of the grand jury, and that with them to the extent of his power he will impose the grand jury's decisions upon the government.

The authority to support the grand jury is pre-authorized by the government.

If anyone refuses to support a grand jury decision, the government will force him to swear his support of the grand jury.


The government is prohibited from doing anything to diminish the effect of the grand jury.

If the government does prohibit or diminish the effectiveness of the grand jury, it shall be vain and invalid and may not be used in any later proceeding by the government or anyone else.


When all issues are settled to the satisfaction of the grand jury, things shall return to normal as they were before. No grudges.

Reactivating the Common Law Grand Jury

A Brief Strategy Suggestion


When the colonies separated from England, King John retaliated by revoking the charters. Technically, the colonies were without any legal authority to operate. However, civics (the branch of political philosophy concerned with individual rights) was generally taught and known by the people who asserted their rights and maintained order by applying the common law. The people united in the form of common law grand juries and continued the functioning of government.

As the legislatures matured they slowly increased governmental power while simultaneously reducing personal sovereign power. This was done through a combination of passing pro-government legislation and reducing or eliminating education about civics. Today, two and a quarter centuries later, hardly anyone even knows the meaning of the word, "civics."

Despite the fact that the state and federal constitutions still acknowledge the common law as the ultimate law system, people everywhere are conditioned to believe that the statutory law and codes are the only source of law. The only remaining common law term generally known among the public is "common law marriage."

The common law grand jury is now dormant only because of the public ignorance of its powers that supercede all other government entities, including the modern statutorily defined grand jury. Awakening the grand jury will not be graciously accepted by the government. A strategy is needed to reintroduce this fundamental protection against tyranny and injustice.


The first step is to get public acceptance. Every dictator in history understood the power of the people and cultivated their support either through enticements or threats. Reactivating the grand jury concept will go through four traditional stages: denial, ridicule, violent opposition, then self-evident acceptance.

Theoretically, the grand jury can meet anywhere, anytime. But that is hardly good image. One way to get public acceptance and minimize denial, ridicule, and violent opposition, is to hold the grand jury sessions in the public court house. The foreman could apply to a court administrator for use of one of the rooms in the public courthouse. If it is refused, then the court administrator should, under common law procedures, be sued for his dereliction of duty.


The second step is to start small. The grand jury could take on issues which anyone can easily see should be prosecuted. As public acceptance increases, the grand jury can enlarge its field of inquiry. The grand jury should have a strong public relations program for this step.


The third step is to take on grander objectives. If the first two steps are well executed, then this step will be the easiest. With both legitimacy
and acceptance established the grand jury can make itself felt.

Alex Jones TV: Is Obama the next Hitler?

July 25th, 2001: Alex Jones predicts 9/11

Yes, America! You've been sold a pup!!!

Friday, 20 March 2009

Obama: now he insults disabled people. What a nerd!!

On the Jay Leno show, Barack Obama's joke about the "Special Olympics." This is totally ignorant and absolutely unacceptable behaviour from someone who is not only a qualified lawyer, but someone who has worked as a community organiser and a man who should know, therefore, about human rights and dignity. What a nerd! And this is the president of the United States. How low can he go? Rhetorical question, folks!

And as a contrast, which should make Obonkers cringe with shame, and which probably won't, this video shows Sarah Palin with her child who has Down's Syndrome, talking about her hopes for him, in an address to the 2009 Special Olympics in Boise, Idaho. I am lost for anything else to say here. I am so furious about President Hussein's remarks about the Special Olympics. He has brought his crass Chicago "wide boy," ways to Washington.

Sarah Palin, you're a star, a national treasure for the United States and a champion for disabled children everywhere. You recognise the potential to excel in every child and I salute you with admiration from the bottom of my heart.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Obama: 48 years without releasing any documents.

December 7th, 2008

Obama has lived for 48 years without leaving any footprints — none!

There is no Obama documentation — no records — no paper trail — None.

Original, vault copy birth certificate — Not released

Certificate of Live Birth — Released — Counterfeit

Obama/Dunham marriage license — Not released

Soetoro/Dunham marriage license — Not released

Soetoro adoption records — Not released

Fransiskus Assisi School School application — Released

Punahou School records — Not released

Selective Service Registration — Released — Counterfeit

Occidental College records — Not released

Passport (Pakistan) — Not released

Columbia College records — Not released

Columbia thesis — Not released

Harvard College records — Not released

Harvard Law Review articles — None (maybe 1, unsigned?)

Baptism certificate — None

Medical records — Not released

Illinois State Senate records — None

Illinois State Senate schedule — Lost

Law practice client list — Not released

University of Chicago scholarly articles — None

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Dr Orly Taitz may be on the home straight, helped by Obama himself!

Dr Taitz has filed a Pre-Litigation letter to Attorney General Holder, with plaintiffs who would appear to have "standing" to file suit against Barack Obama for disclosure of his documents relating to his eligibility to be POTUS.

"Attorney General, Eric H. Holder Jr.

U.S. Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20530-0001 USA

March 1, 2009

Honorable Attorney General Holder

Re: Request a Special Assistant for the United States to relate Quo Warranto on Barack Hussein Obama, II to Test His Title to President before the Supreme Court

Relators, Major General Carroll Childers, Ret; Lt. Col Dr. David Earl-Graef; Navy and Police officer Mr. Clinton Grimes; Lt. Scott Easterling, currently serving in Iraq; Major James Cannon, US Marine Corps, Ret; New Hampshire State Representative Mr. Timothy Comerford; Tennessee State Representative Mr. Frank Nicely, State of Alabama 2008 electoral college elector Mr. Robert Cusanelli bring information for Quo Warranto on Barack Hussein Obama, II, testing his title to President per attached relation. Relators include:

Robert Cusanelli, Elector for 7th District, State of Alabama, in the 2008 Electoral College;

Frank Nicely, State Representative of Tennessee in his official capacity;

Timothy Comerford, State Representative of New Hampshire in his official capacity;

Major General Carroll Childers, 29th Infantry Div VA retired, lifetime subject to recall; Numerous decorations

1st Lt. Scott R. Easterling OD LG US Army on active duty in Iraq;

Clint Grimes, Sergeant Long Beach Police Officer & CDR/0-5 US Navy (Active Reserve). Numerous decorations, including two National defense medals, two Navy commendation medals

Dr. David Earl-Graef, Lieutenant Colonel Air Force MC, Military Surgeon- Active Reserve. Numerous decorations including Air Force outstanding unit with valor.

James Cannon Major US Marine Corps, Ret, lifetime subject to recall. Numerous awards, including Bronze Star with combat V and two Purple Hearts

Relator’s oath of office grants standing. Relators are affected by actions of Respondent Obama and the outcome of this Quo Warranto, and thus have interest above citizens.

Information on Quo Warranto against a Federal Officer is normally related to the Attorney General to raise on behalf of the United States in U.S. District court of the District of Columbia per DC Code 16-3502. However, the Attorney General defends the office of President and is appointed by the President. For the Attorney General to bring Quo Warranto on the President raises an intrinsic conflict of interest. USAM 3-2.170 Historically, a Special Prosecutor or Independent Counsel was appointed to eliminate such conflicts of interest, e.g., Attorney General Elliot Richardson appointed Archibald Cox as the Watergate Special Prosecutor over issues touching on President Nixon.

This information on Quo Warranto includes action between the United States ex rel. and the State of Hawaii over original birth records of Barack H. Obama II being withheld per Hawaii’s privacy laws. Hawaii’s action obstructs the constitutional duties of election officers to validate or evaluate President Election Obama qualifications to become President under U.S. CONST. art II - 1 and Amend. XX – 3.

As President Elect, Respondent Obama failed to submit prima facie evidence of his qualifications before January 20, 2009. Election officers failed to challenge, validate or evaluate his qualifications. Relators submit that as President Elect, Respondent Obama failed qualify per U.S. CONST. Amend. XX – 3.

Such negligence and misprision threaten to nullify these essential safeguards. Thus Relators request this Quo Warranto be related to the Supreme Court under its original jurisdiction.

Enclosed is a summary motion for leave to file Quo Warranto on Barack Hussein Obama II aka Barry Soetoro, with the Supreme Court. The list of Questions Presented is attached. A full brief supporting this motion is in preparation.

1) Relators respectfully pray that the Attorney General recuse himself over bringing this Quo Warranto for the United States on Barack H. Obama II, by reason of intrinsic conflict of interest.

2) Relators pray the Attorney General appoint a Special Assistant (prosecutor) of Archibald Cox’s reputation and expertise, to relate this Quo Warranto to the Supreme Court per 28 USC 543.

3) Relators request that their attorney, Orly Taitz, ESQ DDS, assist in relating this Quo Warranto, being recognized at bar before the Supreme Court.

4) Relators further request the assistance of Patrick Fitzgerald, United States Attorney General for the Northern District of Illinois, as having familiarity with issues involving Barack H. Obama II while Senator from Illinois and as President Elect.

5) Relators request guidance from the Attorney General, within one week of receipt of this information, regarding his decision on whether to appoint such a Special Assistant.

With respect, in absence of such guidance, Relators will proceed to request leave from the Supreme Court to relate information for this Quo Warranto on Mr. Obama to test his title.

Yours Sincerely,

Orly Taitz, ESQ

Attorney for Relators

Encl. Motion to Supreme Court for leave to relate Quo Warranto on Barack Hussein Obama II, testing his title to the Federal office of President."

When Philip Berg filed suit against Barack Obama last year, demanding that Obama produce his birth certificate and prove his eligibility to be president of the United States, the suit was dismissed for Berg's "lack of standing," to bring such an action. Dozens of other suits have been filed, none of which seems to have progressed very far, either for lack of standing or bureaucratic stalling. Dr Taitz now has 101 plaintiffs, 9 of whom are serving military people, 3 in Iraq, and some on active recall.

If officers of the military, active or on active recall, whose lives can be affected by the president's decisions as Commander in Chief do not have standing, then who does? Who has the right to challenge the person sitting in the White House as president? In my opinion, Barack Obama should show respect for the citizens of his country and just produce the documents which are being requested.

Anyway, folks, a very interesting post on the Lame Cherry blog yesterday. It appears that Barack Obama and his unworthy crew may not have the foresight to see how a certain action may have repercussions for the president. In releasing memos written by George Bush, Obama seems to have opened the way for Dr Orly Taitz's lawsuit since Obama has waived presidential executive privilege. I will post the Lame Cherry article as it stands, rather than try to paraphrase it. Well worth a careful read!

Lame Cherry blogspot

"I highly doubt the lawyers taking up the Obama eligibility cases have noticed that Barack Obama has just laid their golden goose egg in the most inept decision of his administration led by his Justice Department in Eric Holder.

What I mean by this is today in a malevolent, low grade prick move, of leftist origins, Barack Obama released a ton of Bush White House memos concerning executive policy decisions.
Executive privilege is something all Presidents guard with their last breaths, because all executives have something to hide as being President is a dirty job. This is the reason all Presidents in protecting their own future butts with both hands do not ever release past Presidential workings.

Barack Obama though has done just that in a mean spirited, liberal, cutting off your nose to spite your own face. Obama and the goons "think" they are setting a political fire to once again deflect heat from them and instead focus it on George W. Bush to feed him as meat to the liberal press as a continuing Davide Letterman hate object.
The problem in this which I doubt anyone has noticed is Barack Obama by doing this, releasing personal memos, executive discussions and decisions, has opened up his entire political entree in everything he has done since he decided to be President as that is Executive which has legal precedent concerning Richard Nixon in the Committee to Re Elect the President.

See by Birdie Obama doing what he did, now all the smear and quip pro quo which the Obama camp engaged in against John Edwards where the press was fed information to go after Edwards instead of Obama's sexcapades is open to freedom of information.
This means Lawrence Sinclair has legal right to all of Barack Obama notes, files and memos concerning him and anything Obama, his staff or "outsiders" contracted to engage in, for the courts to pour through and find.
This means that Barack Obama's birth certificate, passport, college records, writings from college and all personal information are now subject to access to courts as he was waived the executive and personal privilege right by releasing Bush documents.

Barack Obama is an idiot and I would personally like to thank him for his and his people's political suicide binge they are intent upon for themselves.

As Obama has executive problems in court actions he is now engaged in, this brings this all into the White House in past history which was protected under the law, such as passports and college records. Every last detail is now subject to subpoena and Freedom of Information Act.
The only records the Citizen nor courts can get their hands on are National Security issues, and, there is no way Lawrence Sinclair, Obama's passport, John Edwards or just what Joe Biden did o secure his choice of jobs with Obama is covered.
There are now no confidential conversations nor memos as Obama has waved this for George Bush 43 when Obama leaked to the press confidential conversations and now with the release of Presidential documents.

So Orly Taitz and company, the balls are bouncing in your court. There are legal precedents from Richard Nixon being hounded to now Barack Obama handing the entire game to those seeking to find the Truth on Birdie Obama.

Thanks Birdie, but I still doubt these chickens have figured out the egg you just laid.


Monday, 23 February 2009

Dr Alan Keyes: Stop Obama or US will cease to exist.

Dr Alan Keyes gained his PhD in Government Affairs from Harvard University and is an acknowledged expert on the US Constitution. Listen to what he says about Barack Obama's birth certificate and his eligibility to be president of the United States.

Dr. Orly Taitz is the principal attorney behind the Keyes lawsuit and founder of Defend Our Freedoms Foundation. Dr. Taitz was born in the Former Soviet Union.

The most recent person to join Dr Taitz's action against Barack Obama is a military officer, serving in Iraq. Details on Orly's site. Here is an extract from the officer's letter:

"To Any and All Interested Parties,
As an active-duty Officer in the United States Army, I have grave concerns about the constitutional eligibilty of Barack Hussein Obama to hold the Office of President of The United States. He has absolutely refused to provide to the American public his original birth certificate, as well as other documents which may prove or disprove his eligibility. In fact, he has fought every attempt made by concerned citizens in their effort to force him to do so.
Until Mr. Obama releases a "vault copy" of his original birth certificate for public review, I will consider him neither my Commander in Chief nor my President, but rather, a usurper to the Office - an impostor.
My conviction is such that I am compelled to join Dr. Orly Taitz's lawsuit, as a plaintiff, against Mr. Obama. As a citizen, it pains me to do this, but as an Offficer, my sworn oath to support and defend our Constitution requires this action."

Dr Ron Polarik, speaking about the forensic investigation of the certificate for Barack Obama which was presented on the internet. This is the only certificate to have been produced.

And the wonderful Dr David Manning of the Atlah (formerly Harlem) ministry.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Barack Obama: "I'll make our government open and transparent."

Transcript of the video:

(Please watch this video with reference to the video I posted on Friday February 13th, of John Boehner talking about members of Congress having 12 hours, from midnight, to read through 1100 pages of the "Stimulus Bill," before voting on it.

Barack Obama "Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk"

Obama said:

"I'll also be instituting an absolute ???? (can't make out the word) so that no registered lobbyist of this ???? (and again!) can curry favour with members of my administration based on how much they can spend on a fancy dinner.

I'll make our government open and transparent so that anyone can ensure that our business is the people's business.

Just as Louis Brandeis once said, "Sunlight is the greatest disinfectant," and as president I'm gonna make it impossible for Congressmen or lobbyists to slip pork barrel projects (*) or corporate welfare into laws when no one's looking because when I'm president, meetings where laws are written will be more open to the public: no more secrecy. That's a committment I make to you as president.

No more secrecy.

And when there's a bill that ends up on my desk as president, you the public will have five days to look online and find out what's in it before I sign it so that you know what your government's doing.

When there are meetings between lobbyists and a government agency, we'll put as many as many of those meetings as possible online for every American to watch.

When there's a tax bill being debated in Congress, you will know the names of the corporations that would benefit and how much money they would get and we will put every corporate tax break and every pork barrel project online for every American to see and you can decide whther your representative's actually representing you."

The Stimulus Bill broke 7 Obama promises.

1. Make government open and transparent.

2. Make it "impossible" for Congressmen to slip in pork barrel projects.

3. Meetings where laws are written will be more open to the public. (Even Congressional Republicans shut out.)

4. No more secrecy.

5. Public will have 5 days to look at a bill.

6. You’ll know what’s in it.

7. We will put every pork barrel project online.

(*) Pork barrel projects:
Typically, "pork" involves funding for government programs whose economic or service benefits are concentrated in a particular area but whose costs are spread among all taxpayers. Public works projects, certain national defense spending projects, and agricultural subsidies are the most commonly cited examples.

Monday, 29 December 2008


When the Senate meets on January 8, 2009 to talk about the results of the Electoral College vote, Mr. Obama must step down, as he does NOT meet the criteria for being POTUS, via the Constitution and Court cases throughout the years that say only a natural born citizen can be POTUS. Even Mr. Obama agrees with this because his vote was one of the unanimous votes for Senate Resolution 511, which he co-authored. Read for yourself and you will agree.


Whereas the Constitution of the USA states the qualifications of the President, a person must be a ‘‘natural born Citizen’’ of the United States;

Whereas the term ‘‘natural born Citizen’’, as that term appears in Article II, Section 1,is not defined in the Constitution of the United States;

Whereas there is no evidence of the intention of the Framers or any Congress to limit the constitutional rights of children born to Americans serving in the military nor to prevent those children from serving as their country’s President;

Whereas such limitations would be inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the ‘‘natural born Citizen’’ clause of the Constitution of the United States, as evidenced by the First Congress’s own statute defining the term ‘‘natural born Citizen’’;

Whereas the well-being of all citizens of the United States is preserved and enhanced by the men and women who are assigned to serve our country outside of our national borders;

Whereas previous presidential candidates were born outside of the United States of America and were understood to be eligible to be President; and Whereas John Sidney McCain, III, was born to American citizens on an American military base in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936:

Now, therefore, be it Resolved,

That John Sidney McCain, III, is a ‘‘natural born Citizen’’ under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States. "Born to American citizens.”

The Senate Resolution that was adopted unanimously, with Mr. Obama’s approval, declares that natural born means “born to American citizens.” The plural use of citizens implies that the mother and father are both American citizens.

This, therefore, disqualifies Mr. Obama. His father was NOT an American. He was born in Kenya, while it was under British rule. Mr. Obama states on his own website that he has dual citizenship. states:

“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Senior’s children.”

Additional Information about this issue can be found on our website. See below.

Dr. Douglas W. Schell


Retired Professor of Business


Barack Obama's eligibility for the office of POTUS: petition to uphold the Constitution

Wording of the petition:


OATH OF OFFICE for Congressmen, Senators and the President of the United States as set forth in the US Constitution

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Dear Congressional Representative:

I am writing to ask you to defend our country and uphold the Constitution as per your solemn oath of office. I believe we are facing a Constitutional crisis with the unanswered questions surrounding Barack Obama’s eligibility to be President in accordance to Article 2 of the Constitution.

Mr. Obama has refused, to date, to release any and all information that would prove his eligibility. Due to the many concerns surrounding this issue, you cannot allow this to pass without challenge. I am asking that you, as my representative, join in a Congressional or Senate investigation, formal or otherwise, and file a joint written objection with the Federal Registry which is required to be signed from a member from both houses to challenge Barack Obama’s certification as the next President of the United States. His candidacy should be rejected unless he provides unimpeachable proof that he is in fact eligible to take office. This MUST be done before the Congress reconvenes for the formal count on January 8, 2009.

You might be thinking that Mr. Obama's eligibility has already been confirmed. I assure you it has not. Regardless of whether it was real, altered or forged, that computer printout supplied by Mr. Obama is simply NOT the “Birth Certificate” that could be used to prove U.S. birth. The document that Mr. Obama has provided to the public is a ‘certification of live birth, typically available for children born overseas of at least one Hawaiian citizen. The vault (long Version) birth certificate, per Hawaiian Statute 883.176 allows the birth in another State or another country to be registered in Hawaii. Box 7C of the vault Certificate of Live Birth contains a question, whether the birth was in Hawaii or another State or Country. This is the document needed for verification.

This has been a huge controversy and has generated twenty plus lawsuits and the tally is only growing. Some of these cases have reached the Supreme Court. No case has been lost on the merits – any dismissals have been exclusively based on legal technicalities designed to avoid the evidence and even the discussion. Other lawsuits before the Supreme Court point out that natural born status preclude children born with dual citizenship like Obama from being president regardless of where born. This cannot be simply overlooked. This won’t go away, but will be a crisis that grows with every illegal signature. Due to these concerns, I have attached additional documentation concerning this matter and a video has been produced on these issues, which can be seen at:

It is imperative that our representatives ensure that our Constitution be upheld and abided by. This should not be an option to you, but a requirement of your office. If our own government officials will not uphold it and be allowed to turn their backs to it, then it should be expected that its ‘people’ will no longer be bound by it either.

If we begin to allow ourselves to select what suits us, when it suits us, we have then made the Constitution meaningless. It would no longer carry authority and there is no longer a unity among the states or its’ people. We should be ruled by Law, not by the whims of man, party loyalty, or how much money a person has.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans have signed petitions demonstrating their outrage over this. Millions have viewed the web sites and joined the discussions. Despite a media blackout, polls now show a majority of Americans are aware of this ongoing controversy and want the matter faithfully resolved in keeping with the constitution. WE are expecting that our representatives will take action and stand up for our rights on this matter. It is your Constitutional right to make this objection. It takes one senator and one representative – each from any state; I am hoping that at least one of those persons is you. We hold you, and the position for which you have been elected, in the highest regard and have every hope that you will uphold the oath you took.

For our Constitutional Republic,

We sign this petition

Article 2, Section I
No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Links to lots of sites with information relevant to this petition can be found on the petition site.

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Did Obama or Rahm Emanuel discuss the Senate seat with Blagojevich?

I guess the world knows by now that Governor Blagojevich of Illinois is under investigation for allegedly trying to sell the Senate seat being vacated by President-elect Barack Obama.

From the Chicago Tribune, December 13th:

"Obama said Thursday he had never spoken to Blagojevich about the Senate vacancy and was "confident that no representatives" of his had engaged in any dealmaking over the seat with the governor or his team. He also pledged Thursday that in the "next few days" he would explain what contacts his staff may have had with the governor's office about the Senate vacancy.

Emanuel, who has long been close to both Blagojevich and Obama, has refused to respond to questions about any involvement he may have had with the Blagojevich camp over the Senate pick. A spokeswoman for Emanuel also declined to comment Friday."


"One source confirmed that communications between Emanuel and the Blagojevich administration were captured on court-approved wiretaps."

Chicago Tribune 13/12/08

So, there are apparently tapes from wiretaps confirming that Emanuel discussed the Senate seat with Blagojevich. What of Obama? Well, I have come across two cached web pages today, which are said to have disappeared, but which someone took a screenshot of and which I reproduce here. One is an article from the KHQA (Tri-States news web site.) about a planned meeting between Obama and Blagojevich to discuss the issue. This is dated November 5th 2008.
The third paragraph reads, "He's meeting with Governor Rod Blagojevich in Chicago this afternoon to discuss it."


The next screenshot is an article which states that the proposed meeting took place.

Large cropped

I have had to make the second screenshot extra-large so that it can be read! It is dated November 8th and states that, "Now that Barack Obama will be moving to the White House, his seat in the US Senate representing Illinois will have to be filled. Obama met with Governor Rod Blagojevich earlier this week to discuss it."

So, did he or didn't he? Did Barack Obama, in spite of denials, meet with Governor Rod Blagojevich to discuss the Senate seat? And why have these pages been 'disappeared' from the KHQA web site and even the cached pages have now gone?

There could be some very interesting developments here.

Monday, 1 December 2008

Dr Ron Polarik on Barack Obama's birth certificate.

This is an analysis of the birth certificate said to prove that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and is therefore a natural born citizen of the United States. Barack Obama has been asked by quite a few citizens to produce his full certificate.

Mr Obama, you promised transparency. So, show us your birth certificate!

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Mr. Obama: Don’t Miss Next Week’s Chicago Tribune

Canada Free Press


From the Canada Free Press today, Sunday November 30th 2008.

-We The People Foundation

D.C. National Press Club Event: Dec 8th

Our full-page Open Letter to Mr. Obama will be published in the Chicago Tribune on both Monday, December 1, 2008 and Wednesday, December 3, 2008. It will appear in the main news section. Click here to view a copy of the final ad.

Chicago is Mr. Obama’s hometown. His transition team is operating out of the Kluczynski Federal Building in downtown Chicago. He is known to be a regular reader of the Tribune, Chicago’s principal newspaper, with a daily circulation of over a half-million readers.

The Open Letter to Mr. Obama is a formal Petition for a Redress (Remedy) for the alleged violation of the “natural born citizen” clause of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Mr. Obama is respectfully requested to direct the Hawaiian officials to provide access to his original birth certificate on December 5-7 by our team of forensic scientists, and to provide additional documentary evidence establishing his citizenship status prior to our Washington, D.C. press conference on December 8.

A First Amendment Petition to any official of the Government for Redress of a violation of the Constitution is substantially different from the garden-variety political petitions frequently received by government officials. This Petition demands it be given the highest priority for an expedited review and official Response by Mr. Obama.

As a formal “Notice of a Constitutional Violation,” the Petition naturally includes the People’s inherent Right to an official Response. As a time-sensitive, election related Petition involving the Office of the President, failure to Respond as requested would constitute an egregious breach of the public trust and confirm the certainty of a Constitutional crisis.

For the D.C. press conference the WTP Foundation has reserved the Edward R. Murrow Room at the National Press Club from 1-4 pm on Monday, December 8, 2008. We are hopeful that C-SPAN may cover what could be a pivotal, historic event.

The Petition for Redress/Open Letter to Mr. Obama is also expected to have a significant impact on the deliberations of the Electoral College as it proceeds toward selection of the U.S. President as provided for by the Constitution.

Many, many thanks to the many individuals who donated the money needed to cover the costs of publishing the Open Letter and conducting the Washington press conference.

We are now in the process of selecting the forensic scientists who would travel to Hawaii to examine Mr. Obama’s original birth certificate (assuming he responds to the Petition for Redress by directing the Hawaiian officials to provide access to the birth certificate). The budget for this task is currently estimated at $20,000. We need to raise the money quickly. Unfortunately, we are starting from zero and we have but one week before the scientists would need to be in Hawaii.

Canada Free Press: 30/11/08

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Dear Mr Obama..

"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Now that you're President-Elect of the United States, I thought I'd just share a few thoughts with you, mainly about Jon Burge. Now, your celebration party last night just happened to be in Chicago, where I wonder if you know that Jon Burge has been committed for trial for the torture of prisoners in custody when he was a police officer in that city.

From the 70s to the 90s, black African-American men were routinely tortured into making confessions and at the head of that torture ring was Jon Burge. Mr Obama, since so many people are hailing you as the history-making first black president of the United States, will you be doing anything about the fact that so many black African-Americans are on death row in various states of your fine country? And Mr Obama, what do you think of the numbers of children under the age of 18, who have been sent to prison in the United States with a sentence of Life without the prospect of parole?

What do you think about the fact that your country is one of the very few in the civilised world that still has the death penalty? On Tv, they keep playing that soulful blues song, "A Change is Gonna Come," and showing Jesse Jackson with tears streaming down his face. They're interviewing black people all over America who are just delirious that a black guy is gonna be president. They're saying that 96% of American black voters voted for you. And I bet they're hoping that you are going to make changes for the many many poor black folks in the USA. Will you, Mr Obama? Or was the "black" ticket your passport to the White House?

You may be a black guy, but I do wonder if that is the only thing you have in common with the man in a housing project, descended from slaves, who hasn't got health insurance and cannot get a hip replacement operation. I do hope not, Mr Obama. For me, it doesn't matter what colour your skin is. What will you do as president for the millions of poor, sick and unemployed people of your country? What will you do for all those black African-Americans sitting in their cells on death row?