Showing posts with label Correio da Manha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Correio da Manha. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

SOS Madeleine McCann: Witnesses have taken apart the McCanns' version about the apartment's shutters.


Témoins ont "démonté" la version des McCann à propos des volets de l’appartement

3af90c2306a3807f0e34b0e77928320d.jpgL’appartement 5A où les McCann ont séjourné jusqu’à la disparition de Madeleine avait été occupé par d’autres Britanniques que l’enquête de la Police Judiciaire à retrouvé, tous ont confirmé le bon état des volets, initialement décrits par des proches de Kate et Gerry comme vieux, usagés et cassés.

Witnesses have, "taken apart," the McCanns' version about the apartment's shutters.

Apartment 5A, where the McCanns were staying until Madeleine's disappearance, had been occupied by other British people, all of whom the PJ found, confirmed the good state of the shutters, initially described by relatives of Kate and Gerry as old, worn and broken.

Parmi ces témoins, Saleigh et Paul Gordon, accompagnés de leurs deux enfants, ont occupé l’appartement 5A avant les McCann, entre le 21 et le 28 avril 2007. Le couple, interrogé à plusieurs reprises par les enquêteurs, affirme que "les portes, les fenêtres et les volets de l’appartement étaient tous en bonnes conditions," soulignant même que vu le bruit fait par les volets des chambres, il serait impossible de les ouvrir ou fermer sans se faire remarquer par les voisins ou les passants.

4de85a111e82d2a4704f872be23027b7.jpgLes McCann, depuis le premier moment ont prétendu que les volets étaient cassés et que la porte avait été forcée. C’est la version que Kate a donnée à un ami proche, Jon Corner, à qui elle aurait dit "qu’ils ont cassé le volet sur la fenêtre et ont pris ma petite fille."

Amongst these witnesses, Saleigh and Paul Gordon, accompanied by their two children, occupied apartment 5A before the McCanns, between April 21st and 28th 2007. Questioned several times by the investigators, the couple maintain that, "the doors, windows and shutters of the apartment were all in good condition," even stressing that given the noise made by the bedroom shutters, it would be impossible to open or shut them without it being noticed by neighbours or passers-by.

From the beginning, the McCanns have claimed that the shutters were broken and that the door had been forced. That is the version that Kate gave to a close friend, Jon Corner, to whom she reportedly said, "that they have smashed the shutter on the window and taken my little girl."

La même version est d’ailleurs donnée par Gerry McCann au grand-père de Madeleine, Brian Healy : "Gerry m'a dit que quand ils sont retournés, les volets de la fenêtre de la salle étaient cassés (…). La porte était ouverte."(voir McCannfiles)

"La chambre tournée vers le parking était aussi aperçue par d’autres appartements, vu ceci je trouve que si quelqu'un avait essayé ouvrir les volets depuis l’extérieur, quelqu'un l’aurait remarqué," affirme Saleigh Gordon. Son mari, Paul, confirme également que le couple s’est toujours senti en sécurité et que la porte de devant était équipée d’une double serrure, tandis que celle d’arrière se fermait exclusivement depuis l’intérieur de l’appartement.

The same version was, meanwhile, given by Gerry to Madeleine's grandfather, Brian Healy: "Gerry told me that when they got back, the shutters on the bedroom window were smashed (....) The door was open." (See McCannfiles)

"The bedroom, facing the car park, was also overlooked by other apartments. Given that, I find that if someone had tried to open the shutters from the outside, somebody would have noticed," Saleigh Gordon insists. Her husband Paul also confirms that the couple always felt safe and that the front door was equipped with a double lock, while the one at the back only locked from inside the apartment.

L’homme "bizarre" n’en était pas un

C’est également Paul Gordon qui a vu et parlé avec un homme décrit par plusieurs médias britanniques, citant des sources proches des McCann, comme bizarre et suspect. Pourtant, dans ses déclarations à la police, Paul affirme que l’individu n’a jamais "surveillé" les enfants ou l’appartement : "Je décrirais l'homme comme instruit, avec bonne apparence (...). Je me rappelle de lui avec un aspect propre et rasé et avec un léger duvet facial".

The, "strange," man was actually not.

It was also Paul Gordon who saw and spoke to a man described by several British media, quoting sources close to the McCanns, as strange and suspicious. However, in his statements to the police, Paul maintains that the individual never, "watched," the children or the apartment: "I would describe the man as well-educated, of good appearance (...) I remember him as looking tidy and shaved with light downy facial hair. "

"Je me suis dirigé à l'homme qui m’a demandé si je serais intéressé à contribuer avec une donation à un Orphelinat (…). J'ai parlé avec lui et ai remarqué qu'il avait un crachat avec l'identification et qu'il avait ce que m'a semblé un livre de récépissés," confirme Paul Gordon à la police rajoutant qu’il aurait même reçu un récépissé qu’il aurait oublié au Portugal.

Depuis janvier que Paul Gordon a été contacté à plusieurs reprises par Brian Kennedy, Kate et Gerry McCann : "Il y a certains moments ou je me sens comme un pion d’échecs".

"I went over to the man who asked me if I would be interested in making a donation to an orphanage (...) I spoke with him and noticed that he had an indentification badge and that he had what looked to me like a receipt book," Paul Gordon stated to the police, adding that he had even received a receipt which he had left behind in Portugal.

Since January Paul Gordon has been contacted several times by Brian Kennedy, Kate and Gerry McCann: "There are times when I feel like a chess pawn."

"Les McCann ont manipulé des preuves"

f65760388cd94c262a5c90f062271b6d.jpgLa Police Judiciaire (PJ) est convaincue que les McCann ont manipulé des preuves et ont simulé l’enlèvement de leur fille et avance que les parents de Maddie ont modifié la disposition des meubles et des objets de l'appartement. L’information a été publiée ce matin par le quotidien portugais Correio da Manhã, citant l’enquête de la PJ.

"The McCanns manipulated the evidence."

The PJ are convinced that the McCanns manipulated evidence and simulated the abduction of the daughter and put forward that Maddie's parents changed the arrangement of the furniture and some objects in the apartment. The information is published this morning by the Portuguese daily newspaper Correio da Manha, quoting the PJ's investigation.

Selon le quotidien, la coïncidence entre la signalisation d'odeur à cadavre et de sang donné par Eddie et Keela, les deux chiens pisteurs britanniques, derrière le sofa, prouve sans aucun doute que celui-ci a été appuyé au mur après le décès de l'enfant. Les enquêteurs, vu le peu d’indices trouvés sur ce meuble, ont conclu qu’il aurait pu avoir été lavé.

Détail également cité par le Correio da Manhã, cuddle cat, la peluche rose appartenant à Madeleine et que Kate McCann à promené partout, a été placée dans le lit de l'enfant après son décès, vu que, au contraire de la peluche, aucune odeur à cadavre a été signalée sur le lit.

Duarte Levy & Paulo Reis

According to the daily newspaper, the correlation between the alerting to cadaver odour and to blood behind the sofa, by Eddie and Keela, the two British sniffer dogs, proves beyond doubt that this was backed up against the wall after the child's death. The investigators, given the poor evidence found on this piece of furniture, concluded that it may be that it had been washed.

A detail also quoted by Correio da Manha, Cuddle Cat, the pink soft toy belonging to Madeleine and which Kate took everywhere, was placed in the child's bed after her death, given that, in contrast to the soft toy, no cadaver odour was indicated on the bed.

Duarte Levy & Paulo Reis


Monday, 4 August 2008

Enfants Kidnappés: Madeleine McCann - the investigation goes on.

L'enquête se poursuit.

La PJ l'avait annoncé lors de l'archivage du dossier: L'enquête n'est ni clôturée ni abandonnée. Et heureusement que l'enquête n'est pas terminée car Madeleine en vie ou non, n'a pas été retrouvée. La PJ avait déclaré qu'il poursuivait l'enquête loin de l'agitation des médias, dans le calme et la sérénité. Aujourd'hui, alors que le dossier dit "affaire Maddie" est rendu public et que tous les journalistes ont réservé l'accès, il est clairement établi qu'une partie du dossier restera frappé du secret de justice. Il y aurait plusieurs parties concernées. Ce serait les autorités britanniques qui auraient demandé que certaines pièces ne soient pas divulguées au public. Une autre partie l'aurait été à la demande de la PJ pour des documents jugés d'une importance extrême. On peu e déduire que la PJ continue son enquête et ceci expliquerait, comme je l'ai déjà souligné, une certaine agitation au sein de la PJ. Une troisième partie restée sous le secret de justice, le serait suite à une demande privée. Nous y reviendrons plus tard.

The investigation goes on.

The PJ had announced during the archiving of the case file: The investigation is neither closed nor abandoned and fortunately the investigation is not over with because alive or dead, Madeleine has not been found. The PJ had stated that they were continuing the investigation away from the media buzz, in calm and serenity. Today, while the file called the, "Maddie case," is being made public and all the journalists have reserved access, it is clearly established that part of the file will remain stamped secrecy of justice. There would be several parts involved. It would be the British authorities who would have requested that specific documents were not disclosed to the public. Another part would have been at the request of the PJ for documents judged to be extremely important. We can deduce here that the PJ are continuing their investigation and this would explain, as I have already stressed, a certain excitement on the part of the PJ. A third part remains under the secrecy of justice, this being the result of a private request. We will come back to that later.

Stratégie calculée ?

Le fait d'avoir rendu le dossier public sans tirer de conclusions à l'encontre des suspects tout en continuant les investigations est-ce une stratégie voulue ? On peut, évidemment, penser que oui. La PJ, rendant public tous les éléments ou presque mais sans accuser qui que ce soit, occupe tout le monde, les avocats des parents, les parents eux-mêmes, la presse, l'ensemble des médias etc. Pendant que tout le monde se focalise sur le rapport puis sur le dossier, le temps que tout le monde visionne le contenu des DVD (le dossier étant sur DVD), la PJ, quant à elle, peut continuer son enquête dans la sérénité.

A calculated strategy?

Is the fact of having made the case file public without drawing conclusions concerning the suspects while carrying on with the investigation, an intentional strategy? It can obviously be thought, yes. The PJ making all the elements or nearly all, public, but without accusing anyone, occupies everyone, the parents' lawyers, the parents themselves, the press, the whole of the media etc. While everyone is focussed on the report then on the case file, while everyone is watching the contents of the DVDs (the case file is on DVD) as for the PJ, they can get on with their investigation in peace.

Interférence dans l'enquête ?

SOS Maddie révèle que lors de l'audition d'O'Brian comme témoin, il aurait pu d'abord lire les déclarations de sa compagne, Jane Tanner avant de répondre aux questions de l'officier de police en charge. C'est, évidemment, scandaleux! Il est tout à fait inadmissible qu'un policier, qui de surcroît n'est pas un débutant puisqu'il a 25 ans de métier, laisse un témoin lire les déclarations d'un ou plusieurs autres témoins. Il s'agit là, d'une maladresse pour ne pas dire une volonté d'orienter l'audition. C'est une faute professionnelle! L'audition de tout témoin est placée sous le secret professionnel même s'il s'agit de la déclaration de l'épouse du témoin en question. O'Brian, dans une déclaration, reconnaît avoir pris connaissance de l'audition de son épouse pour: "rafraîchir sa mémoire". Quant à Jane Tanner, elle a été interrogée mais son audition à été interrompue par le déclenchement inopiné de l'alarme incendie. Durant les 23 minutes qui suivirent, alors que le commissariat été évacué selon une procédure précise, Jane a pu s'entretenir avec l'avocat d'un des suspects et un des suspect en personne de l'affaire en question. Le tout au sein du commissariat. Même s'il ne s'agit pas d'un témoin à charge, on peu se poser des questions quant à l'aspect déontologique de la procédure. Notons que, malgré tout, Jane avait et a toujours des contacts avec certains suspects du moment et qu'ils pouvaient discuter librement de l'affaire bien avant d'être auditionné.

Interference with the investigation?

SOS Maddie reveals that during O'Brien's interview as a witness, he would first have been able to read the statements of his partner, Jane Tanner, before responding to the questions of the police officer in charge. This is obviously scandelous! It is totally unacceptable that a police officer, who moreover is not a beginner, since he has 25 years in the job, lets a witness read the statements of one or several other witnesses. It is a blunder if not a desire to direct the hearing. It is a professonal mistake! The hearing of every witness is placed under professioanl confidentiality even if the statement is that of the spouse of the witness in question. O'Brien, in a statement, admits gaining knowledge of his wife's hearing to, "refresh his memory." As for Jane Tanner, she was interviewed but her hearing was interrupted by the unexpected setting off of the fire alarm. During the 23 minutes which followed, while the police station was evacuated according to clear procedure, Jane was able to have a discussion with the lawyer for one of the suspects and with one of the suspects in the case in question, in person. All this at the police station. Even if it is not a witness for the prosecution, we may ask questions about the ethical aspects of the procedure. We note that, in spite of everything, Jane had always had contact with certain suspects at the time and that they were able to freely discuss the case well before being interviewed.

Brian Kennedy, le milliardaire qui finance l'équipe d'avocat des parents et les appointements de Clarence Mitchell, entre autre, a visité plusieurs témoins impliqué dans l'enquête sur la disparition de Madeleine. On est en droit de e demander pourquoi un particulier, fut-il milliardaire, peut se permettre d'interférer dans une enquête de police ? Les témoins les moins favorables aux McCann auraient été particulièrement visités. La question qui vient immédiatement à l'esprit est: pourquoi ? Dans quel but ? Certes Brian Kennedy n'est pas impliqué dans l'enquête en cours au Portugal. Il n'est même pas témoin. Les autorités britanniques auraient du, au minimum dans un souci déontologique, mais surtout dans un souci d'objectivité, interroger Brian Kennedy sur ses motivations à interférer dans une enquête concernant une fillette de 4 ans ? Jusqu'ici, les autorités britanniques restent silencieuses à ce sujet. Or les autorités portugaise ont demandé à leurs homologues britanniques des précisions mais là aussi sans réponse du R-U.

Brian Kennedy, the millionaire who finances the parents' team of lawyers and the employment of Clarence Mitchell, and others, visited several witnesses involved in the investigation into Madeleine's disappearance. We are entitled to ask why an individual, millionaire he may be, is allowed to interfere in a police investigation? Especially the witnesses least favourable to the McCanns would have been visited. The question that comes immediately to mind is: why? To what end? Certainly Brian Kenedy is not implicated in the ongoing investigation in Portugal. He is not even a witness. The British authorities, at least as an ethical issue, but above all as an issue of of objectivity, should have questioned Brian Kennedy about his motives for interfering in an investigation concerning a little four year-old girl? Until now, the British authorities have been silent on this subject. Well, the Portuguese authorities asked their British counterparts for details but there again with no response from the UK.

Les McCann auraient trafiqué les preuves ?

Dans son édition d'aujourd'hui, le Correio da Manha affirme que la PJ n'a pas de doutes quant au fait que les parents de Madeleine ont modifié la disposition des meubles et de divers objet de l'appartement d'où Maddie a disparu. Si c'est vrai, et il faut voir sur quoi ce base le CdM, il s'agit là d'un maquillage des lieux d'une scène d'un crime afin de détourner les soupçons et d'effacer les preuves. Notons que la PJ a toujours considéré comme étrange le fait que le lit de Madeleine n'ait pas été défait comme si la petite n'y avait pas dormi. Il est difficile de croire qu'un ravisseur ait pris soin de refaire parfaitement le lit de Madeleine après l'avoir enlevée ? Maintenant gageons que le dossier en DVD (que notre association va pouvoir consulter) expliquera ces détails troublants.

The McCanns tampered with evidence?

In today's edition, Correio da Manha states that the PJ have no doubts about the fact that Madeleine's parents changed the position of furniture and various objects in the apartment from which Madeleine went missing. If this is true, and we must see what CdM is basing this on, there is here tampering with areas of a crime scene in order to divert suspicion and to wipe out the evidence. We note that the PJ have always considered strange the fact that Madeleine's bed had not been disturbed as if the little girl had not slept there. It is difficult to believe that a kidnapper had taken care to remake Madeleine's bed perfectly after having abducted her? We are now betting that the case file on DVD (that our association will be able to look at) will explain these worrying details.

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Correio da Manha 3/08/08: The 48 questions Kate McCann refused to answer

With thanks to Astro for this translation, which I unashamedly lift from the 3Arguidos forum!

"Investigation What the PJ inspectors wanted to know

The 48 questions that remained unanswered

When she became an arguida, Kate stopped talking to the inspectors

September 7, 2007. Kate McCann entered the Polícia Judiciária in Portimão in the morning and the questioning extended into the evening. She was heard as a witness, but the tension in the air was evident. For the first time, people were concentrated at the PJ building’s door and murmured words of mistrust regarding the couple.

On that day, CM had reported that the dogs had detected cadaver odour on Maddie’s mother’s clothes. A piece of evidence that the authorities intended to use as a trump, during a questioning that only changed course on the next day, after the PJ failed to see their doubts clarified.

Kate began by replying all the questions, but when she was made an arguida, she stopped talking. She went silent, in the company of her lawyer, and accepted all the insinuations in a provocative manner. Less than 48 hours later, Kate and Gerry travel to England with the twins, leaving the investigation into the disappearance of their daughter, who meanwhile had become four, behind.

They later guaranteed that they would return if necessary – which they never did, although they were never formally requested to return – and they are no longer arguidos for the suspected involvement in concealing the child’s body. Today, CM reveals the 48 questions that Kate did not want to answer during the interrogation and which reflect the investigators’ doubts. More than a year after Maddie disappeared, many of these questions remain unanswered.

Jeers for the McCann couple

The day that Kate and Gerry went to the PJ’s offices in Portimão marked a turnaround in the relationship between the local people and the couple: the curious bystanders that spent the day on the street jeered at Maddie’s mother and father, mainly criticizing the “absence of visible suffering” from Kate. The foreign press also attended in great numbers.

The Judiciária’s 48 questions that Kate did not answer

1 On the 3rd of May 2007, at around 10 p.m., when you entered the apartment, what did you see, what did you do, where did you search, what did you handle?

2 Did you search in the couple’s bedroom’s closet? (said she would not reply)

3 (Two photographs of her bedroom’s closet are exhibited) Can you describe its contents?

4 Why are the curtains in front of the side window, behind the sofa (photograph is exhibited) ruffled? Did someone pass behind that sofa?

5 How long did the search that you made in the apartment after detecting the disappearance of your daughter Madeleine take?

6 Why did you say straight away that Madeleine had been abducted?

7 Presuming that Madeleine had been abducted, why did you leave the twins alone at home while you went to the Tapas to raise the alarm? Even because the supposed abductor could still be inside the apartment.

8 Why didn’t you ask the twins at that moment what had happened to their sister, or why didn’t you ask them at a later point in time?

9 When you raised the alarm at the Tapas, what exactly did you say and what were the words?

10 What happened after you raised the alarm at the Tapas?

11 Why did you do to warn your friends instead of calling out from the balcony?

12 Who contacted the authorities?

13 Who participated in the searches?

14 Did anyone outside of the group learn about Maddie’s disappearance during the following minutes?

15 Did any neighbour offer you help after the disappearance?

16 What does the expression “we let her down” mean?

17 Did Jane mention to you that she had see a man with a child that night?

18 How were the authorities contacted and which police force was called?

19 During the searches, and already with the police present, in what locations was Maddie searched for, how and in what manner?

20 Why didn’t the twins wake up during that search, or when they went to the upper floor?

21 Who did you call after the facts?

22 Did you call SKY News?

23 Did you know about the danger of calling the media, because that could influence the abductor?

24 Did you request the presence of a priest?

25 How was Madeleine’s face publicized, with a photograph, or other media?

26 Is it true that during the search you remained seated on Maddie’s bed without moving?

27 How did you behave that evening?

28 Did you manage to sleep?

29 Before the trip to Portugal, did you comment on a bad feeling or a bad premonition?

30 What was Madeleine’s behaviour?

31 Did Maddie suffer of any disease or did she take any kind of medication?

32 What was the relationship like between Madeleine and her siblings?

33 What was the relationship like between Madeleine and her siblings, her friends and her colleagues at school?

34 Concerning your professional life, in how many and in which hospitals have you worked?

35 What is your medical specialty?

36 Did you work by shifts, in emergency rooms or in other departments?

37 Did you work on a daily basis?

38 Did you stop working at a certain point in time? Why?

39 Do your twin children have difficulty in falling asleep, are they unruly and does that upset you?

40 Is it true that at certain times you were desperate over your children’s attitude and that left you were upset?

41 Is it true that in England you considered the possibility of handing over Madeleine’s guardianship to a relative?

42 In England, did you give your children medication? What type of medication?

43 Within the process, you were shown films of cynotechnical inspection of forensic character, where the dogs can be seen marking indications of human cadaver odour and equally human blood traces, and only of human origin, as well as all the comments that were made by the responsible expert. After the visualization, and after cadaver odour was signaled in your bedroom next to the wardrobe and behind the sofa that was pushed against the living room window, you said that you could not explain anything apart from what you had already said?

44 You said that you could not explain anything apart from what you had already said, concerning the marking of human blood behind the sofa by the detection dog

45 You said that you could not explain anything apart from what you had already said, concerning the marking of cadaver odour in the boot of the vehicle that you rented a month after the disappearance?

46 You said that you could not explain anything apart from what you had already said, concerning the marking of human blood in the boot of the vehicle?

47 You said that you could not explain anything apart from what you had already said, upon being confronted with the result of the collection of Maddie’s DNA, which was analysed by a British lab, behind the sofa and inside the vehicle’s boot?

48 Did you have any responsibility or intervention in the disappearance of your daughter?

The question that she answered
Are you aware of the fact that by not answering these questions you may compromise the investigation, which is trying to find out what happened to your daughter? She said yes, if the investigation thinks so.

Process becomes public tomorrow

From tomorrow onwards, the entire investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine will be made available to the arguidos, to the witnesses, to the lawyers and also to the journalists, because it is a case of manifest public interest.

The process, which was archived on the 21st of July, will also be available to the general public, a situation that will allow for an authentic scrutiny of the work that was developed by the Polícia Judiciária. This decision, which came as a surprise due to the fact that the case involves a child, was only announced at this point in time, after the Portuguese lawyers for the McCann family, Carlos Pinto de Abreu and Rogério Alves, requested the Portimão Court for priority in the access to the process.

Last Wednesday, the Court had requested the interested parties that had already asked for the consultation of the process to leave a CD at the secretary’s office, given the fact that the process will be supplied in a digital format.

The archiving of the investigation into the little girl’s disappearance, which happened on the 3rd of May 2007, in the Algarve, precipitated the lifting of the judicial secrecy, which had been extended precisely until the month of August.

source: Correio da Manhã, 03.08.2008, paper edition"

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Correio da Manha 2/08/08: Goncalo Amaral responds to Clarence Mitchell

Correio da Manha 2/08/08

Translation courtesy of Carilina at the 3 Arguidos.

"Discover the differences."

"A criminal investigation does not have to be politically correct."

"Those who knew me through Social Communication got an opinion based on my connection with the so-called Maddie Case. During the investigation and after being separeted, I was a target of the most terrible accusations from the British press, some local commentators and a man named Clarence Mitchell, whose role is not very well understood. On the eve of the publication of the book you already know, this gentleman was sending me threats : "that I should take care" - I was stunned!

Let me make it clear that I consider this to be an unacceptable tone, coming from a citizen of the oldest democracy in the world. Take care, why? Because I might step on a banana peel while walking? Is Mr Mitchell concerned about my health? I do not think so. We all perceive his threatening tone.

In Portugal, we are not used to people speaking that way. Nor is this the view we have of the British people, but there are always some people that fall out of standards. A criminal investigation need not be politically correct, nor fear veiled threats. The book only contains facts and contains no indictment. So the differences stand out."

Gonçalo Amaral, former coordinator criminal investigation

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

SOS Madeleine McCann: English version of Amaral's book under negotiation.


Version anglaise du livre de l’inspecteur Amaral en négociation

233c433bfd856a631753483a9892ab44.jpg“Guerra e Paz”, l'éditeur du livre de l’ancien responsable de l’enquête a la disparition de Madeleine McCann, “négocie la publication d'une version anglaise.” L’information a été confirmée par un porte-parole de la société.

Interrogée à propos des commentaires du porte-parole des McCann, Clarence Mitchell, affirmant que le couple pourrait intenter un procès en justice pour diffamation contre l'auteur et l'éditeur, en fonction du contenu du livre, la même source a indiqué que “la société ferait connaitre sa position publiquement dans un futur proche.”

English version of inspector Amaral's book under negotiation.

"Guerra e Paz," the publishers for the book by the former head of the investigation into Madeleine MCann's disappearance, "is negotiating the publication of an English version." The information has been confirmed by a spokesperson for the company.
Questioned about comments by the McCanns' spokesperson, Clarence Mitchell, stating that the couple may bring legal action for defamation against the author and the publisher, depending on the content of the book, the same source indicated that, "the company would make its position known publicly in the near future."

Le livre, “La vérité du mensonge” sera présenté officiellement demain après-midi, à Lisbonne, chez “El Corte Inglés”. Le quotidien Correio da Manhã, le principal journal portugais, avec un tirage moyen de 117.000 exemplaires vendus par jour, sera proposé demain à la vente accompagné du livre.

The book, "The Truth of the Lie," will be officially presented tomorrow afternoon, in Lisbon at, "El Corte Inglés." The daily Correio da Manha, the leading Portuguese newspaper, with an average circulation of 117,000 copies sold every day, will be offered for sale tomorrow with a copy of the book.

Monday, 21 July 2008

Enfants Kidnappés 20/07/08: a paedophile friend?

This was posted on the Enfants Kidnappés site on Sunday 20th July. I thought it was worth posting, even in the light of today's announcement of the archiving of the Madeleine McCann case because of the details about the forensic analyses of DNA samples.

Un ami pédophile ?

20 juillet 2008

Ne pas lever l'entièreté du secret de justice.

Un magistrat et deux policiers, parmi lesquels Stuart Prior, officier de liaison avec la PJ, se sont rendu au Tribunal de Portimao afin de demander au Ministère Public de ne pas libérer le secret de justice sur la totalité du dossier "Maddie".

Les motivations de cette démarche seraient diverses, selon la presse portugaise. Il y aurait, d'une part, le fait que la police britannique souhaite maintenir secret le contenu de la liste des ressortissants britanniques classés "pédophiles" vivant en Algarve. Ces pédophiles connus ont été clairement identifiés sur une liste que les autorités britanniques ont remise à la PJ et qui fait partie du dossier "Maddie". La levée du secret de justice rendrait le contenu de la liste accessible au publique. L'autre raison, toujours selon la presse portugaise, serait la demande de ne pas levée le secret de justice sur les résultats des tests ADN.

Do not lift the whole of the secrecy of justice.

A magistrate and two police officers, one of them, Stuart Prior, liaison officer with the PJ, went to the Portimao appeal court to ask the Public Minister not to open the secrecy of justice on the whole of the, "Maddie," case. There would be various reasons for this approach, according to the Portuguese press. On the one hand there is the fact that the British police wish to keep secret the contents of the list of British citizens, classified as, "paedophiles," living in the Algarve. These known paedophiles are clearly identified in the list which the British authorities gave to the PJ and which form part of the, "Maddie," file. The lifting of the secrecy of justice would make the contents of the list accessible to the public. The other reason, still according to the Portuguese press, would be the request not to lift the secrecy of justice on the results of the DNA tests.

Il semblerait que les anglais ne souhaitent pas voir divulguer le rapport préliminaire du labo de Birmingham dans lequel est établi que 15 des 19 marqueurs génétiques coïncident parfaitement avec l'ADN de Madeleine McCann. Ce rapport a été contre dit par la suite. Les vestiges rassemblés derrière le sofa, selon le premier rapport, coïncident, également, avec le profil ADN de Madeleine McCann. C'est ce rapport qui a réconforté la PJ, ainsi que l'officier de liaison britannique, dans leurs soupçons quant au fait que Madeleine soit morte entre 17h30 et 22h00 à l'Ocean Club de Praia da Luz et que le corps fut transporté dans la voiture loué par les parents, 22 jours plus tard. Avec la levée du secret de justice, certains de ces documents seront rendu publique. Ce dit rapport, ajouté aux éléments rassemblés durant l'enquête ont conduit les inspecteurs à soupçonner les parents du décès de Madeleine. Un autre rapport, signé par Mark Harrisom, policier britannique désigné pour assister les autorités portugaises, affirmait péremptoirement que la fillette était décédée. Le policier évoquait même la possibilité que le corps de Madeleine ait été jeté à la mer.

It would appear that the English do not wish to see the preliminary report from the Birmingham lab divulged in which it was established that 15 out of 19 genetic markers coincide perfectly with Madeleine McCann's DNA. This report was contradicted by the one that followed. The samples gathered behind the sofa, according to the first report, also coincide with the DNA profile of Madeleine McCann. it was this report which reassured the PJ, as well as the British liaison officer, in their suspicions about the fact that Madeleine had died between 5.30 and 10pm at the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz and that the body was transported in the car rented by the parents, 22 days later. With the lifting of the secrecy of justice, certain of these documents will be made public. the said report, added to the details gathered during the investigation led the inspectors to suspect the parents in Madeleine's death. Another report, signed by Mark Harrison, British police officer, assigned to help the Portuguese authorities, affirmed categorically that the young girl was dead. The police officer even suggested the possibility that Madeleine's body had been thrown into the sea.

Technique de pointe.

La technique utilisée par les spécialistes britanniques, pour analyser les vestiges rassemblés dans l'appartement et dans la voiture des parents, est une des plus sophistiquée du Monde. Cette technique est utilisée aux États-Unis parce qu'elle permet d'extraire des profils ADN précis à partir de vestiges très ténus par l'augmentation des cycles d'amplification. Dans ces rapports, envoyés à la PJ avec quelques mois de différences l'un de l'autre, les autorités commencent à expliquer la technique utilisée et rendent compte comment ils ont utilisés un échantillon d'ADN de référence de Madeleine McCann. Cet échantillon a été obtenu via des taches de salives existantes sur le coussin de la petite.

Cutting-edge technique.

The technique used by the British specialists, to analyse the samples gathered in the apartment and in the parents' car, is one of the most sophisticated in the world. This technique is used in the United States because it allows the extraction of clear DNA profiles from very subtle samples by the augmentation of the amplification processes. In these reports, sent to the PJ a few months apart, the authorities began to explain the technique used and how they used a reference sample of Madeleine McCann's DNA. This reference sample was obtained from samples of saliva on the young girl's pillow.

L'ADN des autres membres de la famille a été vérifié afin d'extraire les marqueurs génétiques identiques pour qu'il n'y ait pas de confusion lors du résultat. Le rapport est de 22 pages et signé par un expert biochimiste et spécialiste en microbiologie. Il détermine que 15 marqueurs génétiques sur 19 coïncident parfaitement avec l'ADN de Madeleine McCann. Le second rapport, envoyé après que Kate et Gerry furent déclarés suspects, soulève des doutes théoriques quant aux conclusions du premier rapport. On parle, ici, de 15 marqueurs sur 19. Aux États-Unis pour condamner quelqu'un il ne faut que 12 marqueurs d'ADN concluant. Ainsi, aux États-Unis, sur base de ce rapport, les parents seraient accusés. Or au Portugal, La loi exigeant 19 marqueurs identiques, les parents pourraient bénéficier d'un non lieux voir même d'un classement du dossier.

The DNA of other members of the family was checked in order to extract the identical genetic markers so that there would be no confusion with the results. The report is 22 pages and is signed by an expert biochemist and specialist in microbiology. It determines that 15 genetic markers out of 19 coincide perfectly with Madeleine MCann's DNA. The second report, sent after Kate and Gerry were declared suspects, raised theoretical doubts about the conclusions of the first report. It speaks here of 15 markers out of 19. In the United States to convict someone only takes 12 conclusive DNA markers. Thus, in the United States, on the basis of this eport, the parents would be charged. But, in Portugal, the law demanding 19 identical markers, the parents could be discharged through lack of evidence or even see the archiving of the case.

Un ami pédophile ?

La presse portugaise par le truchement du Correio da Manha publie un article assez délicat. Selon ce dernier, un des amis du couple McCann qui se trouvait avec eux en vacances à Paria da Luz le 03 mai de l'année dernière a été suspecté de comportement à caractère pédophile. Ces accusations ont été lancées par un autre couple d'amis qui ont passés les vacances de 2005 avec les McCann. Le couple, amis d'enfance de Kate, connaît cette dernière depuis 20 ans et ils n'ont rencontré "l'ami suspect" qu'une seule fois, c'était en 2005. Le CM fait état d'une déposition enregistrée par les autorités le 16 mai mais versé au dossier qu'en janvier 2008 et qui ferait déjà partie du 13ième volume sur l'affaire. Nous sommes assez surpris que des policiers aient enregistrés ces dépositions. En effet, elles ne reposent sur rien.

A paedophile friend?

The Portuguese press via Correio da Manha, publishes a very delicate article. According to the latter, one of the friends of the mcCann couple who was with them on holiday in Praia da Luz on May 3rd last year was suspected of showing paedophile tendencies. These accusations were put forward by another couple of friends who had spent the 2005 holiday with the McCanns. The couple, childhood freinds of Kate's, had known her for 20 years and they had only met the, "suspicious friend," once, which was in 2005. The CM reports a statement recorded by the authorities on May 16th but only added to the file in January 2008 and which would already be part of the 13th volume on the case. We are very surprised that the police officers recorded these statements. In effect, they are not based on anything.

Il n'y avait pas matière à acter! Si l'on reprend la publication du CM, Katherina, amie d'enfance de Kate, aurait vu, durant la nuit, le fameux "ami suspect" en conversation avec Gerry avoir des gestes obscènes à caractères sexuelles en parlant de Madeleine. Décrivant le geste avec détails faisant clairement allusion à un doigté vaginale préalablement mouillé par la bouche. Son époux, Arul, quant à lui, se souvient bien du geste, qu'il qualifie d'un extrême mauvais goût, mais ne peut être sûr que "l'ami suspect" et Gerry parlaient de Madeleine! Bref, rien de bien concret finalement. En tous cas pas de quoi enregistrer une déposition. Les deux compères pouvaient parfaitement parler de n'importe qui ou faire allusion à n'importe quoi. En outre, le fait de révéler l'identité de l'ami en question et en le qualifiant de "suspect d'acte pédophile", met une famille en danger. Une famille mais aussi une situation professionnelle, une vie sociale etc. etc. Il nous semble très imprudent de rendre public ce genre d'accusation. Nous attirons l'attention de nos lecteurs sur le fait qu'il ne faut pas tirer de conclusions hâtives. Ne pas accuser trop vite quelqu'un, ne pas mettre une étiquette sur une personne qui n'a peut-être rien à se reprocher. Soyez subtil, il est plus facile de détruire une réputation que de rétablir l'image de quelqu'un. Rien ne prouve que "l'ami suspect" soit coupable de ce dont on l'accuse.

There was no substance to record! If we take what CM publishes, Katherina, childhood friend of Kate's, would have seen during the night, the famous, "suspicious friend," in conversation with Gerry making obscene gestures of a sexual nature, while speaking about Madeleine. Describing the gesture with details making clear allusions to vaginal fingering previously moistened in the mouth. As for her husband, Arul, he remembers the gesture well, which he classes as being very bad taste, but cannot be sure that the, "suspicious friend," and Gerry were talking about Madeleine! In short, nothing tangible in the end. In any case, it's not about recording a statement. The two fathers could perfectly well have been talking about anything or making allusion to anything. In addition, the fact of revealing the identity of the friend in question and in classifying it as a, "suspicious paedophile act," places a family in danger. A family but also a professional standing, a social life etc. It seems to us very unwise to make this kind of accusation public. We draw our readers' attention to the fact that we must not jump to hasty conclusions. Do not accuse someone too quickly, do not apply a label to someone who perhaps has nothing to reproach himself with. Be discerning, it is easier to destroy a reputation than to rebuild someone's image. There is nothing to prove that the, "suspicious friend," is guilty of what he is being accused of.
