Showing posts with label Missing Children Europe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Missing Children Europe. Show all posts

Saturday, 12 July 2008

SOS Madeleine McCann: delays in setting up emergency numbers for missing children across EU countries.

La Commission sonne l’alarme pour les retards dans la mise en service des numéros d’urgence 116 destinée aux enfants

Les parents et les enfants doivent pouvoir appeler à l'aide rapidement et gratuitement tout en voyageant dans l’Union européenne. Rien que dans le Royaume-Uni et en Belgique, plus de 7.500 enfants ont été donnés comme disparus en 2007 ( La préoccupation du public à propos de la sécurité des enfants a augmenté par des cas comme la disparition de Madeleine McCann au Portugal. En 2007, la Commission a réagi en réservant, au niveau national, des numéros de téléphone à six-chiffres commençant par le 116 pour des lignes d’appel d’urgente destinés aux cas d’enfants disparus (116000) et pour les services d'assistance (116111) avec lesquels les enfants peuvent eux même rechercher de l'aide. Cependant, un récent rapport de l’Union européenne prouve que seulement une minorité d'États membres ont assigné ces nombres aux prestataires de service : sept pour le 116000 et dix pour 116111. La Commission invite aujourd'hui les États membres à accélérer la mise en service de ces numéros.

The Commission sounds the alarm over delays in setting up emergency 116 numbers for children.

Parents and children should be able to call for quick and free help when traveling in the European Union. In the United kingdom and Belgium alone, more than 7,500 children were reported missing in 2007. ( The interest of the public in child safety has been increased by cases like Madeleine McCann's disappearance in Portugal. In 2007, the Commission reacted by reserving at national level, six-figure telephone numbers starting with 116 for emergency lines planned for cases of missing children (116000) and for the support services (116111) with which children themselves could look for help. However, a recent European Union report proves that only a minority of the member States have assigned these numbers to service providers: seven for the 116000 and ten for 116111. The Commission now invites the member States to speed up the setting up of these numbers.

En vertu des lois de l’Union européenne, les États membres ne doivent pas assigner les numéros, il leur est exigé de les réserver et d’informer le public et les prestataires de leur disponibilité. Le rapport démontre que peu d'efforts ont été faits par des États membres de manière à faire connaître la disponibilité des numéros, retardant leur mise en place.

By virtue of the laws of the European Union, member States don't have to assign the numbers: they are required to reserve them and to inform the public and service providers of their availability. The report shows that little effort has been put in by the member States to make the availability of these numbers known, delaying their setting up.

Il y a un an, la Commission a réclamé des numéros de téléphone européens 116 pour le faciliter aux parents et aux enfants d’appeler à l'aide,” a dit Viviane Reding, Commissaire européenne pour les Télécommunications. “Jusqu'ici seulement la Hongrie a pris toutes les mesures nécessaires pour mettre en place et en service les numéros 116. J'applaudis cet exemple, mais on doit sonner l’alarme dans les 26 autres États membres. Sous la charte de l'UE des droits fondamentaux, signée par tous les États membres, les droits de l'enfance doivent être protégés. C'est dommage que dans beaucoup d’États membres l'action ne semble pas suivre les mots quand il s’agit de mettre en application les numéros qui peuvent fournir une aide précieuse aux parents et aux enfants. La Commission a fait sa part du travail et espère qu'il ne sera pas nécessaire de commencer des procédures légales sur une question où il devrait y avoir un large consensus.”

"A year ago, the Commission claimed the European telephone numbers 116 to make them available to parents and children to call for help," said Viviane Reding, European Commissioner for Telecommunications. "Until now, only Hungary has taken all the necessary steps to set up and put the 116 numbers into service. I applaud that example, but the alarm must be sounded in the 26 other member States.

Under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, signed by all the member States, the rights of the child must be protected. It is a pity that in many member States, action does not seem to follow words when it comes to putting into operation the numbers which could precious help to parents and children. The Commission has done its part of the work and hopes that it won't be necessary to start legal procedures on a question where there must be a large consensus.

Le rapport d'aujourd'hui prouve que plus de progrès est nécessaire pour obtenir la mise en service des numéros 116 000 et 116111 à travers l'Union européenne :

* Les numéros 116000 et 116111 ont été rendus publics — disponibles dans 24 pays (Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, la République tchèque, Chypre, Danemark, Allemagne, Estonie, Grèce, Espagne, Finlande, France, Hongrie, Irlande, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Malte, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Suède, Slovénie et Slovaquie), mais pas en Italie, en Lettonie ou au Royaume-Uni. Les dates limites pour réserver ces numéros étaient le 30 août 2007 (116000) et le 29 février 2008 (116111).

The report today proves that more progress is necessary to obtain the setting up of the 116000 and the 116111 numbers across the European Union.

*The 116000 and 116111 numbers have been made public - available in 24 countries Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, and Slovakia) but not in Italy, Latvia or the United Kingdom. The deadlines for reserving these numbers was August 30th 2007 (116000) and February 29th 2008 (116111)

* La plupart des pays ont fait peu pour informer les potentiels prestataires de service à propos des numéros 116000 et 116111. Ceci a retardé la reprise de ces numéros par les potentiels prestataires, la plupart du temps organisations non gouvernementales. De plus amples efforts — des communiqués de presse, email/lettres aux potentiels prestataires, réunions — ont été organisés en Finlande, en France (pour le 116000), en Irlande, en Lituanie, aux Pays-Bas, au Portugal et en Suède.

*Most countries have done little to inform potential service providers about the 116000 and 116111 numbers. That has delayed the take-up of these numbers by potential providers, most of the time non-governmental organisations. Further efforts - press releases, email/letters to potential providers, meetings - have been organised in Finland, France (for 116000) Ireland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden.

* Les potentiels prestataires de la permanence téléphonique d’urgence ont révélée leur intérêt pour le 116000 en Belgique, République tchèque, Danemark, Allemagne, Grèce, France, Hongrie, Irlande, Italie, Malte, Lettonie, Pays-Bas, Portugal, Roumanie, Slovaquie et au Royaume-Uni, alors que les potentiels prestataires du service d’assistance 116111 se sont révélées en Bulgarie, République tchèque, Danemark, Allemagne, Estonie, Grèce, Finlande, Hongrie, Irlande, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas, Portugal, Roumanie, Suède, Slovaquie et au Royaume-Uni. Cependant, seulement sept États membres (Belgique, Portugal, Grèce, Danemark, Hongrie, Pays Bas et Slovaquie) ont assigné le numéro 116000 aux prestataires du service tandis que dix autres (la Bulgarie, la République tchèque, le Danemark, l'Allemagne, la Grèce, la Finlande, la Hongrie, le Portugal, la Suède et la Slovaquie) ont assigné le 116111.

*Potential providers of the permanent emergency telephone service have shown their interest for the 116000 number in Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Latvia, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and the United Kingdom, while potential service providers for the 116111 service have shown up in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark Germany, Estonia, Greece, Finland, Hungary, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia, and the United Kingdom. However, only seven member States (Belgium, Portugal, Greece, Denmark, Hungary, the Netherlands and Slovakia) have assigned the 116000 number to service providers while ten others (Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Finland, Hungary, Portugal, Sweden and Slovakia) have assigned the 116111.

Jusqu'ici, uniquement la Hongrie a signalé que les deux numéros (116000 et 116111) sont opérationnels.

Il appartient aux prestataires de rendre opérationnels les numéros d’urgence et d'assistance une fois qu'un État membre leur assigne un numéro. Ces prestataires de service doivent être capables d’assurer dans tout le pays un service irréprochable et gratuitement, 24/7. La Commission suit de près l’évolution et la mise en place des services dans tous les États membres.

Until now, only Hungary has indicated that the two numbers (116000 and 116111) are operational.

It is up to the providers to make the emergency numbers and the service operational once a member State has assigned a number to them. These service providers must be capable of assuring a free and impeccable service, throughout the country 24/7. The Commission is following closely the development and the setting up of the services in all member States.

Au Portugal le 1410 et le 116000

Le Gouvernement portugais, par décision du Ministère de l'Administration Interne, a attribué à l'Institut d'Aide à l'Enfant (IAC) la responsabilité du numéro de téléphone d’appel d’urgence 116000, un système qui permet l'avertissement rapide et gratuit dans les situations de disparition d'enfants.

L'Institut d'Aide à l'Enfant est une institution privée de solidarité sociale, créée en 1983, par un groupe de personnes de différents secteurs professionnels : médecins, magistrats, enseignants, psychologues, juristes, sociologues, techniciens des services sociaux, éducateurs, etc.

In Portugal 1400 and 116000

The Portuguese government, by decision of the Ministry of Internal Administration, has assigned to the Institute for Helping Children (IAC) the responsibility for the emergency telephone number 116000, a system which allows rapid and free warnings in situations of missing children.

The Institute for Helping Children is a private organisation of joint social action, created in 1983, by a group of people from various professional sectors: doctors, magistrates, teachers, psychologists, lawyers, sociologists, social workers, educators, etc.


Friday, 11 April 2008

The Leicester Mercury. Now you see it, now you don't! Whooosh cluck!

The Leicester Mercury does it again, posts an article about the McCanns, allows comments, finds they are mostly critical and....whoooosh...cluck! Gone!

Saved for posterity, here is today's article and the messages that were whooshed!


And the comments that didn't last very long!

**********Comments to the above article*********

Leave theMcCann's alone. They have done nothing wrong, who doesn't go out and leave their kids when they go out on the lash??

Pinnochio, Edinburgh

Kate McCann is quoted as saying that she and Gerry discussed Madeleine's comment for several minutes. That long, eh? Obviously an important subject! Then today, Clarence Mitchell is quoted as saying that in response, the Tapas Crew decided to increase the frequency of checks on the children, from every half hour the night before to, emmm, every half hour. Clarence also says that the Tapas Crew had their own listening plan instead of that provided by the Mark Warner company. I am sure I read that MW did not provide such a service at the Ocean Club because the apartments were so spread out and also because the McCanns' apartment, in particular, was actually outside the secure area of the complex, overlooking a public path on one side and a public car park on the other.

Muzzy, Warwickshire

What a sad senario. Madeleine told her mother that she was upset and they still left her and the twins the next night.....

chrissie, UK

I wonder what else we don't know about these "perfect parents". If they are not prosecuted for child neglect at lease then there is no justice.

Sherry, Newton

How on earth can the truth be a smear? I just don't get it.

Loz, UK

Smears and leaks have been coming from "Team Mccann" from the start when they lied about the circumstances, so what's new?

Sally, Europe

That's interesting for a newspaper site. You ask us to "have our say" but remove any comments that may be "unhelpful" to the Team McCann PR effort? You're not acting for Madeleine by doing that. The poor child

Mel, East Mids

I find this latest news very distressing indeed. As a mother with two young children I find myself repeating those qouted distressing words. It is heartbreaking. Those parents will have to live with this torture for the rest of their lives. I really don't know where I stand any more on the parents behaviour. Part of me says what they did was despicable and the other part grieves so heavily. A shocking story. M

Margaret, Rothley

********************Comments end********************

Now, this is an interesting quote from Clarence:

"The McCanns said the leak was an attempt to smear them as they launched their bid for a Europe-wide missing child alert system."

I wonder what he means by, "..launched their bid." I ask this because Missing Children Europe has been campaigning for a Europe-wide response to child abduction since 2001, and that organisation is, in fact, the European representative of the one which Gerry visited in the USA.

"Faced with the absence in Europe of operational centres working at a professional level on a complementary basis with police and judicial bodies and victim support organisations, Child Focus (Belgium), La Mouette (France) and Aurora (Italy), decided to establish the European Federation for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children, renamed "Missing Children Europe" in 2007."

"The solemn creation took place in 2001 at the European Parliament in the presence of EP-President Nicole Fontaine and European Commission Vice-President Vittorino. From the start thse two EU-institutions acknowledged the added value of a European wide umbrella organisation representing civil society organisations which work on a national or regional scale against child disappearance and sexual exploitation in all its forms."

"Missing Children Europe is the regional representative of the global movement of the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children in Washington."

So, Gerry needn't have gone to the US. He could simply have visited the European representative of ICMEC in Brussels.

The McCanns will have no effect on whether this goes through the European Parliament or not....and especially since they have nothing whatsoever to do with its introduction. Missing Children Europe has been working on this for years. The McCanns have only attempted to hijack it.

So, Clarence, to me, the McCanns, "...launched their bid," simply says that the McCanns sought to hijack this project as their own idea, purely for the purposes of publicity.