Showing posts with label Fabienne Leroy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fabienne Leroy. Show all posts

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

As Fourniret goes to prison for the rest of his life, I honour Céline, Elisabeth, Estelle, Fabienne, Isabelle, Jeanne-Marie, Joanna, Mananya, Natacha

The Fourniret verdict is in:
Fourniret: 30 years before being considered for parole. (The most severe sentence allowed in French law.)
Olivier: 28 years before being considered for parole.

Sky News

BBC News

Today, as the Fourniret trial ends, I ask you to remember these nine beautiful young women, whose lives were tragically cut short. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of these young people. May they come to know some degree of closure and peace in their lives.

Enfants Kidnappés 27/05/08 - Fourniret wants to stay in the spotlight.

(The families of the victims.)

The Fourniret trial enters its final phase, with the summing up by the defence and the jury expected to retire to reach a verdict on Wednesday.

Les familles des victimes*

Les familles des sept jeunes filles que Michel Fourniret a reconnu avoir tuées entre 1987 et 2001, ont formé un groupe uni et solidaire pendant les deux mois de procès devant les assises des Ardennes pour demander la vérité et surmonter les moments éprouvants du procès. "Pendant ces huit semaines terribles, vous avez fait preuve d'une force mentale exceptionnelle", a déclaré aux familles l'avocat général Francis Nachbar, en préambule de son réquisitoire, en leur souhaitant de trouver "l'apaisement" après ce "moment terrifiant".

The victims' families.

The families of the seven young girls whom Michel Fourniret admitted having killed between 1987 and 2001, formed a united and supportive group during the two months of the trial before the Ardennes Assizes to seek the truth and to cope with the difficult moments of the trial. "During these eight terrible weeks, you have shown exceptional mental strength," the Attorney General, Francis Nachbar, said to the families in the introduction to his arraignment, wishing for them to find, "calmness," after this, "terrifying time."

Soutenues par des psychologues et des responsables d'association d'aide aux victimes, elles ont toujours fait bloc pour supporter l'éprouvante lecture de l'acte d'accusation ou regarder Fourniret détailler froidement une mise à mort dans des aveux filmés en 2004 et diffusés à l'audience. Dès l'ouverture du procès le 27 mars, des membres des familles avaient expliqué devant des journalistes avoir passé symboliquement un "pacte de solidarité" en réponse au "pacte criminel" conclu par Michel Fourniret et son épouse Monique Olivier.

Supported by psychologists and representatives of the Victims' aid association, they have always formed a bloc to support the difficult reading of the indictment or to watch Fourniret coldly detailing a killing in his confessions, filmed in 2004 and screened at the hearing. From the opening of the trial on March 27th, the family members had explained to the journalists that they had symbolically agreed a, "pact of solidarity," in response to the, "criminal pact," signed by Michel Fourniret and his wife Monique Olivier.

Comme un rituel au début de l'examen de chaque dossier, les parents sont venus, à l'invitation du président de la cour Gilles Latapie, évoquer à la barre le souvenir des victimes. Inhabituelle lors d'un procès d'assises, cette démarche a donné lieu à des moments de forte émotion, marqués par d'intenses face-à-face avec les deux accusés. "Vous êtes une mère, mais vous n'êtes pas une maman!", a ainsi crié à l'adresse de Monique Olivier la mère d'Isabelle Laville, tuée en 1987.

Like a ritual, at the start of the consideration of each case, the parents came, at the invitation of the president of the court, Gilles Latapie, to bring to the witness box, memories of the victims. Unusual for an assizes trial, this approach resulted in moments of strong emotion, marked by intense face-to-face with the two accused. "You are a mother, but you are not a mum!" was shouted at Monique Olivier by the mother of Isabelle Laville, killed in 1987.

De son côté, le père de Céline Saison, assassinée en 2000, a imposé à l'accusé de le regarder dans les yeux, lui assénant: "J'ai tellement de haine que si la vie me le permet, j'irai cracher sur votre tombe". "Merci de vous être tu, merci de ne pas avoir ajouté, à la cruauté de vos actes, la cruauté de vos paroles", l'a aussi remercié ironiquement Brice Longhini, le beau-père de Mananya Thumpong, tuée en 2001, dans une allusion au "Sans huis clos, bouche cousue" formulé par Fourniret.

On his part, the father of Céline Saison, killed in 2000, forced the accused to look him in the eyes, hurling at him, "I have such hatred that if life permits, I will spit on your grave." "Thank you for being you, thank you for not having added to the cruelty of your actions the cruelty of your words," Brice Longhini, step-father of Mananya Thumpong, killed in 2001, also ironically thanked him, alluding to, "Without huis clos, mouth sealed," formulated by Fourniret.

Les parents d'Isabelle et de Fabienne, tuée en 1988, ont refusé de recevoir de l'accusé des explications écrites sur les derniers instants de leurs filles. La famille de Natacha Danais, retrouvée morte en 1990, a opposé une fin de non-recevoir aux deux heures de huis clos demandées par Fourniret, après la mise en évidence d'un possible viol post-mortem sur l'adolescente. C'est aussi "à l'unanimité" qu'elles ont décidé de déserter momentanément les bancs des parties civiles le 17 mai pour protester contre la volte-face de l'accusé, qui venait de revenir sur sa parole de s'exprimer sur les faits.

Au premier jour des plaidoiries des parties civiles, les membres des familles se sont tous présentés une rose blanche à la main en hommage aux jeunes filles disparues.

The parents of Isabelle and Fabienne, killed in 1988, refused to receive from the accused written explanations about their daughters' last moments. The family of Natacha Danais, found dead in 1990, rejected pleas by Fourniret for a two hour session in camera, after the disclosure of a possible post-mortem rape on the teenager. It was also, "unanimous," when they decided to momentarily leave the benches for the civil parties on May 17th to protest against the about-face of the accused, who had just gone back on his promise to explain the facts.

On the first day of the oral arguments for the civil parties, the family members all carried a white rose in honour of the missing young girls.

Fourniret veut garder la vedette jusqu'à la fin.*

Michel Fourniret a voulu garder la vedette jusqu'au dernier jour de son procès qui devait vraisemblablement se conclure mercredi par une condamnation à la prison à vie, dont son avocat a déjà indiqué qu'il ne ferait pas appel. Mardi, la cour d'assises des Ardennes, qui juge les époux Fourniret depuis le 27 mars pour une série de sept meurtres aggravés de jeunes filles, s'est retirée pour délibérer peu après 15H00, à la suite d'un nouveau coup d'éclat du principal accusé.

Fourniret wants to keep the spotlight right to the end.

Michel Fourniret has wanted to keep the spotlight until the last day of his trial, which will most likely conclude on Wednesday with a sentence of life imprisonment, on which his lawyer has already indicated, he will not appeal. On Tuesday, the Ardennes court of assizes, which has been trying the Fourniret couple since March 27th for a series of seven aggravated murders of young girls, retired to deliberate, a little after 3pm, following a new outburst by the principal accused.

Invité à s'exprimer en dernier, Michel Fourniret, 66 ans, s'est emparé d'un texte préparé à l'avance, rédigé pour partie en alexandrins, et dans une lecture d'une quinzaine de minutes a distribué ses bons et mauvais points aux acteurs du procès. Après avoir salué "plusieurs voix" sur les bancs des parties civiles, d'où parfois, selon lui, "a jailli l'étincelle", Michel Fourniret a enchaîné à l'adresse de l'avocat général Francis Nachbar: "il n'en fut pas de même, c'est sans surprise hélas, de la part d'un roquet". Il s'est en pris plusieurs fois au "petit Francis" - qui l'avait traité de "petit Fourniret" -, avant de réserver ses dernières piques à son épouse Monique Olivier, 59 ans, "une pauvre bonne femme incapable de nuire à quiconque individuellement"

Invited to speak last, Michel Fourniret, aged 66, grasped a pre-prepared text, composed partly in Alexandrine verse, and in a fifteen minute reading, he handed out his good and bad points to the actors in the trial. After having saluted, "several voices," on the civil parties' benches, from where, according to him, sometimes, "sparks flew," Michel Fourniret went on to address the Attorney General Francis Nachbar: "he has not been up to it, not surprising alas, for a yappy little dog." Several times he attacked, "little Francis" - who had treated him as, "little Fourniret" - before reserving his final cutting remarks for his wife Monique Olivier, aged 59, "a poor old woman, incapable of personally harming anyone."

Francis Nachbar avait requis jeudi les peines les plus lourdes du code pénal contre le couple, à savoir la réclusion criminelle à perpétuité assortie de mesures de sûreté différenciées pour l'un et l'autre en fonction de la date des crimes reprochés. Il les avait qualifiés de "fêlés" et de "criminels inhumains", des termes sur lesquels il a tenu à s'expliquer publiquement mardi après la clôture des débats, dans une démarche peu commune. "C'est le dossier qui est nauséabond (...), pas les mots utilisés", a-t-il justifié devant des dizaines de journalistes.

On Thursday Francis Nachbar had requested the penal code's heaviest sentences against the couple, namely life sentence with different minimum terms for each, as a ratio of the crimes committed. He had described them as, "bonkers," and as, "inhuman criminals," terms on which he committed himself to speak publicly on Tuesday after the closing debates, in an unusual approach, "It is the case that is nauseating (....), not the words used," he justifed himself before dozens of journalists.

La cour, qui devrait rendre son verdict mercredi après-midi, s'est exceptionnellement retirée pour délibérer, non au tribunal, mais dans une caserne de CRS à Charleville-Mézières, afin de répondre à un total de 75 questions. Dans la dernière plaidoirie, Me Pierre Blocquaux, avocat de Michel Fourniret, s'exprimant au nom d'une défense réduite au silence par l'accusé depuis le début du procès, a annoncé que son client ne ferait pas appel de la condamnation à venir et a pris le contre-pied de M. Nachbar en appelant à le juger comme un homme. Fourniret "appartient à notre humanité, hélas, quel que soit le caractère horrible des actes qu'il a pu commettre", a affirmé l'avocat, après avoir confié "l'épreuve" vécue lors de "ces deux mois épouvantables (...) au fond de l'horreur". Me Blocquaux a comparé la vie de l'accusé à "un champ de ruines" avec, outre les jeunes femmes ou adolescentes tuées, de multiples victimes "collatérales", telles une des filles de Fourniret qui s'est suicidée en 2006 "parce qu'elle ne supportait plus le poids de toutes ces affaires".

The court, which may deliver its verdict on Wednesday afternoon, unusually reitred to deliberate, not in the courthouse, but in the CRS barracks in Charleville-Mézières, in order to respond to a total of 75 questions. In the final oral arguments, Me Pierre Blocquaux, Michel Fourniret's lawyer, speaking on behalf of a defence reduced to silence by the accused since the start of the trial, announced that his client would not appeal the sentence to come and took the opposite stance to M. Nachbar in calling for him to be judged as a man. Fourniret, "belongs to the human race, alas, whatever the horrible character of the acts he may have committed," stated the lawyer, after having shared the, "test," lived through, "these two awful months (...) in the depths of the horror." Me Blocquaux compared the life of the accused to, "a field of ruins," with, as well as young girls and teenagers killed, many, "colateral," victims, such as one of Fourniret's daughters who committed suicide in 2006, "because she could no longer bear the weight of all these cases."

Il a de nouveau évoqué les "occasions manquées" d'arrêter un homme déjà condamné par le passé pour des agressions sexuelles, citant entre autres le classement sans suite par le parquet d'Auxerre de la plainte du père de la première victime, Isabelle Laville, tuée fin 1987 dans l'Yonne. Au total Fourniret doit répondre de sept meurtres de jeunes filles précédés de viol ou tentative, commis en France et en Belgique entre 1987 et 2001. Monique Olivier est accusée d'être co-auteure d'un des meurtres et complice de trois autres.

"Je regrette tout ce que j'ai fait. C'est tout", a simplement déclaré cette dernière mardi.

He (Fourniret's lawyer) again referred to the, "missed opportunities," to stop a man, already sentenced in the past for sexual assaults, citing amongst others the Auxerre prosecutor's classifying as non-action, the report from the father of the first victim, Isabelle Laville, killed at the end of 1987 in Yonne. In total Fourniret must answer for seven murders of young girls preceeded by rape or attempted rape, committed in France and Belgium between 1987 and 2001. Monique Olivier is accused of being co-perpetrator of one murder and complicity in three others.

"I regret everything that I have done. That is all," the latter stated simply on Tuesday.


Thursday, 22 May 2008

Enfants Kidnappés 21/05/08: Monique Olivier is overwhelmed by the lawyers for the families about her active role.


21 mai 2008

Monique Olivier accablée par les avocats des familles pour son rôle actif.

Des avocats des familles de victimes ont martelé mercredi devant la cour d'assises des Ardennes que Monique Olivier avait joué un rôle actif au côté de son mari, Michel Fourniret, dans les meurtres de cinq jeunes filles ou adolescentes commis entre 1989 et 2001. Au second jour des plaidoiries des parties civiles, les avocats ont une nouvelle fois accablé l'épouse du tueur en série présumé, jugé pour sept meurtres aggravés, en soulignant son rôle de "détonateur" dans l'équipée criminelle qu'elle a formée pendant dix-sept ans avec Michel Fourniret. Emboîtant le pas à Me Paul Lombard, qui avait dépeint mardi un "couple fusionnel où il y a une machine à tuer et une femme qui met en marche la machine", Me Didier Seban a dénoncé la culpabilité de Monique Olivier dans la "loterie sanglante" mise en oeuvre par le couple. "Ils se sont assistés, ils se sont aidés pour tuer Jeanne-Marie Desramault, pour la faire taire (...) Elle est l'auteur de ce meurtre autant que Fourniret", a déclaré l'avocat de la famille de l'étudiante, tuée en 1989.

Monique Olivier is overwhelmed by the lawyers for the families for her active role.

On Wednesday, before the Ardennes court of assizes, the lawyers for the victims' families, hammered home that Monique Olivier had played an active role with her husband, Michel Fourniret, in the murders of five young girls and teenagers, committed between 1989 and 2001. On the second day of the oral arguments for the civil parties, the lawyers once again overwhelmed the wife of the alleged serial killer, on trial for seven aggravated murders, stressing her role as, "detonator," in the criminal team which she formed for seventeen years with Michel Fourniret.
Following closely behind Me Paul Lombard, who on Tuesday had portrayed an, "intensely close couple where there is a killing machine and a woman who sets the machine in motion," Me Didier Seban denounced Monique Olivier's guilt in the, "bloody lottery," set up by the couple. "They assisted each other, they helped each other to kill Jeanne-Marie Desramault, to silence her (....) She is the perpetrator of this murder just as much as Fourniret," declared the lawyer for the family of the student, who was killed in 1989.

Accusée de complicité dans trois des homicides commis par son mari - ce qu'elle a reconnu pendant le procès -, Monique Olivier a fermement contesté avoir été co-auteur de ce meurtre. "Vous êtes deux tueurs en série qui n'en font qu'un", insiste l'avocat. Pour lui, l'ancienne garde-malade, qui accepte d'épouser Fourniret en juillet 1989, alors que le couple a déjà commis quatre meurtres, n'est pas "celle qu'elle veut bien dire". Pendant les débats, Monique Olivier n'avait cessé de répéter qu'elle avait agi sous la contrainte d'un mari qui la terrorisait. "Il lui suffisait d'un mot" pour dénoncer Michel Fourniret et s'en débarrasser, renchérit Me Sabine Barz, l'avocate de la famille de Natacha Danais, tuée en 1990.

Accused of complicity in three murders committed by her husband - which she has admitted during the trial - , Monique Olivier firmly contested having been co-perpetrator of this murder. "You are two serial killers who are one," insisted the lawyer. For him, the former nurse, who agreed to marry Fourniret in July 1989, when the couple had already committed four murders, is not, "the person she says she is." During the debates, Monique Olivier did not stop repeating that she had been under the control of her husband who terrified her. "It would have taken her just one word," to denounce Michel Fourniret and to be rid of him, continued Me Sabine Barz, lawyer for the family of Natacha Danais, who was killed in 1990.

Devant les neuf jurés, Me Hervé Dupuis, l'avocat des parents de Céline Saison, assassinée en 2000, avoue à son tour son impuissance à comprendre : "Comment une mère a pu élever, regarder son enfant grandir au quotidien avec des yeux d'assassin!", s'insurge-t-il dans une allusion à Sélim, le fils du couple Fourniret né en 1988. Fermant le ban des plaidoiries, Me Gérard Chemla, l'avocat des parents de Fabienne Leroy tuée en 1988 et de Mananya Thumpong assassinée en 2001, revient sur le rôle de cette "femme qui ne parle pas parce que tout ce qu'elle dit peut être mortel pour elle". "Qui était le chef? Michel Fourniret vous avez cru que c'était vous et qu'elle était votre troupe. Je pense que c'est le contraire", assène l'avocat. "Michel Fourniret n'est plus une énigme pour nous. Il est un grand pervers qui a reçu l'autorisation de tuer", ajoute-t-il.

Before the nine jurors, Me Hervé Dupois, lawyer for the parents of Céline Saison, who was killed in 2000, confesses in his turn his inability to understand: "How a mother could bring up and watch her son grow daily, with the eyes of a killer!", he protests strongly, alluding to Sélim, the Fourniret couple's son, born in 1988. Bringing the proceedings of the oral arguments to a close, Me Gérard Chemla, lawyer for the parents of Fabienne Leroy, who was killed in 1988 and of Mananya Thumpong, who was killed in 2001, reviewed the role of that, "woman who does not speak because everything she says could be fatal for her." "Who was the chief? Michel Fourniret you believed it was you and that she was your troop. I think it is the opposite," the lawyer hurls. "Michel Fourniret is no longer a mystery for us. He is a great evil who was given permission to kill," he adds.

Dans son box, Monique Olivier, comme la veille, reste sans réaction, la tête et les yeux baissés. A ses côtés, Michel Fourniret, figé sur son siège, garde le plus souvent les yeux fermés. Il reste impassible lorsque Me Barz évoque le possible viol post-mortem commis sur Natacha Danais, "cette domination ultime, cette déshumanisation". Au cours de leur plaidoirie, deux avocats ont également demandé que la justice et la police progressent dans l'identification des tueurs en série. "Le système n'a pas été à la hauteur. Il sait arrêter des voleurs (...) mais sait-il gérer le couple qui tue au hasard ?", s'est interrogé Me Chemla. "Il faut que le procès Fourniret serve de leçon. Il faut que l'on apprenne à travailler autrement", a demandé Me Seban. Les audiences reprennent jeudi à 13H00 avec le réquisitoire.

In her box, Monique Olivier, as on the previous day, shows no reaction, head and eyes lowered. Beside her, Michel Fourniret, motionless in his seat, mostly keeps his eyes closed. He remains impassive while Me Barz mentions the possible post-mortem rape committed on Natacha Danais, "that ultimate domination, that dehumanisation." In the course of their oral arguments, two lawyers also asked that the court and the police make progress in identifying serial killers. "The system has not been the best. It knows how to catch thieves (...) but does it know how to control the couple who kill at random?" Me Chemla asked himself. "Fourniret's trial must serve as a lesson. We must learn to work in other ways," Me Seban demanded. The hearing resumes on Thursday at 13.00 with the indictment.

Monday, 19 May 2008

Fourniret: the court concludes the consideration of the personality of the accused.

(Photo: Me Didier Seban, lawyer for the Desramault family)

Fourniret trial: On Monday the Ardennes court of assizes will conclude the consideration of the personality of the accused. Michel Fourniret, once again, retreats into silence.

La cour achève l'examen de personnalité des accusés.

Michel Fourniret, replongé dans son mutisme, n'aura tenu que quatre jours sa promesse de s'expliquer sur les faits, un temps qu'il a utilisé pour ergoter sur des détails au lieu d'éclairer la cour d'assises des Ardennes sur les sept meurtres dont il est accusé. La cour doit entendre ce lundi les derniers experts pour achever l'examen de personnalité des accusés. Mardi et mercredi seront consacrés au plaidoiries des parties civiles, avant le réquisitoire jeudi. Dans un nouveau coup d'éclat, le tueur en série présumé est revenu vendredi sur son engagement de participer aux débats, qu'il avait pris le 7 mai devant deux de ses enfants témoignant à la barre. L'accusé s'est ainsi replongé dans son silence, comme lors des sept premières semaines de procès où il refusait de s'exprimer faute de huis clos.

The court concludes its consideration of the personality of the accused. Michel Fourniret, retreating into silence, only maintained for four days his promise to explain himself on the facts, time which he used for quibbling about the details instead of clarifying them for the Ardennes court of Assizes on the seven murders for which he is accused. This Monday, the court should hear the final experts to conclude the consideration of the personality of the accused. Tuesday and Wednesday will be devoted to oral arguments of the civil parties before the indictment on Thursday. In another surprising move on Friday, the alleged serial killer went back on his commitment to participate in the debates, which he had given on May 7th before two of his children giving evidence at the bar. The accused, thus, retreated into his silence, just like the first seven weeks of the trial when he refused to speak without, "huis clos."

Avant sa rétractation, la cour a pu entendre l'entendre s'expliquer sur trois meurtres: ceux d'Isabelle Laville dans l'Yonne en 1987, de Fabienne Leroy dans la Marne 1988 et de Jeanne-Marie Desramault tuée en 1989 dans les Ardennes. S'il a reconnu être dans "un état second" lors de l'étranglement d'Isabelle et avoir jeté son dévolu sur Fabienne de manière "non préméditée", Michel Fourniret a le plus souvent entraîné la cour dans des digressions. Il a longuement pinaillé sur des détails, racontant par le menu les itinéraires empruntés ou encore la marque et la couleur des voitures utilisées pour commettre ses forfaits. "Mettez le turbo!", s'est exclamé Gilles Latapie, le président de la cour d'assises alors que l'accusé se perdait dans un long monologue.

Before his retraction, the court was able to hear him speak about three murders: those of Isabelle Laville in Yonne in 1987, Fabienne Leroy in Marne in 1988 and Jeanne-Marie Desramault in 1989 in the Ardennes. If he admitted being in, "another state," while he was strangling Isabelle and having gone for Fabienne in a manner which was, "not premeditated," Michel Fourniret had more often swept the court along with his digressions. he nit-picked at length on the details, recounting minutely the routes taken and even the make and colour of the cars used to commit his offences. "Get a move on!", exclaimed the president of the court of assizes, Gilles Latapie, when the accused was losing himself in a long monologue.

"Il déplace l'objet (de la question), c'est ça la perversion par excellence", a souligné le psychologue Jean-Luc Ployé, un des nombreux experts venus expliquer les mécanismes de "toute-puissance" de Fourniret qualifié de "pervers narcissique", le "summum" dans la hiérarchie criminelle. "Il veut absolument dominer l'autre, ses épouses, ses victimes, la justice. On a bien vu qu'il voulait conduire les choses", a déclaré le Dr Bernard Dufossez, qui a souligné avec d'autres psychiatres l'état "incurable" de l'accusé "complètement emmuré dans sa problématique" de domination. " En face de lui, il n'y a plus les victimes, il y a les familles (...) On existe encore et la punition continue", a estimé de son côté Jean-Pierre Saison, le père d'une victime, qui a déserté l'audience plus d'une heure vendredi avec les autres familles pour protester "symboliquement" contre l'attitude de l'accusé.

"He is changing the emphasis (of the question), that is perversion par excellence," said Jean-Luc Ployé, one of the many experts who came to explain the mechanisms of Fourniret's, "omnipotence," qualified by, "perverted narcissism," the ultimate in the criiminal hierarchy. "He wants to dominate others totally, his wives, his victims, the police. It is well seen that he wanted to lead things," stated Dr Bernard Dufossez, who stressed with other psychiatrists the, "incurable," state of the accused, "completely walled in in his issues," of domination. "There are no more victims facing him. There are families (.....) They are still here and their suffering continues," for his side was said by Jean-Pierre Saison, father of a victim, who had left the hearing for an hour on Friday with the other families to, "symbolically," protest against the attitude of the accused.

Contrairement aux espoirs exprimés par les avocats après la promesse de Fourniret de s'expliquer, les quatre jours d'audience n'ont pas plus permis d'éclairer le degré de complicité de son épouse et de révéler la dynamique criminelle du couple. "Les deux accusés restent sur deux routes parallèles pour surtout de ne pas se croiser" a estimé Me Didier Seban, l'avocat de la famille Desramault. Si Michel Fourniret s'est emporté mercredi contre les "mensonges flagrants" de son épouse et l'a accusée de s'être un jour étonnée de la "facilité" avec laquelle on pouvait "embarquer" une jeune fille, il l'a fermement disculpé du meurtre de Jeanne-Marie Desramault, le seul pour lequel elle est co-accusée. "Le pacte n'est pas complètement levé. Du pacte criminel on est passé au pacte de non-agression", a commenté Me Seban. "Pendant 16 ans, il y a forcément des choses qui l'ont satisfaite, qui lui ont permis d'alimenter ses fantasmes", a estimé le Dr Ployé tandis qu'un autre expert a jugé Monique Olivier "curable", l'accusée n'ayant pas, selon lui, une "perversité active propre". Lundi, la cour entendra les derniers experts pour achever l'examen de personnalité des accusés. Mardi et mercredi seront consacrés au plaidoiries des parties civiles, avant le réquisitoire jeudi.

Contrary to the hopes expressed by the lawyers after Fourniret's promise to explain, the four days of the hearing were no more able to clarify the degree of complicity of his wife and to reveal the criminal dynamic of the couple. "The two accused remain on two parallel routes above all in order not to pass each other," said Me Didier Seban, lawyer for the Desramault family. If Michel Fourniret got carried away on Wednesday against the, "flagrant lies," of his wife and accused her of being one day astonished at the, "ease," with which they could, "pick up," a young girl, he firmly exonerated her of the murder of Jeanne-Marie Desramault, the only one for which she is co-accused. "The pact was not completely lifted. From a criminal pact, they moved on to a pact of non-aggression," commented Me Seban. "For 16 years, there were necessarily things that satisfied him, which allowed him to feed his fantasies," said Dr Ployé, while another expert judged Monique Olivier, "curable," the accused not having, according to him, "her own active perversion." On Monday the court will hear the last experts to conclude the consideration of the personality of the accused. Tuesday and Wednesday will be dedicated to the oral arguments of the civil parties, before the indictment on Thursday.

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Enfants Kidnappés: Fourniret can neither be cured nor rehabilitated.

In the witness box on Thursday, presenting an expert psychiatric opinion on Michel Fourniret, Bernard Dufossez stated that Michel Fourniret was neither curable nor able to be rehabilitated in the current state of our knowledge. Michel Fourniret has confessed to seven aggravated murders and Thursday 15th May saw the opening of the twenty-sixth day of the trial.

Monique Olivier "dépendante" face au "braconnier" Fourniret.* Le tueur en série présumé Michel Fourniret s'est présenté en braconnier chassant de manière aléatoire et a renforcé ses accusations contre son épouse et co-accusée Monique Olivier, dont le profil psychologique, dressé jeudi, a révélé une personnalité dépendante. "J'étais à l'image du braconnier qui s'en va en ne sachant pas s'il va ramener à un faisan, un garenne ou rien du tout", a déclaré l'accusé à la 26e audience de son procès pour sept meurtres devant la cour d'assises des Ardennes. Profitant de son voeu de sortir du silence, la cour a souhaité revenir sur l'examen des sept crimes. Le tueur en série a nié avoir préparé ses agressions et s'est vivement défendu avoir ciblé en particulier Marie-Asuncion et Sandra Noirot, deux victimes qui avaient réussi à lui échapper. Isabelle Laville, 17 ans, première victime du couple en 1987, a été ciblée de "manière fortuite" selon Michel Fourniret, à la faveur "de courses dans un supermarché".

Monique Olivier "dependent" faced with Fourniret the "poacher." The alleged serial killer Michel Fourniret presented himself as a poacher, hunting in a chancy way and reinforced his accusations against his wife and co-accused Monique Olivier, whose psychological profile, presented on Thursday, revealed a dependent personality.

"I was the image of a poacher, going out not knowing whether he was going to bring back a pheasant, a warren or nothing at all," stated the accused on the 26th day of his trial for seven murders before the Ardennes court of assizes. Making the most of his vow to come out of his silence, the court wished to go back to the examination of the seven crimes. The serial killer denied having planned his assaults and keenly defended having targeted in particular Marie-Asuncion and Sandra Noirot, two victims who had succeeded in escaping from him. Isabelle Laville, aged 17, the couple's first victim in 1987, was targeted in a, "fortuitous manner," according to Michel Fourniret, like, "shopping in a supermarket."

Enlevée à la sortie de son lycée près d'Auxerre, elle avait été droguée, violée et tuée puis son corps avait été jeté dans un puits. Dans cette affaire, Michel Fourniret a reconnu une forme de préméditation, étant à la recherche d'une jeune fille à déflorer. Il a assuré avoir laissé les "détails" à charge de Monique Olivier, notamment le choix du médicament destiné à endormir Isabelle Laville. "Isabelle a été l'instrument du destin placé sur la route de ma préméditation", a-t-il dit, précisant que Monique Olivier était présente au moment de la tentative de viol. "Dès qu'il s'est agi d'en savoir plus sur la virginité de cette jeune fille, j'ai procédé de manière digitale et Monique Olivier était présente", a-t-il déclaré.

Abducted as she left her school near Auxerre, she had been drugged, raped and killed, then her body was thrown into a well. In this case, Michel Fourniret admitted a kind of premeditation, having been hunting for a young girl to deflower. He assured that he had left the, "details," to Monique Olivier, notably the choice of medication to put Isabelle Laville to sleep. "Isabelle was the instrument of fate placed on the path of my premeditation," he said, making clear that Monique Olivier was present at the time of the attempted rape. "As soon as it was about finding out more about the virginity of that young girl, I proceeded with my fingers and Monique Olivier was present," he declared.

Monique Olivier au crible* Les époux ont étalé leurs divergences sur le degré d'implication de Monique Olivier dans le viol et le meurtre de Fabienne Leroy en 1988, Michel Fourniret soutenant que sa conjointe avait assisté aux faits. "Je n'ai pas assisté au viol !", s'est défendue Monique Olivier. Michel Fourniret s'est montré agacé par son épouse. "Monique Olivier écoute son imagination, elle ment et le sait très bien", a-t-il répondu. "J'ai envie qu'elle respire un bon coup et qu'elle se dise : merde, j'ai envie d'être franche et de me sentir légère", a-t-il poursuivi. Mercredi, il l'avait traitée de "connasse" à l'audience. La personnalité de Monique Olivier a été passée au crible dans l'après-midi, avec le passage à la barre de trois psychiatres et psychologues l'ayant examinée. Décrite par l'un des experts comme une personne "dépendante" de Michel Fourniret, "quelqu'un qui n'a pas cherché à s'imposer", avec une tendance à la "victimisation", Monique Olivier a été néanmoins jugée "capable de contrôler ses actes".

Monique Olivier examined closely. The spouses have set out their differences over the degree to which Monique Olivier is implicated in the rape and murder of Fabienne Leroy in 1988, Michel Fourniret arguing that his wife had helped with the deeds. "I did not help with the rape!", Monique Olivier said in her own defence. Michel Fourniret showed his annoyance with his wife. "Monique Olivier listens to her imagination. She is lying and she knows it very well," he responded. "I want her to take a deep breath and say to herself: shit, I want to be free and to feel light," he continued. On Wednesday, he had called her, "stupid bitch," at the hearing. Monique Olivier's personality was examined closely in the afternoon, when three psychiatrists and psychologists who had examined her, came to the bar. Described by one of the experts as someone who was, "dependent," on Michel Fourniret, "someone who did not seek to impose herself," with a tendency to, "victimisation," Monique Olivier was nevertheless judged to be, "capable of controlling her actions."

Elle a fourni l'illustration de sa passivité lors d'un face-à-face avec Me Lombard, avocat des parties civiles, qui, l'enjoignant d'en "finir avec les trous de mémoire et les plaisanteries", lui a demandé ce qu'elle avait fait pour sauver la jeune Elisabeth Brichet, 12 ans, assassinée par son époux avec sa complicité. "Rien, je n'aurais rien pu faire", a-t-elle dit, mains tremblantes posées sur le micro et voix chevrotante. "Vous avez fait reculer les limites de la veulerie !", a alors tonné Me Lombard. Les experts ont aussi souligné son insensibilité envers les victimes - aucune trace de dépression n'a été relevée - et sa capacité à supporter les crimes de son époux sans éprouver de "stress post-traumatique" ni "regret spontané", dénotant une certaine force de caractère.

She provided an illustration of her passivity when, face to face with Me Lombard, lawyer for the civil parties, who, enjoining her to, "have done with the memory lapses and jokes," asked her what she had done to save the young Elisabeth Brichet, aged 12, who was killed by her husband with her complicity. "Nothing. I could have done nothing," she said, trembling hands placed on the microphone, voice quavering. "You have pushed the limits of spinelessness," Me Lombard then thundered. The experts also stressed her insensitivity towards the victims - no trace of depression was revealed - and her capacity to support her husband's crimes without experiencing, "post-traumatic stress," nor, "spontaneous regret," denoting some strength of character.

"J'ai un coeur et si le docteur vivait avec moi pendant un certain temps il verrait qu'il se trompe", a rétorqué Monique Olivier à un médecin-psychiatre, précisant qu'elle pleurait dans sa cellule, car elle ne voulait pas le faire "devant les victimes". "Et si j'avais une personnalité forte, j'aurais fait comme toutes les femmes de Michel Fourniret, je l'aurais quitté", a-t-elle ajouté. Vendredi, d'autres psychologues et psychiatres viendront témoigner et les débats porteront vraisemblablement sur un point controversé : le quotient intellectuel de Monique Olivier, estimé par les experts belges à 95 - c'est-à-dire dans la moyenne - et par un expert français à 131 - hautement supérieur.

"I have a heart and if the doctor were to live with me for any length of time, he would see that he is mistaken," retorted Monique Olivier to a psychiatrist, making clear that she cried in her cell, because she did not want to do it, "in front of the victims." "And if I had a strong personality, I would have done the same as all Michel Fourniret's women, I would have left him," she added. On Friday, other psychologists and psychiatrists will give evidence and the debates will be likely to cover a point of controversy: Monique Olivier's IQ, estimated by the Belgian experts as 95 - that means average - and by a French expert as 131 - highly superior.

Fourniret n'est pas réadaptable, selon un expert.* Michel Fourniret "n'est ni curable ni réadaptable dans l'état actuel de nos connaissances", a déclaré jeudi à la barre de la cour d'assises des Ardennes un expert psychiatre qui a examiné l'accusé pendant l'enquête. "Entendre Michel Fourniret expliquer ses crimes, c'est assez insupportable même quand on est un professionnel", a déclaré Bernard Dufossez, assurant que Michel Fourniret ne possédait pas la "simple humanité ordinaire". Le décrivant comme un homme manquant "totalement d'humilité, "vaniteux", l'expert a assuré que Michel Fourniret aimait "intellectualiser pour masquer ses pulsions sadiques et perverses" avant d'ajouter que l'accusé "était content d'être l'objet d'une étude". A une question de la défense, l'expert a assuré ne pas savoir comment l'on devenait Michel Fourniret. "Monique Olivier a supporté l'insupportable. Pour cela, il faut avoir une structure perverse", a-t-il dit de l'épouse de l'accusé qui comparait à ses cotés. Le couple est jugé pour une série de sept meurtres et plusieurs tentatives d'enlèvement.

Fourniret cannot be rehabilitated, according to an expert. Michel Fourniret, "is neither curable nor can he be rehabilitated in the current state of our knowledge," a psychiatrist who had examined the accused during the investigation, stated at the bar on Thursday. "To hear Michel Fourniret explain his crimes, is quite unbearable even when you are a professional," Bernard Dufossez stated, assuring that Michel Fourniret did not possess, "simple everyday humanity." Describing him as a man lacking, "totally in humility," "vain," the expert assured that Michel Fourniret liked, "to intellectualise to mask his sadistic and perverted compulsions," before adding that the accused, "was happy to be the subject of a study." To a question from the defence, the expert assured that he did not know how someone became Michel Fourniret. "Monique Oliver supported the insupportable. For that, it was necessary to have a perverted make-up," he said of the wife of the accused who appears with him. The couple are being tried for a series of seven murders and several attempted abductions.

Friday, 11 April 2008

Fourniret Trial: Monique Olivier would like her husband to speak

10 avril 2008

"Monique Olivier "aimerait bien" que son mari parle* "Monique Olivier, épouse et complice présumée de Michel Fourniret, jugé devant la cour d'assises des Ardennes pour sept homicides aggravés, a déclaré jeudi qu'elle "aimerait bien" que son mari parle pour que les faits soient plus "clairs". "J'aimerais bien qu'il parle. Ca serait plus clair. Pour les familles, ça serait plus humain", a répondu Monique Olivier à Me Didier Seban, un avocat des parties civiles, qui l'interrogeait sur le mutisme de son mari depuis le début du procès. "Il raconte mieux que moi. Il a plus de mémoire que moi. J'aimerais bien qu'il prenne la parole", a-t-elle ajouté au deuxième jour d'audience consacré à l'examen des faits concernant le meurtre de Jeanne-Marie Desramault, une étudiante de 21 ans, disparue à Charleville-Mézières en 1989."

Monique Olivier, "would like very much," for her husband to speak. Monique Olivier, wife and alleged accomplice of Michel Fourniret, who is on trial before the Ardennes Court of Assizes for seven murders, declared on Thursday that she, "would like very much," for her husband to speak so that the facts were, "clearer." "I would like very much for him to speak. Things would be clearer. For the families, that would be more human," Monique Olivier replied to Me Didier Seban, a lawyer for the civil parties, who was questioning her about her husband's mutism since the start of the trial. "He tells it better than I do. He has a better memory than me. I would like very much for him to take the floor," she added on the second of hearings dedicated to examining the facts concerning the murder of Jeanne-Marie Desramault, a student, aged 21, who disappeared in Charleville-Mézièresin 1989.

"Son corps avait été retrouvé en juillet 2004 lors de fouilles au château du Sautou à Donchery (Ardennes), l'ancienne propriété du couple. Dès l'ouverture du procès le 27 mars, Michel Fourniret avait brandi un écriteau: "Sans huis clos, bouche cousue".

Her body had been found in July 2004, during searches at the Chateau du Sautou in Donchery (Ardenns), a former property of the couple. Since the start of the trial on March 27th, Michel Fourniret had brandished a written sign: "Without the proceedings being held in camera, lips sewn."

"En trois semaines de procès et en dehors de quelques laconiques "je reconnais les faits", il a néanmoins rompu sa résolution de participation passive au procès à trois reprises. Lundi, il avait pris spontanément la parole pour défendre Monique Olivier mise en difficulté sur son implication dans le meurtre de Fabienne Leroy, une étudiante de 20 ans tuée par balle dans la Marne en 1988. Le même jour, il avait perdu son sang-froid lors de deux vifs échanges avec Me Seban qui avait souligné deux erreurs du principal accusé, qui avait répondu en confondant deux victimes. Depuis, il a systématiquement opposé un silence haineux aux questions de l'avocat. "Monique Olivier commence à se lâcher. Pas sur les faits, mais sur Michel Fourniret (...) L'attitude de son mari peut contribuer à faire lâcher Monique Olivier", a estimé Me Seban à la suspension d'audience de la mi-journée. (AFP)"

In three weeks of the trial and apart from a few laconic, "I acknowledge the facts," he has, nonetheless, broken his resolution of passive participation in the trial on three occasions. On Monday, he spontaneously took the floor to defend Monique Olivier, who was placed in difficulty by her implication in the murder of Fabienne Leroy, a 20 year-old student who was shot in Marne in 1988. On the same day, he had lost his cool during the two lively exchanges with Me Seban, who had stressed two errors for the principal accused, who had responded, confusing two victims. Since then he has systematically opposed the lawyer's questions with a hateful silence. "Monique Olivier started to let herself go. Not about the facts, but about Michel Fourniret (....) Her husband's attitude could contribute to allowing Monique Olivier to open up," Me Seban suggested, at the end of the half-day hearing. (AFP)

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Fourniret Trial: Fabienne Leroy - the ordeal for her family.

Jean-Pierre and Colette Leroy, parents of Fabienne.

On Monday April 7th, the family of Fabienne Leroy spoke in court about their daughter, her life and how she had crossed the path of the alleged serial killer, Michel Fourniret and his wife Monique Olivier. In a public place of justice, they faced the monster who had picked out their daughter and savagely taken her life, who now hides his evil behind his silence. Those parents deserve to know why that excuse for a human being killed their daughter, but he maintains his silence; a cowardly and totally self-centred act.

Transcription from Enfants Kidnappés:

"La brutalité du «pacte» des Fourniret glace les assises*

Des larmes ont coulé lundi lorsque les parents de Fabienne Leroy, assassinée en 1988, ont évoqué le souvenir de leur fille."

The brutality of the Fourniret's, "pact," freezes the Assizes.

Tears flowed on Monday when the parents of Fabienne Leroy, killed in 1988, evoked the memory of their daughter

Jean-Pierre Leroy : «M. Fourniret demande le huis clos. Mais à la reconstitution, alors qu'il n'y avait pas de public, il ne voulait pas parler, donnant pour excuse qu'il fallait remettre sa maison en état.»

Colette Leroy : «Fabienne est née le 23 avril 1968, sa sœur Valérie est arrivée dix minutes après. En Côte d'Ivoire, les jumeaux sont considérés comme porte-bonheur : il y avait un défilé incessant pour les voir, les caresser. Elles étaient petites, fragiles.»

Jean-Pierre Leroy: "M. Fourniret requests that the proceedings be held in camera. But at the discovery, when there was no public presence, he did not want to speak, giving the excuse that he had to put his house in order. "

Colette Leroy: "Fabienne was born on April 23rd 1968, her sister Valérie arrived ten minutes later. In Ivory Coast, twins are considered to be good luck: there was an endless queue to see them, to hold them. They were little and fragile."

Jean-Pierre Leroy : «Comme Fabienne était la plus robuste, je m'en occupais un peu plus. Nous avions 72 couches en coton à faire sécher : on prenait le fer à repasser pour aller plus vite… Lors de leur premier voyage en avion vers la France, elles ont voyagé tête-bêche dans un porte-bébé.»

Colette Leroy : «Elles parlaient entre elles un charabia que personne ne comprenait, et éclataient de rire. Elles ont marché le même jour. J'ai eu Fabienne dans ma classe. Je la revois, calme, un peu effacée, dans sa robe-uniforme à carreaux bleus et blancs.»

Jean-Pierre Leroy: "Because Fabienne was a little more robust, I spent a little more time with her. We had 72 cotton nappies to get dry: we had to make the iron fly very quickly....during their first airplane trip, they traveled head-to-toe in a carry-cot."

Colette Leroy: "Between themselves they spoke a gibberish that no one understood, and they would burst out laughing. They walked on the same day. I had Fabienne in my class. I see her again, calm a bit lost, in her blue and white checked uniform dress."

Jean-Pierre Leroy : «Nous som­mes rentrés en France en 1977. Fabienne a passé son bac à Laon, puis a entamé des études de biochimie. En fin de première année, elle a trouvé un stage à Châlons-en-Champagne. Nous n'avions pas prévu qu'elle croiserait ce couple maudit.»

Jean-Pierre Leroy: "We returned to France in 1977. Fabienne passed her Bac at Laon, then took up the study of biochemistry. At the end of the first year, she found an internship in Chalons-en-Champagne. We would not have anticipated that she would come across that cursed couple."

Je reconnais les faits!

Jean-Pierre Leroy : «Michel Fourniret a peut-être des qualités d'ouvrier, mais il n'a aucune qualité de cœur. Pour lui, le cœur est une cible qu'il faut atteindre, ou un organe qu'il faut arrêter.»

I acknowledge the facts!

Jean-Pierre Leroy: "Perhaps Michel Fourniret has the qualities of a worker, but he has no quality of the heart. For him, the heart is a target to be reached, or an organ which must be stopped."

Colette Leroy, à Monique Olivier : «Vous étiez enceinte de huit mois. Votre enfant bougeait en vous. Comment avez-vous pu agir ainsi ? J'ai honte pour vous. Vous n'êtes pas digne d'être mère.»

Jean-Pierre Leroy, les yeux levés vers un portrait de Fabienne : «Nous avons cette photo dans notre chambre. Nous la regardons, elle nous regarde. Je l'ai prise à Agadir. C'est moi qui avais mis, dans ses cheveux, une fleur de bougainvilliers.»

Colette Leroy, to Monique Olivier: "You were eight months pregnant. Your baby was moving within you. How could you have done this? I am ashamed for you. You are not worthy to be a mother."

Jean-Pierre Leroy, eyes raised towards a portrait of Fabienne: "We have this photo in our room. We look at her, she looks at us. I took it at Agadir. It was I who had placed a Bougainvillea flower in her hair."

Le 3 août 1988, la jeune fille est abordée, à la sortie d'un supermarché, par un couple en voiture. L'homme, vraisemblablement, lui demande de les guider jusqu'au cabinet d'un médecin pour soigner son épouse, enceinte et proche du terme. Elle est conduite dans une clairière, droguée sans doute, violée, tuée d'un coup de fusil à bout portant. La femme enceinte l'a tenue en joue, au moins pendant que l'homme la ligotait.

Pour la première fois, Michel Fourniret déclare : «Je reconnais les faits.» Dans un procès-verbal, il avait parlé du «gémissement inoubliable» de sa proie agonisante.

On August 3rd, 1988, on her way out of a supermarket, the young woman was approached by a couple in a car. The man, apparently, asked her to direct them to a doctor's surgery for the care of his wife, pregnant and close to term. She was driven to a clearing, no doubt drugged, raped, killed by a gunshot at close range. The pregnant woman held the gun to her cheek, at least while the man tied her up.

For the first time, Michel Fourniret declared: "I acknowledge the facts." For the record, he had spoken of the, "unforgettable whimpering," of his dying prey.

Enfants Kidnappés goes on to describe how Michel Fourniret broke his silence and spoke about Monique Olivier's involvement. He said that she had been physically present when Fabienne was killed, but, "morally absent." Monique Olivier said that he had lied when he said she had been there when Fabienne was shot.

On Tuesday, according to Enfants Kidnappés, during two lively exchanges with Me Didier Seban, lawyer for the civil parties, Fourniret had lost his cool and confused two cases, that of Fabienne and that of the British girl Joanna Parrish, who was found raped and strangled near Auxerre in 1990. Michel Fourniret was placed under investigation, on March 11th, 2008, for the murder of this young British woman.

Monday, 7 April 2008

Fourniret: the case resumes, day 6

Enfants Kidnappés continues its coverage of the Fourniret trial, which resumed today, with the case of Fabienne Leroy.

English translation of the transcripts from Enfants Kidnappés:

The lifeless body of Fabienne Leroy, aged 20, was found near the Mourmelon (Marne) military camp. She had crossed the path of Michel Fourniret the day before. Abducted from a supermarket car park, the young woman was led into the forest before being raped then killed. If Michel Fourniret acknowledges the facts, he refuses to explain in detail the circumstances of this murder. His wife , Monique Olivier, shows herself to be more talkative
, "I regret what happened. I am ashamed."

I acknowledge the facts.

"I acknowledge the facts," stated Michel Fourniret to the president of the Charleville-Mézières Court of Assizes, at the opening of the sixth day of his trial for seven murders , for which he has been named, "The Ardennes Ogre." Fabienne Leroy's body had been found on August 4th 1988, near the Mourmelon (Marne) military camp. The student had been abducted the day before by the Olivier-Fourniret couple from a supermarket car park then led into the forest before being raped and killed.

I am ashamed.

If Michel Fourniret, after a long talk with the president of the court, maintained his refusal to detail the facts, Monique Olivier, freed herself.
"I regret what happened. I am ashamed," she stated, mumbling and trembling in a grey jacket. Fourniret's wife went back over the course of the abduction, admitting to having held a handgun to Fabienne Leroy's cheek in order to make her get out of the vehicle.

I acted out of fear.

In revenge, she denies having assisted in the rape and murder, having been dismissed by her angry husband. "Michel Fourniret asked me to verify Miss Leroy's virginity, but I could not do it," she said, close to tears.
"He then flew into a rage and and asked me to go away because I was useless, a good for nothing." Monique Olivier would then have got back into the vehicle, at a distance from the scene of the crime.
"I am regretful. It is unforgivable," she continued. "But I did not think that he would do that. I acted out of fear."

Eight months pregnant at the time of the events.

A little later she was taken to task by Fabienne Leroy's family, just starting to give evidence at the bar. Valérie Archer, twin sister of the victim, described these acts as, "despicable."
"How could you have done that with a baby in your belly?" exclaimed Valérie Archer, looking at Monique Olivier, who was eight months pregnant at the time of the events.

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Isabelle, Fabienne, Jeanne-Marie, Elisabeth, Natacha, Céline, Mananya, Farida

As I was reading through the list of who had visited my blog today, where they were located and what search words they had used, I noticed that someone had been searching the name Céline Saison. When I read that I realised that these young girls and women, whose lives were taken violently by Michel Fourniret, were just lost in the articles I had posted, almost like incidentals in this courtroom drama that is Michel Fourniret.

So, here are their names and how old they were when they crossed the path of that monster Fourniret and were tragically lost to their families.

Elisabeth Brichet: 12 years old

Natacha Danais: 13 years old

Jeanne-Marie Desramault: 22 years old

Farida Hellegouarch

Isabelle Laville: 17 years old

Fabienne Leroy: 20 years old

Céline Saison: 18 years old

Mananya Thumpong: 12 years old

May this trial and its conclusion bring some peace to the families of these young women.