Le monstre autrichien Josef Fritzl a reçu plus de 200 lettres d'amour en prison.
Lettres dans lesquelles des femmes lui déclarent leur flamme et expliquent que Fritzl n'est pas mauvais et a bon coeur.Dans la majorité des lettres, ces femmes qui écrivent du monde entier expliquent que Fritzl a simplement voulu protéger sa fille Elisabeth en l'enfermant dans cette cave et ce pour l'écarter du mauvais chemin, pour éviter qu'elle n'entre en contact avec la boisson et la drogue.
The Austrian monster Josef Fritzl has received over 200 love letters in prison.
These are letters in which the women declare their love for him and explain that Fritzl is not evil and has a good heart. In most of the letters, these women who write from all over the world, explain that Fritzl simply wanted to protect Elisabeth by locking her in that cellar and to save her from the wrong path, to keep her away from alcohol and drugs.
La joie de la maternité est un sujet qui revient souvent sur le tapis dans ces lettres. Pour ces femmes, Fritzl aurait fait sept enfants à sa fille pour qu'elle connaisse la joie d'être maman. Josef Fritzl, 73 ans, a été arrêté le 27 avril dernier dans son village d' Amstetten en Autriche. Il abusait de sa fille depuis qu'elle avait onze ans. En août 1984, alors qu'elle venait d'avoir 18 ans, il l'a séquestrée dans la cave de la maison.De ces abus répétés sont nés sept enfants âgés de 5 à 19 ans. Trois d'entre eux, Lisa, Monika et Alexander ont été élevés par Fritzl et sa femme Rosemarie. Michael, un des jumeaux engendrés par Elisabeth est décédé quelques jours après sa naissance. Fritzl a brûlé le corps dans un four. (7sur7)
The joy of motherhood is a subject which comes up often in these letters. For these women, Fritzl had seven children with his daughter so that she would know the joy of being a mother. Josef Fritzl, aged 73, was arrested on April 27th this year in his village Amstetten in Austria. He had abused his daughter since she was eleven years old. In August 1984, when she reached tha ge of 18, he imprisoned her in the cellar of the house. From the repeated abuse seven children were born, aged from 5 to 19 years. Three of them, Lisa, Monika and Alexander were raised by Fritzl and his wife Rosemarie. Michael, one of the twins borne by Elisabeth, died a few days after his birth. Fritzl burned the body in an incinerator. (7sur7)
I wonder how many of these women would have thought Fritzl had a good heart if they had been locked in an underground cellar for 24 years, repeatedly raped by him and left without medical attention through six pregnancies and births? Would any of them think he was saving them from taking the wrong path in life? Somehow I doubt that anyone would feel grateful to him.
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