Wednesday 5 March 2008

SOS Madeleine McCann on the Jet-Ski story

SOS Madeleine McCann blog says basically the same as Enfants Kidnappés about the new witness statements concerning Jet-ski man. The last paragraph is worth quoting.

Source proche de l’enquête à confirmée que la Police judiciaire avait reçu cette information au mois de mai, via un membre du personnel de l’Océan Club, à qui le couple avait raconté toute l’histoire, mais que l’information n’avait aucune relation avec la disparition de Madeleine. "Cette information à été verifié et investigué", affirme la même source."

A source close to the enquiry has confirmed that the PJ had received this information in May, via a member of the Ocean Club's staff, to whom the couple had related the whole story, but that the information had no connection to Madeleine's disappearance. "That information was verified and investigated," stated the same source.

I wonder who is digging up all these old stories, which all seem to have been investigated and ruled out by the PJ.

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