Showing posts with label Media silence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media silence. Show all posts

Friday, 23 May 2008

Enfants Kidnappés 23/05/08: Media silence.

Enfants Kidnappés today carries a brief article about Media silence around the McCann case.

Enfants Kidnappés 23/05/08

Silence médiatique.

Madeleine McCann est l'affaire la plus médiatique en ce qui concerne des disparitions d'enfants au Portugal. Toutefois, depuis quelques jours, les médias ne publient rien au sujet de l'affaire. Et c'est normal, rien ne sera publié ou divulgué avant le 25 mai. Il s'agit là d'un accord entre les professionnels. Seule, une chaîne de télévision portugaise va diffuser "en exclusivité" pour le Portugal, le documentaire, traduit en portugais, que les parents ont accepté de tourner pour marquer la première année de la disparition de Maddie. C'est le seul programme TV auquel les parents, Kate et Gerry, ont participé pleinement. Il s'agit du même documentaire que celui diffusé en Angleterre mais sous-titré en portugais. Dans l'attente que le blocus journalistique soit levé, je vous invite à découvrir deux petites vidéos en portugais. Premièrement la bande annonce du documentaire qui sera diffusé demain et ensuite, un court reportage qui vous permettra de voir certain endroits de Praia da Luz en image ainsi que certains personnages connus depuis le début de l'affaire.

Media silence.

Madeleine McCann's case is the most media-covered of those which concern missing children in Portugal. However, for several days, the media has published nothing on the subject of the case. And this is normal, nothing will be published or disclosed before May 25th. It is an agreement between professionals. Only one Portuguese television channel is going to show, "exclusively," for Portugal, the documentary, translated into Portuguese, that the parents agreed to make to mark the first anniversary of Maddie's disappearance. It is the only TV programme in which the parents, Kate and Gerry, have participated fully. It is the same documentary as the one shown in England but subtitled in Portuguese. While waiting for the journalistic embargo to be lifted, I invite you to discover two short videos in Portuguese. Firstly, the trailer for the documentary to be shown tomorrow and then, a short report which shows a few places in Praia da Luz as well as a few people known since the start of the case.

Transcript ends.

Click on the video links in the Enfants Kidnappés article. Once you have watched each of the featured videos, links will show to other related videos.

I don't know what is supposed to be happening on May 25th. I don't recall hearing or reading anything specifically about that date. It's Sunday, which seems to have been the day of the week for a few revelations!